Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 119 Three Days

Qi Xuansu released his true energy, sucked the leaf cage of the Thunder God Pot into his palm, put down the candlestick, and opened the lid of the pot. As expected, there was also a rolled up note inside.

At the same time, Qi Xuansu smelled the unique smell of Thunder God Kettle again.

There was a name written on the note: Yue Lian.

At this moment, there was a burst of chaotic footsteps outside the door.

Qi Xuansu put the note into his sleeve and turned around to look at it.

I saw a lantern floating from the corridor outside the door.

"Surround them all." A stern voice immediately silenced everyone everywhere, and then the lantern went straight into the house. Behind the lantern were Liu Futong, the Taoist priest in charge of "Tianle Taoyuan" and several followers.

Qi Xuansu didn't need to speak, Liu Futong's eyes were already locked on Qi Xuansu: "It's you again! Come on, get it for me."

"Who dares!" Qi Xuansu shouted, causing several guards who were about to make a move to stop.

Qi Xuansu looked directly at Liu Futong: "Mr. Liu, you just take people without asking any questions? It's easy to catch people, but it's hard to release them."

Liu Futong took a deep breath, looked at Qi Xuansu with squinted eyes, and said solemnly: "Even if you are from Pei Zhenren, you cannot openly kill people in 'Tianle Taoyuan'."

Qi Xuansu smiled: "Mr. Liu, you want to put this shit basin on my head? I'm afraid you made a wrong calculation. I set off from Wuxu Palace in Xijing Prefecture, left Xijing, passed the Ghost Pass, and then arrived at Longmen There are clearance records in every place in the government. If you check it, you will know that the time does not match up with the murder. What's more, the 7000th household of Qingluan Guard testified against me. Are you the murderer? Do you really think that the masters and masters above are fools? Or are you saying that you can hide the truth from the Taoist sect?"

Qi Xuansu paused and said in a more serious tone: "Mr. Liu, tell your people to get down."

All the guards looked at each other and subconsciously took a few steps back.

Although Liu Futong was angry, he knew that what Qi Xuansu said was justified, so he could only suppress his anger: "Okay, okay... I made a mistake and misunderstood you. Back off."

The guard who was originally planning to take someone away quickly retreated as if he had received an amnesty.

"But I also tell you!" Liu Futong's pretense of Taoist elegance was gone at this time, his eyes showed a fierce light, and his violent temper was undoubtedly revealed, "Even if you didn't kill the person, you can break in without permission." "Tianle Taoyuan" and causing trouble in "Qiong Tower" have evil intentions. I can take you to Wanshou Chongyang Palace now and hand you over to Pei Zhenren. "

Qi Xuansu remained calm and calm: "Mr. Liu, just now, the murderer openly committed the murder under your nose and then walked away. Now that the case has reached this stage, it can no longer be suppressed. I advise you, It's not too late to make amends. Do your best to solve the case and bring the murderer to justice before it gets too late. At least you won't be charged with dereliction of duty. If you wait, you might be able to make up for the loss. The superiors know that if they pursue the case, I'm afraid it won't be as simple as dismissal from office, and they might even have to go to Fengxian Hall!"

Liu Futong's face turned pale, and his voice even trembled: "It's nonsense, it's nonsense."

Qi Xuansu said calmly: "If this is nonsense, you know it well, Mr. Liu. How many people are eyeing the position of the chief of 'Tianle Taoyuan', and how many people want to replace him, Mr. Liu should know better than me. You can today Take me down, but can you take down those people too?”

There was dead silence.

No one dared to speak.

Liu Futong's face was full of solemnity: "I heard that your words mean that you want to show me a clear path? I am all ears."

Qi Xuansu said calmly: "I'm here to solve the case. Mr. Liu, you passed the test, and I get the credit. We each get what we need, and maybe we can even form a good relationship."

Liu Futong showed his determination to kill at this time, without too much hesitation and thought: "Okay, you come to solve the case, I allow you to enter and leave Tianle Taoyuan freely, and you can also inspect the corpses in the morgue, but I can only give you Three days, three days later, if the case still cannot be solved..."

Qi Xuansu interrupted: "In three days, I will definitely give an explanation to Chief Liu."

Liu Futong snorted coldly, threw a sign to Qi Xuansu, then turned around and strode away.

The entourage and the lantern also rushed away,

Qi Xuansu looked back at Huaqi's body expressionlessly and left the place.

By the time Qi Xuansu returned to Shimen County, it was already dark. However, all the Qingluan guards here recognized Qi Xuansu and hurriedly led him to see the eighth day Yang.

On the eighth day, Yang saw Qi Xuansu coming back and immediately asked, "How was it?"

Qi Xuansu briefly recounted what happened, including his fight with the man wearing the white fox mask and Liu Futong's reaction.

On the eighth day, Yang Dao said: "So, the murderer is actually a Taiping Dao person?"

