Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 184 Confused

After Lei Xiaohuan and four other people arrived at Jinling Mansion by flying boat, they were personally greeted by the real person in charge of Jiangnan Dao Mansion. Then Lei Xiaohuan, Lu Yushu, Li Mingzhi, and Li Mingcheng went to Zhenwu Temple and met Zhang Yuelu who had been waiting here. , Bai Yingqiong, and Pei Xiaolou met and officially began to investigate the case.

These days, the case regarding the Yanqing Chamber of Commerce is progressing fairly smoothly. Although the Yuan family was destroyed and a large number of account books were destroyed, the Yanqing Chamber of Commerce has been in business for many years and has a wide range of involvements. If we really want to investigate, it is not impossible to start.

This is Lei Xiaohuan's first time working with Zhang Yuelu. Before, he had only heard of his name for a long time. After a few days of contact, Lei Xiaohuan had to admit that it was not unreasonable for Zhang Yuelu to hold a high position at such a young age.

In terms of attitude alone, none of the six old men could compare to the newcomer Zhang Yuelu. After reaching heaven and earth, sleep is usually replaced by Qi training, meditation, meditation, etc., but it is still habitually called falling asleep. Usually when they were getting ready to fall asleep, the lights were still on in Zhang Yuelu's room. When they got up early in the morning, Zhang Yuelu had not rested yet. He stayed up all night for several days in a row. Even with the support of realm cultivation, he couldn't work so hard. .

For those who didn’t know, they thought she had a deep grudge against the Yanqing Chamber of Commerce.

In fact, Zhang Yuelu herself knew that she had no deep grudge against the Yanqing Chamber of Commerce. Although Qi Xuansu said that her heart was bright, beauty was in the eyes of lovers. She was not a saint, she had selfish motives and thoughts, and she was a young man. It's far from being iron-willed.

Qi Xuansu's death was a big blow to Zhang Yuelu, but Zhang Yuelu also understood that she couldn't be miserable and crying like a charming lady all day long. She had to cheer up and not show any weakness.

In a sense, this is also a test. Why can you be in a high position?

To put it mildly, Tiangang Hall is the sharp sword of the Taoist sect. No one can die in a battle. As the deputy hall master of Tiangang Hall, he has a huge responsibility on his shoulders. If someone dies, he will cry and yell for revenge. This battle will be There is no way to fight.

Speaking at a higher level, the Taoist sect’s Grand Master is responsible for the fate of the entire Taoist sect. If the Taoist sect and the Holy Court are at war, and the Holy Court captures the Grandmaster’s lover, the Grandmaster will become angry and drag the entire Taoist sect with him. Trying your best is a dereliction of duty and irresponsible to the Taoist sect. It is undoubtedly not acceptable.

The great master is the great master of the Taoist sect, and the Taoist sect is not the Taoist sect of the great master.

For Taoist people, being emotional is a sign of immaturity and a huge demerit.

Nowadays, Master Qingwei, Master Cihang, and Master Donghua are vying for the position of Grand Master. If any of them makes a fuss about being a beauty, it is equivalent to voluntarily withdrawing from the competition for Grand Master.

People in the Taoist sect can accept an emperor-like master who is dictatorial, a sage-like master who forgets all love, or a Wuwei master who rules from the top down, but they cannot accept this kind of master. A weak and emotional leader.

Zhang Yuelu was too dazzling, with countless pairs of eyes staring at her. If she still wanted to implement her ideals, then she had to hide her weakness and sadness.

So Zhang Yuelu came up with a way to divert his attention through various things. Put all your energy into various affairs and temporarily forget your sorrow.

But whenever it was quiet at night, she couldn't help but think of Qi Xuansu when she was alone.

In fact, she was a little confused, how could the two people become a couple inexplicably?

Aren't they the unparalleled heroes descending from the sky on colorful auspicious clouds?

Aren't they just sharing the same boat to take shelter from the rain?

None of these.

Looking back carefully, the first time the two met was in a weapons shop. The real intersection was when they were misunderstood as a Taoist couple by mistake, and were dragged to a wedding to drink together.

Not romantic, not freehand, but interesting.

Next, the two met again because of the file matter. It was obvious that at that time, he didn't have any ideas, and was more defensive. She did have some interest, but it was just an interest.

Then he went to the Western Regions to kill Diswein.

After these things, she felt quite fond of him, but it was hard to say how much she liked him.

