Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 24 Tantai Girl

City God, also known as City God God and City God Lord. It is one of the important gods commonly worshiped in Taoist sects. It is played by famous ministers and heroes who have made contributions to the local people. It is the god who protects the city that Taoist sects believe in.

Since Yujing is a city, it naturally has a Chenghuang Temple, located in Taiqing Square. Among them is the second-generation Grandmaster of the Dao Sect. This Grandmaster has not been in power for a long time. He is far inferior to Xuansheng and the Third-generation Grandmaster. He is considered a transitional candidate. However, during his reign, he improved on the basis of Xuansheng. He conquered Yujing City and established the layout of today's Yujing City. Therefore, it is logical to regard it as the patron saint of Yujing and receive incense and worship.

Because there is so much land in the city of Yujing, the residence of the Taoist priests of the Fourth Grade Wine Festival is only a two-story building. It is impossible for ordinary Taoist priests and Taoist people to display various ceremonial guards and accommodate many guests in their homes. In addition, many people do not have a high hall. It can be worshiped, so over time, the custom of holding weddings in the Chenghuang Temple was formed, and the Taoist gate was the high hall.

It is precisely because many people are orphans without parents and naturally have no relatives. In order to avoid being too deserted, those holding weddings will often invite passers-by to watch the ceremony.

Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu just happened to meet someone who was getting married and invited them to attend the ceremony. Under normal circumstances, the invited people would not refuse, but would even send congratulations.

Qi Xuansu took the wedding invitation first and congratulated: "Congratulations, congratulations."

Zhang Yuelu also took the wedding invitation and smiled slightly: "I wish you a happy marriage for a hundred years."

The smile on Nu Guan's face became even brighter, and she invited the two of them to go to the Chenghuang Temple, while she continued to invite other passers-by.

Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu looked at each other and walked towards the City God's Temple together.

The Chenghuang Temple is spacious and has three front and rear entrances. The building is majestic, with upturned eaves and corners. It is magnificent and majestic. It is the most powerful temple in the four directions. There are couplets on the pillars in front of the door. The first couplet is: Snow takes advantage of the wind, and how many days can we occupy the countryside in vain? The second line is: Clouds take advantage of the rain, and darkness hides the sky and the earth for a short time.

At this time, the City God's Temple was brilliantly lit, and the entire main hall shone brightly, like a palace in the sky.

When he was in the shop before, Zhang Yuelu had his back to Qi Xuansu. After coming out of the shop, it was dark again. It was not until now, under the lights of the City God's Temple, that Qi Xuansu could really see Zhang Yuelu's appearance.

Hazy, beauty under the lamp, pink face shy, not beautiful but beautiful.

Although Zhang Yuelu was not shy about her appearance, she was already good-looking, which made Qi Xuansu feel a little surprised. It was not shocking, but it was not far behind.

At the same time, Zhang Yuelu also saw Qi Xuansu's appearance clearly.

To be fair, Qi Xuansu's appearance is not bad, he can be regarded as a sword-like eyebrow and a starry eye. Coupled with the ups and downs in the past few years, the youthfulness on his body has been washed away, and he is a little more calm, which is quite outstanding.

Zhang Yuelu's first impression of Qi Xuansu was not bad.

Qi Xuansu smiled slightly: "Qi Xuansu, the Xuansu who 'joins the difference and divides the two forces, Xuansu leads the two lines'."

Zhang Yuelu hesitated for a moment and said: "Tantaichu, the beginning of Taichu."

This is not Zhang Yuelu's pseudonym, but her other name. Her mother's surname is Tantai. This surname can be traced back to the disciples of the Confucian sect's most holy master. The Tantai family is a common surname in the Confucian sect. After the defeat of the Confucian sect, they began to marry people from the Taoist sect. The surname Zhang is from the Taoist sect. The surname of Zhongzhengyiyi.

The couple once had a dispute over which family should Zhang Yuelu inherit the incense, and they each chose a name, which is the origin of the name "Tantai Chu". Finally, the dispute came to the Zhang family ancestral hall. As the head of the Zhang family, Zheng A great master came forward in person and made the final decision, his surname was Zhang.

The reason why this great master has such a "leisure" and cares about the family affairs of a remote branch disciple is just because Zhang Yuelu has excellent qualifications and is a very rare relegated immortal.

Zhang Yuelu's original name was Zhang Yuexin, but it was Da Zhenren who changed her name to Zhang Yuelu, one of the twenty-eight constellations, which means that the stars descend to the earth and banish immortals.

Zhang Yuelu's mother did not object anymore. She was a smart person, not to mention the consequences of resisting the authority of a great master. As the saying goes, it is better to go against the grain than to obey. Her daughter has caught the eye of the great master and will surely rise to the top in the future. Whether her surname is Zhang or Dan Whether the platform is called Yue Xin or Yue Lu is all a matter of detail.

But sometimes, being too famous is not a good thing. Zhang Yuelu would call himself "Tantai Chu" in private.

"It turns out to be Miss Tantai." Qi Xuansu said, neither humble nor overbearing.

While they were talking, the two of them had already arrived in front of the palace gate. There was a female crown who was here to entertain guests. Seeing that the two of them were walking side by side, they were about the same age, and they were both talented and good-looking, so they regarded them as lovers who came together.

So Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu were invited into the side hall of the City God's Temple by accident. At this time, many people had gathered in the side hall, all of whom were watching the ceremony. Because they were not prepared in advance, but were invited to watch the ceremony temporarily, not everyone was wearing formal clothes. There were still many people such as Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu. Wearing normal clothes like this.

