Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 205 The Secret of the Secondary Heart

In the early years, there was a saying in Lingnan and other places called "big brother". It was later absorbed into the Mandarin and spread widely. The meaning is very simple. It refers to a big shot who has the right to speak, seniority and seniority.

Extending to the inside of the Taoist sect, there is the term "Big Brother of the Three Tao", which refers to the big shots who have truly mastered the real power of the three Taoists. Qi Xuansu is quite far away from this standard, Zhang Yuelu is still a certain distance away, and even Yao Pei and Li Changge They may not necessarily be qualified, because the qualifications and prestige of the two are still not high enough. At least they have to reach the level of Zhang Jucheng and Qi Jiaozheng to be qualified to be called "three big brothers" by others.

Master Cihang is the boss among the bosses, and the pressure he puts on Qi Xuansu can be imagined.

Add another layer of the so-called "future mother-in-law" relationship, and the pressure goes to another level.

The key is that the future mother-in-law doesn't follow the routine, doesn't make any foreshadowing, and goes straight to the point. How should Qi Xuansu answer this?

Zhang Yuelu coughed lightly and replied on his behalf: "I know a little bit about this matter."

But before she could finish her words, Master Cihang interrupted with a smile: "Yuelu, I'm asking about Tianyuan, not you."

In the Taoist sect, the relationship between master and disciple is equivalent to the relationship between parents and children. Master Cihang did not even call Zhang Yuelu by his nickname, but called him by his first name. This is definitely not an insult, but it expresses closeness and indirectly expresses Today, she was not facing the two of them as the Third Counselor, but talking to Qi Xuansu as an elder.

Zhang Yuelu stopped talking and gave Qi Xuansu a look that was asking for blessings.

Qi Xuansu calmed down and said after careful consideration: "I dare not lie to you. In my early years, my master and I encountered a great disaster. Unfortunately, my master died. I was rescued when I was about to die because my heart was broken at that time. Because of this, a secondary heart was implanted.”

Master Cihang nodded: "No wonder you can fuse Xuanyu."

Qi Xuansu was shocked.

In fact, he had been wondering a long time ago, why didn't anyone else except Li Changge integrate "Xuan Yu"? That's it for Zhang Yuelu and Yao Pei. One of them is born to be an immortal, and the other has the bloodline passed down by the family for generations. There is no need for that, but with Qi Jianyuan's family background, he should be able to bear the burden of "Xuanyu", but He still left the Qi Refiner inheritance.

Now judging from the words of Master Cihang, "Xuanyu" cannot be directly integrated with just anyone. It also requires a precondition. It seems that "Vice Heart" is this precondition.

Qi Xuansu thought about it carefully and found that the warrior inheritance corresponds to the wood element, the alchemist inheritance corresponds to the water element, the witchcraft inheritance corresponds to the fire element, and the Qi Refiner inheritance corresponds to the gold element. These four major inheritances are all included in the Five Immortals. Because they are to complete the inheritance of the Exiled Immortals, the inheritance of the Exiled Immortals is not among them. So why is the Sanren inheritance juxtaposed with the other four immortals, and why does it also correspond to the most fundamental earth element?

Thinking about it this way, it makes sense, because the Sanren inheritance is not enough to be tied with the other four major inheritances, so it must be compensated by external forces. In other words, the "secondary intention" is to make up for it, or in other words, the Sanren inheritance is not The key, the "secondary heart" is the key.

Master Cihang saw Qi Xuansu's doubts and slowly explained: "About before Jiazi, a small-scale war broke out between Taoist and Buddhist sects in the Western Regions. Many spiritual officials were injured, and the Huashengtang received the alchemy arcana of the Western Continent. Inspired by, and integrating the legacy resources of the Creation Project, a project called prosthetic limb replacement was launched for disabled spiritual organs, including prosthetic hands, prosthetic feet and other projects. The original intention was to benefit the disabled spiritual organs. However, as Many old construction project files were unblocked, and the project gradually began to go off the rails.”

"Huashengtang is no longer satisfied with just replenishing disabled spiritual organs, but plans to imitate the Western Arcane Council and carry out human body transformation. It was around this time that it included accessory brain, accessory heart, prosthetic lungs, and prosthetic liver. Various strange prosthetic bodies, including imitated meridians and imitated Dantian, have appeared. As long as there is still a breath left and the soul has not dissipated between heaven and earth, it can be brought back to life. Moreover, these special prostheses also have various wonderful functions and can be regarded as a certain kind of artificial limbs. An innate magical power.”

"However, there are also disadvantages. These prostheses are very expensive, costing tens of thousands or even tens of thousands of peace coins. They cannot be promoted on a large scale. Therefore, except for some Taoist priests and spiritual officials with special status, most people cannot do it at all. Therefore, there has been little development in the past sixty years. Huashengtang has mainly focused on reducing manufacturing costs. After sixty years of hard work, it has been reduced by about 3,000 yuan, which is better than nothing. "

After Cihang resigned as the headmaster of Jiangnan Daofu and before taking up the post of headmaster of Tiangang Hall, Master Cihang served as the headmaster of Huashengtang for a long time. He knew a lot about the inside story, which was far beyond the comparison of others. .

