Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 63 Wutong Garden

As the night gets darker, the entire Tailing Southwest Square becomes lively. For Wutong Garden, this is the beginning of the day.

The black night and the red lanterns turned into large black and red patches, which looked like dried blood.

When Qi Xuansu went to Nancheng, he not only took a detour, but also changed his clothes. At this time, Qi Xuansu's clothes were not much different from those of the guests who came to the hospital.

People in Taoist sects, no matter what their true family background is, should still be simple on the surface, and should not be too showy or gorgeous. However, those who can come to a first-class court like Wutong Garden must be rich or noble, so naturally they cannot wear simple clothes. Qi Xuansu's outfit cost him ninety-three Taiping coins. If you round up, it will be one hundred Taiping coins. Let him The already meager financial resources were even worse. After all official expenses were reimbursed, there was only 800 Taiping left.

However, Qi Xuansu felt that as long as this grudge could be settled, not to mention one hundred Taiping, even one thousand Taiping would be worth it. As for the 10,000 Taiping money, forget it. Qi Xuansu felt that Monk Yanxiu was not worth so much money.

Qi Xuansu originally wanted to buy a shot of "Dragon Eye Jiajiu" in case of emergency. However, considering that the target is too big, if it is not handled well and traces of "Long Eye Jia Jiu" are found on Yanxiu's body, and it is also found that he has just bought "Long Eye Jia Jiu", there is no doubt that he will not fight. It was self-inflicted, so I gave up.

Qi Xuansu hid in the dark and observed for a moment, then took out the "white fox face" mask that had not been used for a long time from the Xumi object and put it on his face.

In fact, the safest way is for Qi Xuansu to put on women's clothes, and then use the "white fox face" mask to look like a woman. It cannot be said to be perfect, but it is the safest way. Not only can Monk Yanxiu be surprised, but when traced afterwards, It can also greatly eliminate suspicion and mislead others. However, after all, Qi Xuansu was not a do-it-all assassin. He was fundamentally a conservative person, so he rejected this safest method and settled for the next best thing, pretending to be an old man.

Although this old man's face once appeared in Jiangling Mansion, after the Yuan family was exterminated, the only insider left was General Feng from "Tianting", not to mention that General Feng had only seen the old man's face and did not know Qi Xuansu's identity. , even if you know it, the words of a secret society demon are not enough to rely on.

As for the remaining people, Zhang Yuelu and Pei Xiaolou are all their own.

Qi Xuansu was currently in a dark alley without lights. The ordinary houses on both sides of the alley were also the property of Wutong Garden. Some of the slaves of the courtyard lived here, mainly because it was close to the courtyard and it was convenient to come and go. At this time, they all went to work, so the place was naturally deserted.

Not long after, three bright sky lanterns slowly rose up. From right to left, the first sky lantern had the word "武" written on it, the second sky lantern had the word "Tong" written on it, and the third sky lantern had the word "Tong" written on it. The word "garden". Because the sky lantern has characters on all sides, you can see it clearly no matter which direction you look at it.

After Qi Xuansu confirmed that it was correct, he left the alley where he was hiding and walked towards Wutong Garden.

Wutong Garden occupies a huge area. Although it cannot compare with the Jade Palace, which occupies an area of ​​one square, it is comparable to a prince's mansion. It covers an area of ​​more than a hundred acres, so there are multiple entrances and exits. It is not necessary to go through the main entrance. Qi Xuansu chose This door is relatively remote, leading directly to various private courtyards. Only guests with pink hair in Wutong Garden often use this door, so I didn't see anyone for a long time.

The turtle slave guarding the door saw Qi Xuansu walking alone and hurried forward to greet him. He felt that the old man was unfamiliar and was about to ask Qi Xuansu when he happened to meet Qi Xuansu's eyes.

For a moment, the turtle slave's eyes glazed over and he fell into a state of trance.

This is the magical "God of Chaos" prayed by witches. It can influence the minds of others, be used to charm and control others, and can also be used to soothe emotions. Wu Luo is extremely good at this kind of magic. At his peak, he can control millions of people. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the first person in this way.

Because it is a magical thing, you don’t have to practice it deliberately. Once you reach the state, you will naturally be able to master it.

As for why Wu Zhu has such magical powers, it is actually reasonable. If you want to attract believers, it is not enough to rely on words or small benefits to lure them. Showing miracles is nothing. After all, other gods can also call the wind and rain. I Why should I believe you? Therefore, Wu Zhu still needs to use some semi-coercive means.

If it is blessed through formations, believers can be "confused" on a large scale. However, just like the alchemist who committed evil acts while dreaming, the Taoist sect strictly prohibits such behavior, and will be severely punished once discovered.

Qi Xuansu ordered: "You didn't see anything. No one came in or out during this period. Then you will wake up ten breaths later and remember nothing. Everything will be as before."

"Yes, I... didn't... see... anything..." The turtle slave slowly repeated Qi Xuansu's words like a puppet.

Qi Xuansu walked straight into this portal.

Ten breaths later, the turtle slave woke up and looked around, but no one was there, just like usual.

Turtle slave yawned.

