Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 68 Yu Sanjia

Qi Xuansu was a little puzzled by Li Changge's words.

The Li family and the King of Liao are allies, how can it be interesting?

Could it be that Li Changge really has the legacy of Xuansheng, eating the Li family's food and throwing the Li family's blame? After all, Xuansheng was not very polite to the Li family back then, and mostly used suppression. That is to say, Xuansheng's prestige was too great, and the Li family did not dare to deny this ancestor. No matter how much they suffered in the past, they must defend Xuansheng to the death. , he always considers himself a descendant of Xuansheng.

However, there are also rumors that the Li family had serious internal strife at that time. The three brothers were like the three Taoist sects now. Xuansheng played the role of Taiping Dao. Donghuang and the eldest brother joined forces to deal with the second brother Xuansheng, but in the end Xuansheng won. , Donghuang admitted defeat, so some people speculated that Xuansheng later suppressed the Li family to eliminate dissidents.

Although the Li family has been extremely united in recent years, far better than the Zhang family and Quanzhen Taoism, which are scattered, the possibility of internal strife within the Li family cannot be ruled out. It's just that Li Changge is firmly in the position of the third person in the Li family, and he is so young. Is it necessary to fight among himself? Could it be Li Tianzhen?

Li Changge did not explain how interesting it was, and motioned to Li Qingnu to continue.

Li Qingnu continued: "Since the decline of Buddhism in the Eastern Region, Buddhism in the Western Region has taken over the power of Buddhism, and Buddhism has degenerated. This monk Yanxiu turned out to be a flower monk who practiced great joy Zen all day long. In our Wutong Garden, two people died this time Everyone here is a member of the Taoist sect and is a moral person. From a moral point of view, the value of human life should not be measured with peace money. However, it is a bit empty to say that human life is priceless. Priceless is the most valuable thing. , and the least valuable. I am just a low-level person, I dare not talk about morality, and I still have to worry about Taiping money. These two women are worth more than 5,000 Taiping money, and our Wutong Garden has suffered a big loss."

It is said that those who are close to the ink are dark, and Li Qingnu's words are quite Qiniang's style.

Qi Xuansu remained silent.

The deaths of the two girls were not expected by Qi Xuansu and Li Qingnu.

Qi Xuansu did not expect that Monk Yanxiu would be so frantic. He used the two women as hidden weapons without any hesitation, so the two innocent women died unfortunately. Qi Xuansu also tried to save others and suffered some injuries for this. From then on From a point of view, Qi Xuansu is much softer than before.

It's just that he hasn't softened up enough to put the blame for other people's crimes on himself.

Whoever kills is killed. It was Qi Xuansu who killed him, but Qi Xuansu would not hide. It was not Qi Xuansu who killed him, and Qi Xuansu would not recognize him.

Qi Xuansu has never been a good person, so he doesn't intend to be pointed at by moral fireballs.

Li Changge said: "Since the person is dead, don't begrudge the peace money. Make good arrangements for the funeral, comfort their families, and don't miss a penny for the pension."

"Yes." Li Qingnu said seriously, "We have already arranged for someone to do it."

Li Changge nodded slightly: "Continue."

Li Qingnu continued: "On the night of the incident, someone shot down the sky lantern in our Wutong Garden, causing a fire. This gave the criminals an opportunity."

"How did the murderer know where Monk Yanxiu lived?" Li Changge asked.

Li Qingnu replied: "Wutong Garden is not a secret place. The whereabouts of guests cannot be hidden from the eyes of interested people. It is a huge imperial city with a mixture of fish and dragons. Qingluan Guard, Imperial Palace, Tianchen Division, Inspector Division, Qingpinghui, Ziguang Club, 'Inn', Five Cities Soldiers and Horses Division, Shenshu Camp, Shenji Camp, Xuanhui Courtyard, it couldn't be easier to find a person's whereabouts. "

Li Changge asked again: "Didn't you notice anything wrong beforehand? For example, someone was watching and squatting outside Wutong Garden."

