Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 27 Accurate

Zhang Yuelu did not go home immediately after drinking. He went to Mount Yuzhu again. It was already noon when he returned home.

Yujing City is located on Yuxu Peak, and Yuzhu Peak is the sister peak of Yuxu Peak. There are thirty-six suspended platforms between the two peaks, and the platforms are connected by iron cables to form a suspension bridge.

If you want to go from Yuxu Peak to Yuzhu Peak, those with sufficient cultivation will have to walk against the wind, while those with poor cultivation will need to cross the bridge on a rope. It's just that the mountain wind at the top of Kunlun is fierce. If you don't have any cultivation skills, you will be frozen to the point where your lips turn purple and your face turns pale. The iron rope was swaying and it was extremely difficult to walk.

Zhang Yuelu still remembers the first time he crossed the rope bridge. The iron chain under his feet was constantly swaying in the wind. Under the iron rope was the abyss. At a glance, there was no bottom at all. Only thin clouds could be seen lingering around the waist of the mountain peak.

At that time, Zhang Yuelu was scared out of her wits and made others laugh, so she regarded crossing the rope bridge as a way to strengthen her mind and had to face the difficulties.

At first, Zhang Yuelu was scared and almost moved forward step by step on the rope bridge. Until now, she was crossing the bridge on the iron rope used as a guardrail without any ripples in her heart.

As for Yuzhu Peak, there are also people living there, mostly ascetic Taoists. Therefore, Yuzhu Peak has roughly maintained its original appearance, with only a few scattered caves, no formations, and the howling cold wind, which is completely different from the Yuxu Peak with its numerous palaces.

Zhang Yuelu wanted to visit a friend at first, but when he arrived at the door, he suddenly felt that he had lost interest in meeting him, so he returned to Yuxu Peak along the same route.

Zhang Yuelu's parents are not in Yujing. Apart from her, there is only an old Taoist couple in the family who are responsible for taking care of her daily life.

The couple are not servants in the homes of rich and powerful people in the world, but hired servants. The Taoist sect strictly prohibits the abuse of servants, and will be severely punished if discovered. It was previously revealed that a third-grade Taoist priest abused his servants. As a result, he was ordered to resign from all positions and was demoted from a third-grade Taoist priest of Youyi to a fourth-grade Taoist priest of Jijiu.

Generally speaking, Taoist disciples from aristocratic families will be followed by reliable servants sent by the family. However, Zhang Yuelu is not really a disciple of the aristocratic family. Her surname is Zhang Bujia, but she is not a core direct descendant of the Zhang family. She is just a remote branch, so she is The Taoist sect hired people to help Zhang Yuelu deal with his life. After all, the head of Beichen Hall and the deputy head of Tiangang Hall were not idle errands, and they did not have so much time to deal with various chores.

The couple were previously employed by Beichen Hall. After Zhang Yuelu was transferred from Beichen Hall to Tiangang Hall, they were also transferred to Tiangang Hall. Each person could receive a commission of three yuan of Taiping money from Tiangang Hall every month.

Zhang Yuelu is not arrogant. She can drink with Qi Xuansu, whom she has just met, and naturally she will not boss around the servants. Therefore, the three of them get along well. This childless old couple has always regarded Zhang Yuelu as a junior. , take good care of.

Zhang Yuelu was just about to take a nap when Aunt He heard the news and came over. She smelled the smell of alcohol on Zhang Yuelu from afar and couldn't help but said: "Girl, have you been drinking?"

Zhang Yuelu shook the wine glass with his hand and said with a smile: "A little bit."

"How can there be a girl like you in the world, who goes out drinking alone at night." Aunt He still had the thoughts of the older generation, "If word gets out, your reputation will be lost."

Zhang Yuelu said nonchalantly: "I am a Taoist priest with a dignified fourth-grade wine offering, not a wealthy lady who never leaves the door. I just drink some wine. It doesn't matter. That is, there is no monastery in Yujing City, otherwise I would really You just have to experience it.”

Aunt He hurriedly said: "The more you talk about it, the more excited you become. Stop it now."

