Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 112 Enrollment

After Pei Xiaolou briefly talked about the financial situation of the Taoist sect, he turned to the main topic: "Tianyuan, you should have known for a long time that before you can become a high-grade Taoist priest, you have to go to the upper palace of the Wanxiang Taoist Palace for several months of advanced training. You will not truly become a fourth-grade wine-sacrifice priest until the training is over, so strictly speaking, you can only be considered a half-four-grade wine-sacrifice Taoist priest now.”

Qi Xuansu nodded: "After all, I am from the Wanxiang Taoist Palace, so of course I have heard about it. As far as I know, each training has a fixed time, once every three months, and the enrollment dates are on the fifteenth and April of the first lunar month respectively. 15th, July 15th, October 15th, it’s June now, the April 15th round has ended, the July 15th round hasn’t started yet, do we have to wait for a month? time?"

Pei Xiaolou smiled and said: "You are talking about Lao Huangli. Since last year, the Vientiane Taoist Palace has begun to trial a new training system, named the 'Young Talent Plan', which also includes candidate wine sacrifices and preparatory wine sacrifices. Twice a year, each time for three months. The first time is from the 15th of the first lunar month to the 15th of April, with a one-month break. Then the second time is from the 15th of June to the 15th of September. This time you It’s just the right time.”

Qi Xuansu asked in confusion: "Why didn't anyone notify me to participate in this when I was a candidate for sacrificial wine?"

Pei Xiaolou said: "You crashed on a flying boat on the first day of the first lunar month. After you came back, you went directly to Jinling Mansion. After all the calculations, you only served as a candidate for the sacrifice for a month. How can you participate?"

Qi Xuansu thought for a moment and said, "There are strict age limits for both the candidate and preparatory sacrificial wines. In this case, I will be classmates with a group of children."

Before Pei Xiaolou could speak, Zhang Yuelu had already joked: "Half an hour ago, you were still a candidate for sacrificial wine, but now you no longer pay attention to the candidate for sacrificial wine? Also, how old are you? It’s like you are thirty or forty years old.”

Pei Xiaolou agreed: "Zhang Gaogong is right."

Qi Xuansu coughed softly: "It is difficult to grow up before you have been born in poverty, and you are naive without being hit. The maturity of people in the world is not directly related to their age, but to the number of ups and downs they have experienced. If you live a life without worries, you will be a hundred years old. An old man may also have a naughty mind. If everything is rough, even a young man can be worldly and mature. This is why young people can always influence the situation of the world in troubled times. Troubled times are not as good as prosperous times, and it is not easy to survive. The world will Let these young people who survive grow up quickly in a short period of time. Although it is a peaceful age, I have been in the world for many years, so I feel that I am this kind of young person who grows up quickly."

Zhang Yuelu rarely heard Qi Xuansu tell a joke, and couldn't help but laugh: "This is the arrogance of wild Taoist priests. I always feel that the Huayuan Taoist priests don't know what is true without attacking their naivety. You usually hide it very deeply, but today you still show your innocence." The roots of weeds are gone.”

Qi Xuansu joked: "Why, you are only allowed to look down on us wild Taoist priests from the garden, but we are not allowed to look down on you, the wild Taoist priests from the garden?"

Zhang Yuelu said: "I don't dare, I don't dare. Today's Tiangang Hall is full of wild Taoist priests. I, the deputy hall, mainly dare to look down on the wild Taoist priests and not let others scold them to death."

Qi Xuansu said: "I can vouch for this. Not only does Deputy Hall Master Zhang not look down on wild Taoist priests, he also likes wild Taoist priests very much."

Zhang Yuelu was startled for a moment, then reacted: "Fuck you."

Pei Xiaolou coughed slightly, interrupted the two people's flirting, and said: "Let's talk about business. Tianyuan, don't take it seriously. The purpose of this three-month training is to get promoted to a high-level official." Although the last test of a Taoist priest has gradually become a formality over the years, not many people have had their future cut off here, but you should not be too happy to be sad. "

Qi Xuansu stopped smiling and nodded seriously.

Zhang Yuelu also said: "Now the person in charge of the Wanxiang Taoist Palace is Master Pingzhang, who is upright and old-fashioned. If you accidentally provoke him, even Master Donghua will not be able to save you."

Qi Xuansu sighed: "Master Pingzhang."

In the Taoist sect, Pingzhang Da Zhenren's status is very special. In terms of grade, he is a first-grade innocent Taoist priest, higher than all second-grade Taiyi Taoist priests including Shenzhi Zhenren, and second only to the super-grade Da Zhenren. The headmaster and His Majesty the Emperor are the top leaders of the Taoist sect.

However, in terms of position, Pingzhang Dazhen is lower than the deputy headmaster Dazhen, and is the third level among the nine-level twelve levels, below four people and above ten thousand people.

As for how to be promoted to Pingzhang Dazen, there are three main ways.

One is from above. For example, the three deputy chief masters who were deposed by the great masters of the Five Dynasties certainly did not become ordinary Taoist priests from then on. They just lost their titles of deputy masters and became Pingzhang masters, which is equivalent to demotion. Level one. There is also Mrs. Xuansheng, who once served as the Great Immortal of Taiping Dao, but she had no intention of dealing with various secular affairs. Later, she gave up the throne directly to Donghuang and was willing to be the Great Immortal of Pingzhang. However, in her capacity, there is no deputy headmaster. Title is irrelevant. So much so that the Taoist sect later had an unwritten rule that all Taoist monks of the Grand Master would enjoy the treatment of Pingzhang Daren as long as they were not the Deputy Master.