But it was precisely because of this good impression that she came up with an extremely bold idea, which was to take him home and stop her mother's mouth.

Now it seemed that this was a bad idea, but it was difficult for her to explain clearly what her mentality was when she made such a decision.

Is it just to stop my mother's mouth? In fact, she could still ask Master Cihang. Master also had the right to speak out about her marriage, and because of Cihang's special status, his weight was not light. As long as the master comes forward, the mother will definitely compromise.

So, how much weight does this good feeling play in it?

She herself couldn't explain it clearly.

As they embarked on their way home together, various sudden changes seemed to indicate that this trip was destined to not have a good outcome, but neither of them believed this, and they experienced life and death along the way.

But it was these experiences of life and death that quickly brought the relationship between the two closer.

She felt that she actually quite liked him.

Why not?

Do you have to be from an aristocratic family and be of a high level to be worthy of being liked?

So she wanted to go back on her word. She wanted to apologize to him and stop this ridiculous plan. She didn't want him to go to her home at this time, but he refused.

Of course, she could feel that he had also changed. He was no longer defensive and became eager and somewhat proactive in catering to her. At first, she mistakenly thought that this kind of catering was because the two of them had similar interests. Later, she gradually figured out that this kind of catering was probably just because of liking.

If he didn't like it, he wouldn't provoke the Lingshan Witch Cult, wouldn't take risks in Yishan City, and wouldn't have his arm broken in Baidi City.

An old Jianghu must be well versed in the way of protecting oneself wisely. It is only the impulse between men and women that makes people blindly impulsive.

It's just that he is very restrained and is unwilling to lose himself by catering without limit.

Finally, the two arrived at Shangqing Mansion and returned to their home in Yunjin Mountain.

The attitudes of cousin Zhang Yuyue and mother Tantai Qiong are expected and reasonable. But before that, she had always been somewhat lucky. The two completely shattered her luck and made her very angry.

On the contrary, he was very calm, seemed to have expected it, and even laughed.

Because of this, Zhang Yuelu did not want to stay at home and would return to Yujing as soon as the New Year was over.

This became her biggest regret and regret.

This trip still had the worst outcome.

At the last moment, Qi Xuansu jumped hard and gave her the last chance of life.

When things come to an end, you have to let go, but it’s not that easy to do.

Although she didn't like regrets, she thought more than once, what would it be like if she didn't take him home for the New Year?

Probably everything is still fine, she will promote him to be the boss, and he must be very happy, because the boss will get additional subsidies, and he is always sensitive and careless about Taiping money.

She will not take the initiative to ask to leave Yujing to suppress the secret society, so the two of them will have more time to get along. In their free time, they can visit Taiqing City, watch new plays, or play Xuan Sheng cards.

Or maybe she won't be alone in this investigation, and naturally she won't be so desperate. They can take a walk around to appreciate the scenery of Jinling during their leisure time, such as the Sage Temple, Dabaoen Temple, Yanziji, and Yuhuatai.

Unlike today, she rarely leaves Zhenwu Temple and lives in seclusion. When she goes out occasionally, she only catches people.

She also believes in his ability and will be able to wear the sword of wisdom one day. If they go home together at that time, it may be a different situation. Maybe his mother is willing to put on a kind face and be a little more polite. Maybe he and his father can become a lifelong friend. Maybe the two of them can go into the Dazhen Mansion together to see the Heavenly Master instead of her going to see the Heavenly Master alone. Teacher, he can only wait outside.

It was late at night, the lights were turned off, and the mercury-like moonlight shone in through the window.

Zhang Yuelu pushed aside the various files on the table, leaving a small space, and then lay on the table, burying his mouth in his arms, leaving only a pair of eyes exposed.

Because his mouth was covered, he made some loud noises: "I have a bad temper, and I am not gentle or considerate. I know that many people say that I am domineering and pretentious behind my back. If I just leave it alone, How many people are willing to deal with me in various capacities? "

She blinked: "What about you, why do you like me?"

She was the only one here, so naturally no one answered.

She asked herself and answered: "You can't tell, right? Actually, I can't tell either. You can't explain clearly, it's confusing, right?"

"If I had a choice, I would rather not have met you, then you would not accompany me to Yunjin Mountain. I am still me, and you are still you."

"You are the most stupid person in the world. Why would you risk your life for an unpleasant woman? Isn't it better to be alive?"


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