While talking, Aunt He helped Zhang Yuelu take off his clothes and prepared to wash them with water to remove the alcohol smell.

Zhang Yuelu changed into a close-fitting middle coat and casually wore a snowflake armor.

Aunt He held the clothes Zhang Yuelu had changed and said, "By the way, in the evening, when the girl was not here, a fourth-grade manager sent a booklet, which said the list of the first batch of candidates. I put it in the study for the girl. Yes. He also said that the second batch of lists will be sent to the girl by August 15th at the latest."

Zhang Yuelu said "Oh" and walked to the study.

Zhang Yuelu's study is not big, and the four walls are different. On one side is a bookshelf, stacked with books, and on the other side is a multi-treasure cylindrical table, displaying gilt bronze clocks, telescopes, iron ship models and other objects. There are doors and windows on the wall facing the sun. Opposite the door, there is a yellow sandalwood-topped horizontal desk against the wall, with a sword stand and an ancient sword placed horizontally.

On the desk, in addition to the brush washer, pen holder, inkstone and other study items, there is also a thick booklet, which is the list Aunt He mentioned.

Zhang Yuelu sat behind the desk, picked up the list and flipped through it.

Then her eyes suddenly focused and she saw a name.

Qi Xuansu.

Will it be the same person? Or the same name?

Zhang Yuelu followed the directory index and found the page of Qi Xuansu's file.

Standard Taoist official documents, from right to left, top to bottom.

Name: Qi Xuansu. Note: The name is Tianyuan.

Age: twenty-four years old. Note: The date of adoption of abandoned babies at the Wanxiang Daogong Nursery shall prevail.

Grade: Seventh-grade Taoist priest. Note: Evaluation in the past three years has been rated as above average, above average, or above average.

Born: Jia Ke, Bingzi Year, Wanxiang Taoist Palace. Note: Excellent graduation grades.

Inherited by: Qi Haoran. Note: The Taoist priest of the fourth grade of wine sacrifice died unexpectedly.

Position: None. Note: Taoist You Fang.

Address: No. 18, Shibei Lane, Changzhen Street, Haichanfang. Note: I don’t live here, I mostly travel abroad.

Inheritance: Sanren.

Cultivation: The Kunlun stage of an innate person. Note: The realm of Sanren inner elixir.

Affiliation: Zhengyi. Note: Not yet accepted.

Taoist couple: None. Note: If you are not a monk, you can marry on your own.

Children and disciples: None. Note: No qualifications for apprenticeship.

Past penalty record: None.

Past meritorious service record: None.

Overall evaluation: B. Note: There are four levels in total.

Principal’s opinion: Recommended for admission.

The deputy hall leader’s opinion: Empty.

This is my initial opinion. Finally, we will have to look at the results on August 16th. However, if Zhang Yuelu approves a mistake, the face examination on August 16th can be saved.

The so-called face inspection, "face" is connected with "唔", and the original meaning is to make an effort to conduct an inspection. Later, it gradually evolved into the meaning of interview or face-to-face examination, that is, face-to-face inspection.

Zhang Yuelu looked at this page of files with a faint smile on his face.

There is really no place in life where we don’t meet each other.

She took out a red pen from the pen holder and wrote the word "accurate" under the column of "Deputy Hall Master's Opinion".

"Ah sneeze!"

Qi Xuansu, who had just woken up, sneezed and felt a little strange in his heart. After becoming a congenital person, he could not be harmed by ordinary diseases, but could he still catch a cold? Or did the disease take root in Fengtai County?

It's not always someone talking about themselves.

Could it be Qiniang?

Qi Xuansu thought about this, took out Qiniang's second-hand pocket watch, and looked at the time.

Three quarters past noon.

It's getting late.

Qi Xuansu planned to spend an afternoon tidying up the yard inside and out.

This is not a small project. There are countless layers of fallen leaves all over the yard, and the bottom layer has almost turned into mud. It will take a long time.

As for the enemies.

Shen Yuxi is already dead, and they say that the best thing to do is to help Shen Yuxi get revenge, and they will not care about Shen Yuxi's other bad things.

