Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 160 Haike and Sake

The iron ship has three floors, and many A-shaped rooms are on the third floor. There is a small hall on the second floor, which is similar to the layout of a restaurant. It has a variety of wine and food. It is different from the three meals a day, but it requires an additional charge.

Xu Kou said he wanted to drink, so he went to the second floor. Qi Xuansu didn't mind having a few drinks, but considering Liu Hu, he decided to send Liu Hu back to the room first, and then go to Xu Kou for a drink.

As soon as Qi Xuansu and Liu Hu went up the stairs, they met a person.

This man is dressed as a gentleman, which is a bit weird. Judging from his appearance, his skin is slightly rough and even a little black. These are all traces left by the wind and sun. He is far from a pampered gentleman. However, it is not absolute. Some gentry from well-off families like to travel around the world, and even go to sea personally. It is reasonable to be rough.

After all, today is no longer the era of Confucianism, where everyone is inferior but only good at reading, but the era of Taoism, where nature is valued.

It is also natural to walk around.

Qi Xuansu was looking at this person, and this person was also looking at Qi Xuansu and the two of them. His eyes swept across Liuhu beside Qi Xuansu, and landed on the "Dragon Fire Gun" on Qi Xuansu's waist, and his expression changed slightly.

The "Dragon Fire Gun" can only be distributed to generals in black who are guerrilla and above. Others who want the "Dragon Hand Gun" can only spend money to buy it. However, most of those who dare to openly wear a gun on their waist have a background in the imperial court or a Taoist sect, otherwise it is easy to get into trouble.

The man hesitated for a moment and asked tentatively: "Is this brother a man in black?"

"Exactly." Qi Xuansu nodded.

"No wonder, no wonder." The man nodded, "There are not many people on land who dare to openly carry firecrackers."

Qi Xuansu asked with great interest: "On land...does everyone at sea carry a firecracker?"

"Absolutely. After all, we are far away from the land and have no official duties. We have to rely on ourselves for everything. We not only have to guard against pirates, but sometimes we also have to guard against our own people. Fire, guns and swords are indispensable." The man touched his waist and said, " To be honest, I have been an old sea visitor for many years. I didn’t expect that after I came back, the court would not allow me to carry firearms with me. Those old friends who have been with me for many years can only keep them at home, which is quite uncomfortable. "

In the past, private possession of crossbows and armor was considered treason. Now, armored crossbows and bright yellow colors have been lifted, and various firearms are mainly restricted.

As for the talisman armor that can withstand firearms, the craftsmanship requirements are extremely high. It is the proud work of Daomen Tianji Hall, and is as famous as the Lingguan armor of Huasheng Hall. People who can be restricted by the imperial ban cannot imitate this kind of armor, and people who can imitate this kind of armor don't care about the imperial ban at all.

Qi Xuansu smiled: "I, Wei Wugui, haven't you asked me your name?"

"Wang Baoyue." The man took out an iron box from his sleeve pocket, took out a piece of paper flue-cured tobacco and handed it to Qi Xuansu.

"Sorry, no." Qi Xuansu waved his hand and asked with interest, "Brother said that he is an old sea traveler. Where have he been?"

In fact, Qi Xuansu is quite interested in overseas affairs. There has been a craze for going overseas. It is said that the New World has gold and silver mountains. In addition, many people who go overseas have indeed made a fortune, which makes Qi Xuansu feel very itchy. After all, He has no parents or elders above him, no children below him, and no wife or brothers among him. Qiniang does not need him to worry about, so he really has nothing to worry about. In addition, Qi Xuansu had not yet had the opportunity to return to Daomen at that time. He was alone and could go wherever he went, so he thought of going to sea.

Only later did Qi Xuansu realize that nowadays, no more than in the early years, going to sea requires capital. Only by purchasing a batch of goods, taking them on board a ship, and then heading to the West and the New World can one make a fortune. If you are alone, you can only do some work as a sailor to earn hard money.

Young people always have ambitions and arrogance at the same time. Qi Xuansu refused to be a sailor who could be manipulated by others. He was also extremely poor and had no capital, so he wanted to ask Qiniang for a loan. As a result, Qiniang scolded, ridiculed, and She taught and scolded him, saying that he was not a businessman at all, so he should just stay and wait for her to find a way out, and maybe she could arrange a suitable job for him.

