Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 2 Living in a big city is not easy

Not far from Lu Shuihan was Bai Yuru's dreamland, and Qi Xuansu dropped by there.

Here is an endless grassland. A man and a woman are riding on a horse, galloping on the grassland.

At first glance, there doesn't seem to be anything wrong, but if you look closely, the posture of the two is a bit strange. It's not that the man is hugging the woman from behind, but the two are hugging each other face to face, with their bodies following the movement of the horse underneath them. Up and down while running, Bai Yuru's face flushed and she was breathing heavily.

Qi Xuansu's eyes were opened, and he sighed that the dreams of these "superiors" were really colorful, and this little thing between men and women had to be played out.

The horse galloped all the way to a place with abundant water and grass. The two people rolled off their horses and began to entangle in various ways.

Qi Xuansu discovered a problem. The man's face was still blurry. Not only Qi Xuansu couldn't see clearly, but even the owner of the dream couldn't see clearly either.

Could this be Chunmeng Wuhen?

In fact, after reaching this step, the evil-minded alchemist can replace the man whose appearance cannot be seen clearly. Qi Xuansu naturally disdained such a thing in the spring night, but he thought that since he had seen the dreams of Lu Shuihan and Bai Yuru, he might as well even tell Zhao Huang I also read the dreams.

So Qi Xuansu jumped into the dream again.

Different from the bright tones of the first two dreams, the third dream was very gloomy and gloomy. Countless walls and alleys formed a huge maze. Zhao Huang ran desperately in this maze, not forgetting to look back while running.

There was a dark figure chasing him behind him. This dark figure walked slowly and leisurely. It was clearly walking, but its speed was not inferior to running. It seemed as if it was shrinking to an inch, so that Zhao Huang never distanced himself.

This scene is like a cat playing with a mouse.

Qi Xuansu suddenly felt that this black figure looked familiar - he was holding a horizontal knife in his right hand and a blunderbuss in his left hand. Why did it look like him?

Was Zhao Huang frightened by his battle with Qi Jianyuan? Or have you heard any rumors?

Qi Xuansu had no intention of saving Zhao Huang, who was struggling in the nightmare, and quietly left the dream here.

After experiencing three dreams, Qi Xuansu became very skilled in dreaming and began to look for Yao Pei's dream.

The higher the realm of cultivation, the "bigger" the dream will be. For example, a dream meeting is the dream of a person with extremely high cultivation. Not only can it accommodate hundreds or even thousands of people, but the guests cannot shake it. Change the dream even a little bit.

There are countless heavenly beings in the Wanxiang Dao Palace. When 99% of the heavenly beings are not dreaming, Yao Pei's dream will be particularly conspicuous.

Soon, Qi Xuansu found Yao Pei's dream, which was a misty and rainy Jiangnan town, with black tiles and white walls, small bridges, flowing water, and small boats with small awnings. The rain fell on the green river, causing tiny ripples. , fell on the roof tiles, inlaid with a white water edge.

The dreams of Bai Yuru and Zhao Huang seem to be very big, but in fact they are only limited to a small area around them. As they move forward, unknown dreams in front of them continue to be generated, and the dreams experienced behind them continue to turn into nothingness, which only maintains a very small state. The small area gives the dream owner the illusion that the dream is extremely vast.

Yao Pei's dream is very complete and seems small, but the entire town does not appear or dissipate due to the movement of the dream owner's perspective. In other words, this is a stable world that does not change at will. It is somewhat similar to the place in a dream, which means that the dream owner has complete control over his dream and can change the dream according to his own ideas, not in the dream. In the dream, I can't help but drift with the tide.

Qi Xuansu walked around the town and found Yao Pei in a pavilion facing the river. She leaned against the beauty, with countless ripples of the river behind her.

Qi Xuansu walked into the pavilion and said straight to the point: "What have you been doing?"

Yao Pei also didn't like to be polite, so he replied: "Qi Jianyuan is my senior brother. He asked me for something, and with Master's kindness, I can't refuse."

Qi Xuansu didn't ask what the specific matter was, but just asked: "Where are you? Why did we meet in a dream?"

"I'm in the lower palace." Yao Pei's tone was as smooth as ever. "It's too troublesome to frequently travel back and forth between the upper and lower palaces, so we might as well meet in dreams."

Qi Xuansu was surprised at first, but then felt relieved. Although the upper palace and lower palace were isolated from each other, Yao Pei didn't even dare to go to Tianshui Yixin Tower, let alone the lower palace. This niece has obviously done a lot of homework about the Vientiane Taoist Palace in advance, and she almost treats this place as her own back garden.

Qi Xuansu asked again: "When will you return to the palace?"

"What's wrong with you?" Yao Pei asked.

Qi Xuansu said: "I learned from Master Sun that the founders of the Wanxiang Taoist Palace sank the statue of the Confucian sage's sage into the Xingye Lake. It contains a lot of divine power. Are you interested?"

"So that's what happened." Yao Pei's face was expressionless, and he couldn't tell whether he was interested or not. "Speaking of which, this matter is somewhat related to what I am doing."

Qi Xuansu finally asked: "What on earth is going on?"

Yao Pei was silent for a moment and said: "Capture the demons who are secretly organized."

Qi Xuansu was startled for a moment: "This should be an errand for Tiangang Hall, why would a deputy head of Ziwei Hall take over?"

