Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 65: It’s over, go away

Qi Xuansu said that he wanted to use Yanxiu to test the sword, but he changed his mind when things came to pass. After all, the target of "Fei Yingbai" was too big and could easily leave traces.

So Qi Xuansu finally decided to solve the problem with his fists.

As for whether anyone can see the flaws in the boxing skills, it is not a problem. Since Xuansheng integrated the inheritance, there has been no secret that is not passed down in the true sense. Even the "Thirteen Swords of Taiyin" have been circulated, not to mention just The "Tantai Boxing Intent" of Shangcheng's method.

To take a step back, even if Qi Xuansu didn't use "Tantai Boxing Intention", but used a method that no one else had ever used before, others would still doubt him if they should.

This is just like what Taipingdao did in Jinling Mansion. Even if everyone knows it well, as long as there is no real evidence, it will not be weighed. Since it can't be weighed on the scale, it doesn't weigh four ounces.

In fact, logically speaking, Qi Xuansu should not be so anxious to take action. This time is a bit too sensitive, but things in the world will not always go as he wishes. Yanxiu, the thief, will not stay in Wutong Garden forever. If he misses this opportunity, he will It is difficult to find traces of Yanxiu. After all, Qi Xuansu today is no better than in the past. He has responsibilities and cannot run around. After passing this village, he may not still have this shop.

Furthermore, Yanxiu is a disciple of Buddhism after all, and it is almost inevitable to become a heavenly being. Now Qi Xuansu still has a level advantage over Yanxiu. If he misses this opportunity, maybe the two of them will be on the same level when they meet again next time. By that time, even if Qi Xuansu can defeat Yanxiu, he may not be able to kill Yanxiu. You must know that Yanxiu's ability to save his life is not inferior to Qi Xuansu's. This can be seen from the fact that King Xiao Qin and Xie Qiuniang surrounded him and let him escape.

Because of this, Qi Xuansu decided to take a risk after careful consideration.

The key is to do it cleanly.

Qi Xuansu's move was like lightning, and he pulled out the flying knife inserted in Yanxiu's right eye. At the same time, he continued to press down, making Yanxiu's neck more and more overwhelmed.

At the last moment of life and death, Yanxiu finally used the "Great Sun Destruction Technique". Countless red lights bloomed all over his body, like a red sun. At the same time, his flesh and blood began to shrink rapidly. In the blink of an eye, I have lost a lot of weight.

Yanxiu seemed to be coming back to his senses, and was able to withstand Qi Xuansu's downward pressure.

If the two people were of the same level of cultivation, Qi Xuansu would really have to be fought hard by Yanxiu to turn the situation around, or if the gap between the two was only a small level, Yanxiu would still be able to fight.

It's a pity that the gap between the two is a big one.

The so-called small realm difference, such as the Yuxu stage and the Return to True stage, is that the same people are innate, it is just a quantitative change. The stage of return to true nature to the stage of freedom seems to be a gap in realm, but it is the difference between innate people and heavenly people. It is already a qualitative change.

Neither Qi Xuansu nor Zhang Yuelu could achieve the feat of directly defeating heavenly beings with their cultivation in the stage of return to true nature. Taking a detailed look at the history of the Taoist sect, there are no more than ten people who can achieve such a feat, and most of them were in the troubled times during the founding period of the Taoist sect. In addition to having excellent qualifications, they are all experienced in many battles.

As an aside, human nature is not suitable for fighting, but animal nature is more suitable. After a person is injured and in pain, his instinct is to turn around and run away, becoming confused and confused, while animals have a natural instinct to suppress pain. Therefore, after ordinary people are injured, they can easily fall into a situation where they are at the mercy of others. For example, when Qi Xuansu met the "Inn" assassin for the first time, he could not even escape and was eventually stabbed to death. The same was true for Yanxiu. Qi Xuansu stabbed his right eye with a flying knife and was unable to use life-saving methods because of the severe pain.

To overcome this kind of nature, you need a lot of actual combat experience and tap into the animal nature in the body. The principle of the "Magic Knife" is based on this. Now Qi Xuansu has reached the edge. This is the reason why the wild Taoist priests look down on the Huayuan Taoist priests.

"Heavenly Sword" does the opposite, abandons human nature, and imitates divinity, making precise calculations like playing chess. Although it cannot become crazy and increase its combat power, it is more stable. I have never seen a chess piece without fear. And those who are timid?

After entering the peaceful world from the troubled times, Zhang Yuelu and Yao Pei were all qualified, but they were far from being experienced in hundreds of battles. Their experience in this area was not even as good as that of Qi Xuansu, let alone the ancestors who were born in the troubled times. They compared. Qi Xuansu, Xu Kou and others have barely enough experience, but their qualifications are too poor and they don't have the capital. Xu Kou was confident enough to challenge Zhang Yuelu, but in the end he was defeated by Zhang Yuelu without even competing for experience.

For example, Zhang Yuelu and Yao Pei have capital but are not good at doing business. Qi Xuansu and Xu Kou are good at doing business but have no capital. Qualifications and experience are indispensable.

Because of this, Yanxiu cannot compete with heavenly beings by returning to true cultivation.

Despite some twists and turns, Qi Xuansu's palm still pressed firmly on Yanxiu's bald head.

Qi Xuansu continued to exert force steadily, lowered his pressure slowly, and said in a low voice: "A common man is not guilty, but he is guilty of having a jade. Since you are bent on seeking death, I will help you."

Yanxiu's face was distorted, her hands were clasped together, and she was chanting Buddhist mantras.