Qi Xuansu didn't have the temperament to fight with his elders or God. After being scolded by Qiniang, he gave up the idea of ​​going to sea to make a fortune. In the end, Qiniang really didn't lie to him. After many twists and turns, he let him enter. After entering Tiangang Hall, he met Zhang Yuelu and had a bright future. As for encountering an accident and having to hide his identity, that is a story for another day.

Qi Xuansu was still touched when he thought of this past dream, and he still had longing for the overseas world.

Wang Baoyue is indeed an old sea traveler. He briefly talked about the places he has been to, and introduced the customs and customs of each place, including the Japanese knives and gold of Fenglin Island, the wood and rubber of Borneo, and the saris and essence of Borneo. Qi Xuansu was fascinated by Western firearms and ships, as well as tobacco and silver from the New World.

Qi Xuansu even thought that if he couldn't return to Taoism, he could go to sea and maybe become a wealthy sea businessman.

The two got chatting, and Qi Xuansu suggested: "It's fate that we meet. There is a small hall on the second floor. I happen to have a friend drinking there. How about we go and have a table together? I'll treat you."

Wang Baoyue waved his hand and said: "Forget it this time. Next time, next time."

Qi Xuansu said: "It is better to choose a day than to hit it. Today is the day."

Wang Baoyue said: "Brother Wei's friends may not be my friends. A thousand glasses of wine is too little to meet a close friend, and half a sentence without speculation is more than enough. Let's forget it. If Brother Wei really wants to drink, why not go to my room and let me I just happened to bring a bottle of Fenglinzhou sake. Compared with our rice wine, white wine, and Western red wine, it’s hard to say which one is better, but it has a different taste. "

Qi Xuansu thought for a moment, patted Liu Hu, and said: "Xiao Hu, go tell Uncle Xu and let him drink by himself. I won't accompany him. Then you go back to your room without waiting for me."

Liu Hu nodded obediently, turned and left.

Wang Baoyue had a smile on his face and stretched out a hand: "Brother Wei, please."

Wang Baoyue's room was also a first-class room. It was very spacious and divided into inside and outside. There was a bedroom inside and a small living room outside, with a table, chairs, and carpets. It was very exquisite.

The two sat down separately. Wang Baoyue took out a fashionable green glass wine bottle and two snake-eye cups, and explained with a smile: "Actually, the term 'sake' was passed down from our Central Plains, "Tianguan Wine" "Zheng" has a saying: The first is wine, the second is wine, and the third is wine. Wine is drunk when there is something to do, and wine is drunk when there is nothing. After Fenglinzhou, its appearance has changed. Although it is still called sake, it is no longer the same kind of wine as our Central Plains sake. Sake is afraid of light and will change color after being exposed to light for a long time, so it is best to pour it out. Drink it all in one go.”

While talking, Wang Baoyue filled a cup for Qi Xuansu.

Qi Xuansu picked up the wine glass and took a look. It was really as clear as water, with no turbidity in sight.

Wang Baoyue poured himself another glass of wine, then picked up the snake-eye cup with spiral stripes on the bottom: "Brother Wei, please." After saying that, he took a sip first, looked at the bottom of the cup, and looked at Qi Xuansu.

Qi Xuansu had never drunk this kind of Japanese wine, but he was still very interested. He drank the wine in one gulp and then took a look at the bottom of the cup.

As for the taste, it has a slight fragrance and a hint of sweetness, so women and children can also drink it. When it comes to women, he can't help but think of Zhang Yuelu. She probably doesn't like this kind of wine, it's too soft. She prefers strong alcoholic drinks.

"Brother Wei, you are very happy." Wang Baoyue filled Qi Xuansu's cup again, and the two exchanged cups, and the atmosphere gradually became lively.

Wang Baoyue continued to tell Qi Xuansu stories about the sea, and the bottle of sake quickly ran out.

Qi Xuansu did not deliberately resist the power of the wine, enjoying the feeling of being tipsy. He accidentally touched the chopsticks on the ground and leaned over to pick them up.

Then Qi Xuansu discovered that there was a dark red and almost black color on the carpet. Ordinary people may not care about it, but for Qi Xuansu, an old man in the world, this color is very familiar. It is the color of blood.

Sake will change color when exposed to light for a long time, and the same goes for blood. Over time, the color will turn black. Judging from the degree of blackening, it seems that it was not a long time ago.

Qi Xuansu suddenly woke up a little and slowly straightened up.

I saw a black hole.

He often pointed a firecracker at other people's heads, but he didn't have many experiences of being pointed at other people's heads with a firecracker.


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