Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 190: Indulge in violence

Qi Xuansu was once troubled by the justice of procedure and result.

But Yao Pei gave him a brand new idea.

Are evil laws illegal, or are evil laws legal?

Why do you think this law is evil?

Who is it to decide whether it is just or not?

Justice means one life for one life. However, under the premise of careful killing, many people may not necessarily have to pay for their lives after killing. They may just be imprisoned for a lifetime. That is, the law gives unequal punishment to those who violate the law. This is not fair. .

Therefore, the law does not represent justice or fairness, but it represents order.

Order is more important than anything else.

Yao Pei continued: "Laws are made by people. The makers are people and the enforcers are people. Who can be fair and just? So the people at the bottom throughout the ages hope that there will be chivalrous and righteous knights to preside over the law." Fair. If I were an ordinary citizen, I would admire you, but unfortunately I am not. As a Taoist man, I can only take you down and hand them over to the local Taoist government for verification. , clarifying the canonical punishment, killing chickens to scare monkeys, and demonstrating the majesty of Taoism's laws."

Qi Xuansu suddenly had an idea.

Yao Pei is not talking about good and evil, right or wrong, or even justice. She is using this matter to tell him how to look at the laws jointly formulated by many superiors with the mentality of a superior, that is, the law is The upper ruling class of the Taoist sect is a tool used to manage the Taoist sect and safeguard the interests of the ruling class. However, in order to maintain rule, the law must also take into account the interests of the people being ruled and maintain a balance of interests between the two.

The key is who is the ruling class of Taoism.

If all Taoist priests are the ruling class of Taoism, then the law is to safeguard the interests of all Taoist priests. For all Taoist priests whose interests are protected, the law is just and fair.

If only the real people and above are the ruling class of the Taoist sect, then the law is to protect the interests of the real people. For ordinary Taoist priests whose interests are not protected, the law is neither fair nor just.

Therefore, Xuansheng set a tone for Taoism, equality.

Probably when Fu Ling's heart came to him, Qi Xuansu suddenly understood what it was that Zhang Yuelu had been thinking about changing the Taoism. To put it lightly, Zhang Yuelu wanted to redistribute and rebalance interests. To put it more deeply, Zhang Yuelu wanted to change the entire Taoist sect's governance structure and complete Xuan Sheng's unfinished business.

To rectify people's hearts and suppress unhealthy tendencies, of course, we must rely on fundamental system changes. Can we rely on one person to educate the people?

Of course, compared to Xuansheng's ambition to conquer the world, Zhang Yuelu's ambition is smaller. She only focuses on Taoism, but a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and one meal must be eaten one bite at a time. Confucianism says, if you don’t sweep one house, how can you sweep the world? If you put it in the Taoist sect, if you can't even change the Taoist sect, how can you talk about changing the world?

For a moment, Qi Xuansu stood motionless, wandering around and paying no attention to everything in the outside world.

But the big man was confused. What order, what rules, what are these? Is this woman mentally ill?

He looked at Yao Pei carefully and saw that her face was expressionless, her eyes were dull, she had no spirituality at all, she really looked like a fool.

The big man took another sip of wine and said, "It's a pity that I, Long Leshan, never hit women in my life. You are lucky."

Yao Pei said calmly: "You are so good at not hitting women. Do you look down on women and feel that women are not worthy of being your opponents, so you deliberately give in?"

"So what?" Long Leshan slammed the wine jar in his hand on the table.

Yao Pei said: "If both of them have no cultivation, just in terms of strength, women are indeed inferior to men. Your statement is not wrong, but if both parties have cultivation, the difference in physical strength is already negligible. Why are you so confident?"

"Whatever you say." Long Leshan said impatiently, "If you want to capture me, don't talk nonsense and ask your companion to take action quickly. I also want to see what the Taoist masters are capable of."

Yao Pei didn't force it, but stretched out his hand to pull Qi Xuansu's sleeve: "It's your turn to take action."

Qi Xuansu came to his senses and responded.

Long Leshan stood up and said, "Don't worry, I'll take care of these stinky fish and shrimps first, and then I can argue with you."

Yao Pei asked: "Who are these people? Why are they in trouble with you?"

Long Leshan did not hide anything, and said: "This group of people has a nickname in the world, called the Nanshan Group of Ghosts. They run rampant in the rivers and lakes of Qinzhou and do all kinds of evil. There was once a police officer who was determined to capture them, but they kidnapped his daughter. , the Qinzhou Procuratorate offered a reward of one thousand peace coins, regardless of life or death. I had a friend who unfortunately died unexpectedly, leaving a widow who was left alone and helpless. However, he was insulted to death by this group of evil spirits. I chased them all the way. At this point, Wu Yonggui’s scandal happened to be revealed.”

Yao Pei looked at those people: "Is this true?"

