Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 165: Burning together

It can be described as a fantastic idea for a female teacher to learn such methods, but in the final analysis, she will injure the enemy by a thousand and lose herself by eight hundred. First, she will damage part of her own cultivation, creating a situation where positive and negative are reversed and the rivers will flow backward. Then, she will forcefully inject all her divine power into Qi Jianyuan. Although Qi Jianyuan was frozen in her body by surprise, she herself was also severely damaged and fell into weakness.

At this moment, the flying sword that had been knocked to the ground bounced up again and flew staggeringly towards the female instructor.

Heavenly beings are heavenly beings after all. Even if Qi Jianyuan is frozen, he still has the power to fight back. He uses his mind to forcibly control the flying sword that is intertwined with his own life. Because there is no blessing from the true energy, it depends entirely on the spirituality of the flying sword itself, so he can fly Very slowly, the tip of the sword stabbed towards the female instructor's heart bit by bit.

But when the flying sword was still half a foot away from the female instructor's chest, it could no longer move forward. However, the female instructor was injecting cold air faster and faster. Qi Jianyuan, who had turned into an ice sculpture, could no longer withstand it, and felt that his thoughts were also As the body was completely frozen, it became more and more sluggish and stagnant. The flying sword was affected and trembled slightly, unable to move forward even half an inch.

In the quiet night, there was only a ticking sound, but blood was constantly flowing out from the wound on the wrist of the female instructor who had been stabbed by the flying sword before. The wound had not healed yet and was constantly expanding. This shows that this flying sword is quite good. If you really get hurt by it, the consequences will be great.

Qi Xuansu no longer looked at the two of them, but looked at the flying sword. He saw it trembling, shaking, and the moonlight reflected on the sword kept shaking, but it could never hit the woman. Teaching comes from the heart.

Qi Xuansu couldn't help but secretly sigh: "Qi Jianyuan is going to die here, but what can I do? I'm just a Yin God. I can only solidify for a short time, but I don't know any magic, and I don't carry a weapon. I still have some troubles against innate people. But I can't do anything to the gods. If I come back to you, I can at most avenge you, but I can't save you. Besides, why should I avenge you? I am in the same category as this woman from Ziguang Society. people."

But having said that, Qi Xuansu still plans to save people. Let's not say whether it will succeed or not. He must give it a try. It is not for Qi Jianyuan's face. He has no idea of ​​repaying kindness with kindness. It is purely for the sake of Donghua Zhenren and Pei Xiaolou. In terms of the couple's face, no matter what, this matter involves the Pei family, and he has to prioritize.

Then Qi Xuansu thought, and the Yin Shen moved instantly, but in the blink of an eye, it had returned to his body.

Qi Xuansu, who had been sitting cross-legged in meditation, suddenly opened his eyes and ran straight out the door.

However, after all, the mortal body cannot come and go as freely as the Yin God, and the speed is slower. When Qi Xuansu arrived, he saw the two bodies lying on the ground, both of them lifeless.

Qi Jianyuan's face was as white as snow, without any trace of blood, and the frost on his body showed no intention of melting. Looking at the female instructor, her chest was pierced by a flying sword, and the blood flowed all over the ground, forming a pool of blood under her body.

This was far beyond Qi Xuansu's expectations. He had never expected such a situation. Could it be that Qi Jianyuan used some powerful means at the last moment to die together with the female teacher of Ziguang Society?

But it really didn't look like it. The situation at that time clearly showed Qi Jianyuan's defeat. Although the female instructor was seriously injured and couldn't recover for a while, she still had the ability to escape.

The next development should be like the many story books he had read. A female master was hunted down, hid somewhere, and then met a very weak man. The man not only helped the female master distract the pursuers and hide his traces, He also took the initiative to help the woman heal her injuries. At first, the woman was cold and looked down on the man, but she was gradually moved by his behavior, and feelings developed between the two. After the woman recovered from her injuries, she quietly left, and there was another entanglement of love and hate.

Furthermore, if Qi Jianyuan really wanted to have such a method, why didn't he use it earlier? You have to wait until you die to use it. And judging from the circumstances of his death, it was clear that he died under the magical power of the female instructor, rather than some kind of overdraft and backlash, so it is not completely certain that they died together.

But the most urgent task right now is to inform the Wanxiang Taoist Palace.

There is a saying that "there are no big things except life and death." At any time, life and death were important matters. Now that someone has died, it is the promising deputy head of Ziwei Hall, disciple of Donghua Zhenren Pei Xuanzhi, Shuzhou Taoist As the nephew of Qi Jiaozheng, the real person in charge of the government, he cannot bear this responsibility, let alone suppress the matter.

After Qi Xuansu thought carefully, he simply used Wu Fu's "Blood Roar" and shouted: "He's dead!"

It was late at night, and this loud roar was like a thunderbolt from the blue, resounding throughout most of the Dui Garden.

One window after another lit up the lights, and the originally dark Duiyuan soon became brightly lit.

The first one to arrive was naturally the night watch officer, who was a little at a loss when seeing this scene.

Qi Xuansu directly ordered: "Immediately go to Kunyuan to inform the real person in charge of the palace and all the assistants."