Qi Xuansu shook his head and said: "I dare not make a hasty conclusion. The 'Ten Thousand Flowers Divine Sword Palm' is not a secret secret that is not passed down to the outside world. It is just a basic palm technique for the disciples of the Li family. It is not unusual even if it is spread to the outside world. There is no guarantee that the murderer is not deliberately confusing the public."

"What Brother Wei said is absolutely true." Eighth Tianyang nodded, "So in Brother Wei's opinion, who is this person?"

Qi Xuansu shook his head and did not answer. He took out the note with "Yue Lian" written on it and placed it side by side with the note with "Hua Qi" written on it.

"There is nothing visible in the handwriting. Is there such a note in the previous Thunder God Pot?" Qi Xuansu asked.

The eighth day Yang was very sure: "Absolutely not."

Qi Xuansu pondered: "In other words, the murderer has only recently started to act like this. Why did he do this? To provoke? Or did he have other plans?"

On the eighth day, Yang glanced at the note.

Qi Xuansu asked: "Who is this 'Yue Lian'? Is he also an oiran?"

"It used to be." On the eighth day, Yang worked here to investigate the case. Although the time was not very long, he did a lot of homework. "But she quit when she got older and now works as a manager in 'Tianle Taoyuan' , is highly relied upon by Liu Futong.”

Qi Xuansu took out the sign given by Liu Futong and said: "It seems that we have to go to 'Tianle Taoyuan' again. Brother Eighth, you pick a few good players and we will go there together. We can't let him escape again."

The Eighth Day Yang quickly picked up the manpower. There were four people in total, three at the Kunlun stage, one at the Yuxu stage, plus Qi Xuansu, Liu Hu, and the Eighth Day Yang. As long as Dai Baihu The person with the mask cannot be an opponent if he is not a heavenly being.

The group of people took advantage of the night to come to "Tianle Taoyuan" again. Because of the sign given by Liu Futong, this time there was no obstruction, and there was no need for Qi Xuansuhu to pretend to be a tiger, and they came directly to "Qiong Tower".

After the previous fuss, many people already recognized Qi Xuansu, especially Liu Futong, who was so upset by him that he had no choice but to think that Qi Xuansu was a big shot from above, so instead of stopping him, he took the initiative to say hello.

Qi Xuansu casually pointed to the leading guard: "Take me to see the manager Yue Lian."

The guard suddenly looked embarrassed.

But Qi Xuansu didn't give him a chance to refuse: "Lead the way!"

In fact, in many cases, Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu are very similar, but more often, Qi Xuansu does not have Zhang Yuelu's background to stand out.

The guard could only respond and led Qi Xuansu and others all the way to the highest point of the "Qiong Tower".

The highest point of "Qiong Tower" is a main hall, which was once the residence of the Purple Immortal King. The Taoist priests in charge of the past dynasties did not dare to use it casually.

The main hall is huge, supported by twelve large lacquered red pillars. The pillars are decorated with gold patterns, and the reliefs include two dragons playing with beads, which are exquisite. Curtains made of various colored silks and satins were hung on the pillars to block people's sight.

After entering the palace, there is a straight passage covered with red carpet. On both sides of the straight passage, two large pools are hollowed out. The walls are covered with white jade and the floor is paved with sapphire. There is clear water in it. The blue bottom can be seen, and there are The water channel surrounds the main hall and connects the two pools. Fish can be seen swimming meanderingly in it. Lotus lanterns float on the water, walking around the hall with the water, illuminating the entire hall.

At the end of the straight road, which is the deepest part of the hall, there is a twelve-leaf screen with a majestic "Picture of the Celestial Master Ascending Immortality". Above you can see thousands of white clouds holding up the nine-layer sky, and below is a vast lake. , there is purple air permeating under the sky, and there are ninety-nine cranes on the lake just about to flutter their wings. The whole picture has a vast composition and majestic momentum. Only between the sky and the earth, there is a little white figure, looking up. The sky is full of purple energy and the Tianque behind the purple energy is the Celestial Master.

This picture is not a copy, but the work of a painting master who had the honor to witness the Zhengdao Celestial Master ascending to immortality.

Behind this screen, the first thing that catches the eye is a large flat bed that is one foot long and one foot wide. It is no more than three inches high. There is a small square table like a chessboard in the middle of it, all made of red sandalwood. Made of wood. There is a set of three stoves and bottles on the left and right sides of the small table. The incense burner and chopsticks bottles are made from the official kilns of the Jin Dynasty. They are painted with blue and white flowers. There is a saying that "a wealth of wealth is not as good as a piece of it". The spice burned in it is the best ambergris. , every inch is gold.

There is a wine pot and a wine glass on the table, and next to it is a mature woman sitting on her knees, wearing a light veil, her beautiful body is looming, her eyebrows are low, and she is gently stirring the incense sticks in the stove with a long golden chopstick. .

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