Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 7 Confession (Part 1)

Now that Zhang Yuelu knew everything, Qi Xuansu had nothing to hide, so he started from the beginning while drinking.

Of course it didn't start when he woke up in the Xingxiu Sea, but when he was rescued by Donghua Zhenren.

Except for the different beginning, everything that follows is Qi Xuansu's personal experience.

Qi Xuansu first talked about meeting the eighth Tianyang at the Feilong Inn in Yanze and his grudge with the "Tianting".

Then he talked about being "ordered" to go to Cuowenbu to investigate Bai Yutang, and by chance, he saw the fall of "Yinglong" and also saw the real person Cihang.

Qi Xuansu couldn't help but sigh: "I didn't expect at the time that it would be Master Cihang. The reason why my identity was exposed was probably because of Master Cihang."

Zhang Yuelu did not deny it, and slowly explained: "When I was exchanging letters with Master, Master mentioned in the letter that she once met a person by the lake in Cuowenbu. He called himself Wei Wugui, but he possessed Taoist skills. , impressed her."

"I just felt that everything was connected. You met Feilong Inn who was raised in Yanze on the eighth day, and worked together to kill the people of the 'Tianting'. Then you went to Xiping Mansion and participated in the 'Eagle and Dog Killing Conference' , then went to the West Gobi, saw Qin Wubing, and appeared at the lakeside of Cuowenbu, and met my master once. After you left Cuowenbu, you were chased by Feng Bo and went to Xijing Mansion. , with the help of Taoist power, he forced Uncle Feng back, and met Master Pei again. "

"You left Xijing Mansion and went to Zhongzhou. You met Wan Xiuwu on the way and killed Wan Xiuwu. Then you entered the Ghost Pass with Master Pei's token and saw three evil creatures. After passing the pass, you came to Longmen Mansion , left quickly, and finally appeared in Zixian Mountain, met the eighth day Yang again, and helped the eighth day Yang solve the case. "

"Am I right?" Zhang Yuelu looked at Qi Xuansu.

Qi Xuansu's shock was not fake, he could only say: "Awesome, I admire him."

Zhang Yuelu asked curiously: "I still don't understand a few points. If you can answer it, just answer it. If you can't answer it, I won't force you."

Qi Xuansu said, "It's okay to ask."

"Then I really ask." Zhang Yuelu said.

"Just ask." Qi Xuansu said.

Zhang Yuelu carefully considered his words: "What did you do in Guiguan?"

Qi Xuansu sighed: "It's a long story. Do you know the Taoist sect's plan to replenish the banished immortals?"

Zhang Yuelu was stunned and said thoughtfully: "I have some impressions that it seems to be related to Sanren."

Qi Xuansu explained: "The five major inheritances of Taoism correspond to the five immortals of heaven, earth, humans, gods, and ghosts. Xuansheng only integrates the five inheritances, and is not created out of thin air. Before Xuansheng, the five inheritances have existed for many years, but they are not systematic. That’s it. Only Sanren is a legacy that was forcibly created by the Taoist sect. The original intention was to use human power to create immortals, but it failed, but it was not a complete failure. Due to a combination of circumstances, the inheritance of Sanren was achieved. "

"Theoretically speaking, a Sanren can also become a banished immortal, but it requires something extremely valuable to make up for the innate deficiencies and change the talent. Just like the finishing touch, the banished immortal is a real dragon, while the Sanren is a fake dragon drawn according to the real dragon. , to be able to fake something real, it only needs the finishing touch to transform into a real dragon. This extremely precious thing is the finishing touch.”

"Do you remember Bon Temple?"

Zhang Yuelu is an extremely smart person, and he has already vaguely understood: "That time... I was entangled by Xie Qiuniang, you were plotted by Monk Yanxiu, and you encountered the magical power of Wu Luo. I was really afraid that you would be left in Yulan I didn’t come out of the temple. If that were the case, I’m afraid my conscience would be uneasy for the rest of my life.”

"Not long after, you reached the Yuxu stage of cultivation. After your moving Buddha statue was broken, there was a bead inside, like the legendary demon pill. After Yanxiu attacked you, you After swallowing the bead, not only did his injuries heal, but his cultivation level increased greatly, and he escaped from the Bon Temple in one breath. "

Qi Xuansu sighed: "I lied to you at that time. It was not a demon pill, but a piece of jade. Later I found out that that kind of thing is called 'Xuan Jade'. Because of Wu Luo's magical power, 'Xuan Jade' has nothing to do with me." Fusion brings my realm to a higher level.”