Qi Xuansu's sleeves were fluttering endlessly. The martial arts power and Sanren Qi had reached the extreme. Even the entire arm began to partially turn into a golden body. The skin and flesh became translucent and dyed with a layer of gold. The meridians and bones were clearly visible, and This alienated scene is still spreading, extending from the arms to the shoulders, and then extending from the shoulders towards the "Heart of Immortality Stone" at the heart.

It's just that all these visions were obscured by Yanxiu's red light.

After a moment of such a stalemate, Yanxiu was already skin and bones. The "Great Sun Destruction Technique" could no longer be used, and the red light around his body disappeared. Almost at the same time, Qi Xuansu's golden body was also withdrawn, but there was still no trace of the golden light.

Then came the violent force pouring down. Yanxiu couldn't bear it anymore. Blood spurted out from his eyes, ears, mouth, nose, and every orifice. His bones made a rattling noise, and were crushed into powder by the martial arts power and Sanren's true energy.

In the blink of an eye, Yanxiu had turned into a puddle of mud, with bloody flesh and blood. No injuries could be discerned, and even an autopsy was omitted.

Qi Xuansu picked up the Xumi object from the blood mud and pretended to search for it for a while. After finding nothing, he quickly turned around and left the place.

Qi Xuansu originally wanted to take Yanxiu's body to Tianshou Mountain, and then throw the corpse into the cave of the ghost country, where he would see no one alive but no dead body. It's just that Qi Xuansu considered that he couldn't kill Yanxiu silently, and would definitely leave traces of the fight. If he couldn't pretend that Yanxiu left on his own initiative, then this move would not make much sense, and he would carry Yanxiu's body with him. Going out of the city is still too risky. Ever since Du Yuyan and others disappeared, Tianchen Division has strengthened the control and surveillance near Tianshou Mountain. If you are not careful, it is easy to make things worse.

So after thinking about it again and again, Qi Xuansu rejected this idea and instead killed Yanxiu as the Qingpinghui. From the beginning to the end, he did not reveal any flaws. Even if he had a "voice talisman", he still had a "shadow stone" No matter what, he is not afraid.

Qi Xuansu walked all the way out of Wutong Garden and returned to Nancheng at night, changed back into his original clothes and took off his "white fox face" mask.

Someone was bound to ask him what he was doing in Nancheng afterwards, and Qi Xuansu also thought about it and was prepared.

The key is to have a witness of sufficient weight.

In fact, Zhang Yuelu was the best candidate, and the reason was ready. When Deputy Hall Master Zhang arrived in the Imperial Capital, he led Deputy Hall Master Zhang around as a close friend. Nancheng was the most prosperous place among the four outer cities, so it was natural for him to come, which was reasonable.

However, with Zhang Yuelu's temperament, she could turn a blind eye but would not take the initiative to participate.

For example, Zhang Yuelu was well aware of Sun Yongfeng's secret collection of peace money. She also said that she didn't like such human behavior, but she didn't point it out because when the water is clear, there are no fish, and when people are careful, there are no disciples. She is not To be a pure and lonely minister, she does not want to be a perfect moral person. If she wants to change the sect, she must have her own team and her own confidants, so she has to choose to live in harmony with the light. She didn't care whether others scolded her or ridiculed her.

In fact, Zhang Yuelu learned some tactics from the Heavenly Master and the Earth Master.

Especially the Earth Master, who even taught her some emperor's mental skills and used the previous Emperor Sejong as an example.

Use corruption to maintain loyalty, abandon corruption to eliminate dissidents, kill corruption to anger the common people, and confiscate wealth for public use. This is the art of emperors throughout the ages.

To put it bluntly, if you want others to work hard, you have to give them benefits, so you can only give them power and let them use it to make money. And if the people below have the right to make profits, isn’t it all given by the top? Therefore, where power lies and benefit lies, one must be loyal.

As long as you do the things of greed, it is equivalent to putting the handle in the hands of the superiors. If you dare to disobey, the superiors will kill them in the name of greed. This is to suppress dissidents.

When public dissatisfaction boils over, let everyone in the world know that it is not the fault of those above, but the fault of those below. Then choose a scapegoat to kill to make the people angry.

Therefore, Emperor Sejong practiced Taoism for twenty years and did not go to court, but he still held great power.

In this way, the power is certainly stable, but the atmosphere is completely ruined.

Nowadays, Taoism has this trend.

Therefore, Zhang Yuelu is often troubled and helpless. He cannot use it, and using it will encourage this trend. It is really a dilemma. She wanted to clean up the trend, but her position was not high enough or stable enough, so she really didn't have the confidence. During the Wei dynasty, there was only a blue sky, and all the other princes were insignificant. Therefore, expecting all of your subordinates to be as clear as water is as unrealistic as expecting a unified world. There are people who are indeed not greedy for money, but are greedy for fame, who are either greedy for money or fame, who are violent in temperament, or whose eyes are beyond control, such as Xu Kou and Qi Xuansu, not to mention those who are greedy for power. In short, no one is perfect.

Even Zhang Yuelu himself is not perfect, and there is nothing he can do. He can only constantly consider the measurement and control it within a relatively reasonable range. This is undoubtedly following the old path of Zhang Suqing, that is, not demanding morality, but setting limits to examine things, blaming people for things, and using merit to offset demerits.

Zhang Yuelu also has her own bottom line, which is that she will not participate in such things. She lived in poverty and poverty, and the only exception was probably to help Qi Xuansu deal with Yue Liuli.

Therefore, this move still went against Zhang Yuelu's original intention. Qi Xuansu didn't want to embarrass her, so he found another candidate.

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