Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 168 Zhang Guyan

Yao Pei opened the roster and said: "Divine power and true energy are two completely different things. Unless you have a 'mysterious jade' like you, or you are a banished immortal like me, they cannot coexist."

"But whether they are innate or acquired immortals, there are only a handful of them. If they are placed in a Taoist sect, they will have a bright future. If they are placed in a secret society, they are also core figures. Most of them will not be sent to take risks and lurk. The principle is the same. It's very simple. The risks are not proportional to the rewards. A statue of the most holy master is not as good as a banished immortal with a promising future. After all, as long as the banished immortal does not die in the middle, he will probably become a pseudo-immortal. For the ancient immortal, it is a great help. ”

"Let's first rule out the possibility of banishing the immortal. Based on the traces of Qi left by this person on the flying sword, we can infer that he should be a Qi refiner. Unless he knew we were going to inspect the flying sword and deliberately pretended to be a Qi refiner. Qi Shi is here to mislead us, otherwise this inference is reliable."

"Qi Refiners are the mainstay of the Taoist sect, and they are extremely numerous. Among the list of seventeen people, there are seven Qi Refiners, including four assistants and three Tejin Jinzi teachers who are jokingly called 'deputy assistants'. "

Qi Xuansu asked: "Aren't the three major secret association sects dominated by witchcraft? Why are there celestial and human Qi refiners?"

Yao Pei explained: "Members of Lingshan Witch Cult, Zhiming Cult, and Ziguang Cult are generally divided into two types. One is cultivated by themselves. The method is similar to the lower palace of Wanxiang Dao Palace. They adopt orphans and select people with excellent qualifications. , given divine power by the ancient immortal, and became a witch blessing. There are still many frustrated people in this world, and there are even more greedy people. This kind of solicitation is somewhat similar to bribery, and it is nothing more than promising huge profits. The 'profit' may be peace money, treasures, or other things, so under normal circumstances, the high-quality Taoist priests of the Taoist sect are still reliable, because the secret association cannot give more than the Taoist sect."

"But nothing is absolute. The Purple Light Sect is particularly good at this. Not only are they good at using their bodies and beauty, they are also good at figuring out men's minds. Many high-quality Taoist priests are not immune to this. The highest record is a Zhenzhi Zhenren."

"Attention, you have to be especially careful. A half-brother-in-law like you who is too powerful in the wife clan. Although the Taoist couple is impeccable in appearance and talent, you have been overshadowed by the Taoist clan for a long time, and you have been outdone by the wife clan. Look down on you, you are usually under strict control, it is inevitable to be depressed and psychologically unbalanced. People like you are the targets of Ziguang Society, because over time, you no longer care about women's appearance, identity, and talents, you just want to prove yourself , it is easy to fall in love with some women who are far inferior to Taoists, and be captured by their obedience and gentle worship. To put it more simply and straightforwardly, you have been pretending to be a grandson for a long time, and when you meet a woman who treats you as a father, , makes you feel that you are also a man who is upright and upright, no longer a little son-in-law who is unable to stand up under the pressure of Taoist companions, which is difficult for ordinary men to control. "

Qi Xuansu said displeasedly: "What are you trying to do with me? Only those who have higher aspirations than the sky will feel aggrieved. I have always kept my mentality very upright. I am not as good as Qingxiao. What is there to be depressed about? As the saying goes, under the big tree It’s nice to enjoy the cool weather. I’m eagerly looking forward to Qingxiao becoming the Grand Master, and I’ll get the position of Master Pingzhang for free.”

Yao Pei was suspected of deliberately attacking Qi Xuansu. Qi Xuansu was not a vegetarian and immediately counterattacked. Zhang Yuelu became the great master, but Yao Pei could not become the great master.

Yao Pei had no expression on his face and could not tell what he was thinking. He continued: "So it is not unusual for a secret society to have a Qi Master. This Qi Master is probably a double-faced person with two identities. On the one hand, He is a high-quality Taoist priest of the Taoist sect, and on the other hand, he is a subordinate of Ziguang Society."

