Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 74 Dream Cloud

In fact, Qiniang is right, others are really not that good.

With her family background and ability and qualifications, if she could develop within the Taoist sect with peace of mind, she would be a knowledgeable person at least. Even if she did not choose to develop in the Taoist sect and mingled with various secret societies, she would still be a very special one.

Take Wu Guangbi, the leader of the "Tianting" avenue, for example. He is indeed amazing. He is equal to Qiniang, but his influence is only limited to "Tianting". After leaving "Tianting", other members of the secret society He won't recognize him.

Qiniang is different. She can actually hold two positions and become the leader of two secret societies at the same time. Moreover, these two secret societies are not allies, which is very unusual.

Therefore, it makes sense that other members of the Privy Council cannot be compared with Qiniang. Even if these members of the Privy Council have other identities, they only have two identities. Qiniang has three identities including the Yao family.

Qi Xuansu has always had a feeling that in addition to the currently known identity, Qiniang also has a fourth unknown identity - Qiniang has the potential to be the mastermind behind the scenes.

Qi Xuansu rarely dreams about Lingshan Cave these days. Not long ago, he had another dream, which was bizarre and bizarre, but full of absurdity.

In the dream, Qiniang suddenly told him that she was actually Taiping Taoist secret agent in the Yao family. Her real name was not Yao Qiniang, but Li Changqi. The word "qi" was a homophone to "qi". She was the sister of the national preceptor Li Changgeng. She is the sister of Li Changge, the junior national master, and Qi Xuansu should not be called Qi Xuansu. As Li Changqi's adopted son, he is from the generation with the character "you", so he should be called Li Youdao, which means wealth.

Qi Xuansu found that it was not unacceptable to him, and he was not even shocked, because that was how Qiniang felt to others. Of course, apart from the name, although the name "Making Money in a Right Way" fits Qiniang's style very well, Qi Xuansu cannot accept it at all.

Qi Xuansu dispelled these messy thoughts: "I understand, as long as a heavenly being in the immeasurable stage does not match the proprietor, shopkeeper, and cook of the 'inn', there will be no big problem. In terms of intelligence, the Qingping Society can still be trusted. of."

Qiniang emphasized again: "Although 'Dream Walking Cloud' is an infinite stage, it is only one step away from the creation stage. It can be called..."

She thought for a while: "Half-step of creation."

Qi Xuansu couldn't help laughing and said: "My dear mother, where did you learn the new words? Have you read the playbook recently? Are you still half-stepped in creation, are there still infinite small perfections and infinite great perfections? You might as well Forget about dividing the infinite stage into nine-layered buildings.”

Don't hide your sarcasm.

Anyway, Qiniang is not here, so I can't help him. I don't know when the next meeting will be.

Qiniang became angry and said: "I said half a step is half a step, do you understand or do I understand? You, a little heavenly being in the carefree stage, dare to question me, a fake immortal like me?"

Qi Xuansu became more serious and said: "I heard that there was no such thing as a pseudo-immortal at all. After the creation stage, there are immortals. It is because there are so many people like you that another pseudo-immortal stage has been created."

Qiniang suddenly stopped talking, and then slowly took a few steps back. One hand was still holding the fish charm that maintained the light screen, and the other hand was gesturing towards the light screen between the two of them, as if looking for an angle.

Qi Xuansu was a little confused.

Then Qiniang suddenly stretched out her hand forward, and saw a palm sticking out of a large sleeve embroidered with copper money patterns, passing through the light curtain, and slapped Qi Xuansu from the air.

Qi Xuansu was a little confused.

It hurts, but it doesn't hurt. No matter how hard a mother teaches her son, this slap is as hard as it is. Let alone Qi Xuansu, a heavenly being, even a half-grown child doesn't take it seriously.

The key is that Qi Xuansu has never seen such a mysterious method.

Seeing Qi Xuansu stunned, Qiniang lost a lot of her anger and snorted coldly: "You are becoming more and more unruly. It seems that I am too indulgent to you on weekdays. I heard that there is a sour man in the Confucian sect who recently wrote a book about something. "Disciple Regulations", you really should read it carefully."

Qi Xuansu came back to his senses, looked solemn, and said in a deep voice: "Is this a half-step to immortality?"

Qiniang was a little embarrassed by this "half-step" statement, because Taoist sects did not have such a statement. After being pointed out by Qi Xuansu, Qiniang felt ashamed of an adult who was caught peeking at a child's comic book, so she couldn't help but curse: "Get out of here." Gungun, hurry up and get to the overpass for me. You have to arrive within half an hour. If you don’t arrive after the deadline, I will deduct a thousand merit points from you.”

With that, Qiniang ended the conversation.