However, this was the first time for Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu to hear such detailed inside story, and they couldn't help but look surprised.

Qi Xuansu subconsciously reached out and pressed his chest.

Cihang Zhenren changed the subject: "But what I want to talk about is not about these prosthetics, but about the unblocking of the old archives of the Creation Project that was started because of the research on prosthetics. It is embarrassing to say that our descendants are not living up to expectations. This resulted in the chronology and loss of many creations. In addition, the creation project was split into Tianji Hall and Huasheng Hall, which caused many people to leave this field. For example, Yao Dazhen, the second person in charge of the creation project at that time, later He succeeded Shangguan Dazhen as the second generation Earth Master, focusing on various affairs of Quanzhen Taoism, and no longer paid attention to Huashengtang and Tianjitang, which were directly under the Grand Master. Then there was the fierce internal struggle within the Taoist sect. It also caused some people who held the core secrets to lose power, die, or defect from the Taoist sect, and have never been seen again. This resulted in many creation projects being sealed in the Kunlun Cave. "

"Later on, the ancestors of the ancestors passed away one after another, and the subsequent disciples became lazy. No one wanted to look through those vast old files. Even if someone was willing to look through them, it would be difficult to understand without the handover and inheritance. Many of your creations were lost. You should have heard that when the Taoist sect was at its peak, it was possible to create immortals through human power. As for whether it still has this ability now, it is hard to say. Even if it can be done, it is probably to the extent of reverse engineering. "

Qi Xuansu was not born in the field of metamorphosis or heavenly secrets. When he heard many special terms, he couldn't help but half-understand them, and he couldn't help but look at Zhang Yuelu.

Zhang Yuelu explained: “The so-called reverse engineering is actually to carry out reverse engineering based on the actual object, that is, reverse analysis and research of the creation, so as to deduce the structure, function, process, specifications and other elements of the creation, and then use this to create a new product with similar functions. Not exactly the same creation. In other words, even if today's Taoism can create immortals with human power, it is not the same as the Emperor Shitian of the past. "

Only then did Qi Xuansu suddenly realize.

Master Cihang sighed: "When the Creation Project was at its peak, not only because the founders led by Xuansheng were all outstanding men, but also because the Taoist sect at that time was not yet stable, with strong enemies outside and hardships. In order to make a living, there is no one who is not careless and no one is not working hard. When things get better and stabilized, they gradually become lazy. In addition to resting on their laurels, the minority becomes the majority most of the time. , difficult to reverse.”

Zhang Yuelu remained silent.

Qi Xuansu now understood that Zhang Yuelu had been obsessed with changing the Taoist sect. It was like a big ship leaking water. Although the amount of water was very small, it was far from endangering life and death. But if left unchecked, one day the big ship would leak. Hence the sinking. At this time, someone must step forward to eliminate hidden dangers.

As a member of the Taoist sect, Qi Xuansu had to agree with Zhang Yuelu. This had nothing to do with the quality of the relationship between the two. It was just because Zhang Yuelu was right.

Master Cihang continued: "The unblocking of the old files of the creation project this time is not only as simple as unblocking various character files, but also unblocking a batch of creations that have been mostly completed. Because they have not yet been completed, so The creation project at that time did not have a name, because its texture seemed to be some kind of jade material. Daomen was also called Xuanmen, so Huashengtang named it Xuanyu."

Despite his suspicions, Qi Xuansu was still shocked and speechless.

The "mysterious jade" that changed his life's destiny actually came from the creation project.

Master Cihang said: "Due to the lack of some key files, the Huasheng Hall at that time did not know the specific usage of Xuanyu, nor did it know that Xuanyu was the core creation of the banished immortal's completion plan, so it did not pay much attention to Xuanyu. , but I am particularly interested in another kind of creation that was unsealed at the same time as Xuanyu. This kind of creation was named the embedded longevity stone heart by the creation project. Huashengtang imitated this embedded longevity stone heart to create the current... Vice heart.”

"Later, as more old files were unblocked, Huashengtang learned that the batch of mysterious jade was the key creation of the plan to complete the banished immortals. It was divided into four types, corresponding to earth immortals, human immortals, gods, and ghost immortals. , and the heart of the Immortal Stone is the key to integrating the four kinds of mysterious jade. However, just before that, a major self-stealing incident occurred within the Huasheng Hall. Some middle-level members of the Huasheng Hall resold the mysterious jade, causing great harm. The whereabouts of some of the Xuanyu are unknown. Over the years, the Taiping Dao Li family, the Eight Tribes, and the Qingping Society have all been looking for Xuanyu."

Zhang Yuelu couldn't help but look at Qi Xuansu.

Qi Xuansu reached out and pressed his chest.

Master Cihang finally said: "The Li family is inherited from Xuansheng and Donghuang. They have no ancestry. Not only do they know these secrets, they even retain some special creations within the family. According to my speculation, they should be given to the innate body." The weak Li Changge implanted an original embedded immortality stone heart, and collected mysterious jade, turning a so-called waste material into a peerless genius, even surpassing Yue Lu, a banished immortal. But then again. Come back, Li Changge is indeed worthy of being cultivated by the Li family. External force is one thing, but your own will must be firm."

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