Qi Xuansu suddenly felt uncomfortable when he heard the word "double-faced man" and changed the topic: "What are the identities of these seven Qi Refiners?"

Yao Pei looked at the third page of the roster: "First of all, there is Ning Lingyun, who is privately called the second assistant, second only to the master in charge of the palace and Sun Lao Zhenren in the Vientiane Taoist Palace. His elder brother is Ning Ling, the master of the Council. Ge, my wife is from the Zhengdao Cihang lineage. She is gentle and virtuous. The couple became a Taoist couple by themselves, not by family arrangement, so they are very affectionate. My evaluation is probably not great. "

"I have met this Assistant Ning, and I can see that he is somewhat ambitious. Ambitious people are usually not fooled by women." Qi Xuansu agreed.

Yao Pei did not comment on Qi Xuansu's ability to recognize people, and continued: "The second one is Yao Fuli, my cousin."

Qi Xuansu said: "It turns out he is his brother."

He emphasized the word "brother" particularly heavily.

Yao Pei suddenly looked up at Qi Xuansu, and his listless eyes slowly began to widen.

Qi Xuansu pretended to be dumbfounded: "This is a saying in the world, I'm used to it. If you put it in a Taoist sect, you should be a fellow Taoist."

Yao Pei lowered his eyes again and continued: "Although he is a member of his own family, we can't be careless. I will check it myself. Whether he is or not, based on our relationship, it will not arouse suspicion."

"What about me?" Qi Xuansu asked.

Yao Pei turned another page: "I will give you a special Jinzi tutor. This person's surname is Zhang. He is from the Zhang family. He is the uncle of fellow Taoist Qingxiao. You can also use this name to visit me."

Qi Xuansu sighed: "Why are we all relatives? Nowadays, there are aristocratic families everywhere in the Taoist sect. Will those of us who have no family have a chance to succeed?"

Yao Pei said calmly: "Why not? You can't be a son, you can be a son-in-law, or you can be an adopted son. You are the adopted son of our Yao family and the son-in-law of the Zhang family. The only thing missing is the Li family. Otherwise, you can find another one." The daughter of the Li family can be a confidante? After all, the world has changed, and women can hold up half the sky. There is no shame in relying on women. "

Qi Xuansu heard the sarcasm in Yao Pei's words, pretended not to hear it, and asked: "Where are the specific information?"

Yao Pei picked up the pen and quickly copied a copy to Qi Xuansu. It was more refined than the original. It was equivalent to Yao Pei helping Qi Xuansu refine the key points.

After Qi Xuansu took it, he heard Yao Pei say: "Don't you call yourself a veteran? You shouldn't need me to teach you how to talk without leaving any trace, right?"

"This is natural." Qi Xuansu still has some experience in this regard.

"Remember, don't alert the enemy." Yao Pei signaled to Qi Xuansu that he could leave.

Qi Xuansu did not move, but said: "I can't come empty-handed. I always have to bring some gifts. I'm not afraid of your jokes. Now I am penniless. Even if I am reimbursed, I don't even have the peace money to advance." ”

Yao Pei glanced at Qi Xuansu: "Qiniang has a fortune of more than one million yuan, but you are penniless, and you are not afraid of people laughing at you if you tell me."

After saying that, she took out a box from the Xumi objects and threw it to Qi Xuansu: "The teachers are all noble. People like this will not take money if they are given to them. It is better to give them some elegant things. There is a set of "Suo Yan Su" in the box. The rare copy of "Taixu Jilu" is probably worth a few hundred taiping coins, so it's just right as a greeting gift. "

Qi Xuansu caught the box and clicked his tongue: "As expected of the eldest lady of the Yao family, she didn't even blink an eye at a few hundred peace dollars."

Yao Pei waved his hand and said, "Go quickly."

Qi Xuansu left Yao Pei's study with the box in one hand and the paper recording Zhang Guyan's information in the other.

