Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 34 I say yes

The Taoist Priest of the Fourth Grade Liquor seems to have a high position, but in fact he has just passed the first threshold. In the words of the imperial court, he has become an official.

There is only a gap of three levels from a fourth-level Taoist priest to a first-level innocent Taoist priest, but in fact it is far more than three levels.

This involves the Taoist Jinque discussion system.

The Jinque Council is the highest authority of the Taoist sect. Excluding the Grand Master and other great masters, there are a total of thirty-six real people participating in it. These thirty-six real men are all second-grade Taiyi Taoist priests. Their full name is "Shenzhi Jinque Council" "Zhenzhen", referred to as "Thirty-six Zhenren" or "Zhenzhi Zhenren". If he resigns or is dismissed from his post and loses the right to participate in Zhijinque's discussions, he still retains the rank of a second-grade Taiyi Taoist priest and can be called a Zhenzhen.

In other words, there are far more than thirty-six real people in the Taoist sect, but the thirty-six real people who know Jinque’s discussion are the most important.

In the same way, the three great masters known as "Heavenly Master", "Earth Master" and "National Master" have the full title of "Deputy Master Dacheng". If they retire and resign, the person who resigns will actually be the deputy master. Position, still retains the title of "Dacheng Zhenren", referred to as "Dacheng Zhenren".

Under normal circumstances, unless it is a major crime such as apostasy or rebellion, the Taoist sect will not remove the name of a great master or a true master.

Ordinary real people are qualified to observe the discussions of Jinque. Ordinary real people are still qualified to participate in the discussions of Jinque, and their status is higher than the thirty-six real people who participate in Jinque. In order to distinguish the deputy head masters, this type of real people is called "Pingzhang Jinque Discussion Dazhen", referred to as "Pingzhang Dazhen". It means: rationalize it, make it harmonious, teach etiquette and law, make it clear and clear.

In short, the upper level of Daomen can be divided into five levels.

The highest one is the Grand Master, also known as the Grand Master. There is only one person with a respected status and he is the leader of the Taoist sect.

Next are the three deputy head masters, the great masters, who are also the leaders of the three realms. They have great power, one person is subordinate to them and ten thousand people are superior to them.

Thirdly, there is the Pingzhang Jinque Discussing Master, whose number is not fixed. He can be regarded as a kind of figure such as a senator, a senior, and an elder. He is highly respected and has many old disciples. Although he is relegated to the second line, he has great influence.

Then there are the thirty-six real people who participated in the Jinque discussion, the mainstay, the real power figures, most of them are the masters of a hall or the masters of a local palace.

Finally, there are the ordinary real people whose number is not fixed. Although they are not as good as the thirty-six real people, they cannot be underestimated. They may hold important positions or are quite popular. If there is a vacancy among the thirty-six real people, they will be chosen from these Real people will make up for it.

Looking at it from another perspective, there are differences between the same first-grade innocent Taoist priests or second-grade Taiyi Taoist priests. Putting aside the great master who is at the super level, the first-grade innocent Taoist priests and the second-grade Taiyi Taoist priests are actually at the fourth level. Including the third-grade Youyi Taoist priest and the fourth-grade Jijiu Taoist priest, it is the sixth level.

The Taoist Priests of the Fourth Grade Jijiu are at the bottom, and they are still far away from truly reaching the upper echelons of the Taoist sect.

If you add the top Grand Master and the levels below the fourth level, then the Taoist sect is exactly the ninth level and the twelfth level.

This is not a secret, as long as a Taoist priest has reached a higher level, he can know it. After all, you have to climb up within the Taoist sect. If you don't even know these basic information, then there is no need to camp.

The reason why Zhang Yuelu is feared by all the disciples of the aristocratic family, apart from her own abilities, is mainly because she is paid attention to by the two deputy headmasters, Da Zhenren. Although outsiders cannot guess how much attention the two deputy headmasters attach to Zhang Yuelu, it is only It was the attitude itself that was enough to intimidate Xiao Xiao.

As for those real people with real power, of course they will not be intimidated and may even know the truth and truth, but what reason do they have to get involved in the brawling of these children? Even people like Zhenren Tiangang like Zhang Yuelu very much.

Zhang Yuelu's status in the Taoist sect can be imagined.

On the other hand, Qi Xuansu was just an insignificant seventh-grade Taoist priest. He had to be respectful in front of Sun Yongfeng, a fourth-grade Taoist priest who offered wine, and was not even qualified to "sit and discuss Taoism."

From this point of view, the gap between Zhang Yuelu and Qi Xuansu, not to mention the difference in Yunni, is almost the same.

But the gap between Zhang Yuelu and the Grand Master was several times greater than the gap between Zhang Yuelu and Qi Xuansu.

Because before the Taoist priests of the fourth-grade wine ceremony, they could still rely on others for promotion. If there is a noble person who appreciates him, it is just a matter of words. But things will be different after the fourth level. There is a carrot and a pit. If someone goes up, someone has to come down. Who goes up and who goes down? After reaching the second-grade Taiyi Taoist priest, everyone has a backer, everyone has power, and their roots are intertwined, affecting the whole body.

As for the positions of the three deputy masters and the chief master, they cannot go to Taishang Taozu to promote themselves.

It can be said that one step leads to another.

There is a saying in the Taoist sect that it is easy to rise to the top, but difficult to become a great leader.

If you want to be a great master, one lifetime is not enough, you have to practice for several lifetimes.

Zhang Yuelu said that she wanted to be a great leader, even if she was an unparalleled genius, even if she was really the reincarnation of an immortal in the sky, if word spread, she would still be laughed at, because she was bragging and thinking blindly.

