Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 36 Big shot

Early the next morning, Qi Xuansu came to Nether Prison.

To prevent collusion, interrogations have always been conducted separately and separately. The first person to be brought up was Gao Mingyin.

The layout of interrogation halls in various places is similar. There are two doors, a small door for the interrogators to enter and exit, and a large door for the prisoners to enter and exit. The entire torture room is also divided into two parts. The larger part is the outer room, which can be accessed through the door and is equipped with various torture instruments and records. The smaller part is the inner room, which is accessed through a small door and is separated separately. People inside can see outside, but people outside cannot see inside.

Qi Xuansu walked from the small door to the inner room, which was also equipped with tables and chairs. The wall facing the outer room was made of some kind of brown crystal. Although it was slightly dark, it was very clear, giving a clear view of the entire outer room, and it could be raised and lowered.

In the middle of the outer room is a stone seat integrated with the ground. Two spiritual officials placed Gao Mingyin on the stone chair and fixed Gao Mingyin with the iron lock that came with the stone chair.

Qi Xuansu triggered the switch, and the crystal wall slowly sank into the ground. In this way, there was no barrier between the inside and the outside. Gao Mingyin, who was fixed on the stone chair, happened to be face to face with Qi Xuansu.

Before Qi Xuansu lowered the crystal wall, he had already put on a pair of crystal sunglasses to block his eyes so that the prisoner could not see what was in his mind when interrogating him.

Gao Mingyin was very calm, without any fear. After sitting down, he closed his eyes.

"Gao Mingyin." Qi Xuansu said slowly.

"Yes." Gao Mingyin still closed his eyes.

Qi Xuansu said: "Through the 'inn', we hire murderers to buy people, buy and sell people, force good girls into prostitution, and have the accounts of several business houses such as Sihai, Hengtong, Fengtai, etc., each one, it is best to keep it yourself If you admit it, I can report it to the Taoist government, do you understand what I mean?"

Gao Mingyin still closed his eyes: "Master Qi, you have such magical powers, you can check it yourself."

Qi Xuansu said: "Of course we will investigate, and now we are giving you a chance. Whether it is the "Da Xuan Law" or the Taoist Law, the sentencing of what you confess and what is found out can be very different."

Gao Mingyin opened his eyes: "What if I say that these things have nothing to do with me?"

Qi Xuansu said: "The sky net is vast and sparse, and if denial is effective, there will be no sinners in the world."

Gao Mingyin said: "I once heard a saying: 'I have tried to command a million troops, but I know how valuable the jailer is.' Now that I have been caught in the sky's net, I have nothing to say."

Qi Xuansu was not in a hurry and said: "Master Gao should know that the Taoist sect does not approve of torture to extract confessions, so Master Gao has nothing to fear. But I also want to thank Beichen Hall for bypassing the rules of the predecessors and inventing the 'soul-seducing whip'" After planting something and using it, there were no wounds at all and no life was harmed. Naturally, it was not a corporal punishment. Beichen Hall classified the 'soul-sucking whip' as a normal interrogation method that pretends to inflict torture. I was in charge of it at Jinling Mansion. During the second major case in the Jinling Mansion, I personally saw a leader of the Beggar Clan being subjected to this method. After all, he was an innate person, but he burst into tears and almost urinated. This was very disgraceful. Mr. Qi was a wild Taoist priest. I don’t know anything about the world and people’s hearts, I just know that Mr. Gao has been enjoying himself for many years, so he probably doesn’t want to try such methods, let alone lose his face.”

Gao Mingyin's expression finally changed. He was silent for a moment and said slowly, "I wonder what Master Qi wants to ask?"

Qi Xuansu said: "You can talk about it all, let's start with the companies under your name."

Gao Mingyin said: "Master Qi, you said that I hired a murderer to kill a fellow Taoist priest, so you arrested me, but the business under my name has nothing to do with this matter, right?"

Qi Xuansu said: "Hiring a murderer requires peace money. That day when you bribed me at the Taiping Inn branch, you also need peace money. If you ask Tianchen Division to kill me, you still need peace money. How can you say it doesn't matter? So many Where do all the Taiping money come from? Shouldn’t I find out?”

Gao Mingyin was relatively calm: "I don't know anything about what Master Qi said."

Qi Xuansu said: "I told you that day at the Taiping Inn. Whether you recognize it or not is not that important. Now the people at the inn have recognized it, and so has your manager. If you don't reveal my identity, Unexpectedly, Tianchensi will also admit it. Even if you don't admit it, you are just a stubborn person and it is of no use. "

Gao Mingyin couldn't see Qi Xuansu's eyes, and couldn't guess for a moment whether Qi Xuansu was deceiving him or if it was true. He could only say: "These companies are doing serious business, Master Qi can go and investigate."

Qi Xuansu took out a few account books: "I checked, but it's not really a check. An enthusiastic person took the initiative to send an account. If the records here are true, Mr. Gao is not doing a serious business, but a smuggling business. ”

Gao Mingyin said in a deep voice: "Whether it is a serious business or a smuggling business, the court will make its own decision."