Zhang Guyan is a third-grade Youyi Taoist priest. Like Zhang Yuelu, he is from a minor sect. He is a Qi Refiner and is a deity in the free stage. The technique he practices is the "Five Thunder Tianxin Zhengfa". He is now in the Wanxiang Taoist Palace. He served as a special teacher at Jinzi.

Not all third-grade Youyi Taoist priests can be deputy hall masters, deputy palace masters, or assistants. There are also quite a few third-grade Youyi Taoist priests who only serve as principals. However, the Wanxiang Taoist Palace is quite special. Compared with the relatively flat management model of other Taoist palaces and Taoist mansions, it has more levels.

The teachings in the Wanxiang Taoist Palace are divided into five levels: special Jinzi teachings, Jinzi teachings, Yinqing teachings, orthodox teachings, and auxiliary teachings. They cannot completely correspond to the model of Taoist priests in charge and deacons, but mainly correspond to the grades of Taoist priests. Generally speaking, Taoist priests of the third grade Youyi correspond to the Tejin Jinzi teaching, Taoist priests of the fourth grade Jijiu correspond to the Jinzi teaching, Taoist priests of the fifth grade correspond to the Yinqing teaching, Taoist priests of the sixth grade correspond to the orthodox teaching, and Taoist priests of the seventh grade correspond to the auxiliary teaching.

In the past, when Qi Xuansu was in the lower palace, the assistant teacher Xi was responsible for their daily life and various chores, and the Zhengjiao Xi was responsible for teaching. Teacher Yinqing generally did not teach, and was mainly responsible for handling various lower palace affairs, and at the same time disciplining naughty and troublemakers. The status of the young people in the upper palace is similar to that of the assistant teachers in the upper palace, so the children in the lower palace are most afraid of the Yinqing teacher and are closest to the assistant teacher.

After arriving at the Shang Palace, the Jinzi teachers were responsible for various chores. For example, Ning Yuqing was a Jinzi teacher. However, they did not do everything as personally as the assistant teachers, and they also had a group of low-quality teachers under them. The main purpose is to communicate with the Taoist priests who come to the upper palace to study, and then instruct the people below to do it.

Professor Tejin Jinzi is mainly responsible for teaching, and the assistants occasionally teach, and mostly deal with various Taoist palace affairs.

After understanding the teaching system of Wanxiang Taoist Palace, we can roughly understand why Zhang Guyan and other special Jinzi teachers are called deputy assistants in Wanxiang Taoist Palace.

Qi Xuansu soon arrived at Duiyuan, which is where Gaopin teaches and lives. The reason why Ning Yuqing does not live here is because she lives in her uncle Ning Lingyun's home, not because there is any apparent special treatment from the Taoist palace. .

Qi Xuansu found Zhang Guyan's residence based on the content on that page. It was a two-entry house, and over the courtyard wall, the two-story building inside was vaguely visible. After all, it is not the Yujing Shangbafang where every inch of land is precious, but it is still relatively spacious.

Qi Xuansu stepped forward and pulled the string connected to the bell.

After a while, a Taoist priest who was responsible for taking care of Te Jin Jin Zi's daily life opened the door and asked respectfully: "What does this mage do for you?"

Qi Xuansu said: "Please tell me that Qi Xuansu, the Taoist priest in charge of Ziwei Hall, is here to visit."

Dao Min responded and turned around to go in. Not long after, he left and came back: "My master has invited me."

Qi Xuansu followed the Taoist priest into the main hall on the first floor, and was greeted by a middle-aged Taoist priest. In fact, this is not the first time that the two of them have met. Qi Xuansu was the first to hold his hands and salute: "It's my fault that I should have come to visit Zhang Gaogong a long time ago. It's just that Qingxiao left in a hurry because of the Three Religions Conference and didn't have time to elaborate. I didn't come to visit Zhang Gaogong until today." I know Zhang Gaogong and Qing Xiao are the same family."

"Master Qi, you're welcome." Zhang Guyan let Qi Xuansu in.

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