Another way is to compete for the position of the Grand Master. According to the convention, no matter which real person wins the position of the Grand Master, for the sake of the unity and stability within the Taoist sect, the other two competitors will be canonized as Pingzhang Daren, which is not only to appease, but also to The two will pave the way for taking over the position of deputy head coach Da Zhenren in the future.

There are also some highly respected Master Shenzhi who are unable or unintentional to compete for the positions of Deputy Headmaster and Grand Master, and are higher than ordinary Master Shenzhi, they will be promoted to Pingzhang Great Master.

The last way is to recruit people, such as Taiyin Zhenjun, who was once as famous as Siming Zhenjun, Ziguang Zhenjun, Wu Luo and other ancient immortals. Later, he submitted to the Taoist sect and was canonized as Pingzhang Dazhen by Xuan Sheng. This is also reasonable. It is impossible for an outsider to be the chief master of a Taoist sect or the deputy master of a group. Then the first-grade innocent Taoist priest second only to these four people is the most suitable choice.

No matter which way it is, it shows that the master of the Wanxiang Dao Palace is a big shot who cannot be offended.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to suppress so many proud men of heaven. You must know that Zhang Yuelu, Li Changge, Yao Pei and others will come to the Wanxiang Taoist Palace sooner or later. How can they be suppressed by a second-grade Taiyi Taoist priest? live?

Furthermore, after the imperial scholars took part in the palace examination, they were all called disciples of the emperor, and the examiner was called their master. In the same way, so many Taoist priests of the fourth level of wine worship have entered the Wanxiang Taoist Palace for further training, which can be regarded as a master-disciple relationship. In the first thirty years, they respected their father and their sons, and in the next thirty years, they respected their sons and their fathers. No one knows. There is rain in the clouds. I don't know how many real people and Shenzhi people covet this position. To put it bluntly, it would be a fool's errand. You must have a person with enough weight to control other people's thoughts.

Qi Xuansu was filled with emotions. In the past, when he was in the lower palace of the Wanxiang Taoist Palace, looking up at the upper palace, he felt that there were two worlds, and only the legendary favored sons of heaven were qualified to enter them. At that time, he never expected that he would be able to get involved with the Shang Palace of Wanxiang Dao Palace before he was forty years old. However, he did not expect that he would be qualified to set foot in the Shang Palace before he was thirty years old. Things are really unpredictable.

Pei Xiaolou said: "You don't have to worry too much. The great master is still relatively easy to talk to. With your ability to adapt to the situation and put on a show, there shouldn't be any big problems."

Qi Xuansu couldn't help coughing: "What does it mean to act according to the wind and pretend."

Pei Xiaolou smiled: "Get ready and go directly to the Wanxiang Dao Palace. This time it can be regarded as a return home in glory."

"In addition, there are a few points you should pay attention to. Taishang Taoist ancestor said: 'I have three virtues, uphold and protect them. The first is kindness, the second is frugality, and the third is not daring to be the first in the world.' Therefore, it is not allowed in the Wanxiang Taoist Palace. Using weapons rashly corresponds to the word 'compassion'; there is no need to bring peace money, and there is no place to spend it, which corresponds to the word 'thrift'; and to obey the rules, which corresponds to 'not dare to be the first for the world'."

"As for other things to note, the last time I went to the Wanxiang Taoist Palace was decades ago, and I have almost forgotten it. However, Qingxiao just went there a few years ago, so you should let Qingxiao tell you. "

Qi Xuansu is a person who is used to being undisciplined. When he heard the word "rules", he couldn't help but feel a headache. He asked: "I can understand the first two, why do you have to abide by the rules if you don't dare to be the first for the world?"

Zhang Yuelu explained patiently: "There is a saying in "Jie Lao": Discuss in the big court and then speak, then the people who have the authority to discuss will know it. Therefore, if you want to form a square and circle and follow its rules, then everything will be successful. And everything has its rules. The sages follow the rules of all things, so they say, "You don't dare to be the first in the world." It is said that if you don't be the first in the world, your achievements will be unparalleled. After returning it, it can be established and become a weapon for the benefit of the world and the growth of things."

Qi Xuansu was stunned for a long time, trying to understand the meaning of this long string of ancient texts, and then said: "He is indeed an immortal, I admire him."

Zhang Yuelu then explained some other things to note, such as what is mainly studied in it, what subjects are there, the level of the instructors, their identities, and the main places to go to the palace, etc.

Qi Xuansu wrote everything down carefully.

As for the luggage, Qi Xuansu had nothing to pack. This was the advantage of Xumiwu. He no longer had to carry all the big and small bags and all kinds of weapons on his body like in the past.

After explaining all the precautions, Zhang Yuelu hesitated for a moment and said, "I have nothing to do with you, so I'd better accompany you there. Just treat it like a return visit to your old place. I'll wait until you complete all the formalities before I leave." It’s not too late.”

Qi Xuansu was so happy that he naturally agreed.

As for Pei Xiaolou, he stopped joining in the fun. Firstly, he didn't want to disturb the two of them's solitude. Secondly, he wanted to see Xu Xiaoying, and the two of them worked together to accomplish Qi Xuansu's matter. This is also an investment bet. If Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu rank among the top players in the future, they will make a lot of money.



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