Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 158 Two mothers-in-law

Xu Kou once served as a member of Qingluan Guard, and later transferred to Qizhou Daofu, and then transferred from Qizhou Daofu to Tiangangtang. The promotion route is clear at a glance. Unlike Qi Xuansu, his experience from the death of his master to the time he entered Tiangang Hall was completely blank.

Xu Kou asked: "I don't know which friend of Qingluan Wei he is, maybe he is an old acquaintance of mine."

"Eighth Day Raising, I wonder if Brother Xu has heard of it?" Qi Xuansu had already thought of his words.

Xu Kou thought for a while: "The surname Eighth is rare, but I have some impression that there is indeed a commander named Eighth in the Qingjun Duwei Mansion. This friend of yours is probably this Lord Tongzhi." By the way, I haven’t asked you your name yet?”

Qi Xuansu said: "I am Wei Wugui. Now I am working for the men in black. I have been off recently to deal with some private matters."

"What a coincidence, I also took advantage of Xiu Mu to deal with some personal matters." Xu Kou said with a smile, "I said it was a private matter, but actually I wanted to go back to my hometown for a visit. This is the first time I have gone home since I went to Tiangang Hall. Although the Taoism has been issued. I have paid for the settlement fee and have a place to live in Yujing, but I always feel that it is just a temporary home, not a place where Ye Luo returns to his roots. Brother, you also know that people like us have entered the Requiem Division at some point, and we will still come back when we can. Come back as soon as possible.”

"That's right. When 'Yinglong' fell, I followed the general and was stationed not far from Cuowenbu. I witnessed it with my own eyes. Many people said no and disappeared. After the incident, I went to the lakeside specifically. I even met a real person during my trip." Qi Xuansu said something that was both true and false. Zhang Yuelu had already mastered these experiences of his, and he didn't care if Xu Kou knew about them.

Xu Kou hesitated for a moment: "Brother Wei, is the real person you are talking about male or female?"

"Female." Qi Xuansu said, "She looks about forty years old. She is very kind."

Xu Kou coughed lightly: "If I guess correctly, this master should be the new master of our Tiangang Hall, and one of the three masters who are expected to aspire to the title of grand master, Master Cihang."

Qi Xuansu blinked and seemed to have no reaction: "Cihang... Zhenren?"

"Yes, Master Cihang, I have never had the opportunity to meet him. I just heard that when Master Shangguan was attacked, Master Cihang who happened to return to Yujing rushed to the scene immediately." After all, Xu Kou is in charge of Tiangang Hall. , the people involved are all people from Tiangangtang, and the information is much better than Qi Xuansu who is wandering in the world.

Within the Taoist sect, male practitioners do account for the majority, but there are also quite a few female practitioners. In addition, after the fifth generation of great masters rectified the atmosphere, all the practitioners are of the same age, similar clothes, and similar immortal spirit. In addition, Shang Qi Xuansu did not see the scene of Master Cihang lifting "Yinglong" to the ground, so he really didn't think about Master Cihang. After all, there is a big difference between a real person and a real person, and the weight is even more different. Among real people, the difference between the top and bottom rankings is also very big.

Only then did Qi Xuansu know that the female person he saw in Cuowenbu that day was actually one of the top three Shenzhi people.

It was a shock, but it was over after all.

He then thought of one thing. Master Cihang was Zhang Yuelu's master.

He immediately understood how Zhang Yuelu knew his whereabouts. It turned out that there was a problem here. Since they are both master and disciple, and they are both women, they must communicate, and maybe the communication will be frequent. As soon as they communicated, Wei Wugui was discovered.

Qi Xuansu thought of another issue that had always existed but had been ignored by him. Master and apprentice are like father and son, and naturally master and apprentice are like mother and daughter. If he really wants to marry Zhang Yuelu, does he still have to pass the test of Master Cihang?

If this is really the case, then his life is really miserable. Everyone has one mother-in-law, so why should he have two mothers-in-law?

He couldn't even deal with a Tantai Qiong, but there was also Cihang, one of the thirty-six Masters of the Supreme Council. If Cihang really became the seventh-generation master, and Zhang Yuelu was in a better position, then he would only be able to deal with it. Becoming an ordinary second-grade Taiyi Taoist priest is a bit unsatisfactory. Is it possible that he has been pursuing the goal of knowing the real person like this?

That is Master Shenzhi, the master of a palace, the master of a hall, and the master of a palace. There are only so many positions, one carrot for each pit, excluding the death of the ascension, the death of the incarnation, and the promotion to the Master Shenzhi and the deputy head master. , Grand Master and other situations. In most cases, if someone wants to go up, someone has to come down. Cutting off a person's financial path is like killing his parents or cutting off his human rights. It is a blood feud that kills a whole family.

