Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 154: Searching for Person (Part 1)

The Yuan family was exterminated, all clues were destroyed, and even part of the Yuan family's property had been transferred to Nanyang, but the shops and other properties under the name of the Yanqing Chamber of Commerce could not escape.

It's just that most of the Yanqing Chamber of Commerce's properties are within the jurisdiction of Jiangnan Dao Prefecture, which does not fall under the jurisdiction of Quanzhen Dao. Pei Xiaolou wants to wait for Zhang Yuelu to come back and jointly handle the case.

Logically speaking, Jiangnan Daofu should belong to the Zhengyi Dao. In fact, because Jiangnan is prosperous, Jiangzhou Jinling is the center of Daomen sea trade, and the three forces meet here, so Jiangnan Daofu, like Kunlun Daofu, belongs directly to Jinque. , there are also members of the three Taoist groups within the Taoist government.

However, Cihang's lineage has the greatest influence and deepest influence in Jiangnan Daofu because of its proximity to the water. Almost every generation of Cihang has served as the head of Jiangnan Daofu.

One of Zhang Yuelu's senior sisters is now serving as the chief deputy head of the Jiangnan Dao Mansion, but her age is not much different from that of Master Cihang. When the day comes that Master Cihang ascends, she will also be very old. Unless Master Cihang can become a great master, She had to give up the title of Master Cihang in advance, otherwise it would be difficult for her to inherit the mantle of Master Cihang. However, this was not the only reason why Master Cihang chose Zhang Yuelu.

This also involves the inheritance of the position of Heavenly Master, which is the natural weakness of Master Cihang. If Master Qingwei fails to compete for the Grand Master, he can inherit the position of National Master. If Master Donghua fails to compete for the Grand Master, he can also inherit the position of Earth Master. Only Master Cihang failed in his bid to become the chief master, and it was difficult for him to inherit the position of Heavenly Master.

Although Xuan Sheng has abolished the rule that "no one with the surname Zhang can inherit the Heavenly Master", the Zhang family still has a great obsession with this, especially the direct descendants of the Zhang family, who are wary of the Zhang family's branches, not to mention He is a person with a foreign surname.

This is also the reason why the Zhang family has always been inferior to the Li family. The Li family can tolerate their adopted sons and sons-in-law being in charge of the family, and there are strong men from generation to generation. Even if they are suppressed and restricted by Xuansheng, they still develop rapidly. Now they have almost completely mastered Taiping Dao, and there is no second one. sound. However, the Zhang family could not even tolerate side branches. They still dominated the main lineage, but a lot of power was taken away by Cihang's lineage.

The only Celestial Master with a foreign surname, Yan Feiqing, was in the right place at the right time. He was not only the beloved disciple of the previous Celestial Master, but also a close friend of Xuan Sheng. His wife, Su Yunmei, was also the real Cihang of that generation. If we count further, Su Yunmei's master married Emperor Daxuan and became the stepmother of Mrs. Xuansheng. From this point of view, Yan Feiqing and Xuansheng are still brothers-in-law. In addition, the Zhang family had just deposed a heavenly master by Xuansheng, and their vitality was severely damaged. Yan Feiqing became the only heavenly master with a foreign surname.

After careful calculation, Yan Feiqing, whose surname was Tianshi at that time, had the title of master and disciple, the support of Xuan Sheng, the support of Cihang lineage, who played an important role in Zhengdao, and even the support of the royal family. In addition, at the time of Zhang Only when the family's vitality is seriously injured can they overwhelm the Zhang family's opposition and win the position of Heavenly Master. Today's Master Cihang can never be compared with the original Yan Feiqing, and the hope of inheriting the position of Heavenly Master is very slim. If there is a forceful struggle, it is likely to cause internal strife and division in the Zhengyi dynasty. But it is also a hidden danger for the Zhang family. The current generation of Celestial Masters are fashionable and easy-to-talk, and can suppress Master Cihang. However, when the Celestial Master ascends and dies, and a new Celestial Master comes to the throne, he may not be able to conquer Master Cihang. It is very likely that the two "kings" will stand side by side. In this way, both parties must find a balance point.

After thinking about it carefully, the most suitable candidate is Zhang Yuelu. She is a child of the Zhang family and a disciple of Master Cihang. If she is chosen to be the successor of the next generation of Tianshi, she can take into account the interests of the Zhang family and the Cihang lineage. The only drawback is that Zhang Yuelu is a branch of the Zhang family and not from a large family, but it is better than taking advantage of someone with a foreign surname.

This time Jinque sent Zhang Yuelu to thoroughly investigate the case, mainly because of the intention of Master Cihang. Although the national preceptor is the rotating master, a case in Zixian Mountain is not something that the rotating master can personally intervene in. It is even more impossible for the Imperial Master to take the initiative to ask, as that would make it appear that there is no silver in this place.

In fact, Jinque discussions also have levels. It is not necessary that all the counselors and the great masters of Zhangzhang are present. Sometimes, only twelve counselors are needed. This kind of discussion with an uneven number of people is called " "Small discussion" corresponds to the "medium discussion" of twenty-four people, and the "big discussion" of thirty-six people.

This time the major case of Zixian Mountain has reached the level of "minor discussion", and the person presiding over this "minor discussion" is Master Cihang.

