Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 149: The Two Old Men of Wind and Thunder

After Pei Xiaolou left the Prince's Mansion, he did not go to see anyone from the Confucian sect.

Do people from the Taoist sect still need approval from the Confucian sect when doing things? A post-event note is enough, there is no need to say hello in advance, and the structure of the Confucian sect is loose, like a sieve, so informing them in advance will easily alert them.

Of course, Pei Xiaolou did not inform the local provincial government that the Wanshou Chongyang Palace did not require permission from the Huzhou provincial government to handle matters. He also informed him afterwards to avoid leaks. At this point, the structure of the local government is tight, but there is me among you, and you among me, and many things are broken because of this.

There is a large house in Panlong Hutong, Poyang Street, which is owned by the Yuan family. However, people from the Yuan family have never lived here. All people living here are people recruited by the Yuan family. The house occupies a large area and can accommodate Hundreds of people didn't look crowded at all.

In addition, the elite players in the Kunlun stage also have separate residences. As for the masters in the Yuxu stage, they are enshrined as guests and can live in Yuan Garden, and are served by dedicated maids and servants. They lack nothing. After more than ten years, they can save a lot of wealth.

Although he was living under someone else's roof, he seemed not as comfortable as people like Qi Xuansu, and not as rich as Chang Sanye, Song Luodi and others. But the key was that he didn't have to hang his head on his belt to lick blood from the knife edge. Most of the time, he used his power to bully others. People like Qi Xuansu, who are in the world of rivers and lakes, will lose their lives without knowing when. This kind of life is only suitable for those who are talented and bold. Most people are still willing to join the sect of a wealthy family, find a backer, and live a peaceful life. .

As for the "big job" of besieging and killing Zhang Yuelu, which is comparable to killing an official in rebellion, it is an extremely rare thing. You may not encounter it once in your life. If you really encounter it, you can only consider yourself unlucky.

After Yuan Shangdao took the people away, the place became empty, with only a few people left to look after the house.

Pei Xiaolou came to the mansion quietly. It was getting late now and most places were dark. Only one living room was brightly lit and full of people.

The people who stayed at the mansion here were gathering together to eat, drink and make money.

Pei Xiaolou came straight to the living room here, holding a bamboo stick in his hand. He knocked it randomly a few times, and then asked: "Who is in charge?"

These people were stunned for a moment, then realized what they were doing, and each went to get their weapons. Some even took out a repeating long blunderbuss, which was a weapon strictly prohibited by the imperial court, just like the crossbows and armor that were banned in ancient times.

Others took out things like talisman water and drank it down, and their whole bodies seemed to be inflated, becoming very tall and majestic, with a faint golden light covering their bodies.

These are common and common methods in the world, and can be regarded as a superficial application of magic and witchcraft. To put it simply, if you believe it, it will work, if you don’t believe it, it will not work. As long as you believe, you can greatly increase your strength and ignore your injuries to a certain extent. Even if you suffer serious injuries, you can continue to fight. This is what people often call invulnerability.

"Heavenly Court" often uses such methods when trouble occurs.

However, in front of Pei Xiaolou, these methods were nothing, just some cheap tricks.

Pei Xiaolou just raised the bamboo stick in his hand and paused lightly. Immediately, it was as if the earth was shaking. Everyone was unsteady and fell to the ground.

"Who is in charge?" Pei Xiaolou asked again.

Everyone looked at each other, and no one said anything.

Pei Xiaolou casually hit the bamboo stick with his hand, and immediately one person's brain exploded.

"Who is in charge?" Pei Xiaolou asked without even looking at the living people.

No one dared to gamble with their lives, first one or two people, then four or five people, and finally all pointed at one of them.

Pei Xiaolou came to this person, pulled up a chair, sat down, and said directly: "My name is Pei Xiaolou, Taoist priest Taiyi, second grade of the Taoist sect."

This man originally wanted to pull the Yuan family's tiger skin, but after hearing this, he immediately swallowed his words and forced out a flattering smile: "The villain has seen the real person, and the real person gave orders."

Pei Xiaolou asked: "Are there any more important documents here?"

The man looked hesitant, his eyes were darting around, and he didn't answer immediately.

Pei Xiaolou was not in a hurry and just raised the bamboo stick in his hand.

"Yes, yes, yes, but they are all locked in the box and I don't have the key." The man said hurriedly.

Pei Xiaolou paused his bamboo stick and said, "Take me there."

After a while, Pei Xiaolou left the mansion with a thick roster in his hand, recording all the Jianghu people recruited by the Yuan family, and attached files. They were just copies, and the originals were in Yuan Yuan.

