Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 72 Deciding to Revenge

Qi Xuansu felt a sense of urgency.

How can the poor fight against the rich?

This is like playing Xuan Sheng cards. Li Changsong's cards are all ten-point longevity cards, and Qi Xuansu's small cards are three-, four-, and five-point cards. How can we play this?

Qi Xuansu asked: "Qiniang, why didn't you tell me these things before?"

Qiniang said confidently: "You only have three pieces of 'Xuan Jade', and there are two more pieces that I gave you. Is there any hidden danger in fusing too many 'Xuan Jade' that you should consider?"

"Isn't it too early for you to start thinking about your merits and achievements before you even passed the examination?"

Qi Xuansu was speechless.

Qi Xuansu had to admit that this issue was indeed too far away from him, just as far away as him competing for the eighth generation master.

However, Qi Xuansu said firmly: "If you don't consider it now, it doesn't mean you won't consider it in the future. You have to consider it after all."

Qiniang wrote lightly: "Since we will consider it later, it is not too late for me to tell you now."

Qi Xuansu was choked and speechless.

Qiniang lit the cigarette pot, holding the cigarette rod flat and puffing away the smoke: "Is there anything else? If nothing else, I'll leave first. I've been very busy recently, with hundreds of thousands of dollars an hour."

Qi Xuansu curled his lips and said: "Several hundred thousand Ruyi money."

One yuan of Taiping coins is equivalent to one thousand Ruyi coins, and hundreds of thousands of Ruyi coins are equivalent to several hundred Taiping coins.

Qiniang hit Qi Xuansu with her cigarette pole.

Qi Xuansu changed his words: "It's worry-free money."

Qiniang hummed softly: "Then I am really as rich as any other country. The seven assistants of Taiping Bank combined can't be as rich as me alone."

Qi Xuansu said flatteringly: "There is a saying, when you are angry, the princes will be afraid; when you live in peace, the world will be destroyed. As the saying goes, a man can achieve immortality with a three-foot sword, Qiniang, you can do it too... The eldest lady can use abacus to pacify the world. ”

The Seventh Lady was silent for a while: "Why do you smell like the Li family when the nice words come out of your mouth?"

Qi Xuansu thought for a while and shied away the responsibility: "It was probably because of Li Qingnu's influence."

Qiniang corrected him: "Don't call him by his first name. Call him by the name 'Yubo', Li Yubo."

As she spoke, she also wrote the word "Yu Bo" in front of her with her fingers.

Qi Xuansu asked curiously: "Who gave her the nickname?"

Qiniang pointed to herself: "Of course it's me."

Qi Xuansu asked again: "What do you mean?"

Qiniang patiently explained: "Yubo is actually Yu Bo, but Yu Bo doesn't sound good."

Qi Xuansu understood immediately.

Yubo is homophonic to Yu Bo, Yu Bo is the green clam, and the green clam is the green slave.

In fact, the name Li Qingnu is very tricky, not as grand as Zhang Yuelu, nor as elegant as Qi Xuansu.

"Qingnu" has two meanings, one is the green clam mentioned by Qiniang, and the other is the bedding used to keep cool in summer, made of bamboo, also known as the Bamboo Lady. There is a poem that goes: I don't have red sleeves to entertain the night, but I want the young slave to be cold all the time. Another poem says: There is a young slave sleeping with you.

A woman named herself after a type of bedding, and the meaning is self-explanatory.

Li Tianyue did treat Li Qingnu as a tool at first - a bedding given to His Majesty the Emperor.

As for Li Tianyue changing his mind in the future, that is another matter. The name Li Qingnu has been used for so long, and its reputation has spread all over the world, so it is difficult to change it.

Qiniang used another explanation, namely "green clam".

It means it's better than bedding, but it's also quite limited.

Green clams grow in the South China Sea. It looks like a cicada with its son attached to a tree. All the money taken to be painted will be returned to its place of origin.

