Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 208: Going to the Imperial Capital (Part 2)

The key to using arms is to use arms and hands, and the fingers are like fingers. The Tiangang Hall is the center of military use, and the soldiers of the Taoist sect are spiritual officers. Therefore, the Tiangang Hall is the hall with the most spiritual officers. Since the spiritual officer is a soldier, then the Taoist priest is an official, and the cardinal who uses the official is Ziweitang. Therefore, Ziweitang, who has the power of personnel, is the head of the nine halls.

Each hall is located in Xuandu. The only exception is the main hall of Ziweitang, which is located in Zifu. It does not communicate directly with the other eight halls and is closest to Jinque.

Because the Zi Mansion not only has the Golden Palace, which symbolizes the highest authority of the Taoist sect, but also the Zixiao Palace where the great leader lives. The Ziwei Hall cannot overwhelm the guest, so from the appearance alone, the Ziwei Hall cannot be said to be simple, and it can be placed in an immortal place. The impressive Yujing seems very ordinary. It is far from being compared with the other eight halls. It is also incomparable with many local Taoist mansions and Taoist palaces. It is just like an ordinary Taoist palace. But it is such a seemingly ordinary place that determines the fate of hundreds of thousands of Taoist priests.

When Qi Xuansu wants to go to the main lobby of Ziweitang, he has to go to Zifu first.

This is also his first time to Zifu. It is said that Zifu is more complicated than Xuandu and it is easy to get lost, so Zhang Yuelu specially guided him.

Logically speaking, Qi Xuansu should follow his boss Lei Xiaohuan to see the real Donghua. However, Lei Xiaohuan had left Yujing not long ago and happened to pass by Qi Xuansu, so Qi Xuansu could only go to see Donghua by himself. Real person.

As for last night, Qi Xuansu was unable to spend the night at Zhang Yuelu's house, so he returned to his home in Haichanfang to spend the night alone. In fact, Qi Xuansu had also thought about it. He didn't expect anything to happen with Zhang Yuelu, he just stayed overnight. Zhang Yuelu's house was not big, but even though the house was small and well-equipped, it also had a guest room. But when things came to a close, Qi Xuansu remembered for no reason the words "innocent" that Master Cihang said during the day, and also thought that Master Cihang lived next door, so he wisely took the initiative to say goodbye and leave.

Qi Xuansu roughly understood the truth. If Qiniang lived next door, Qiniang would have locked her bedroom door long ago and kept her silent all night, as if she didn't exist. If Master Cihang lived next door, Master Cihang would definitely come in and out several times a night, loud enough for Qi Xuansu to hear. This is probably the subtle mentality of my mother-in-law and mother-in-law.

The person responsible for guarding the Zi Mansion is a team of third-grade spiritual officers. In other places, they would be the commander level, but in the Zi Mansion, they are just responsible for guarding the gate.

Zhang Yuelu and Qi Xuansu were released after showing their official documents, sutras, and waist tags.

Zhang Yuelu talked about the first time she went to Chiming Palace and got lost. She felt that the Taoist priest who showed her the way seemed to admire her.

When talking about this, Zhang Yuelu's tone was extremely calm. She was neither showing off, showing disgust, nor ridiculing. Zhang Yuelu did not regard this matter as a piece of fun, but suddenly remembered it and shared her story with Qi Xuansu. , but also has a little bit of ulterior motives.

Qi Xuansu didn't care. It was strange that Zhang Yuelu didn't have many admirers. He just had to defeat all his opponents, including of course Li Tianzhen.

Then Zhang Yuelu asked: "What about you? Do you have a woman who admires you?"

Qi Xuansu was silent for a moment. He did not expect Zhang Yuelu to be waiting for him here.

Then Qi Xuansu said in a serious tone: "Of course it does. Isn't it Yue Liuli? She admires me to the point where she wishes for my death. Those who don't know think that I have always been confused and abandoned her. This is probably called hatred born out of love." "

Zhang Yuelu couldn't help laughing.

In the solemn and silent Zi Mansion, the laughter was a bit abrupt, but it also made the Zi Mansion, which had been serious for many years, no longer a stagnant pool, and added a bit of joy.

It is said that when Madam Xuansheng was still alive, Zifu was not so quiet, and the atmosphere was more lively. It's just that since Madam Xuansheng, there has never been such a great headmaster's wife who would laugh heartily in Zi Mansion.

Lin Yongbai is an inconspicuous seventh-grade Taoist priest. After leaving the Wanxiang Taoist Palace, he was assigned to the Dao Zang Division in the ancestral court and was responsible for the maintenance of 100,000 Dao Zangs together with others.

In the blink of an eye, he has been in Daozangsi for nearly ten years, content with the status quo, going to Daozangsi every day at Chenshi and leaving at Shenshi, day after day, year after year.

Until one day, he met a woman, which caused many ripples in his calm state of mind. There are many women with crowns in Yujing, and Lin Yongbai has seen many. He has never seen such a woman. The woman's appearance may not be top-notch, but the aura of her body is so unconventional that it makes it difficult for him to let go.