The person who presided over the wedding was a Taoist priest of the fourth grade of wine. He was wearing a robe and a star crown, which was very majestic.

A newlywed couple, dressed in bright red auspicious clothes, stood in the middle of the side hall, looking slightly nervous and cramped.

After a while, many people watching the ceremony came to the side hall one after another. With about 200 people gathered, the wedding officially began. The Taoist priest chants scriptures and prays for the newlyweds. Then there are three worships: worshiping heaven and earth, worshiping the city god, and worshiping each other as husband and wife.

With the words of the Taoist priest who offered the wine, they became husband and wife under the witness of the gods, the Taoist priest and everyone watching the ceremony.

There were many alchemists with the magical power of "Psychic Eyes" present. It was clearly visible that a stream of pure Qi floated up from each of the two people, and then became entangled and intertwined, as if they were knotted. This meant that the two people had combined their blessings and misfortunes. As one body, we will join the branches together in the future, sharing the same honor and disgrace.

Qi Xuansu does not have the "Psychic Eye", but Sanren's "Yin Yang Eye" is similar to the alchemist's "Psychic Eye", and can also look at Qi.

As for Zhang Yuelu, he can already manifest a baby, and it is not difficult to see the Qi.

Zhang Yuelu couldn't help but sigh softly when he saw this scene.

Qi Xuansu was standing next to Zhang Yuelu, and his sigh was particularly clear. He couldn't help but glance at the Tantai girl. After a moment of hesitation, he asked in a low voice: "Why is the girl sighing?"

Zhang Yuelu did not refuse the man thousands of miles away, and replied softly: "I just feel it in my heart. I know that you are not an ordinary Taoist priest. With such murderous aura in you, it must be difficult for you to marry and have children like ordinary people. Unfortunately, I and I You are similar. Today I saw someone getting married and becoming a Taoist couple, so I was naturally moved."

Qi Xuansu was shocked when he heard the first half of Zhang Yuelu's words, but after hearing the second half, he relaxed slightly and asked tentatively: "Girl, don't you want to know what I do?"

Zhang Yuelu shook his head and said: "When we meet, we may not have known each other before, and when we part, we may not see each other again. Destinations come and we gather, and fate go and we disperse. If that's the case, why bother asking? I won't ask you, and you won't ask me. That's it. most."

Qi Xuansu said in admiration: "Young lady sees clearly."

Zhang Yuelu glanced at him and asked, "Are you complimenting me?"

Qi Xuansu was startled, then shook his head and said, "This is the truth."

Zhang Yuelu smiled: "Thank you for the praise."

Qi Xuansu asked again: "From Miss Tantai's tone, it seems that many people usually compliment you."

Zhang Yuelu said with a smile: "If it's a compliment between men and women, there aren't many, but if it's the kind of compliments between men and women, there are indeed some."

Qi Xuansu said clearly: "Every bustle in the world is for profit, and all the hustle and bustle in the world is for profit. This is not surprising. It seems that the girl is either in a high position or a member of the family."

"It's not a high position, let alone a noble person. It's just a human relationship, which is annoying, but there's no way to escape it." Zhang Yuelu shook his head, not feeling complacent.

Qi Xuansu was deeply touched by this. Not long ago, he was respectful in front of a Taoist priest who offered sacrifices to wine. It was not a compliment.

As for this Tantai girl, Qi Xuansu had some concerns in his mind. She should be from a noble family.

Although many people in the Taoist sect are orphans without fathers and mothers, not all of them are from the major aristocratic families that existed before Xuansheng rejuvenated the Taoist sect. Even Xuansheng himself was born in one of the aristocratic families, "Beihai". plum".

The Zhang family of the Heavenly Master, also known as the "Shangqing Zhang", and the descendants of the Tianjia royal family and Confucian saints known as the "Dragon City Qin" are known as only three families in the world.

"Shangqing Zhang" and "Beihai Li" are called Nan Zhang and Bei Li in Daomen. The two families have been separated and reunited for many years, and they are both old friends and old rivals.

Naturally, these children from aristocratic families will not be orphans without fathers and mothers.

Just as the two were chatting in low voices, the wedding came to an end. The couple invited all the guests to go to the Phoenix Tower not far from the City God Temple to attend the wedding banquet, which was also a thank you to everyone for coming to watch the ceremony.

Speaking of the Phoenix Tower, it is quite famous in Yujing. Its name means "Phoenix seeking Phoenix", which is a festive and auspicious sign. It also occupies a convenient location. It is located diagonally opposite the City God's Temple. I don't know how many people come to the City God's Temple in a year. After forming a Taoist couple, after the ceremony, a wedding banquet was held here, and business was naturally booming.

The Phoenix Tower has four floors and covers a huge area. It is unusual for an ordinary restaurant. The first floor is a dining hall for individual guests. The restaurant specially hires Taoist people who are proficient in music to perform here. The second floor is a small private room. The third floor It's a large private room, and the fourth floor is a top-level private room. The wedding banquet for the newlyweds was arranged on the third floor, and the price was not low. One table cost about two Taiping coins, plus the cost of drinks.

When everyone arrived on the third floor, the female crown in charge of the reception was naturally wrong. She decided that Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu were fellow Taoists, so she arranged them together. The two had no ill feelings towards each other, so naturally they would not. Actively refuse.

After sitting down, a waiter came to ask the guests what kind of wine they would like in addition to the daughter's wine that is necessary for the wedding banquet.

Zhang Yuelu made a surprising statement: "Do you have any burning knives?"

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