Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 128 Questioning (Part 1)

Zhang Yuelu spent a day to control the situation, understand the situation, become familiar with the case, and examine the body.

After the autopsy, Zhang Yuelu did not rush into action, and spent another day and night carefully checking the historical account books and temporarily compiled files of "Tianle Taoyuan", and then invited the eighth day to go to Tianle Palace for direct interrogation. Liu Futong.

Zhang Yuelu didn't care about the luxury of Tianle Palace, but paid special attention to the "Picture of the Celestial Master Ascending Immortality". After all, the characters in the painting were still her ancestors.

Then Zhang Yuelu asked someone to set up a table in front of the screen. She sat in the main seat behind the table, and Tianyang sat in the listening position on the left. There was a smaller table on the right for Mu Jin to use. , responsible for recording.

There was no such thing as a gavel, so Zhang Yuelu didn't care and simply slapped the table with his hand: "Take Liu Futong with you."

Two Taoist priests took Liu Futong out. Liu Futong was put on special prison gear by Su Ran, and his cultivation level was sealed. He was not a martial artist, so he didn't have much resistance against the two Taoist priests.

I saw a Taoist priest pinching his left wrist and breaking it from behind to his left shoulder. Another Taoist priest pinched his right wrist and breaking it from behind to the right side of his neck. The two wrists were getting closer and closer together on the neck, shoulder and back, and the joints "clicked" Sound.

Liu Futong had to curl up, his face was swollen with blood, and his eyes seemed to bulge out of their sockets, but his two bulging eyes were looking up at Zhang Yuelu who was sitting behind the case and the eighth day Yang who was sitting next to him.

This look naturally did not scare Zhang Yuelu, but it made Zhang Yuelu a little dissatisfied and said: "He has not been convicted yet, who asked you to make him look like this? Let go!"

The two Taoist priests immediately let go of their hands and stood aside with their hands tied.

Liu Futong was able to breathe and looked at Zhang Yuelu again.

At this time, Liu Futong naturally no longer had the condescension of the Tu Emperor, but he also did not have the fear and begging for mercy that are common in those who treat sinners, and his eyes were gray and calm.

Zhang Yuelu came from Beichen Hall and Tiangang Hall, and she was both a fighting and fighting man. She was originally a very murderous person, but her eyes were not as severe as they should be, and were just as calm as water.

Liu Futong was also an old man from the Taoist sect. He left the Wanxiang Taoist Palace at the age of twenty and became a ninth-grade Taoist priest. From the ninth-grade Taoist priest to the seventh-grade Taoist priest, and then from the seventh-grade Taoist priest to the fifth-grade Taoist priest, it took more than 20 years until later. After clinging to a backer, he joined the ranks of the fourth-grade wine-offering Taoist priests and became the chief Taoist priest of "Tianle Taoyuan".

He was fully aware of all the rules and secrets in the Taoist sect. At this time, he thought he would be thunderously scolded by Zhang Yuelu from the moral high ground, but he did not expect that this proud woman with a bright future would not be like this. Although she is far from approachable, she does not have the self-righteousness and taken-for-grantedness of those wealthy women from aristocratic families, nor does she have the arrogance, condescension, and indifference of others who think they stand on the high ground of moral justice.

This made Liu Futong feel a little unnatural.

It also made Liu Futong think of a sentence for no reason, fierce generals are born in the army, and prime ministers are born in the state.

This time, the higher-ups asked Zhang Yuelu to come down to handle this matter, and their intention was very obvious.

Maybe not long after, maybe one or two years, maybe three or four years, Zhang Yuelu will enter the local Taoist government for practical experience, starting from the relatively low-ranking assistant manager and deputy palace master, to the second, chief, and finally If he takes charge of his own role and is transferred back to Yujing, he will be ready for success. As for whether he can win the position of deputy headmaster or chief headmaster in the end, that depends on luck.

Zhang Yuelu motioned to the Taoist priest next to him to bring a chair over and let Liu Futong sit down.

Liu Futong hesitated for a moment and then sat down.

Zhang Yuelu finally said: "Master Liu, before Ziweitang's formal order comes, I will call you chief.

Su Ran, Qi Xuansu, and Ba Tianyang all changed to calling him by his first name after Liu Futing lost power, with the exception of Zhang Yuelu. This made Liu Futing feel a little strange, and he was both moved and wary.

This woman is difficult to deal with.

"Okay." Liu Futing responded.

Zhang Yuelu took a file: "The direct reason why Chief Su imprisoned you is that you had an improper relationship with Yue Lian, the steward of 'Tianle Taoyuan'. With Yue Lian's testimony, Qingluan Guard's eighth deputy Qian You can also testify, do you plead guilty?”

"Plead guilty." Liu Futong whispered.

He has already thought about it. Among the various crimes, only this one is the most irrelevant. As long as he bites this one to death and ignores the others, there might be a glimmer of hope.

"Very good." Zhang Yuelu nodded. Without her instructions, Mu Jin next to him had already begun to take notes. In addition to written records, there were also special photo-taking talisman arrays and voice-recording talisman arrays.

Zhang Yuelu continued to ask: "Is it true that you and Yue Lian were caught having sex in this Tianle Palace?"

A trace of doubt flashed in Liu Futong's heart, but he still nodded and said: "It's true."

Zhang Yuelu turned the page of the file: "Who allowed you to use this Tianle Palace?"

Liu Futong hesitated for a moment and replied: "No one gave permission, I used it privately."

"How many times?" Zhang Yuelu's tone was still calm.

Liu Futong was silent.

Zhang Yuelu emphasized his tone slightly: "Reply."

Comrade Liu Fu said: "Only once."