The leader hesitated for a moment and said: "We brothers are the ghosts of Nanshan, but we never dare to embarrass the Taoist sect. I hope the Master can learn from it."

Yao Pei nodded and raised his hand.

Only a few stars could be seen, twinkling with cold light.

Before the Nanshan ghosts had time to react, they had already fallen to the ground and were dead.

If you look carefully, you will see that each person has a flying knife inserted between their foreheads, all the way down to the hilt.

Yao Pei said calmly: "The imperial court is different from the Taoist sect. There are not so many rules and regulations. Since the imperial court has issued a reward and no matter life or death, then I don't mind getting rid of these people. At this time, I am not a mage of the Taoist sect, but an ordinary righteous man." . For ordinary individuals, it should be done without prohibition. For those in power, it should be prohibited without permission. But how to freely transform these two identities requires careful consideration, are you right? "

Qi Xuansu was speechless.

Yao Pei is also a weirdo. Sometimes he calls him Taoist Fellow Qi, sometimes he calls him cousin, and now he calls his cousin. He is both provocative and wooing, and at this time he seems to be acquainted with each other. What on earth is she going to do?

However, Qi Xuansu also had to admit that regardless of right or wrong, whether it was Zhang Yuelu or Yao Pei, these ambitious women had a set of theories or ideas that they believed in. Unlike him, they had nothing in their minds. Even if he was allowed to do a big job, The headmaster didn’t know what to do.

Long Leshan's face became serious, not because of Yao Pei's words, but because of Yao Pei's flying knife. He never expected that this woman was so powerful.

Yao Pei waved his hand again, and the flying knife was pulled out on its own. There was no trace of blood on the sharp knife, and then it all returned to Yao Pei's hand like a tired bird returning to the forest.

Just at this time, Qingluan Guard Baihu and the shopkeeper also appeared from the stairs. They happened to see this scene and couldn't help but be shocked.

Yao Pei said without looking back: "Remember, your government owes me a thousand peace money."

Qingluan Guard Baihu was stunned for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

Then Yao Pei took a step back and made way for Qi Xuansu.

Qi Xuansu strode forward, looked at Longle Mountain, and said slowly: "I don't blame you for what you did. It's just that you are in the world and you can't help yourself. It's my responsibility too. I hope you can forgive me."

"You can't help yourself, this is like a saying." Long Leshan laughed.

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly jumped into the air, swept out with one leg, and the strong wind blew against his face, causing the curtains to split in response.

However, Qi Xuansu did not dodge or evade, but lightly received the kick with one hand.

Then Qi Xuansu used a little force and pushed Long Leshan back to the original position.

Long Leshan was shocked and doubtful, but he stepped forward again, raised his foot suddenly, and struck it down with all his strength like a big axe.

Qi Xuansu caught the kick with one hand, pushed again, and Long Leshan returned to the original position.

Long Leshan was really frightened.

He originally thought that the fourth-level Taoist Priest Liquor was just a person in the stage of returning to his true form. After he faced him, even if he couldn't defeat him, he could still escape. However, he didn't expect that this person was actually a heavenly being.

Isn't that the realm that only third-grade Youyi Taoist priests can have? In a Taoist sect, a third-grade Youyi Taoist priest can be considered a big shot.

Qi Xuansu said: "It's my turn."

Before he finished speaking, Qi Xuansu punched out with the "Tantai punch intention".

In terms of moves alone, they are not very fancy, but after Qi Xuansu became a heavenly being, his level of cultivation increased greatly, and this punch was able to defeat ten levels with one force.

Long Leshan shouted loudly and punched him.

When the two fists collided, his whole body was shaken, as if struck by lightning. It was obvious that he could not withstand Qi Xuansu's strength.

But at this moment, Qi Xuansu suddenly withdrew his fist power and allowed Long Leshan's fist power to impact his body.

Long Leshan opened his eyes wide, obviously confused as to what Qi Xuansu meant by this move.

Regardless of Long Leshan's reaction, Qi Xuansu relied on his physical advantage to absorb all of Long Leshan's fist strength, and then used his "river momentum" to regenerate his strength and violently push Long Leshan out.

After being pushed by Qi Xuansu three times in a row, Long Leshan finally understood. With the force of this push, he retreated as fast as the wind. The castration was extremely shocking. Before anyone in the Qingluan Guard could react, he had already turned over and jumped downstairs. Go, disappear without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Qi Xuansu chased for a few symbolic steps, leaned on the railing and looked at him, saying: "This thief is so cunning that he used his strength to escape."

Yao Pei glanced at him: "I'm wasting my words in vain. After all, I'm just a pawn, and it's unlikely to become a great weapon."

Qi Xuansu asked: "Why don't you chase me?"

Yao Pei ignored him and turned to leave.

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