Li Qingnu replied: "Monk Yanxiu is a Buddhist disciple in the stage of returning to his true form, but he was beaten to death by human beings. He didn't even have a chance to escape. Even if he was careless, it is not something that ordinary people with innate abilities can do. So we concluded that, The murderer is a heavenly being. Master Yun also agrees with this. Since he is a heavenly being, it is difficult for us to detect him even if he is spying or observing in secret."

Li Changge raised the tone of his question: "You just said that two people died. Including Monk Yanxiu, there are only three people. There can't be only three people in such a big courtyard. Where are the others?"

Li Qingnu still answered very calmly: "Everyone else fell into the 'Chaos God' spell, so they left the compound early without leaving any memory."

"Wuzhu's method." Li Changge said thoughtfully.

Qi Xuansu has calmed down now, the old god is here.

All the witnesses are mine, and no detective will work. Yanxiu, you are on my territory, what are you going to do to fight me?

An hour later, the people sent by Li Changge came back and presented a "photograph stone" and a "voice talisman". The "image stone" was imprinted with the scene of the earth's energy retrospection, and the "voice talisman" was a record of the passage. The sounds obtained through spell tracing, the two match up perfectly. Moreover, it has been dealt with, and there will definitely not be any inappropriate scenes that will stain the eyes of several high-level practitioners and mages.

Li Changge signaled that it was okay to start.

The next moment, the scene of Monk Yanxiu being beaten to death reappeared.

The higher the level of cultivation of the person fighting, the greater the impact on the earth's energy. When you reach the pseudo-immortal stage, you don't have to deliberately destroy the earth's energy. Just the aftermath of the attack can disturb the earth's energy. Qi Xuansu is also a celestial being after all, so the figure in the earthly aura is slightly blurry. He can only vaguely see that he is an old man, and his specific appearance is not clear.

The earth energy traceback starts when the old man enters the door and ends when the old man goes out.

Originally, Qi Xuansu was worried that there were any flaws in his moves, so he came up with a special excuse for this. However, he soon discovered that he had overestimated the earth energy retrieval, or that he had underestimated his current cultivation level. Every time he and Yanxiu fights head-on, and under the shock of Qi, the scene of Earth Qi retrospect will be greatly affected, or blurry, or stuck, and even "black out" from time to time. Not to mention others, Qi Xuansu, the person involved, cannot recognize it. come out.

There is also martial arts energy, which cannot be seen or touched, and has no body and soul. Unless you fight in person, it is difficult to distinguish. On the contrary, with the blessing of martial arts energy, Sanren's true energy appears to be much more powerful, almost like that of a heavenly and human qi refiner. Infuriated. As for the short-term golden body transformation, it was covered by the red light of the "Great Sun Destruction Technique".

But the sound is quite clear.

Qingpinghui - Yanxiu has already revealed the origin of the murderer.

The word "Xuanyu" appeared again and again, and the old man kept forcing Yanxiu to hand over "Xuanyu". Judging from the reaction of monk Yanxiu, although he did not know the old man, it was by no means the first time he had dealt with Qingpinghui, otherwise he would not have What will be said about "haunting".

Furthermore, Monk Yanxiu's defense also mentioned Qi Xuansu, saying that "Xuanyu" fell into Qi Xuansu's hands, which indirectly helped Qi Xuansu get rid of the suspicion.

Yao Pei said: "The matter is very clear. A heavenly spirit practitioner from the Qingping Association found Monk Yanxiu and asked him to hand over the 'Xuan Jade'. Yanxiu refused, and was beaten to death. The man from the Qingping Association Tianren also mentioned two brand names, namely 'Little King of Qin' and 'Xie Qiuniang', presumably these are the masterminds behind the scenes."

Everyone nodded, and now it seemed that there was no obvious flaw in this explanation.