Legend has it that when a green clam gives birth to a son, the mother and her son will always come back together after they are separated. People use the blood of the mother and her son to smear the blood of the green clam on the money. The money with the mother's blood or the money with the child's blood will fly back after being used. Therefore, There is a saying that "green clams pay back money".

"Qinggui" means money.

This is very suitable for Qiniang's taste, especially "green clam repays money", which means that the rich money will be returned after all.

She gave Qi Xuansu the name of the brand "Jincuo Dao", and gave Li Qingnu the word meaning "green clam to pay back the money", both of which are related to money. It can be said that she has not changed her original intention.

However, the combination of two meanings, money and bedding, makes people think of prostitutes for no reason, which is still unbearable.

So Qiniang changed it directly, and it turned out to be better.

As for the homophonic pronunciation of the surname, it is also common and is usually used to change the surname. Many people's surnames before they became successful were a bit petty. After they became successful, they changed their surnames to express their ambitions. Usually they are homophones. The pronunciation of the title remains the same as before, but the words and meanings have changed.

From the literal meaning of "Yu Bo", the word "Yu" comes from water, which corresponds to the origin of green clams in the South China Sea. "Bo" means indifferent and distant, which has deviated from its original meaning and gone in an elegant direction.

Qi Xuansu said a long "Oh": "Okay, okay, okay."

Qiniang asked: "What's so good about it?"

Qi Xuansu expressed his thoughts and then said: "Qiniang has worked hard, and the sky can learn from it."

Qiniang was overjoyed and praised: "You have a sense of shame and good knowledge. I heard from Su Yi that last time you read 'Master of Jianxiu Mountain' as 'Master of Jianxiu Mountain', Xuansheng became Farmers, you really are the one, you didn’t make a joke this time, you actually know that the green clam is the fish uncle, and you also know about my hard work, that’s good.”

The expression on Qi Xuansu's face froze.

When these two people named Yao were together, they didn't say anything good about him, right?

Qi Xuansu changed the subject: "I heard that 'Qingshanshi' had some issues with the King of Liao?"

Qiniang didn't show off: "You know everything?"

"What do you know?" Qi Xuansu was a little confused.

"Of course it was the King of Liao who sent people to kill Qingshanshi." Qiniang still downplayed it.

Although Qi Xuansu had already guessed it, he was still a little surprised after hearing the truth.

According to Zhang Yuelu, the King of Liao wasted many years because of losing to "Qingshanshi", and finally thought about it.

It turns out that this is the thinking. If the problem cannot be solved, the person who raised the problem will be solved. This shows that the King of Liao is no longer the young and energetic martial arts idiot, but a qualified prince with real power.

This also shows that the senior officials of the Qingpinghui have found out the truth a long time ago, but did not make it public out of some concerns.

Qi Xuansu asked: "What level of cultivation is 'Qingshanshi'?"

"I have just entered the Creation Stage, so I am confident. I didn't expect to be killed by someone." Qiniang said, "It is said that the 'cook' of the 'Inn' personally led the team to take action. A Heavenly Being in the Creation Stage plus three Infinite A heavenly being in the stage, 'Qing Shi Shi' replaced a heavenly being in the infinite stage before his death, which is pretty good."

Qi Xuansu only felt a chill on his back. The heavenly beings in the creation stage would die immediately. If he did not have the identity of the leader of the Taoist sect, wouldn't he have died many times earlier? Even if he has a Taoist identity, is protected by Master Donghua on the surface, and protected by Qiniang secretly, Tianchensi has tried it, but it just didn't succeed.

To put it bluntly, Qi Xuansu has not touched the King of Liao, but only the steward of the King of Liao. The powerful Master Gao in Beicheng is not even qualified to have any contact with the King of Liao, he is just a leg of Wen Weng.

Of course, if the King of Liao dared to touch "Qing Shishi", he would never dare to touch Zhang Yuelu and the others. This is the advantage of having a strong background.