Zhang Yuelu did not refute, just said: "I only used it once and was caught doing it. It seems that Chief Liu is not very lucky. There is just one problem. Yue Lian's confession and Chief Liu's answer do not match up. Who among you two lied? Does Mr. Liu want to confront Yue Lian? "

There were fine beads of sweat on Liu Futong's forehead.

Zhang Yuelu continued: "Also, according to the account records of the branch of Huashengtang, Chief Liu took away medicines worth nine thousand Taiping taels from Huashengtang, including scar removal, aphrodisiacs, and aphrodisiacs. It is said that this is true. By coincidence, we happened to find some remaining medicine from the side hall of Tianle Palace. I wonder how Mr. Liu explains it? "

Liu Futong could only say: "About a dozen times, I can't remember clearly."

Mu Jin kept writing notes.

Zhang Yuelu said: "In this case, you are abusing your power."

Liu Futong's face turned pale and he subconsciously said: "Unjustly accused!"

"Unjustly accused?" Zhang Yuelu said calmly, "Did I say this 'more than a dozen times'? Are the accounts of Huashengtang false? Why did Yue Lian devote himself to you? Is it because you are knowledgeable? Or is it your heroism? Yue Lian’s confession is here, do you want to read it?”

Liu Futong was asked.

Zhang Yuelu's eyes always stayed on the case file in his hand, and it was only then that he turned his attention to Liu Futong. Because they were both sitting, there was no condescension, they were just looking at each other.

Zhang Yuelu said: "Mr. Liu, are you still saying that you were wronged? Wherever you feel you were wronged, you can list them one by one to defend yourself, or you can confront the witnesses in court. I have always dealt with the issue and not the person."

Liu Futong did not dare to meet Zhang Yuelu's eyes, lowered his head and said: "No injustice."

Zhang Yuelu put down the file and took out another account book: "This account book was found from the secret compartment of the room you signed for. I took a look at it and found that it is the income and expenditure details of 'Tianle Taoyuan' in the past three years. I think , Chief Liu should have something to say."

Liu Futong only felt that his heart was hit hard, his eyes suddenly became blurred, and he sat there in a daze.

Zhang Yuelu said: "What, Mr. Liu has nothing to say?"

Liu Futong raised his hand and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with a slight trembling.

A master who is in the stage of returning to his true nature has his hands shaking and sweating. Even if he has been banned from cultivation, he shouldn't be like this.

All this was seen by Zhang Yuelu, and she continued: "Since Chief Liu doesn't want to say it, then let me do it."

"About one-seventh of the annual net profit of 'Tianle Taoyuan' has been invested by you into a chamber of commerce called 'Yanqing'. This chamber of commerce is engaged in maritime trade. Like Mr. Liu, he has bad luck. Well, the shipwrecked and the company suffered losses every year. But Mr. Liu never forgot his original intention and invested Taiping money in it every year. In just three years, he lost about 250,000 Taiping money. "

Liu Futong took a deep breath and managed to calm down: "The sky is unpredictable, and people are prone to misfortune and fortune. Business matters are unpredictable, and even gods can't tell."

Zhang Yuelu said: "Since you can't be sure, why do you invest money? Who forced you?"

Liu Futong was asked again.

Zhang Yuelu said in a deep voice: "Reply!"

Liu Futong couldn't hide, and replied: "No one forced me, I just... want to make more peace money for the Taoist sect, and I am also eager to make contributions."

Zhang Yuelu said: "What a man who is eager to perform meritorious service. If on the battlefield, because of your eagerness to perform meritorious service, you underestimated the enemy and rushed forward, resulting in the annihilation of the entire army, and afterwards you were eager to perform meritorious service and can cover up the past? If you lose the battle on the battlefield, you will be dismissed from your post and beheaded. Now you There is a problem here. It is said that you have neglected your duties and neglected your duties. Do you plead guilty?"

How dare Liu Futong reply to this, he lowered his head and remained silent.

Zhang Yuelu said: "You don't dare to reply? Well, let me do it."

"In addition to the account books, we also found land and house deeds. I have already conducted a thorough investigation at Wuxu Palace and Wanshou Chongyang Palace. According to the investigation, you purchased more than ten residences in Shimen County, Longmen Prefecture, Xijing Prefecture and other places, with a total value of approximately Ninety thousand Taiping money, among which there are beautiful women, each claiming to be your lover, two women are thick-waisted, pregnant, and two women already have children. These women are not only wearing gold. Wearing silver, a head full of pearls, and being served by hired servants, the daily expenses are much better than that of a Taoist priest like me, who is a fourth-grade wine-sacrificial priest. Taking into account these expenses, it costs one hundred thousand Taiping. Money goes up.”

"I roughly calculated that the Taoist Priest of the Fourth Grade Jijiu can have a monthly allowance of 200 yuan of peace money, plus various subsidies, that's 300 yuan of peace money for you. And considering that you usually spend time in 'Tianle Taoyuan' It has everything, no expenses, no money spent, that is, 3,600 Taiping money in one year, 36,000 Taiping money in ten years, and it will take thirty years to save so much Taiping money. Di, where did these women come from?”

Liu Futong's head lowered further, his chest and abdomen were rising and falling, and he was breathing heavily.

Zhang Yuelu said: "Director Liu, they said that you embezzled and misappropriated about 250,000 Taiping money. Do you plead guilty?"

Liu Futong's expression suddenly changed, and he suddenly raised his head: "I took the money from the account. I accept as much as I take, and I will refund as much as I can. But Deputy Hall Master Zhang said that I had embezzled a huge amount of 250,000 yuan, which is really unjust!" I only took a total of 100,000 yuan in three years, and I used it to buy a house and support my wife. If Deputy Hall Master Zhang doesn't believe it, he will kill me for this amount."

Zhang Yuelu's tone was still so calm: "Where is the remaining 150,000 Taiping money?"

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