Yao Pei said: "Although our Taoist sect likes to criticize fathers, sons, monarchs and ministers in Confucian sects, we have to admit that this has been infiltrated in everyone's bones. As the saying goes, family scandals should not be publicized, and some things can only be handled by our own people. "

Qi Xuansu understood.

Today's Shangsantang, Tiangang Hall is the sphere of influence of Zhengyi Road, Ziweitang is the sphere of influence of Quanzhen Tao, and Beichen Hall is the sphere of influence of Taiping Tao. Master Donghua asked people from Ziweitang to handle the matter, avoiding the professional counterpart Tiangangtang. In addition, Yao Pei was also from Quanzhen Taoism, so the matter was already clear. This matter involved Quanzhen Taoism. It is a "family scandal" for some people, and Master Donghua does not want outsiders to know about it.

As for which secret society was involved, Qi Xuansu's first reaction was the Qingping Society, but Qi Xuansu quickly denied this speculation, because judging from Pei Xiaolou's attitude, the Qingping Society was an ally of Quanzhen Tao and cooperated with the Qingping Society It was a tacit agreement among the senior officials of Quanzhen Taoism. There was no way that Pei Xiaolou and his brother Pei Xuanzhi could still disagree.

If it’s not the Qingping Society, then who is it?

Qibaofang is a group of businessmen who cannot afford to start early without profit. The "Inn" is inextricably linked to the imperial court. Even if we want to target the Taoist sect, it is unlikely that we will spend our efforts on the Wanxiang Taoist Palace. As for the "Tianting", they are a group of crazy people and rough people. It is not difficult to let them do some rough work of gathering people to make trouble in the arena, but let them do the delicate work of sneaking into the Taoist Palace of All Things. But it's a bit overwhelming.

There are also the Lingshan Witch Cult and the Zhiming Cult. These two families often create trouble for the Taoist sect, and they can make big moves that shock the world every time. However, the Taoist sect is not a vegetarian and will inevitably give a strong counterattack. Both of these two sects have been hurt recently. Not shallow, began to hibernate.

As a result, only the most mysterious Ziguang Society is left.

Ziguang Society is also known as Ziguang Sect. Compared with secret societies such as "Tianting", Lingshan Witch Sect, and Zhiming Sect, it has few members. Similar to Qingping Society, it follows an elite route. Mainly women, most of them have been carefully selected and trained by the Purple Light Sect since childhood. Not only are they outstanding in appearance, but they are also the best at understanding men's thoughts and serving men. They have both talent and beauty. In addition, they are also carefully arranged by the Purple Light Sect. Weaving's identity may be a disciple of a Taoist sect, a woman from a good family with an innocent background, or a wealthy lady from a big family. M..

The Ziguang Sect is best at playing chess and burning cold stoves. It spends several generations cultivating a family. From grandmother to mother to daughter, they are all members of the Ziguang Sect. If you go to check, you will definitely find nothing. This family It is extremely difficult to prevent someone's daughter from remarrying to another family. Coupled with other operations of the Purple Light Sect, these women are like spiders spinning a web, forming a big web under the sky. Many flying insects hit this big web and are either eaten by them or become their accomplices.

Qi Xuansu asked tentatively: "Is it the Purple Light Sect?"

"Smart." Yao Pei's praise didn't sound too sincere, "We Quanzhen Taoists have been infiltrated by the Ziguang Sect. A high-ranking Taoist priest has become an official member of the secret society. This is a scandal. The master meant that there must be fewer people who know and things must be done secretly, so he sent Qi Jianyuan to deal with the matter. "

Qi Xuansu felt guilty.

He is now not only a high-ranking Taoist priest of the Taoist sect, but also a third-class member of the Qingping Society.

Yao Pei's words sounded like they were talking about him.

However, he comforted himself that the Purple Light Sect is a secret society with unforgivable crimes and is extremely bad in nature, while the Qingping Society is a secret society that can turn a blind eye and is not that serious in nature.

Qi Xuansu changed the subject: "To borrow a saying from Confucianism, if a ruler is not secretive, his ministers will lose their virginity; if their ministers are not secretive, they will lose their virginity. He started competing with me as soon as he arrived at the Wanxiang Dao Palace. Is he here to deal with secret associations? Or is he here to shake his arms? Majestic?"

Yao Pei was silent for the first time.

Obviously she recognized Qi Xuansu's words, but her position made her not want to accuse Qi Jianyuan too much in front of Qi Xuansu. After all, this was also a kind of family scandal.

Qi Xuansu asked: "You said that the member of the secret society is a high-quality Taoist priest, so this person should be in the upper palace. Why did you go to the lower palace?"

Yao Pei didn't want to reveal too many details: "It's not one person, it's a group of people. In addition, some evidence is needed for final confirmation. After all, it is a person with a background, and he must be clear to death."

Qi Xuansu asked again: "You said this matter is related to Xingye Lake..."

"The reason why this group of people missed the mark is because they planned to take action on the divine power in Xingye Lake." Yao Pei did not hide it, "Although these divine powers are nothing to the Taoist sect, they are still extremely rich for the secret society. Yes, it’s a huge piece of fat.”

Qi Xuansu looked solemn.

This bunch of evil cult monsters are here to steal food, which is tolerable, but what is intolerable?

So Qi Xuansu asked: "Can I help?"

Yao Pei pondered for a moment: "Okay."

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