Later, he also found out the identity of this woman. The youngest vice-chancellor, Zhang Yuelu, was now the youngest third-grade Youyi Taoist priest. She was a person with great popularity and a bright future, and was destined to have a place in the Golden Palace.

Today, Lin Yongbai had a moment of leisure and sat by the window on the second floor. Suddenly he caught a glimpse of two people walking by and his vision froze.

It was the woman who had asked him for directions, but this time she didn't need to ask for directions. There was a man of about the same age beside her.

At this moment, the man seemed to be aware of something and raised his eyes to look up.

Lin Yongbai was greatly flustered, quickly looked away, then simply stood up and left.

Although I have long known that some things are impossible, it is still unbearable when I really give up.

Qi Xuansu lowered his head and looked away, continuing to talk to Zhang Yuelu.

You can faintly hear the woman's slightly reserved chuckle.

After the two of them walked away, Lin Yongbai returned to the window again, looking at the backs of the two of them drifting away, unable to conceal his loneliness.

Especially when I saw the man's conspicuous fourth-grade Taoist priest's attire, and then looked at his own seventh-grade Taoist priest's attire, I was speechless.

Ziweitang is not far from Chiming Palace. Zhang Yuelu is familiar with the road this time and has not taken the wrong path again. When he arrives at the door of the lobby of Ziweitang headquarters, Zhang Yuelu stops there and signals Qi Xuansu to go in by himself. She will wait for him here.

Qi Xuansu once again showed the ultimatum to the Taoist priest guarding the door. Qi Xuansu walked into Ziwei Hall on foot and walked slowly along a path. There are Taoist priests in robes standing along the way. This is also the only place among the nine halls where Taoist priests replace spiritual officials. Everywhere reflects the aloofness of Ziweitang. Qi Xuansu quickened his pace and arrived in front of the main hall. There was a plaque hanging above that read, "The voice is heard in heaven." A young Taoist priest was guarding here.

Qi Xuansu took the initiative to greet him and said: "This Taoist brother, Qi Xuansu, the head of the Eighth Department, please see the real person in charge of the hall, and I also ask the Taoist brother to pass the news on my behalf."

"It turns out it's Daoist Brother Qi." The young Taoist priest said, "The master has given instructions. When Brother Taoist arrives, there is no need to pass the message. You can go directly to see him. Please come with me."

After that, the young Taoist priest led the way and led Qi Xuansu to the hotel room at the back.

Compared with the duty room in Tiangangtang, the duty room in Ziweitang is much smaller, and the furnishings inside are even simpler, with a table and a few chairs. Except for one chair placed behind the desk, the other chairs are placed on the left and right sides. Wall placement.

After Qi Xuansu came in, he saw a picture in the middle hall: "The world is at peace."

There was a person sitting behind the table, it was Pei Xuanzhi, the real person of Donghua, whom Qi Xuansu had met through the Zimu Talisman during the meeting of the seven-person group of Jinling Mansion.

After the young Taoist priest led Qi Xuansu in, he quietly retreated.

Master Donghua didn't stand up to greet him, or even raised his head. He was still writing and writing.

Qi Xuansu didn't speak, just stood and waited.

After a while, Master Donghua put down his pen and looked up at Qi Xuansu: "Tianyuan, your performance in Wanxiang Dao Palace is very good, I am very satisfied."

Qi Xuansu said: "I'm really grateful. What happened to Brother Qi Dao..."

"Time is also destiny. When fighting against secret societies, no one will die." Master Donghua could not see the slightest sadness, nor did he blame or hate that iron cannot become steel, only calmness, "I asked you to come here this time, not because This matter is another matter, you should know it, right?"

"Yes, I already know." Qi Xuansu responded respectfully.

Master Donghua asked: "Then what do you think? Don't be restrained and speak your mind boldly."

Qi Xuansu was silent.

During this brief silence, the sound of turning papers came to mind again. It turned out that Donghua Master took advantage of this gap to pull out another document from the pile of official documents, brought it to him, and read it carefully.

Qi Xuansu said: "Reporting to the Master, I think the situation in the Imperial Capital is very complicated, and it also involves the situation in the Yu Capital."

"Why is the situation in Yujing involved?"

"Because the Zhengyi Alliance has formed an alliance with the Quanzhen Tao, and the Taiping Tao has invited the imperial court to provide assistance."

"Any more?"

"The real person sent me to the Imperial Capital for some other purpose, but I haven't figured it out yet."

"Any more?"

"Replying to the real person, there is no more for now."

This time, Master Donghua was silent. When Qi Xuansu looked at him, Master Donghua picked up his pen again and quickly gave instructions on the official letter. Then he put the pen on the pen holder and said: "Very good, you can think of this, this is Your talent. As for the specific explanation, there is no one yet, but there will be one soon. Make preparations and go to the Imperial Capital with Master Shi Bingyun and follow her arrangements."

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