Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 41 Banishing the Immortal

In fact, most of the onlookers couldn't see much of the method. There was no wind, sand, rocks, fire and thunder. It was just three moves and two moves. It was really suspected of being a trick.

But only those involved can understand the tremendous pressure Zhang Yuelu brought.

At this time, Xu Kou was unable to move forward or retreat. Even if he could retract the fist he had punched, he could not do it. He seemed to be stuck in the mud.

Zhang Yuelu asked softly: "Heaven, earth, humans, gods, ghosts, do you know why heaven is ranked first?"

Of course Xu Kou understood what Zhang Yuelu meant. Heavenly Immortals were the first of the five immortals, and the end of the banished immortals was Heavenly Immortals.

Zhang Yuelu is a genuine banished immortal.

Only at this moment did Xu Kou understand why the Da Zhen people valued a banished immortal so much.

Xu Kou was about to speak, but Zhang Yuelu didn't want to listen to him anymore, and the palm that held Xu Kou's fist suddenly twisted.

A series of sounds of broken bones were heard, and Zhang Yuelu actually twisted Xu Kou's hand off as a price for Xu Kou's blatant provocation to her, the deputy hall leader.

Xu Kou's face suddenly turned pale, veins popped up on his forehead, and cold sweat oozed out. However, he was indeed a man, and he gritted his teeth without making any sound.

Logically speaking, warriors in the Yuxu stage have a realm derived from flesh and blood, and can quickly recover from physical injuries. Xu Kou is already in the Return to True stage, but his broken hand shows no sign of healing.

Xu Kou could clearly feel that when Zhang Yuelu broke off his palm, he also injected a foreign energy into his body, preventing his body from healing on its own, but it still couldn't be resolved, which was very strange.

Is this the power of banishing immortals?

Zhang Yuelu slowly let go and said calmly: "Two choices. The first choice is, I will give you a month's leave to recover from your injuries. After you recover, you can come back and continue to be my deacon. The second choice, from where? Come on, go back to where you are, you can leave now.”

Xu Kou held his broken right hand with his good left hand. After a long silence, he whispered: "Thank you, Deputy Hall Master, for your kindness. Xu Kou is the deacon of Tiangang Hall, and he naturally follows the orders of the Deputy Hall Master."

There was no emotion or anger in Zhang Yuelu's tone: "Very good."

At this time, Zhang Yuelu and Qi Xuansu were completely different from each other in Tantaichu when they first met.

Xu Kou picked up the sword and left silently.

Sun Yongfeng swallowed subconsciously. Although he had the cultivation level of returning to the true state, he was a veritable garden Taoist priest. He was really frightened by Zhang Yuelu's methods.

Zhang Yuelu looked around the crowd again and asked, "Who has any objections?"

No one dared to say more than a word, and you could hear a pin drop.

Zhang Yuelu waited for a while, then there was a smile on his face again, and he said "very good" again.

Qi Xuansu thought happily that he no longer had to establish his authority. He could secure the position of deacon just by being Zhang Yuelu's confidant.

Zhang Yuelu went on to announce the candidates for the remaining four deacons, one male and three female. If Qi Xuansu and Xu Kou are added, there are exactly three men and three women.

The four of them also went out to greet everyone.

A woman who was about the same age as Qi Xuansu, named Mu Jin, was a fifth-grade Taoist priest. She had a good appearance, but her demeanor was a bit more like a man. It was said that she was once Zhang Yuelu's subordinate in Beichen Hall, and was taken to Tiangang Hall by Zhang Yuelu.

A man of about age, the oldest of the six deacons, named Zhou Bai, a sixth-grade Taoist priest, with a weathered look on his face and a scar on his face. He was obviously a "Huayu Taoist priest" from Yujing. , but from the local Taoist sect.

A young man with a stern expression, less than thirty years old, named Xu Zhen, a sixth-grade Taoist priest. The deepest impression on people is his sharp eyes.

A young girl, the youngest, just grown up, named Tian Baobao, with a delicate appearance, Xiaojiabiyu, with a bit of youthful air, seems to have just left the Wanxiang Taoist Palace, but she must have become a sixth-grade Taoist priest at such an age. There is something extraordinary about it.

Then Zhang Yuelu made a preliminary division of labor among the six deacons. Tian Baobao and Xu Kou, who was recovering from his injuries, were temporarily under the command of Sun Yongfeng, the chief, and were responsible for internal affairs. Adjustments would be made after Xu Kou recovered from his injuries. Zhou Bai and Xu Zhen were returned to the chief. Under the command of Lingquanzi.

As for Qi Xuansu and Mu Jin, they belong directly to Zhang Yuelu himself.

Next, Sun Yongfeng, the person in charge of internal affairs, came forward to arrange various trivial chores, always putting up a front.

The six deacons each have their own office. Fortunately, Xu Kou, Tian Baobao, Zhou Bai, and Xu Zhen all have independent rooms. Qi Xuansu and Mu Jin are in a worse situation, because Zhang Yuelu occupies the main hall, with four rooms inside and outside. The two of them were simply arranged in the outermost room of the main hall. He also knew that being in the same room as Zhang Yuelu was not a good thing.

Sun Yongfeng is a veteran director of Tiangang Hall. He originally followed the master in charge, but this time the master in charge transferred him to Yaoguangxuan with the intention of helping Zhang Yuelu. This is one of the reasons why Zhang Yuelu did not attack Sun Yongfeng.