Zhang Yuelu Xingwen Jiangnan Provincial Government actually represents the real person Cihang, so the Jiangnan Provincial Government has begun a thorough investigation of the Yanqing Chamber of Commerce. However, the internal affairs of Jiangnan Provincial Government are complicated and the progress is slow. However, as the Yuan family's elders and young ones committed suicide out of fear of crime, The inspection of Yanqing Chamber of Commerce is a foregone conclusion.

Qi Xuansu failed to leave in the end, and was half-forced by Zhang Yuelu to take him back to Jiangling Mansion. There was nothing he could do about it. If he didn't use sneak attacks and strange moves, then Qi Xuansu would not be Zhang Yuelu's opponent for the time being. However, Zhang Yuelu was not unkind. Before she came back, she helped Qi Xuansu search the woods, but there was still no trace of Liuhu, not even a horse's hoof print. It seemed that Liuhu had not entered the woods at all.

After the two returned to Jiangling Mansion, they went directly to Shenxiao Temple.

Pei Xiaolou also stayed at the largest Taoist temple in Jiangling Prefecture. When the Taoist boy said that Master Zhang was back, he immediately came out to greet him.

What Zhang Yuelu said when he saw Pei Xiaolou was: "Master Pei, do you see who I brought to you?"

Pei Xiaolou did not recognize Qi Xuansu after the disguise, but Qi Xuansu had already prepared for this. Before Zhang Yuelu finished speaking, he had already taken the initiative to salute and said: "Wei Wugui has seen the real person."

Pei Xiaolou was such a smart man. He understood immediately, nodded slightly and said, "The old prince asked about you."

Qi Xuansu felt ashamed and said: "I am incompetent and I have failed to fulfill my trust."

Zhang Yuelu raised his eyebrows, these two people were still acting.

If Wei Wugui was really Qin Wubing's personal soldier, then Qin Wubing would not care about him when he replied to the letter.

But if you check it now, you will definitely not find anything. Most of these people have already agreed on the same thing.

Zhang Yuelu did not point it out on the spot. After all, the most important thing at the moment was the Zixian Mountain case.

"Let's get down to business." Zhang Yuelu walked to the main hall first.

Pei Xiaolou and Qi Xuansu exchanged glances and said with a smile, "Yes, business is more important."

The three of them came to the living room and sat down separately. Pei Xiaolou and Zhang Yuelu sat on the left and right sides of the main seat respectively, and Qi Xuansu sat at the lower end of Pei Xiaolou's side.

Because Qi Xuansu was also an insider, the two of them did not shy away from him and roughly shared their experiences.

Qi Xuansu was shocked when he heard that the "Tianting" was actually involved behind the Yuan family. This time, in order to destroy the evidence, the "Tianting" dispatched a total of two heavenly beings. Calculating this, he has already met Marshal Feng and Uncle Feng from "Heavenly Court".

Marshal Feng belongs to the four marshals of wind, thunder, fire and electricity. Feng Bo is as famous as Rain Master, Thunder God and Lightning Mother. These are the eight heavenly beings. "Heavenly Court" also has three great heavenly officials and four great heavenly masters. There are more heavenly beings than can be counted on both hands, and their strength even exceeds that of some weaker local Taoist authorities. No wonder they dare to call themselves "heavenly court".

Qi Xuansu also learned one thing from the two people. The reason why the main altar of "Tian Ting" is located in Lingnan is because "Tian Ting" also needs to take care of Nanyang. The ancestors of "Tian Ting" are even from several small countries in Nanyang. The great protector of the country is a national master, and the several marshals under him are not boasting. They all have the false name of military marshals in those small countries in Southeast Asia.

After the two exchanged what they knew, Zhang Yuelu's perception of Pei Xiaolou changed greatly. Pei Xiaolou always gave people the impression of being unreliable. To put it nicely, it was called cynical, and to put it worse, he had no integrity. shape. However, Pei Xiaolou can still control this big issue of right and wrong.

Zhang Yuelu asked: "The next step is to go to Jiangzhou to check the assets of the Yanqing Chamber of Commerce. Will Mr. Pei go with him?"

Pei Xiaolou nodded and said, "I'll go with you naturally."

Zhang Yuelu glanced at Qi Xuansu inadvertently, but Qi Xuansu was sitting there very quietly, as if nothing had happened, with his eyes slightly closed, as if he was falling asleep.

Zhang Yuelu said softly: "Wei soldiers."

"Yes." Qi Xuansu opened his eyes suddenly and looked at Zhang Yuelu blankly.

Zhang Yuelu asked: "Wei Qinbing, do you want to go to Jiangzhou?"

"I was going to go." Qi Xuansu replied, "But Xiaohu is missing. I have to find her first."

"Xiao Hu, is that the little girl?" Zhang Yuelu asked.

Qi Xuansu nodded.

Zhang Yuelu looked at Pei Xiaolou again: "What does Mr. Pei mean?"

Pei Xiaolou said: "Let me tell you, this matter has nothing to do with Old Wei. As the saying goes, playing drums and selling candy, everyone does their own thing. We go to investigate the case, and he goes to find someone to do whatever he needs to do."

Zhang Yuelu was unwilling, but did not stop Qi Xuansu from finding someone.

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