Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 45 Fourteen People

Qi Xuansu followed Zhang Yuelu from Bishan Temple and headed north, while Lingquanzi and Xu Zhen headed south.

Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu rode side by side. Zhang Yuelu said, "Tian Yuan, although my cultivation level is higher than yours, when it comes to experience in the world, I am far inferior to you. That's why I let you join me."

Because there were only two of them, Zhang Yuelu no longer called him "Deacon Qi", but instead called Qi Xuansu by his first name.

Qi Xuansu was a little distracted and said in a strange way: "Actually, Brother Zhou Baizhou also has a lot of experience in the world."

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Qi Xuansu realized something was wrong, but it was too late.

As expected, Zhang Yuelu glanced at him: "What do you mean by this? You might as well explain it more clearly."

Qi Xuansu coughed lightly: "I just said it casually."

Zhang Yuelu stopped pretending to be the deputy hall master and snorted: "I think you are pretending to be confused because you understand. Zhou Bai is experienced and seasoned, but he is dull and boring. In front of him, I have to pretend to be the deputy hall master." Isn’t it tiring to maintain the majesty of the Lord? On the contrary, how comfortable can I be in front of you?”

Qi Xuansu asked: "How come you don't have to put on airs in front of me?"

Zhang Yuelu said bluntly: "We are friends. It would be meaningless to pretend in front of you."

"As for other people, I want to ensure my reputation. This reputation is not what you call a woman's reputation, but to make others optimistic about my prospects, then they will be happy to help me in return for future rewards. They help Me, I can take a step further, my prospects will be more promising, and I will get more help.”

"For example, the higher you fly, the stronger the wind. The stronger the wind, the higher you fly, all the way to the sky. But if I fail to maintain this reputation, even if I am still an immortal, You can’t fly very high, let alone ask for a great master or great master.”

"So usually when I'm in front of others, I have to put on airs, maintain my posture, and make everything I say and do conform to other people's expectations and opinions of me. I can be aloof, arrogant, and I can also be unfaithful to many people. Words should not be weak, emotional, indecisive, or womanly.”

Qi Xuansu was stunned for a while before he came back to his senses. He didn't expect that Zhang Yuelu could see so clearly at such a young age, and it even made him feel that listening to your words was better than ten years of reading.

But as Zhang Yuelu said, living like this is very tiring. Since Qi Xuansu has seen Zhang Yuelu's private appearance, Zhang Yuelu can show off his behavior in front of Qi Xuansu.

Qi Xuansu asked: "Have you ever regretted choosing such a path?"

"What is there to regret?" Zhang Yuelu said with a smile, "If I want to make great achievements, how can I do it without suffering some hardships? Since I am determined to change the Taoism like Xuansheng did, I naturally have to make sacrifices."

Qi Xuansu praised: "You are the second strange woman I have ever seen."

"Who is the first one?" Zhang Yuelu asked.

Qi Xuansu shook his head and said nothing. The first one was naturally Qiniang, but she couldn't mention it to Zhang Yuelu. Of course, Qi Xuansu didn't have contact with many women in total.

Zhang Yuelu didn't ask further.

Qi Xuansu changed the subject and asked: "What will happen if we fail this time, or even suffer a disastrous defeat, making the Taoist sect lose face?"

Zhang Yuelu said expressionlessly: "Of course I am to blame and will be transferred out of Tiangang Hall. If I'm lucky, I can go back to Beichen Hall and continue to do my job, or I can find a job in Daozang Division in order to make a comeback. If I'm not lucky, I can , he will be transferred to the Requiem Department and spend the rest of his life there.”

"Where is the Requiem Department? Why haven't I heard of it?" Qi Xuansu asked again.

Zhang Yuelu glanced at him and explained: "The Requiem Department is mainly responsible for the cemetery and the corresponding sacrifices. The Ancestral Sacrifice Hall is the cold bench in the nine halls, and the Requiem Department is the cold bench in the Ancestral Sacrifice Hall. It is usually headed by a The fallen real person or the great real person is in charge.”

Qi Xuansu suddenly realized: "Isn't this the great eunuch who was the chief eunuch of the previous dynasty and was assigned to guard the imperial mausoleum?"

Zhang Yuelu rolled his eyes at him and continued: "As for you, where are you coming from and where are you going back? If you are someone like you who has never served in the local Taoist government, most likely you will accompany me to guard the tomb, then we can be companions. I will spend the rest of my life with the heroes who died fighting for the Dao Sect."

The smile on Qi Xuansu's face slowly disappeared.

Although he was accompanied by a beautiful woman and his boss was a real person or a great person, Qi Xuansu didn't think this was a good ending.

Zhang Yuelu pinched the horse's belly and said: "If you don't want to go to the Requiem Department, just cheer up and punish those monsters. Then we will have a bright future."

Qi Xuansu hurriedly followed.

At some point, there were some snowflakes in the wind.

Qi Xuansu only felt the wind and snow blowing against his face. Then he looked at Zhang Yuelu. He was not wearing a hood, and his head and body were stained with white snow. He couldn't help but sigh: "The snow and frost blowing all over my head can be considered a white head."

Zhang Yuelu looked at him with a very strange look, and said: "If the white hair can be replaced by snow, how can there be such a hardworking person in the world?"

