Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 196 Nine-layer Tower

There are also many factions within the Li family, especially the princes who are outside the Taoist sect, each with their own troops.

There are few men under Li Tianyue's command, and most of them are women.

It's not that Li Tianyue has any prejudice against men, but that the Li family considers the Daqi royal family as their ancestors, and Li Tianyue admires Princess Pingyang the most. Historical records show that at the beginning of Emperor Gaozu's rebellion in Daqi, the third daughter Princess Pingyang dispersed the family wealth and attracted people from the mountains. He fled and raised an army to respond to Emperor Gaozu. The name of the camp was "Women's Army".

In addition, there was a Xiao Yan in the Golden Horde. He was beautiful, intelligent, good at singing and dancing, excellent in martial arts, well versed in military strategy, and knowledgeable about political affairs. He assisted the Khan in governing political affairs and successfully eliminated the Central Plains After many years of war with the Golden Horde, border trade was achieved. She often traveled with a group of female soldiers, which people at the time called the "Women's Army."

Although Li Tianyue was depressed and could neither fight on the battlefield nor open and close temples, but because of her ambition and feelings when she was young, she still followed the example of the ancients, put women in high positions, and formed a "women's army" that only took orders from her.

Princess Pingyang's "Women's Army" was called the "Women's Army" just because the coach was a woman. However, the "Women's Army" formed by Li Tianyue was more similar to Xiaolan's "Women's Army". From the coach to the soldiers, they were all women.

Because of this, the guards of Wutong Court here are not men, but women. They can be disguised as servants and various maids, making it difficult for people to distinguish.

These women were all adopted by Li Tianyue when they were young, and then taught according to their aptitude. For a beauty like Li Qingnu, she hired famous teachers to teach her music, chess, calligraphy, painting, singing, dancing, and waiting. People with ordinary looks practiced martial arts and became a member of Li Tianyue's "Women's Army".

As for Li Qingnu, at first, Li Tianyue just felt that the rare item was valuable and did not want to give it away easily. He always wanted to keep it for a while. However, as time went by, he developed some feelings for it and was reluctant to give it away.

Li Tianyue never married and had no children, so she regarded Li Qingnu as half a daughter. Considering that she was getting older, she also wanted to find a suitable candidate to inherit her position, so Li Qingnu became The adopted daughter of the Li family, just because Li Tianyue has not yet made up her mind, Li Qingnu is now just an anonymous adopted daughter.

It will be completely different when Li Qingnu officially becomes the adopted daughter of the Li family. At least Lu Yunfeng will not dare to blatantly threaten Li Qingnu anymore, because registering her name means being included in the family tree. Lu Yunfeng will not say anything about spending one night with him. His words were a slap in the face of the Li family. There were not many people in the Li family who dared to slap him, but Lu Yunfeng was definitely not among them.

As for the conflict between Li Tianzhen and Zhang Yuelu, in addition to the fact that the Li family and Zhang family have equal status, the key is that Li Tianzhen took the initiative to stir up trouble. In the situation of "well-matched", one still has to be reasonable, and being unreasonable means being unreasonable.

At this time, there were two women dressed as maids guarding Li Qingnu's boudoir.

"The old master is not here, but she pretends to be the master in a big way. She organizes martial arts meetings, makes friends with people in the world, and bosses us around." A maid with a hanging bun wrapped her black hair with her fingers and complained. road.

"A'ling, just stop saying a few words." Another maid glanced at her, "In the past there was only 'master', and there was never an 'old master'. Now that there is an old master, naturally there will be a young master, and you yourself With one mouthful of 'Old Master', the matter has already become obvious."

A Ling sighed: "Xiaohong, I know, of course I know. But I just can't accept it. Why should she? Just because she looks good?"

"That's enough." Xiaohong said coldly, "Let's stop talking here. What do you mean by good looks? If you have the courage, tell the lady in person. Or, wait for the old master to come back, you go and talk to the old master explain."

A Ling suddenly stopped talking.

Xiaohong slowed down her tone: "There are beauties every year, but how many of them can be famous all over the imperial capital? Some people are born to be banished to immortals, some are born to be human beings, and some are born to rule the country and the city. This is their family. The biggest reliance. If you can’t envy us, you can’t force yourself to do it. We just have to do our part.”

A'ya felt very aggrieved, but what Xiaohong said was both true and reasonable, and it was hard for her to refute, so she could only sit there and sulk, but her temper was so aggrieved that she held it in for a while, and then spoke again : "Xiaohong, what do you think the relationship between these two people is?"

"Who?" Xiaohong asked knowingly.

A Ling pursed her lips toward the boudoir behind her: "Of course it's the one inside."

Xiaohong still pretended to be stupid: "Didn't I say that we are sworn brothers and sisters?"

