Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 178 Taiyin (Part 1)

As time passed, Yao Fuli, who was in the shaking light position, faced Zhang Wuhen. The power of the seven people gathered on Yao Fuli. She pointed at Zhang Wuhen in the distance: "Shaking Light Heaven Guan Hun Ming."

Immediately, the energy from heaven and earth turned into a red light and fell, causing Zhang Wuhen's body to turn into a sea of ​​fire in a radius of a hundred feet. The entire sky was reflected in a fiery red color, like the flaming clouds in the evening, extremely gorgeous.

These flames have no physical substance, they hang in the air and never go out. Even if Qi Xuansu is far away from the battlefield, he still feels hot and burning. He has to run the protective qi machine with all his strength to barely resist it.

Zhang Wuhen was in the raging fire, and a thin ray of moonlight protected his whole body like a gauze, without hurting him. Then he opened his five fingers, and the bright moon in his palm turned into a curved blade that looked like a crescent moon.

Yao Fuli had no expression on his face, and just moved the sword in his hand. The fire became stronger and stronger, not only lighting up the sky, but also the entire Xingye Lake was reflected red.

The fire energy rose, causing Zhang Wuhen's figure inside to become distorted and blurred.

Zhang Wuhen was in the sea of ​​fire and slashed out with his sword.

The billowing sea of ​​fire was directly split into two by this sword.

After Zhang Wuhen broke through the air fire, Sun Hewu directly activated the formation to change, and the stars shifted. Yao Fuli, who was in the Fluttering Light position, moved back. Zhou Fuli, who was in the Kaiyang position, moved forward and raised his hand a little: "Kaiyang North Pole Po Ling."

The wind and snow suddenly started.

This move is not as powerful as the first move. It is an understatement, but it cannot be underestimated. The alternation of water and fire is the murderous intent of these two moves.

But after a moment, the world with a radius of a hundred feet turned into a world of ice and snow.

Zhang Wuhen didn't make any move. When the scattered ice and snow were still several feet away from her, they seemed to have encountered an invisible furnace and melted away.

Zhang Wuhen turned from defense to offense and pointed his sword directly at Zhou Fuli.

Zhou Fuli could only resist with the long sword in his hand.

The two swords intersected, and the long sword in Zhou Fuli's hand was broken into two pieces.

Before Zhang Wuhen could take advantage of the victory and pursue the attack, the formation changed again. Zhou Fuli, who had lost his sword, moved with the formation, and Zhang Fuli, who had transformed into a Tianji position, appeared in front of Zhang Wuhen.

The "Seven Obsidian Star Array" corresponds to the Seven Stars of the Big Dipper at the top, and the five elements of Yin and Yang at the bottom. The fluctuating light position corresponds to the fire element, the open yang position corresponds to the water element, and the Tianji position at this time corresponds to the gold element.

Assistant Manager Zhang held a gourd in his arms, pulled out the stopper, pointed it at Zhang Wuhen, and said, "Tianji Zhenren's Soul Essence."

Thousands of silver lights burst out from this gourd, like fine needles, like ox hair, and like bright light. But if you look carefully, you will find that these silver lights are countless pocket flying swords, and each flying sword is like a silver needle. Regardless of its length or thickness, it should hardly be called a sword. It can all be classified as a hidden weapon.

The moonlight in Zhang Wuhen's hand swept across it. It didn't look like a sword, but like a long-practiced fly whisk. It involved the thousands of silver rays that splashed into the sword, causing it to move accordingly. In an instant, Zhang Wuhen There seemed to be a silver dragon nearly ten feet long bound in his hand.

However, it was very difficult for Zhang Wuhen to control so many small flying swords. The sword power was stagnant and sluggish, and it no longer seemed as agile as before. This is the power of the formation. Among the seven people, any one person is far less powerful than Zhang Wuhen, but with the help of the formation, the seven people can fight back against Zhang Wuhen.

The formation changed again, Zhang Fuli, who was in the Tianji position, moved back, and Nangong Fuli, who was in the Tianxuan position, appeared in front of Zhang Wuhen.

Nangong Assistant Manager is a woman, holding a jade flute, all green, with a few spots of vermilion near the mouthpiece, as red as blood, which reflects the green flute. There was a strong wind whistling between heaven and earth. At this time, she used the jade flute as a substitute for the sword and waved it gently. The wind passed through the flute hole and the sound of the flute started. It also turned the sound into a blade and shot towards Zhang Wuhen.

Zhang Wuhen had no choice but to step back slightly, and the moon blade in his hand turned into a full moon, covering her figure.

What's even more amazing is that no matter which direction you look from, whether it's southeast, northwest, up, down, left, or right, you can only see a bright moon, but not Zhang Wuhen.

Countless sound blades fell on the bright moon, only causing ripples, and then dissipated invisible.

The bright moon also became smaller and smaller, and finally turned into a point, and Zhang Wuhen emerged from this point, first like a dust, then like a grain of rice, then like an eyeball, getting bigger and bigger, and finally returned to a normal human form.

The formation changed again. Xu Fuli, who was in the Tianshu position, stepped forward and used his two index and middle fingers together as sword fingers. A bright light suddenly lit up on his fingertips. With the appearance of this bright light, all the surrounding light was affected by it. The strands of the past, tangled and intertwined, all converged on his fingertips, making his fingertips shine brightly, dazzling like a miniature sun, making it difficult to look directly. ..

Tianshu corresponds to Yang among the five elements of Yin and Yang.

Xu Fuli said in a deep voice: "Tianshu Yangming Soul God."

He flicked his fingers, and saw countless rays of light shooting from his fingertips to the nine heavens, like light and air, forming a huge net, and then fell towards Zhang Wuhen.

