Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter Thirteen Gao Mingyin

Overnight, Qi Xuansu shut down four "ajar" businesses and immediately became famous in Beicheng. Many local snakes in the Imperial Capital immediately understood one thing. The rumored Taoist rectification of the Imperial Capital Taoist House was not just talk but real action. The "good old days" of the past are probably gone forever.

Qi Xuansu didn't sleep all night. For him, it was not difficult to attack those old bustards. These people were not more difficult to deal with than the secret societies. The key is how to properly resettle the abducted women, which is very troublesome. You have to first find out where they are from, then contact the local government, and finally send them back.

It took half a month to come and go. During this period, these women were arranged in the Taoist temple under the name of the Imperial Palace. Fortunately, Qi Xuansu doesn't need to do this kind of thing himself. As long as he gives instructions, others will take care of it.

After a busy night, Qi Xuansu had some free time and picked up a newspaper. Because he was also a half-warrior, he didn't eat breakfast and still ate breakfast. By the way, he talked to Zhang Yuelu for a while with a sutra basket, "Broadcasting." "The result of my victory last night.

Not surprisingly, she was teased by Zhang Yuelu. Maybe the two of them had a good understanding. Zhang Yuelu was just talking about Yao Pei, saying that Yao Pei had recently made a lot of noise in Quanzhen Taoism, and she had captured many Taoist priests who had misbehaved. , there are many young men from aristocratic families with big surnames. As a result, Yao Pei is there to catch the young masters, and you are here to catch the madam. This is heaven and earth.

Qi Xuansu didn't take it seriously and laughed. When two people get along, they can't just look bitter and hateful all day long worrying about the future of the Taoist sect. That would be too tiring.

It wasn't until Zhang Yuelu was about to leave for Tiangang Hall that the two ended their conversation.

Qi Xuansu looked at the Di newspaper again to see if there was any new news.

"The Posa Company supported by the Rune Kingdom has entered the Nanyang region and has formally reached an agreement with the Governor of the Kingdom of Ibia in Pana, Posana. The Ibia Kingdom promised that the merchant ships of the Rune Kingdom can enter and exit freely and enjoy tax benefits. Chen from Lingnan Province The Deputy Palace Master believes that this means that the Kingdom of Rune has officially intervened in the struggle between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Kingdom of Ibia. The three parties are competing for the dominant position in West Borneo, and the battle is becoming increasingly fierce, even affecting East Borneo and East Borneo. Part of South Borneo.”

"Here, Deputy Palace Master Chen calls on the Holy Court to shoulder the responsibilities of leaders of Western countries and maintain the stability and peace of Nanyang commerce. He urges the Kingdom of Rune, the Kingdom of Iberia, and the Kingdom of the Netherlands to exercise restraint and strive for a negotiated settlement. "

"In this regard, Murong, the deputy head of the ancestral hall, said that since ancient times, Borneo, East Posas and other places have been the vassal areas of our Central Plains Celestial Dynasty. As we all know, Buddhism originated in East Posas, so it is also called The Western Church, the three countries of Rune, Ibia, and the Netherlands should not spread the conflicts in West Borneo and other places to East Borneo and South Borneo. If the three parties still insist on going their own way and ignore this place, it has been our country since ancient times. The fact that the vassal is a vassal has harmed the interests of the Celestial Empire, and the Celestial Empire will punish it. Don’t say it was unforeseen.”

"Cardinal Deacon Augustus of the Holy See recently stated that the Offa Council behind the Kingdom of Rune is the driving force and mastermind behind the tense situation. All responsibility lies with the Offa Council. He urged the Offa Council to immediately stop radical and adventurous behavior. , to ensure the balance and stability of the West Borneo region.”

“In response to the accusations made by the Holy Court, Sage Douglas of the Offa Council refuted and counterattacked. He believed that the Holy Court’s accusations were baseless and false accusations, and their purpose was to cover up the Holy Court’s incompetence and failure in the Western Borneo region. This incident in Xibasazhou has fully exposed the corruption and depravity within the Holy Court.”

Qi Xuansu was a little emotional.

The Western Region has just come to an end, and chaos is about to break out in Nanyang again, and there is no peace all day long. However, the situation in the West is not much better. There are constant internal fights between countries. The Holy Court, the boss, and the Austrian Law Council, the second boss, are also stumbling upon each other and facing each other tit for tat. It is probably similar to the relationship between Taoism and Buddhism.

As for why the Holy Court cannot mediate the battles between the countries, the reason is also very simple. This involves a huge issue of ownership of interests. As the saying goes, cutting off people's wealth is like killing their parents. It will not work for anyone to speak, unless it is directly Use force to intervene.

At this moment, Ke Qingqing came back.

Qi Xuansu put down the newspaper in his hand and motioned for Ke Qingqing to sit down and talk.

Ke Qingqing gave a brief report to Qi Xuansu on her investigation results yesterday.

First of all, she couldn't get the appearance of the fake female mage from Mei Mei's parents, because when Mei Mei's parents recalled it, they couldn't recall the details of the fake female mage's appearance. It was all blurry, which showed that this person was not The average charlatan is very likely to be a cult monster.

Secondly, Qin Lingguan led people to investigate more than 300 households nearby, and found that not only the Mei family was affected, but six other families also suffered the same thing. A total of seven people were missing, three men and four women, all of the same age. Little boys and girls.

This group of thieves was very cunning and sophisticated and did not leave any obvious traces. We cannot rule out the possibility that they are still hiding in Beicheng and playing tricks under the lights.