Even Yun Luo was a little surprised. Could it be that she had guessed wrong and it wasn't Qi Xuansu who did it?

Li Changge was not in a hurry to express his position and looked at Qi Xuansu: "What do you think, Brother Qi?"

Qi Xuansu said: "I know the whole story about this matter."

Li Changge smiled and said, "I'd like to hear the details."

Qi Xuansu said slowly: "Actually, I also mentioned this matter in my self-defense when I was falsely accused of being a demon from Lingshan Witch Cult. That happened last year. I was still the deacon of Tiangang Hall and a subordinate of Deputy Hall Master Zhang. The two of us were involved in a certain incident. We were passing through Yishan City, where we discovered a group of members of the Lingshan Witch Cult, who were secretly planning to descend from the gods. Deputy Hall Master Zhang and I defeated this group of monsters, and I was promoted to the fifth rank of Taoist priests. "

Qi Xuansu told the whole story truthfully. Anyway, it was no secret that he had the "Heart of the Immortal Stone". The grudge between him and Yanxiu had been made clear for a long time. Li Changge and others only went up after seeing it. Pay gold to the palace.

Qi Xuansu focused on Xie Qiuniang's story: "Then Xie Qiuniang came here for the 'Xuan Yu'. She saw with her own eyes that Wu Luo's divine power was reduced, and when she saw that Yanxiu was not dead, she mistakenly thought that Monk Yanxiu had obtained the 'Xuan Yu'. Pursuing monk Yanxiu is ironic, even the members of the secret society did not expect that the evil monk Yanxiu was so despicable that he asked me to be the scapegoat, so he found the wrong person and let me take advantage of him. "

Zhang Yuelu, who had been silent until now, finally said, "I can testify to this."

Qi Xuansu just wanted to laugh three times.

There is a saying about the Three Imperial Households in Houlinzhou, which means that in addition to the Toyotomi main family, the Owari Toyotomi family, the Omi Toyotomi family, and the Ene Toyotomi family have the right to inherit the "Regent Sekihaku". Does this count as the Daomen imperial family? Have the three families gathered together? The three most promising families competing for the position of Grand Master.

However, he still hoped that Zhang Yuelu would win the position of head coach. After all, he was just friends with Yao Pei and Li Qingnu and could not be compared with Zhang Yuelu.

But Qi Xuansu still had a very serious face and said: "Now that I think about it, when I passed by Jinxiu Mansion, there were suddenly some suspicious people from the world, maybe they are peripheral members of the Qingping Society."

Li Changge was noncommittal and asked, "Speaking of 'Xuan Yu', how many 'Xuan Jade' has Brother Qi collected now?"

Qi Xuansu said modestly: "To make Brother Li Dao laugh, it only costs three yuan, and so far I haven't been able to make a small fortune."

"Brother Qi Dao is really lucky." Li Changge said with a smile, "With the help of the huge Li family, I have only received five pieces of 'Xuan Jade' so far. Brother Qi Dao is alone, but he can get three pieces. It is really amazing. "

Qi Xuansu was shocked.

There was something in Li Changge's words, directed at Qiniang behind him.

However, although Qi Xuansu was shocked, he calmly said: "With five pieces of 'Xuan Jade', as long as there is no shortage of divine power, brother Li Dao can reach the immeasurable stage, right?"

Li Changge shook his head and said: "There is no point in pursuing speed. If you don't want to stop pretending to be an immortal, it's better to go slower."

Obviously, Li Changge knew more about the inside story of the "Heart of Immortality Stone", so he did not fill all the "mysterious jade" in his body with divine power to delay the improvement of his cultivation.

Qi Xuansu actually wanted to have a good exchange of experiences with Li Changge, but he also knew that this was a delusion, so he could only suppress his doubts: "I dare not compare with Brother Li Dao."

If Li Changge pointed out something, "A celestial qi practitioner who can use the 'Chaos God' is from the Qingping Society and is also looking for the 'Xuan Jade'. What does this mean?"

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