Qi Xuansu asked: "What are you going to do in the meeting?"

Qiniang said: "Not long ago, there were six members of the Privy Council meeting, and four votes decided to take revenge. One vote was against, and one abstained. I abstained."

Qi Xuansu couldn't help but ask: "Where is the guild leader? Why doesn't the guild leader say anything about such a big matter?"

Qiniang said: "If the vote is three to three, then the president will speak. Under normal circumstances, the president will not interfere with the Privy Council's decision."

Qi Xuansu said in a deep voice: "So we are going to war with the 'Inn'?"

Qiniang nodded: "Although 'Inn' is a murderer's knife, a person of 'Qingshanshi''s weight cannot be deduced with such simple logic. 'Inn' clearly knows that 'Qingshanshi' is from Qingping Society If one of the leaders still dares to take action, it is an attitude and a stance. If the 'inn' does not bear any risk and responsibility and just passes the responsibility to the person who bought the murder, then their business will be too easy. ”

Qi Xuansu was not excited, but deeply worried. He is not the kind of young boy whose blood boils when he hears such a big thing, nor is he a stupid young man who has never experienced life and death. Precisely because he has experienced life and death, he knows the ruthlessness and cruelty of life and death.

Soldiers are important matters of the country, the place of life and death, and the path to survival. They must be observed.

Quanzhen Tao has not yet fought against Zhengyi, and Qingpinghui is already facing the "Inn".

Qi Xuansu asked again: "Where is Qibaofang?"

Qiniang said: "Qibaofang is Qibaofang, and Qingpinghui is Qingpinghui. You can't connect the two families just because I hold two positions. And I have resigned. The biggest person in Qibaofang is the current rotating boss."

Qi Xuansu rubbed his hands: "Do I want to participate too?"

"Those who have meritorious deeds." Qiniang offered an inducement, "The meritorious deeds can be exchanged for 'mysterious jade'."

"Count me in." Qi Xuansu said immediately, "People die for money and birds die for food. If you don't enter the tiger's den, you won't catch the tiger's cubs. If you get out of the water and fire, your life will not be in vain."

Qiniang added: "The Privy Council has decided to implement a double merit system during the period of revenge. For example, if you kill a yellow-level 'guy' in an 'inn', you could only be given two merit points before, but now you will be given four merit points." . In addition, there is a buy-10-get-one-free discount, that is, if you kill ten yellow-level 'guys', you will receive an extra kill. If you don't kill the enemy directly, you will gather information behind the scenes. , then there is also a guarantee system, that is, as long as the information is true and correct, even if it is all useless, there will still be merit rewards in the end. "

Qi Xuansu was silent for a long time after hearing this, and then said slowly: "This must be the method you came up with."

Qiniang was even proud of herself. She opened the fingers of her left hand without holding the cigarette rod and made a fist: "Who else has such fantastic ideas besides me? Qingping Council was originally going to avenge 'Qing Shi Shi', but after me With such an encouragement and a two-pronged approach, it is really a powerful force and a united force. How can a mere 'inn' compete with me?"

Qi Xuansu said, "We are born from the same roots, why are we in such a hurry?"

What he was talking about was that the Qingping Society and the "Inn" were originally one and the same, but now they are at war with each other.

Qiniang said indifferently: "That's why 'Inn' betrayed the Qingping Society. Qingping Society is the leader. 'Inn' is the limbs. The leader has always controlled the limbs. There is no reason why the limbs can in turn fight against the leader."

Qi Xuansu was too lazy to argue with Qiniang about these fallacies and asked, "What should I do?"

Qiniang thought for a while and said: "Qingnu... The fishing pond is not suitable for hunting and killing, so I will send others to contact you. You saw it last time in my dream."

Qi Xuansu immediately understood that he was one of the core figures in Qiniang's small circle.

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