Sun Yongfeng handled these internal affairs with familiarity. After a while, everyone dispersed and began to become familiar with their positions.

Qi Xuansu and Mu Jin followed Zhang Yuelu to the main hall of Yaoguangxuan. The outermost room was supposed to be the living room, but Zhang Yuelu changed it into a place where the two deacons "sit". There is a small living room inside, which is specially used for entertaining guests and discussing matters. place. Further inside are Zhang Yuelu's study and resting rooms, four in total.

Zhang Yuelu signaled the two of them not to be polite: "We are all old acquaintances, so there is no need to be formal."

Mu Jin, who had always kept an expressionless face, smiled and said: "Yes, the master in charge. No, it should be the deputy hall master."

Qi Xuansu pursed his lips and said nothing.

Just by listening to the tone of Mu Jin's words, one could tell that the relationship between the two was unusual. They were probably close friends in the boudoir. Qi Xuansu also vaguely noticed that Mu Jin seemed to have some vague hostility towards him.

This was strange. He had just arrived, and Xu Kou just used him as an excuse to attack Zhang Yuelu. Why was Mu Jin also hostile to him? The two did not know each other before, let alone have any intersection, and there was no possibility of enmity. Now that they had just met, the only intersection was... Zhang Yuelu, their common boss.

A guess suddenly popped into Qi Xuansu's mind.

Is it a fight for favor?

It is normal for subordinates to rush to please their superiors. Both of them are Zhang Yuelu's direct deacons, so it is logical that Mu Jin regards him as a potential rival.

Although Qi Xuansu had no intention of pleasing Zhang Yuelu, he still had to be on guard against others. When he looked at Mu Jin, his eyes became a little deeper.

As a member of the shady Qingping Society, he came to Yujing at great risk this time in order to secure a bright future. It was also like putting his head on his belt. If anyone wanted to use any means to trip him up, Then he is not a magnanimous person like Xuansheng.

Zhang Yuelu had been observing Qi Xuansu and noticed Mu Jin's hostility towards Qi Xuansu, so when Qi Xuansu looked at Mu Jin inadvertently, Zhang Yuelu was keenly aware of something abnormal, like a long sword hidden in a sheath. The sheath was briefly unsheathed for three minutes, then quickly closed again.

Zhang Yuelu frowned slightly and ordered to Mu Jin: "Mu Jin, go to the check-in room and help me get today's file. I was in a hurry and forgot about it."

Mu Jin nodded in agreement, not forgetting to glance at Qi Xuansu before going out.

When only the two of them were left, Zhang Yuelu walked up to Qi Xuansu with his head lowered and his eyes narrowed, and suddenly said: "Don't be the same as her."

Qi Xuansu was startled, looked up at Zhang Yuelu, and said in surprise: "Why did the deputy hall master say this?"

Zhang Yuelu smiled: "I am very good at judging people. Among the nearly one hundred people hired today, only you and Xu Kou can catch my eye. Mu Jin is not your opponent. It's just that she followed me a long time ago. I don't I hope she’s too embarrassed.”

Qi Xuansu's face showed a look of sincerity and fear: "The deputy hall master's words are serious."

Zhang Yuelu said: "When there are only two of us, don't call me by title, call me... Tantai Chu, and don't pretend to be humble and cowardly, it will make me think that you are treating me as a fool."

"Yes, Miss Tantai." Qi Xuansu followed his kindness and no longer lowered his eyebrows.

Zhang Yuelu continued: "Brother Tianyuan, this is not Jianghu, but Yujing. Everything must be done according to the rules. In addition, your opponent is not Mu Jin, but Xu Kou."

At this moment, Zhang Yuelu's Taoist boy came to report that it was the master in charge who invited him.

Zhang Yuelu said no more, turned around and walked out the door.

Qi Xuansu was the only one left. He thought for a while and decided to meet his subordinates. Although they did not dare to show their dissatisfaction on the surface due to Zhang Yuelu's power, they probably still looked down on Qi Xuansu in their hearts. Maybe Qi Xuansu has been classified as a pretty boy.

Qi Xuansu's subordinates were all in the same large room, and a table was even reserved for Qi Xuansu. When Qi Xuansu came in, everyone stopped their movements and saluted Qi Xuansu.

Although no one was very convinced by Qi Xuansu, no one dared to reveal it to Xu Kou's past experience. Not to mention the position, Qi Xuansu's "relationship" is not something that everyone can afford. The deputy hall master stopped talking. Someone saw the principal, Sun Yongfeng, talking to Deacon Qi alone for a long time. His attitude was very gentle and he walked out of the door in person. It was obvious that they were on good terms with each other.

Therefore, except for a few people who wanted to join the camp, everyone else was very "courteous" to Qi Xuansu and had a completely "respectful distance" attitude. If Qi Xuansu still insists on being arrogant and pretending to be a superior, he will most likely be isolated by the people below him.

Qi Xuansu did not ask for help, but returned the courtesy to everyone and said: "Xuansu is only a seventh-grade Taoist priest and is unworthy of taking the position of deacon. He is very frightened and uneasy. Please help me in the future. Xuansu thanks you in advance."

Qi Xuansu had previously ridiculed Xu Kou, causing many people to believe that Qi Xuansu was a difficult master to serve. However, they did not expect that Qi Xuansu would be so low-key.

The huge gap between these two events has caused many people to change their attitudes and views on Qi Xuansu.

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