Zhang Wuhen raised his head and looked up. This large sky net made of intertwined light and gas was not falling very fast, but it covered an extremely wide area, almost covering the entire Xingye Lake.

The sky net is vast, sparse but not leaking.

Zhang Wuhen pointed out with a sword, a crescent moon rose into the sky, like a sharp blade of scissors, tearing apart the fallen net. The broken "Tianluo" turned into countless rays of light and scattered in the sky, just like countless fireflies flying in the sky.

There was actually a rain of light on the entire Xingye Lake. However, before the light spots hit the ground, they had already dissipated in mid-air and returned to the vitality of heaven and earth. This allowed Zhang Wuhen to breathe a little easier and make up for the shortcomings in his body. The situation was slightly better than she expected.

The miniature sun at Xu Fuli's fingertips began to rapidly escape and shrink, and finally turned into a light the size of a soybean.

Xu Fuli stepped back, and the person who appeared in front of Zhang Wuhen became Ning Lingyun, who was in the Yuheng position.

Ning Lingyun stretched out his five fingers and said: "Yuheng Dan Yuan Soul Spirit."

The next moment, a vast force of air rose from the ground below Zhang Wuhen.

Hoshino Lake turned into a chessboard, but the ordinary chessboard has nineteen vertical and horizontal lines, while the vertical and horizontal lines are 19,000. As Ning Lingyun took action, 19,000 criss-crossing thin lines continued to rise, like a criss-cross chessboard and a large, dense net.

As the saying goes, there is a dragnet, one up and one down, two big nets, and it is impossible to escape even if you have no wings. And Ning Lingyun corresponds to the Central Earth Element in the formation.

The previous "Tian Luo" fell slowly, but the "Underground Network" was the complete opposite. It rose extremely quickly. Zhang Wuhen had no choice but to raise his body, but the "Underground Network" kept chasing after him. In the blink of an eye, Zhang Wuhen Hatred is about to touch the formation between the upper and lower palaces.

There is no escape.

Zhang Wuhen didn't panic at all, he reached up and pulled, affecting the formation between the upper palace and the lower palace.

In an instant, this square formation revealed its true form, and countless characters and patterns were seen flowing around.

He saw Zhang Wuhen slamming the formation with one hand, triggering the formation's counterattack. Then guide it along the way and guide the power of this formation to the ground network below.

The two dissipate into nothingness together,

Ning Lingyun in the Yuheng position moved away, and Sun Hewu in the Tianquan position finally appeared in front of Zhang Wuhen.

The chief assistant's white hair was neatly combed, and her clothes and accessories were meticulous. Although her eyes were slightly cloudy, they were bright and clear. When Zhang Wuhen looked at her, he was also looking at her. Zhang Wuhen.

The two are not acquaintances, just peers. It's just that Zhang Wuhen's incident caused a storm in the city, and Sun Hewu had only heard about it.

Sun Hewu said: "Fellow Daoist Zhang, your divine power is 80% similar to that of True Lord Taiyin. The rumors that you stole the inheritance of True Lord Taiyin are indeed true. No wonder the Heavenly Master wants to kill you with the 'Celestial Master's Male and Female Sword'."

Zhang Wuhen sneered: "If he wants to kill his relatives out of justice, should I just let him kill him?"

"I just didn't expect that Fellow Daoist Zhang has already achieved the realm of pseudo-immortal, and has taken the initial steps towards becoming a god. In this first level of death, even the power of the heavenly master and the power of the immortal sword cannot kill you." Sun Hewu sighed.

The immortal died three times.

The first death is the decay and collapse of the golden body. This is just a false death, just like the rivers drying up and the lakes drying up. As long as new incense and will power are injected, the golden body can be rebuilt in the Kingdom of God.

Because of this, the Taoist sect is very troubled by the three ancient immortals. If you want to eliminate the ancient immortals, you can't just kill them. Killing the ancient immortals only treats the symptoms but not the root cause. The key is to curb the cult. But throughout the ages, evil cults have been banned many times. For example, the famous White Lotus Sect was born in the Jin Dynasty. It has gone through the Jin Dynasty, the Wei Dynasty, and the Daxuan Dynasty. It has experienced several dynasties and has never been destroyed. Its vitality is comparable to the three religions and Taoism. We also have this dilemma when it comes to secret societies.

Zhang Wuhen is not a god, and does not have a kingdom of gods, but she has initially touched the threshold of a god, so she found an item to replace the kingdom of gods, which is the "mysterious jade" that looks like amber. This is also a kind of "mysterious jade", but it is an early version. It is very different from the "mysterious jade" that Qi Xuansu, Li Changge and others came into contact with.

This was not Zhang Wuhen's first creation, but she accidentally learned from an exchange with an old Western friend that there is a powerful ghost species in the West called "lich". They were all powerful arcane masters and shamans during their lifetimes. , sacrifice, in order to obtain a life span of far more than a hundred years, abandoned the fragile mortal body, embraced the immortal immortal body, and transformed himself into an undead similar to a zombie. They have something called a "life box". As long as the "life box" is not destroyed, they can continue to be reborn.

Zhang Wuhen knew her brother very well, and she had foreseen his death a long time ago, so she relied on her understanding of the Kingdom of God and the reference to the Lich's Life Box to create a new brother through the early "Xuan Jade" A "life box".

How the lichs hide their life boxes is the key, just like the demons hide their true names. Zhang Wuhen also thought about this problem, and finally she decided to give the "Xuan Jade" that carries her life to the person she trusts most. ——Her son.

Heavenly Master Zhang Wushou did not expect Zhang Wuhen to have such a whimsical idea. Because of the guilt of killing his sister with his own hands, he did not embarrass Zhang Jinyan, and finally Zhang Wuhen came back to life today.

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