The two people's eyes met for a moment, and they suddenly realized that they were speechless. They each turned their heads away to cover up their embarrassment.

Soon, the two found some blood stains on the gravel on the side of the road. Because the blood stains were on the leeward side, they were not covered by the snow.

Qi Xuansu turned over and dismounted, lightly wiped the blood with his fingertips, then put it under his nose and smelled it, and said to Zhang Yuelu, "It's human blood."

Zhang Yuelu used the "Immortal Qi Watching Technique", and purple energy flashed in his eyes. Immediately afterwards, a blood-red "airflow" invisible to the naked eye appeared in her sight, extending to a very far distance like a winding path.

"Follow me." Zhang Yuelu followed the blood-red "air flow" and rode away. Qi Xuansu remounted his horse and followed behind Zhang Yuelu.

The two followed this path for about ten miles and came to a rocky beach, which was completely white because it had snowed.

Zhang Yuelu dismounted first and pointed at the rocky beach: "This is probably right here."

Qi Xuansu turned over and dismounted, pulled out the wooden sword "Ziwu" from behind, and pierced the wooden sword in his hand into the snow while walking, using the feel of his hand to judge whether there were corpses or living people under the snow.

Zhang Yuelu was not idle either. He imitated Qi Xuansu and started searching the rocky beach.

After about a stick of incense, Qi Xuansu suddenly felt that the "Ziwu" in his hand poked something slightly soft. He quickly put the "Ziwu" back into the sheath behind his back, and then used both hands to push away the snow.

Soon, Qi Xuansu dug out a figure buried in the snow. He was dressed like a Taoist man, with a pale face and blood stains on his body. He was about thirty years old.

There was no need for Qi Xuansu to call out, Zhang Yuelu had already come over, stretched out his hand and felt the man's pulse: "It's a martial artist, he's not dead yet."

Qi Xuansu said: "It seems that he is the fourteenth member of Bishan Temple. He escaped from Bishan Temple by chance, ran for dozens of miles, and then passed out here, covered by falling snow. Fortunately, he was a martial artist with a strong body and was not injured. Frozen to death."

Zhang Yuelu tried to inject some real energy into this person, but saw that his complexion improved slightly, but he did not wake up.

Zhang Yuelu's face was solemn and he said slowly: "His breath is weak and silky, but he has not completely cut off his vitality and cannot wake up. It seems to be a symptom of 'lost soul syndrome'.

The so-called "lost soul syndrome" is the common saying of "lost soul". Due to fright or other reasons, some of the three souls and seven souls leave the body, making people feel confused and like the living dead.

There was purple energy flowing in Zhang Yuelu's eyes again, and he frowned and said: "If I'm not mistaken, his three souls are missing Shuangling, and his seven souls are missing Fuya, Queyin, and Feidu, so he can't wake up. ”

Qi Xuansu said: "In other words, he is now a living dead?"

"Absolutely." Zhang Yuelu stood up, "I think this person was also hit when the incident happened, but he escaped with instinct. For the specific situation, we need to take him back first and let Lingquanzi take a look. Who is he? Alchemists are more proficient in this aspect."

Qi Xuansu put the man on horseback and left the place with Zhang Yuelu.

The two returned to Bishan Temple along the original route. During the time they left, Bishan Temple was still safe and sound, and the group of monsters did not return. This is also reasonable. This time Zhang Yuelu brought more than 60 people, all of them were innate people. Under the situation of being prepared, even the masters at the stage of returning to their true nature did not dare to underestimate them in the slightest.

Not long after, Lingquanzi and Xu Zhen also came back.

Zhang Yuelu told Lingquanzi about the general situation of the fourteenth person, and Lingquanzi used his thoughts to examine the person's Niwan Palace and said: "The way these monsters steal souls is very rough. To use an analogy, it's like using a chisel." He drilled a small hole in the Niwan Palace, and then absorbed the living soul from this small hole. This man also had the Niwan Palace opened by the demon. For some unknown reason, he escaped before the demon took away his soul. However, After all, the damage to Niwan Palace still made his soul unstable, and he may have lost part of his soul during his escape."

Zhang Yuelu asked directly: "Can you summon spirits?"

Lingquanzi said: "As long as his soul is still within a hundred miles, I can use his body as a guide to recall the lost soul."

"Spiritualism" is a magical power that can be practiced by alchemists in the dream realm. For a alchemist in the thunder realm, it can be said that it is easy to master.

Zhang Yuelu said: "The place where we found him is about eighty miles away from Bishan Temple, definitely not more than a hundred miles away."

Lingquanzi nodded, took out four yellow paper talismans from his sleeves, and threw them casually. The four talismans flew to all directions, hanging without falling. Then Lingquanzi bent the middle finger and ring finger of his left hand inward, pressed the tips of the middle finger and ring finger with his thumb, and said: "The soul returns after leaving, as urgent as the law!"

As soon as he finished speaking, wind started to rise from the ground, and the four yellow paper talismans spontaneously ignited without wind.

Everyone had to take a few steps back, except Zhang Yuelu.

Stand still.

Lingquanzi's big sleeves were swaying and he kept his posture motionless.

This continued for a stick of incense, the strong wind gradually stopped, and the yellow paper talisman turned into fly ash.

Just hearing a groan, the last survivor slowly woke up.

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