Even if someone vacates a position due to death or promotion, those positions have already been filled. For example, the position of Master Cihang is reserved for the Cihang lineage. It represents the interests of the entire Cihang lineage and cannot be taken away by others. . The same is true for Donghua lineage, Qingwei lineage, etc.

Or many people are staring at the fact that a dozen real people are competing for the position of a master of knowledge, which will inevitably involve a huge factional struggle within the Taoist sect, and it will be bloody.

This is not an exaggeration. Qi Xuansu has initially seen the horror of internal fighting in the Taoist sect from the fate of the Yuan family. No wonder Qiniang would say that the flash of swords and shadows on the rivers and lakes is nothing compared to the internal fighting of the Taoist sect. Even if a Taoist sect is ordered to exterminate the entire sect, they may not dare to take action. Even if a Taoist sect is to annihilate the entire sect, they will never say a word about it. The difference is that Jianghu pays more attention to the process, while Daomen pays more attention to the results.

Letting go of grudges with a smile, and never getting to know each other without fighting, is the romance that only exists in the world of martial arts. The Taoist sect pays attention to leaving three points of leeway. Unless it can kill with one blow, it will not open up and form a deadly feud. On the other hand, once you decide to take action, there is no room for recovery.

If there are no predecessors to pave the way, and you charge alone, even if you have realm and cultivation, it will still be a thorny road full of blood.

Qi Xuansu's original wish was just to be a decent ordinary real person.

Unknowingly, Qi Xuansu's thoughts gradually drifted away, and it wasn't until Xu Kou called out again that he came back to his senses.

"I didn't expect that it was Master Cihang. I was lucky enough to talk to such a big shot. I'm really flattered and made Brother Xu laugh." Qi Xuansu said apologetically.

"It's human nature. If I could meet such a big shot, I would probably do the same thing." After Xu Kou was taught a lesson by Zhang Yuelu and experienced a period of life in Yujing, he restrained a lot of his irritability and hostility. After all, he could There are not many people who are qualified to show their temper in Yujing.

Xu Kou turned his eyes to Liu Hu next to Qi Xuansu and asked, "Is this your beloved?"

The Taoist priests in the Taoist sect are all like old turtles. It is easy to live to be eighty or ninety years old. There are many who exceed the age of one hundred. Their life is long. But in today's world, the life span of ordinary people is still not very long. Seventy years has been rare in ancient times, and forty years old can be called an old man. Therefore, there are many people who give birth to children before they are twenty years old. If you give birth to a child at the age of fourteen or fifteen, and have a teenage daughter before the age of thirty, it barely makes sense.

Qi Xuansu coughed lightly: "I am a bachelor. How can I have such a big daughter? She is the daughter of an old brother. She was entrusted to me to send her to her aunt. This child calls me uncle."

Liu Hu said nothing and saluted Xu Kou.

"Brother Paoze." Xu Kou sighed. The Taoist priests of Tiangang Hall, Qingluan Guards, and the men in black are all deeply touched by this point. After all, they live and die together, no matter whether they are good or bad, the friendship is real.

Qi Xuansu did not explain his relationship with Bodhisattva Man, and was happy that Xu Kou misunderstood himself.

Qi Xuansu is a bachelor, and Xu Kou is also a bachelor. Xu Kou once had a wife, but she has passed away. Two bachelors were standing on the deck chatting. Looking around, there were many people with their families on the boat, including masters, wives, young ladies, and many children playing and playing on the deck. It was peaceful and peaceful, which made people accustomed to beatings. The two people who killed Shasha felt a little emotional and sad.

"It would be nice to have wine at this time." Xu Kou leaned on the railing and subconsciously shook the wine glass.

Qi Xuansu said: "Why, Brother Xu is feeling sad about the situation, and then he wants to drink to drown his sorrows?"

"I often wonder, what are we living in this world and working hard for?" Xu Kou seemed to be asking Qi Xuansu, but also seemed to be asking himself, "Ascension to immortality is too slim, and in the end we still live for a hundred years. If we are just living, we don't have to work so hard. But for pleasure and future, there will always be a day when we get tired of pleasure. No matter how high the future is, what's the use? As for Taoism or the world, that's it. I really don’t have this level of enlightenment in the Xuansheng realm.”

Qi Xuansu said: "This question... I really don't know how to answer it."

Xu Kou sighed: "That's why I have to think about it."

Qi Xuan Suruo said with emotion: "Indeed, people must have something to think about when they are alive."


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