Not many of these Jianghu people are clean, and most of them have criminal records. Whether this roster falls into the hands of the imperial government or the Taoist sect, it is a handle. Just wanting to have an attack is a sin. There are hundreds of Jianghu people with criminal records, and one charge of "conspiracy to do evil" is not unjust.

But these are just appetizers, the key is Yuan Yuan.

The chief steward of the Yuan Mansion wore a cloak and a hood, covering his face, and left quietly from the back door of Yuan Garden.

But after taking a few steps, he tripped over a bamboo stick that stretched out of thin air.

The chief butler is not an ordinary person. He has a lot of cultivation. He stretched out his arms and stood up. With awe in his heart, he looked around and happened to see the Taoist priest dressed in black.

The chief steward recognized this person, but his hands and feet felt cold and he did not dare to move.

Pei Xiaolou leaned on his bamboo stick and asked, "What's your name?"

"Young man Yuan Feng." The butler answered honestly.

Pei Xiaolou asked again: "After the banquet, who did Yuan Chongzong see?"

Yuan Feng was about to speak but stopped.

Pei Xiaolou raised his bamboo stick and put it on Yuan Feng's shoulder: "We'll talk about it after we think about it."

Yuan Feng felt as if there was a huge weight on his shoulders, and hurriedly said: "He is a powerful figure in the green forest of Jiangnan, known as the 'Two Elders of Wind and Thunder'."

Pei Xiaolou's face was slightly solemn: "It turned out to be them."

Pei Xiaolou had heard of the names of these two men. They were a pair of brothers. When they were in their prime, they ran rampant in the green forests of the south of the Yangtze River. They made a huge name and established a large business. They were considered powerful figures, half black and half white. , both good and evil.

Later, the power of "Tian Ting" expanded to the Jiangnan area, and the two of them joined "Tian Ting" and ranked among the four marshals, on par with Feng Boyu Shi and others.

The four marshals of "Heavenly Court" are wind, fire, thunder, and electricity. The two brothers occupy the names of "wind" and "thunder" respectively. Because they are two brothers, they are called "the two elders of wind and thunder" in the world. ".

Pei Xiaolou asked again: "Where are the two elders Feng Lei?"

"Mr. Feng followed the master to surround Master Zhang, while Mr. Lei protected the old master in Yuan Yuan." Yuan Feng replied.

Pei Xiaolou suddenly felt worried and hesitant.

Lei Xiaohuan didn't have a very good temper, but she was absolutely unambiguous when it came to beating people. If she was by her side, it would really be nothing to the two elders, Fengling and Lei. She could get rid of them all by herself.

It's a pity that Lei Xiaohuan is not here at this time, only Pei Xiaolou is alone. Pei Xiaolou is not his brother Donghua Zhenren. He has a low level of cultivation and is very capable of saving his life. However, he is not good at fighting with others. If he fights against two people, he will definitely lose. Even if he is one-on-one, he is not completely sure.

Yuan Yuan, we can't go in hastily. Moreover, Zhang Yuelu was too weak to take care of him.

Originally, he went to see Qin Gongfu just to find insurance, but now it seems that he is really going to land on the king of Jiangling County.

In addition to the financial resources of the Yuan family, the reason why the Yuan family was able to recruit so many people from the Jianghu world was largely due to the two elders Fengling and Lei, many of whom were their subordinates.

Without the intervention of Feng and Lei, these Jianghu people might not be willing to risk their heads to surround and kill Zhang Yuelu.

Among them, Feng Lao was the one who injured Qi Xuansu, but he was also merciful to Qi Xuansu's subordinates.

Qi Xuansu did not kill Yuan Shangdao because his original intention was to capture Yuan Shangdao and threaten all the Jianghu people. Yuan Shangdao is also a master in the stage of returning to his true nature, so he would not be beaten to death by Qi Xuansu with two punches.

But Yuan Shangdao died at this time, just like Yuan Fengchan, his death was unclear.

There was chaos at that time. Zhang Yuelu fled with Qi Xuansu, and everyone chased him. However, few people paid attention to Yuan Shangdao. By the time someone came to their senses, Master Yuan had already disappeared.

Feng Lao looked at the two bodies for a long time, wondering what he was thinking.

Someone came up and asked, "Marshal, do you still want to pursue me?"

Feng Lao did not answer, but laughed loudly, and then rolled up his sleeves.

The surging Qi swept across like a violent wind.

The people standing behind him immediately lay on the ground like fallen wheat, with no one alive.

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