Qi Xuansu said: "Speaking of the imperial court, because there is no official notice, I can only send people to keep an eye on your mansion and cannot directly go in to search. This morning, someone came back to report that your wife had hanged herself. My I waited until the Shuntian Prefecture Yamen and Qingluan Guards arrived and entered together. I found that all the letters in your study were gone. I only saved your son Gao Shide. He was greatly frightened. Thanks to his cleverness, Hiding in a dry well, he escaped, otherwise he would have gone with his mother. I will arrange for him to be in a safe place before I come to talk to you about this."

In the Imperial Capital, you must abide by the rules, at least not openly break them.

Even if Qingluan Guard wants to take someone, it must be approved by the Judicial Department, that is, the Criminal Department will issue a "lot" for the matter. Qingluan Guard's appointment must be approved by the Criminal Division, which means that the Qingluan Guard's appointment must be refuted by the Yanguan.

This is the famous "six ministries and six subjects" system, and the six subjects are responsible for inspecting the affairs of six ministries and hundreds of departments. Each of the six departments is assigned to one person in the department, and each is assigned to four to ten people in the department. It is mainly responsible for supervising the six departments. When the emperor's edict is issued, it must be copied out by the six departments and handed over to the six departments and other relevant departments for execution; for major matters The Sixth Section also reported back to the emperor on the implementation of the decree.

In addition, the Sixth Section also has the right to "block and refute" the matter. "Sealing" means that if the decree is inappropriate or inconvenient to be implemented, the emperor has the right to suspend its execution and return it to the emperor. "Refutation" means that if you find errors in the memorials of the cabinet, ministries, and states, you have the right to "refute them."

If there is no one in the Criminal Department to "sign", the Qingluan Guards will not dare to take the lead in arresting people. The Qingluan Guard Officer School must hold the original signed memorial and the complete driving certificate when it comes to the Criminal Department to "sign". Only when you are ready to survey and combine can you drive and take people.

Regardless of the actual execution, let alone the secret, Qi Xuansu at least will not let others grasp the situation openly, so he will not rush to the high house to search without relevant procedures.

As for his capture of Gao Mingyin, there was an official letter from the Taoist government. In cases involving Taoist priests, Jiutang and local Taoist authorities can go beyond the six departments and six subjects, which is in line with the rules. However, whether it is a driving post from the imperial court or an official document from a Taoist sect, one person is required to receive one post, and one post is not allowed to be used by multiple people.

This is also the reason why Tianchen Division hates Qi Xuansu but can't do anything to Qi Xuansu, just because Qi Xuansu occupied the word "reason" and made the matter obvious.

In an instant, Gao Mingyin's face turned pale, he was sweating and speechless.

Qi Xuansu said: "With a broken tail, what do you want to hide? If you tell me, you may not die. If you don't tell me, you will die."

Gao Mingyin's face became paler.

For a man like him who is used to seeing troubles, the death of his wife would not make him so out of control. The key is that the trends revealed behind the incident made his mentality unbalanced - no one will come to save him, his The patron has decided to abandon him.

If Gao Mingyin was not in the hell prison of the Imperial Palace, but in the Prison of the Ministry of Punishment or the Qingluan Wei Zhao Prison, he would probably be a dead man by now, and his backers would have a hundred ways to make him die silently.

Qi Xuansu said: "As long as you tell the truth, I can guarantee the safety of your son. No matter how miserable you are, it is better to leave a person who offers incense and sweeps the grave than leaving behind a miserable person."

Speaking of this, Qi Xuansu made a gesture, and a Taoist priest immediately gave Gao Mingyin two photocopies - special papers that used magic to restore the scene and printed it through the talisman array.

Above is the body of his first wife.

Qi Xuansu added: "I can also let you see your son."

Gao Mingyin struggled for a long time, shook his head and said: "No need to meet, I can explain."

Qi Xuansu signaled Ke Qingqing to start recording.

Gao Mingyin said slowly: "Those businesses are indeed not serious businesses. As Master Qi said, those businesses are all smuggling businesses, smuggling animal skins and ginseng from Liaodong, smuggling Western goods from major customs, and smuggling horses from the Golden Tent. Smuggling tea, iron, salt, etc. without tariffs means huge profits. But I also have something to say. How can I be able to open up so many connections? Just the shopkeeper."

Qi Xuansu looked at him: "Who is your backer behind the scenes? Who do you work for?"

Gao Mingyin lowered his head: "I work for Wen Weng."

Qi Xuansu asked again: "Who is Wen Weng?"

Gao Mingyin said: "Wen Weng is the chief historian of His Royal Highness the King of Liao."

In the previous dynasty, princes could use eunuchs, but in this dynasty, eunuchs in the royal palace were abolished and the long history system that was only available to local vassal princes was restored.

Qi Xuansu closed his eyes and began to recall the information about King Liao.

The princes of the Daxuan royal family only received fiefs from afar, and they did not become vassal or hereditary. Instead, they inherited the title by downgrading. The grandfather was the prince, the father was the county king, and the grandson was the duke. As far as the common people are concerned, he is very strict.

And because the Daxuan royal family was founded in Liaodong, the king of Liao was very noble and was the head of all kings, so he would not grant it easily. The current King of Liao is the half-brother of the Emperor, and has a very good relationship with His Majesty the Emperor. Although he cannot reach the level of "Vice-Emperor", he should not be underestimated. Now he serves as the Zongren Order of the Zongren Mansion, and he has great influence between the government and the public. Great power.

No wonder he was so clever that he could easily move Tianchensi to take action. It turned out that his backer was this prince.

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