Zhang Yuelu raised his eyebrows: "Why did you lie to me?"

Qi Xuansu said: "Because it is related to Wu Luo's divine power, I am afraid that I will be related to the secret society and then be exterminated by you."

A lie always has to be fulfilled with more lies. Qi Xuansu felt helpless and sad, but he had no regrets and no room for regrets. Who told him that he was already a member of the Qingping Society before he met Zhang Yuelu?

No matter what, he didn't want Zhang Yuelu to know that he was actually a member of the Qingping Society. Killing Wan Xiuwu was one thing, but joining a secret society was another matter. Even if he didn't really volunteer, he didn't dare to bet on Zhang Yuelu. How will you react? He believed that there would come a day when he would break away from the Qingping Society. At that time, he would be able to face Zhang Yuelu openly and let these unbearable past events go.

Zhang Yuelu snorted slightly, expressing his dissatisfaction.

Qi Xuansu went to hold her hand again.

Zhang Yuelu did not dodge and let him hold her. It seemed that he was not really angry, or not very angry.

Qi Xuansu breathed a sigh of relief and continued: "Later, I found the location of Bai Yutang. It was not in the West Gobi of Cuowenbu, but in the East Oasis of Cuowenbu. However, when I went there, they were already there. The building is empty, only this piece of 'Xuan Jade' is left."

"I suspect it is related to the Huashengtang workshop in Cuowenbu. You should know that the reason why Shangguan Jingzhenren appeared in Cuowenbu on the 'Yinglong' was to suppress the out-of-control 'Big Asura' in the workshop. I was In order to investigate the matter, I infiltrated the team of the 'Inn' and was also present at the scene. I also fished in troubled waters and obtained a 'Blood Pill'. The 'Great Asura' was probably manipulated by people from Bai Yutang."

"By the way, there is a letter next to the 'Xuan Jade'. It was left by the people from Bai Yutang to the people from the Qing Ping Hui. It probably means that this 'Xuan Jade' was the one that the two families had agreed to give to the Qing Ping Hui." Because something unexpected happened and the Daomen discovered the trace, Bai Yutang had to retreat early, so he left the 'Xuanyu' here, waiting for the people from the Qingpinghui to come and collect it. "

Zhang Yuelu couldn't help but laugh and said: "In the end, by some strange combination of circumstances, you cut off my beard."

Qi Xuansu nodded and continued: "I left Cuowenbu with this piece of 'Xuan Jade'. You all know what happened next. I was first chased by Feng Bo and went to Xijing Mansion, because Pei Zhenren and The relationship between Master Donghua and Master Lei means that Master Pei knows my identity. I am recovering from my injuries at Master Pei’s place. Master Lei is my immediate superior and he also taught me the ‘Tantai Boxing Intention’.”

"Later, when I left Xijing Mansion, I ran into Wan Xiuwu on the road. You must have investigated our grievances clearly. When I saw that he was alone, I became angry and evil, and had a ten-minute fight with him. It was a fair fight between life and death. It was probably because Lao Wan had enjoyed a lot in recent years and was unfamiliar with his skills, so he died in my hands."

"I knew that Wuxu Palace would not easily let go of Wan Xiuwu's murderer, so I did the opposite and went to the Ghost Pass, and then I saw the three evil creatures."

"But one thing I have to explain is that it was not me who took the initiative to see them. It was the piece of 'Xuan Jade' that inexplicably brought me into the cave of the ghost country. Then I saw the three great evil beings, namely Mr. Yin and Wan. Master, Madam Bai. From them, I learned that the 'Xuan Jade' must be opened with divine power and is the key to completing the banished immortal. They helped me open the 'Xuan Jade', but they also asked me to do a favor for them."

Qi Xuansu honestly told everything about his experiences in the Ghost Kingdom and Cave Heaven.

In his opinion, there is indeed nothing that cannot be said. After all, the three major evil beings are also members of the Taoist sect, and it is not a taboo matter to interact with them.

As expected, after Zhang Yuelu heard this, he didn't have much reaction. He just said thoughtfully: "So that's it."


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