Qi Xuansu came to Wutong Garden for the first time and was not familiar with the terrain. However, this did not trouble him. He only had to keep raising his eyes to confirm the direction of the "Tong" sky lantern above, then go straight and climb over when encountering a wall. , with his skills, it is not difficult to avoid being discovered. If it really doesn't work, you can still use "Chaos God" to open the way.

This is the beginning of Haishi, which is the twenty-first o'clock in Western time.

It was the busiest time in the courtyard.

Even though this area is considered a relatively secluded area in Wutong Garden, you can still faintly hear the sounds of silk and bamboo and the laughter of men and women. There are even some impatient guests who have already begun to get to the point. The sound is obviously not loud, but it is very penetrating, going straight into people's ears.

Qi Xuansu was unmoved and had no hesitation at all.

When he was doing business, he was always focused and not disturbed by external things. This was also the key to his survival in the cruel world.

At the first quarter of Haishi, Qi Xuansu had arrived outside the single courtyard where monk Yanxiu lived. He looked up and saw that the sky lantern with the character "Tong" was almost hanging high above his head, so he had to look up to see it.

Although Li Qingnu controlled Wutong Garden, he could not leave too many traces, so he could only buy Qi Xuansu half an hour.

Qi Xuansu waved his hand, and two invisible sword energies shot out one after another. The first sword energy cut off the colorful rope holding the sky lantern, and the second sword energy shot down the sky lantern.

The sky lantern did not fall vertically, but swayed like a shooting star and fell diagonally toward other courtyards in the distance.

Although Qi Xuansu did not set a specific signal with Li Qingnu in advance because the specific situation was unknown, and he could not let him set off fireworks, which would be too conspicuous, but he believed that Li Qingnu, who was already prepared, would definitely understand, because This is the sky lantern with the word "tong" mentioned by Li Qingnu.

Many people saw this scene and rushed towards the place where the sky lantern fell.

After all, there are mostly wooden buildings here, which can easily cause fires.

Qi Xuansu believed that Li Qingnu would also be "alarmed" and come to the scene in person. Then she could legitimately and reasonably dispatch people to find out the cause, and then intentionally or unintentionally miss the residence of Monk Yanxiu to give Qi Xuansu time.

After Qi Xuansu saw the sky lantern fall to the ground, he walked slowly towards the courtyard gate.

There were still some servants and maids in the yard. After all, it would be unrealistic to evacuate them all, and it would easily arouse Yanxiu's suspicion.

Qi Xuansu's response was to use "chaotic gods" to drive them away, while also making them remember nothing afterwards.

Now Qi Xuansu feels more and more that the acquired immortals are much more powerful than the innate immortals in the heavenly and human stage. At least Zhang Yuelu does not have this kind of magic and can only learn it, but he does not have to learn at all.

Of course, if Zhang Yuelu has enough energy, then the upper limit should be higher, because the greatest advantage of the banished immortal is that the sea is vast and the sea is vast. No matter what kind of magical power and technique it is, he can learn it quickly and without any trouble. Conflicts and hidden dangers, after all, the true essence can use Taiji to transform all things, and the day after tomorrow the immortal can use thousands of opportunities to return to the origin. One is extremely complex, and the other is extremely simple.

All in all, the method of banishing immortals innate is a bit like the method of Taoism, which is step-by-step and full of stamina. The method of banishing immortals the day after tomorrow is a bit like the method of heretical methods, taking a deviated approach and exerting force in the early stage.

Come and try it quickly. 】

Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, but different paths lead to the same destination.

As soon as Qi Xuansu walked to the bedroom door, he heard a voice coming from inside: "Who is it?"

It was Yanxiu's bald voice that Qi Xuansu clearly remembered just a year later.

Because the "white fox face" mask can also change the voice, Qi Xuansu was not afraid of revealing his identity and said directly: "An old friend is visiting."

After the words fell, the two doors opened by themselves. The room was warm and the red candles were burning brightly.

Opposite the door was a screen, and Yanxiu's voice came from behind the screen: "The young monk doesn't seem to recognize you."

The corners of Qi Xuansu's lips curled up: "Zen Master is such a noble person who forgets things so much. Let me remind you, Prince Xiao Qin, Xie Qiuniang, and Hua Jianyi."

This is what Li Qingnu told him. It is said that these three people once intercepted and killed monk Yanxiu, but they still let Yanxiu escape.

Yanxiu was silent for a moment, and then his voice became a bit colder: "Qingping meeting."

Qi Xuansu said: "It seems that your noble lord has remembered that you dared to show up after letting you run away last time. You are so audacious. You don't take our Qingping Association seriously?"

The screen between the two of them shattered.

I saw a large splendid bed with two women on it. Their black hair was half loose, their clothes were half unbuttoned, and they were covered with white flowers. It was really a beautiful scene of spring.

In the middle of this spring light, Monk Yanxiu sat cross-legged, letting the two beauties lie on him, with a look of sanctity and mercy on his face.

"You are so haunted that you chased me all the way here." Monk Yanxiu was not panicked, "But this is the Imperial Capital, and you rats cannot see the light."

Qi Xuansu was indifferent and just said: "Monk, I'll give you one last chance to hand over the 'Xuan Jade' and forget about it. If you don't hand it over, we can find you even if you hide in Yujing."

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