This is the great master of the Taoist sect.

To this day, the Grand Master has been vacant for a long time, and the Jinque meeting has been held twice, but there is still no result, so the three deputy Masters, Da Zhen, take turns to exercise the power of the Grand Master.

This is also known to everyone.

There are even rumors that the three deputy headmasters intentionally do not elect a new headmaster. After all, how can they hand over the power they have obtained? When the new Grand Master ascends the throne, he will inevitably take over power. Not only can the three deputy Grand Masters not take turns exercising the power of the Grand Master, but they also have to obey the orders of the new Grand Master. Naturally, they have to maintain the status quo.

This rumor spread more and more fiercely. Later, it was even rumored that the three deputy head masters, Da Zhenren, had conspired to kill the previous chief head, forcing the ancestral court to order the arrest of those who spread the rumors and spread the rumors.

However, the rumors have spread, and even Qi Xuansu, who has not been in the ancestral court for many years, has heard about it. In Qi Xuansu's view, this rumor is a bit strange. It may involve a struggle among the top officials of the ancestral court. Some people want to use this rumor to form a large-scale discussion. This forced the three deputy headmasters, Dazhenren, to elect a new headmaster as soon as possible.

As for why one of the three deputy chief masters is not appointed as the chief master, it is because there is an unwritten rule within the Taoist sect. The candidate for the chief master must come from the thirty-six masters. It is like a royal inheritance, mainly The inheritance is passed down from father to son, not from brother to brother.

Even if the three deputy head masters wanted to break this rule, the three could not form a unified opinion and restrain each other. No matter who wanted to be the chief head master, they would be opposed by the other two.

The current situation is that only one person can be recommended from the thirty-six Masters, and the requirements of the Grand Master are very high. He must be a "young man" who can convince all the Masters at the age of about sixty.

Master Tiangang is now in his sixties. This age is considered ordinary among real people and considered a young man among great real people. Just like the age of 30, which is considered too old for a seventh-grade Taoist priest, but is considered young and promising for a fifth-grade Taoist priest.

Zhang Yuelu is less than twenty-five years old this year. Counting five years as a step, he will be promoted to the third level at the age of thirty, to the second level ordinary real person at the age of thirty-five, to the second level ordinary real person at the age of forty, to the first level Ping Zhangda at the age of forty-five. A real person cannot be promoted to the rank of deputy head master until he is fifty years old.

But in fact, it is impossible to reach a level every five years. When Tiangang was fifty years old, he was one of the thirty-six real people. Ten years later, he was still one of the thirty-six real people. Except for the change of position, the rest There is no change, it can be said to be stagnant. If there are no changes in chance, in another ten years, he will still be one of the thirty-six real people, and maybe he will be promoted to Pingzhang Dazhen after he is eighty years old.

From this point of view, the sixty-year-old Grand Master can indeed be regarded as a young man.

Qi Xuansu's dream in this life is to wear the sword of wisdom and climb to the position of a real person. He doesn't even have to be a real person, just an ordinary real person, and he will be satisfied.

How difficult it is.

The reason why it is a dream must be that it is difficult to realize, or even hopeless.

For Zhang Yuelu, there is almost no suspense for her to become a real person in the future. At worst, she is an ordinary real person with a sword of wisdom. If she develops smoothly, she should be one of the thirty-six who participate in the Jinque discussion. She is in the ranks of real people, so her dream is to become a master.

The end point that Qi Xuansu longed for was actually the starting point for Zhang Yuelu to reach the end.

Qi Xuansu was not a fool, so he naturally noticed this from Zhang Yuelu's attitude and words.

For a moment, the two of them were speechless.

Whether it was a meeting where they had known each other for a drink, or whether they were trying to guard against each other, some things that neither of them had cared about, after the two gradually let go of some of their guard, finally emerged from the water and turned into an invisible barrier.

The charming thoughts that Qi Xuansu had just had were fleeting in front of this barrier.

He is not a carefree and heroic ranger, nor is he a wild and wild man. He is just a little person struggling at the bottom of the Taoist sect.

Therefore, in order to survive, he is unlikely to do anything out of the ordinary, such as disregarding hierarchy as nothing, and saying that my destiny is up to me. These are very enjoyable, beautiful, and unrestrained, but they do not belong to him.

At least it doesn't belong to him now.

Zhang Yuelu also felt the subtle change in the atmosphere between the two, stopped and said, "It seems that our fate ends here."

"Today's fate?" Qi Xuansu keenly noticed Zhang Yuelu's words.

Zhang Yuelu said in a tone that sounded like a fortune teller: "But our fate in August is not over yet, we will meet again."

Qi Xuansu thought very quickly: "You mean we work with Tiangang Hall? But whether I can enter Tiangang Hall, I still have two questions."

Zhang Yuelu looked deeply at Qi Xuansu and said, "If you can enter Tiangang Hall, Sun Yongfeng can't stop you, I said so."

Qi Xuansu was shocked and pointed out: "As far as I know, the new deputy head of Tiangang Hall is named Zhang, and his age is about the same as the Tantai girl. Is it possible that the Tantai girl is the same as this Tantai girl?"

Deputy Hall Master Zhang has an old friend and wants to put in a few good words for me? "

Zhang Yuelu walked away and said without looking back: "Brother Tianyuan, I said you can enter the Tiangang Hall, you will definitely be able to enter the Tiangang Hall."

Qi Xuansu stood there, looking at Zhang Yuelu's leaving figure, thoughtfully.

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