The leading spiritual officer recognized Qi Xuansu and knew his weight. He was startled for a moment and then took the order and left.

About two sticks of incense later, Sun Hewu arrived at Duiyuan. He didn't even come from Kunyuan, but from Genyuan. The cave in the library isolated the inside and outside, and he really couldn't hear what was going on outside the window. Fortunately, these spiritual officials were familiar with this old master's style and found him.

Sun Hewu's face turned pale after seeing Qi Jianyuan's body.

No matter how much he studies in his study, he is still young after all and has experienced three generations of great masters, so he naturally understands what this means.

The other assistants were also silent.

After a while, Ning Lingyun, whose status was second only to Sun Hewu, said: "Tianyuan, you were the first to discover it, so it's up to you to say it."

All the assistants did not doubt Qi Xuansu without asking questions. In any case, Qi Xuansu was from Wanxiang Taoist Palace. To the assistants of Wanxiang Taoist Palace, he was one of their own. No matter where Qi Xuansu went in the future, he would The mark of the Wanxiang Dao Palace on his body cannot be erased, which is why Sun Hewu looked at Qi Xuansu with a high regard, not just for Zhang Yuelu's sake.

Qi Xuansu nodded and said: "You all probably already know that I am from the lower palace of our Wanxiang Dao Palace. This time I return to the Wanxiang Dao Palace, which is considered as my homecoming, but there are some differences between the upper palace and the lower palace. I I always wanted to visit the lower palace where I lived for more than ten years and revisit my old place. So after nightfall today, I went to the overpass between Mingtang and Limen to survey the terrain and think about how to get down. ”

Having said this, Qi Xuansu coughed lightly.

Normally, the assistants would have to criticize Qi Xuansu, but it was nothing compared to the serious matter of a dead person. Furthermore, even if Qi Xuansu really went to Xiagong, it would not be a serious crime. At most, it would be recorded once. After all, he was from Xiagong, so his homesickness is understandable.

Sun Hewu said: "Tell me the important point."

"Yes." Qi Xuansu responded, "I happened to see Qi Jianyuan walking towards Duiyuan at that time. The two of us had a holiday, so I followed him to see what he was going to do."

Qi Xuansu did not shy away from his conflicts with Qi Jianyuan. Because of this, he could explain why he followed Qi Jianyuan and clear away the suspicion. He was hiding and hiding things to make people suspicious.

Then he recounted what he saw and heard. Thanks to Qiniang's teachings, Qi Xuansu understands that lying requires nine truths and one concealment to make it difficult for people to distinguish. He does not tell any lies at all, but only deliberately hides part of the truth to mislead. Even if someone finds out in the future, there is still room for excuse.

So Qi Xuansu deliberately concealed the part about the Pei family. In his narration, Qi Jianyuan and the female instructor had a fight without saying a few words. In the end, he was tricked by the female instructor because of his lack of experience. Then he returned to his original form and came. The two men lay dead on the ground.

"What Tianyuan said is true. Qi Jianyuan is indeed here for the secret association. That's why I let him enter the Wanxiang Dao Palace."

Sun Hewu personally inspected the bodies of the two men and said angrily: "Qi Jianyuan did die under some kind of divine power. It should have been caused by the Moon Swallowing Technique, which was like a river overflowing its embankment, blocking the meridians, and then freezing. All over the body, it will eventually lead to the loss of life.”

"I have long said that today's young people should either actively sum up experience from practice, or read more and try to absorb the wisdom and experience of their predecessors. When Confucianism and Taoism were competing, Madam Xuansheng used this method to consolidate Confucianism It is written clearly in the book that Dajijiu is about to die, so why are you so unprepared?”

"Since you don't study enough, then you should learn from Zhang Yatou and Qi Xiaozi, go out and practice more, go into battle in person, and you will naturally sum up various experiences. This is how the ancestors of our Taoist sect came here. If you don't study or practice, you will really succeed. The delicate flowers in the flower garden, no wonder he is said to be a flower garden Taoist, who cannot withstand the slightest wind and rain. He has only a celestial body, but he has cultivated it to a dog. He first lost to Qi Tianyuan, who was at a lower level. , and now he has been killed by a secret society demon, how dare Pei Xuanzhi say that he cannot tolerate mediocrity? His disciple is the biggest mediocrity! No, it is the biggest joke!"

The assistant counselors looked a little embarrassed, and no one dared to speak up.

Qi Xuansu also lowered his head, not knowing what to say.

Because this old man is too senior, he dares to say anything and can say anything. After all, he is highly respected and far away from the center of the whirlpool of power struggles. No one will use what he says to put it on the line, but they do No.

After a while, Ning Lingyun finally said: "Mr. Sun, it's too late to say such angry words now. We still need to come up with a plan."

Sun Hewu vented his anger and put his hand on his forehead: "Although this matter cannot be hidden, we still try not to leak it to the outside world. It can delay it for a while. Let's put the body away first and park it in the empty signing room in Mingtang. Go and send the spiritual officers to guard you for twelve hours, then notify Lao Shi, Pei Xuanzhi and Qi Jiaozheng respectively, and wait for their replies to see what they say."

Ning Lingyun nodded and said, "That's all we have to do."

The other assistant managers also nodded in agreement.

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