"Come on, I don't believe it." A Ling sneered, "If you ask me, I'm just a lover. If you weren't a lover, how could you be so desperate? Even if you don't hesitate to offend Lu Yunfeng? By the way, do you think the old master knows about this? "

Xiao Hong said calmly: "What does the old master not know? Does the young lady dare to hold a martial arts meeting and entertain guests in such a big way, as if she wants to hide it from the old master?"

A Ling originally wanted to discuss the matter and report it to her old master, but after hearing this, she could only smile.

Yes, there was such a big news, why would she be used as a whistleblower? It would be weird if the old master didn't know about it.

While the two were talking, Qi Xuansu had already woken up from his delirium.

He absorbed 90% of the medicinal power of a "blood pill".

The stage of returning to one’s true nature is the last stage of an innate person, and it is also the last threshold to a heavenly being. This leads to a huge span in this stage. Compared with the initial stage of returning to one’s true nature and the end of returning to one’s true nature, the gap is so big that they are like two realms. .

At this point, the stage of the innate person's return to his true nature is very similar to the stage of creation of the heavenly person.

The creation stage is the last stage of heavenly beings, and it is also the last threshold to become immortals. There is no essential difference between the first stage of creation and the end of creation. There is only a difference in the depth of cultivation, but the span is so large that it even gives rise to a whole new realm - -The outstanding ones in the stage of creation of heavenly beings are respectfully called "false immortals", which means false immortals. Although it has a slightly derogatory meaning, they are not mortals after all. They have the hope of immortality and are about to attain enlightenment.

Although the return to truth stage does not lead to a new realm like the creation stage, it is divided into nine small stages, called the Nine Layers.

There is no difference in magical powers or supernatural powers in these small stages, they just indicate the depth of cultivation.

In other words, the magical powers that the Guizhen Nine-Level Tower can possess can also be found in the Guizhen First-Level Tower. The only difference lies in the depth of cultivation.

Li Changge, Yao Pei, Zhang Yuelu and others are all in the Nine-Layer Tower in the stage of returning to the true state, and are only one step away from being a human being. In fact, Jiuzhonglou is a very subtle stage. It has the highest position in the entire return to truth stage, but it is also the shortest. Anyone who enters this stage, except for a few people, will successfully enter it in a few months or in a year or two. God. Zhang Yuelu was busy with various mundane affairs and dispersed a lot of energy, so he was already relatively slow.

Xie Qiuniang and others don't have nine-story buildings, but they also have eight-story buildings. Most of Lu Yunfeng's retinues have first- and second-level buildings. Among them, Lu Long has the highest cultivation level, with about three-level buildings.

As for Qi Xuansu, the situation is very complicated. Just talking about his personal cultivation, it is very ordinary, that is, between the first floor and the second floor of Guizhen. However, if you include the incomplete inheritance of alchemists and martial arts, Qi Xuansu has three majors. He has a long inheritance and is a man who has experienced hundreds of battles, which allows him to often exert combat power comparable to the sixth level of Guizhen Tower, or even the seventh level of Guizhen Tower.

However, there is also a huge disadvantage, which is probably due to the lack of the witchcraft inheritance and the alchemist inheritance. The martial arts inheritance and the alchemist inheritance have never been integrated with the Sanren inheritance, and Qi Xuansu has not become a true banished immortal. More importantly, the cultivation of these warriors and alchemists cannot be improved through conventional means such as practicing or taking elixirs. They can only be enhanced through "mysterious jade", which is very fatal.

The gain of "Xuan Jade" is of course a good thing. Not only can it enhance the inheritance obtained through "Xuan Jade", but it can also absorb the rain and dew, improving Qi Xuansu's own realm. This is the key to Qi Xuansu's advancement into the Jade Cauldron Realm and the Holy Embryo Realm. However, "Xuan Jade" is too precious, so we cannot place all our hopes on "Xuan Jade".

If Qi Xuansu wants to be promoted to a heavenly being, he still has to rely on his natal inheritance as a lay person. Only this part can be promoted normally.

That is, the Sanren Holy Embryo Realm in the first floor of Guizhen.

However, the effectiveness of "Blood Pill" was far beyond Qi Xuansu's expectations. It allowed him to jump through five small stages, jumping directly from the first floor to the sixth floor. Taking into account the inheritance of martial arts and alchemists, he faced Zhang Yuelu. , the two of them tried their best to attack, and they dared not claim victory. It should not be a problem to deal with one or two.

After his cultivation greatly increased, Qi Xuansu's six senses became more and more sharp, and he could clearly hear the conversation between the two people outside. Although it was funny, he also somewhat understood Li Qingnu's situation. No wonder she wanted to join the Qingping Association.


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