Ke Qingqing is not young, but he acts very carefully. He has written the report into a statement and handed it into Qi Xuansu's hands after the report.

Qi Xuansu pinched his eyebrows and said, "Thank you for your hard work. You and Qin Lingguan should go and rest first."

Ke Qingqing retreated.

Not long after, another spiritual official came to report that a man came to collect Mr. Gao's name.

Qi Xuansu asked, knowingly: "Which Mr. Gao?"

Lingguan said: "The name post has the three characters Gao Mingyin written on it."

Qi Xuansu snorted softly: "The mysterious wind comes out of the Xun point in Qinglin, and the Huajing Gao Mingyin alchemy room is located. This Master Gao is still a man who is well-read in poetry and books. Go tell him and let Gao Mingyin come to receive people in person. Others will No. If Gao Mingyin doesn't come and just sends others to pester him, just kick them out."

"Yes." Lingguan was about to take the order and leave, but suddenly remembered something, "Chief, that Gao Shide is asking for five stone powder in the hell again. He said that if we don't give him five stone powder, he will die. If he Really dead in hell”

Qi Xuansu said calmly: "Then let him die. As long as he can't die, just bear with me. If you can't help it, bang your head against the wall, or imitate Qingpi's self-mutilation, and it will all be counted on my head."

Lingguan shuddered and turned away quickly.

Qi Xuansu was born as a wild Taoist priest and was used to seeing life and death, but he did not have the kindness of a woman like the Huayuan Taoist priest.

As for Gao Shide's true death in the Taoist prison, it is of course a troublesome matter, but as long as there are no other voices inside the Imperial Palace, it can be suppressed easily, because he was not sentenced to death in the first place, and even the prison shackles were not put on. , if he died for other reasons, no one else would be blamed.

Even if there are some different voices within the Imperial Palace, as long as they are not the master and the chief deputy master, it doesn't matter. As the second deputy master, Shi Bingyun can suppress them, even if the master and the chief deputy master have opinions. , she also has to argue with reason. This is the responsibility of the boss. If you ask the people below to do things, of course you have to support them. Otherwise, who will do their best for you in the future?

Wuliang Northwest Square in the inner city is only separated by a wall from Xuanshang North Square, where the Jade Palace is located. They are considered neighbors. Most of the wealthy businessmen and wealthy people here live here. Unlike the low-key officials, the residences here are very gorgeous. It can even be said that they are full of luxury. luxurious.

In the past, when Confucianism was in power, businessmen had little status. The gentry were not only officials, but also big landowners and big businessmen. Nowadays, these two identities have been gradually separated, and the landlords have gradually declined and replaced them. The ones are the workshop owners, working side by side with the maritime merchants who mainly focus on sea trade.

The two groups of merchants are also distinct. The sea trade merchants rely more on the Taoist sect, and everything is closely controlled by the Taoist sect. However, the workshop owners have a closer relationship with the court in terms of land and manpower. Officials dare not do business openly. However, there are many interactions with businessmen behind the scenes, and both sides get what they need, so the energy of the businessmen is also great.

If you can take care of both the land workshop and the sea trade route, you will be a real big businessman, a giant tree that can reach the sky.

Gaofu is located in this square. Seriously speaking, it is not too far to go to the Jade Palace from here, even on foot.

After the sent housekeeper came back in embarrassment, he reported the matter to his master.

After Gao Mingyin heard this, he didn't say anything and just asked the housekeeper to go down.

Judging from the appearance, Gao Mingyin has gray hair on his temples. He is probably around the same age as Tianming. He is very dignified and elegant. He has a smile on his face, but he also has a sense of dignity.

After the housekeeper went down, there was another person beside him, who was considered his aide and his mastermind, named Jiang Zhupo.

Gao Mingyin pinched the bridge of his nose: "Have you found out the details of this Chief Qi?"

Jiang Zhupo said: "Every time there is a personnel transfer in the Taoist sect, it will be clearly announced and announced publicly. It is not difficult to check. Many of the information about Chief Qi are also written clearly, but"

"Just what? Does it have a big background?" Gao Mingyin asked.

Jiang Zhupo sighed: "This man became a Taoist deacon as soon as he entered Tiangang Hall. His boss was Zhang Yuelu, the little headmaster of Tiangang Hall. There are rumors that he was Zhang Yuelu's lover. Later, he followed Zhang Yuelu to manage the Taoist sect for the second time. Jiangnan Major Case, he was promoted to a fourth-grade Taoist priest for offering sacrifices to wine, and was transferred to Ziweitang as the Taoist priest in charge. Legend has it that he had a close relationship with the Pei family, and he took the path of Pei Zhenren and met Donghua Zhenren. Only then could he become a Taoist priest within a year. Jumped three levels in a row. When talking about the Pei family, we have to mention the Yao family. He and Yao Pei are classmates, and they seem to have a good relationship. This time the Taoist sect reorganized the Imperial Palace, and Master Donghua seconded him from Ziweitang to the Imperial Palace. He served as the chief Taoist priest under Shi Cixi. At the reception banquet, he was at the same table with several real people. He was very arrogant and chatted and laughed with Chief Zhou as usual. "

Gao Mingyin murmured: "It's such a big background. It's been plated with gold. No wonder they don't take us local snakes in their eyes."

Jiang Zhupo nodded.

Gao Mingyin said slowly: "But this is not the Xijing Mansion, nor the Jinling Mansion, this is the Imperial Capital, and a strong dragon cannot suppress a local snake."

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