Beichen Tang concluded that Shen Yuxi died at the hands of the Qingpinghui. As long as Qi Xuansu did not reveal his relationship with the Qingpinghui, no one would connect him with Shen Yuxi's case. Who made Shen Yuxi make enemies everywhere? There were many enemies. With his The weight is not enough for the Shen family to mobilize all the troops to screen all the suspects.

The reason why Qi Xuansu is unwilling to come back is mostly because of being touched by the situation. Just the word "poor" disqualifies people from being sad for spring and autumn. To put it bluntly, just being alive is already exhausting all one's strength. . Although this is hypocritical, it is not unreasonable.

A leisurely afternoon, a sunny afternoon.

Qi Xuansu rolled up his sleeves and cleaned the courtyard.

Zhang Yuelu sat behind the desk and continued to look through the files boredly.

Except for Qi Xuansu, the others failed to attract Zhang Yuelu's attention. Even if Qi Xuansu was able to attract Zhang Yuelu's attention, it was because the two had already met once.

Just when Zhang Yuelu was thinking about going to sleep for a while, another person's file attracted her attention. Unlike Qi Xuansu's file, this person's file was not as thin as Qi Xuansu's. This person had two pages.

Name: Xu Kou. Note: Nicknamed Xiao Yan Luo.

Age: Thirty years old.

Grade: Sixth grade Taoist priest. Note: Evaluations in the past three years were rated as average, lower, upper, or lower.

Origin: Qingluan Guard. Notes: Born in a family of Qingluan Guardsmen for generations.

Inheritance: None. Note: He once served as Qingluan Guard Baihu.

Position: Former Taoist priest of Qizhou Taoist Prefecture. Remarks: Recommended by Qizhou Provincial Government.

Residential address: unknown. Note: People from Beihai Prefecture, Qizhou.

Inheritance: Wufu.

Cultivation: The jade-deficient stage of an innate person. Remarks: The warrior’s flesh and blood derived realm.

Affiliation: Taiping Road.

Taoist couple: I have a wife. Note: Not a member of the Taoist sect, he has died.

Children and disciples: None. Note: No qualifications for apprenticeship.

Past punishment record: He was demoted to a sixth-grade Taoist priest for torturing a prisoner to death. One demerit will be recorded for disobeying orders. Acting rashly, causing the evildoer to escape, will be recorded as a major demerit. Because of beating a fellow disciple, and

He fought with his fellow disciples with weapons, causing his fellow disciples to become disabled and was demoted to the rank of seventh-grade Taoist priest. Because he contradicted and insulted his boss, he was demoted to the eighth rank of Taoist priest. Note: This record is a simplified version, and you need to consult the relevant files for details.

Past meritorious service records: Captured one of the leaders of the Qing Ping Hui, recorded one "Xuan Zi Gong", and was promoted to a fifth-grade Taoist priest. He solved the case of a Taoist demon preaching in Beihai Prefecture. He was recorded as a "Yellow Character Gong" once and was promoted to a seventh-grade Taoist priest. Killing four demons from the Zuo Dao in the Kunlun stage, he was recorded as a "Yellow Character Gong" once, and was promoted to a sixth-grade Taoist priest. Note: This record is a simplified version, and you need to consult the relevant files for details.

Overall evaluation: C. Note: There are four levels in total.

Chief opinion: It is recommended to use with caution.

The deputy hall leader’s opinion: Empty.

In addition to annual assessments and special promotions, there is also a merit and demerit system for promotion within the Taoist sect.

The fault system includes demerits, major demerits, demotion, and expulsion from Taoism. For example, the third-grade Taoist priest who caused a scandal of abusing his servants was demoted.

The merit recording system is divided into four levels: Tian, ​​Di, Xuan and Huang. Tian is the highest and Huang is the lowest.

The same thing is that both merits and demerits can be accumulated. When small merits are accumulated into great merits, the level can be improved. Small mistakes accumulate into big ones, and relegation is imminent.

Zhang Yuelu twirled the ink pen in his hand and muttered: "It's a thorn, but it's also a double-edged sword."

Finally, Zhang Yuelu wrote a bright red word "accurate" in the column of the deputy hall master's opinion.

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