Qi Xuansu immediately broke through, no longer showing a serious look on his face, he couldn't help but smile wildly: "Half step for creation, half step for immortality. Well, Li Changge is half step for immeasurable, and when I was in Wanxiang Dao Palace, it was half step for carefreeness, whatever Half a step."

After a while, Qi Xuansu regained his composure.

In front of Gao Mingyin, Ke Qingqing and others, he is the cold-faced and ruthless Chief Qi. In front of Zhang Yuelu, he was Qi Tianyuan, who was calm and reliable but occasionally frivolous and unruly. In front of Qiniang, he was just a child who was free to laugh, yell and curse.

Three faces, no conflict.

Human beings are inherently multi-faceted. A ferocious villain with bloody hands can also be a loving father in front of his children, and a man who is a subordinate to others.

Just like Qiniang, in front of Qi Xuansu, she was the informal, stingy, vulgar philistine old lady. But in front of outsiders, it is Master Yao who is as enigmatic as Wu Guangbi, the leader of the "Heavenly Court", who is like a fairy descending to the mortal world.

There is also Zhang Yuelu, who is calm and powerful on weekdays and has a divine light, but when he is alone with Qi Xuansu, he is still a little different.

Even Yao Pei, who is like a piece of wood, has two faces. One is like a puppet, neither happy nor sad, with occasional mood swings that are fleeting. The other is as sharp as a sharp knife unsheathed. He lives in seclusion and only appears occasionally, killing decisively. It has the charm of Donghua Zhenren.

Qi Xuansu has returned to his usual Qi Xuansu. It is far from being calm and powerful. However, as his cultivation and status get higher and higher, he also develops a somewhat ethereal "qi". When he becomes serious, he is very scary. For example, he When they went to capture Gao Mingyin, a group of people were shocked speechless by him. It's just that it's hard to be serious in front of Qiniang, and it's easy to be slapped back by Qiniang.

Qiniang is the kind of person that the Fifth Generation Grand Master hates the most. She is careless and has no serious attitude, and she tarnishes the image of the Taoist sect.

With this in mind, Qi Xuansu put on the newly bought clothes, put on a "white fox face" mask, chose a young face, and assumed the identity of Wei Wugui again.

"Golden Crossed Knife" Wei Wugui.

He put on a bamboo hat to hide his face and took out his sword. He hesitated whether to use "Fei Ying Bai" when necessary. After much thought, he still thought it could be used.

Because of the Dao Sect Creation Project, various spiritual objects and treasures have gotten rid of the past manual workshop model and began to be mass-produced like "Dragon Hand Guns". For example, the "Purple Green Twin Swallows" used by Chang Sanye who assassinated Zhang Yuelu, is Taiping Road was designed in the first year of Jiushi to celebrate the new emperor's accession to the throne. A total of 365 sets were cast, which is the number of days in the week. The same goes for the pair of swords "Fei Ying" and "Fei Ying Bai". They are not just one set. Even if he uses them, he cannot conclude that Qi Xuansu and Wei Wugui are the same person.

Qi Xuansu quietly left the crowded Imperial Capital headquarters and headed for the overpass in Nancheng.

The Wei court wanted to build four outer cities, but in the end only one southern city was built. The subsequent three outer cities were all built by the Daxuan court. The reason why the other three outer cities were not built was because the Wei court was short of money. The reason why the Nancheng was built first was because the Nancheng was still the most prosperous on the outskirts of the city at that time. The Shanchuan Altar and the Heaven and Earth Altar were both in the south of the city.

In other words, before Shizong of the Wei Dynasty, the emperor had to leave the city to worship heaven and earth. Now these two places are in the city, in Nancheng.

The so-called "overpass" is located in the northwest of the Temple of Heaven and Earth. It is a north-south white jade single-hole high arch bridge. This bridge is the bridge that the emperor must pass when he goes to the altar of heaven and earth to worship heaven and earth. It means the bridge to the sky, or the bridge of the emperor, so it is called "overpass".

Because only the emperor can leave, it is usually closed.

The overpass in the narrow sense is naturally the Emperor's Bridge, but the overpass in the broad sense refers to the vast area around the overpass. In the early years, before Nancheng was expanded, this place was a water town and swamp. Now it is much better than before. Stone roads have been built, and some buskers will gather here. However, after nightfall, it is very deserted.

The Imperial Capital is large enough to accommodate two secret societies to decide the winner.

After Qi Xuansu left the Imperial Palace, he quietly entered the south city from the inner city by virtue of his cultivation as a celestial being, then went south along Suzaku Street, and then turned into a small road.

At this time, Qi Xuansu also figured out that Qing Ping would intentionally change the plan temporarily. In this way, even if the "Inn" gets the news in advance, it will be useless. If the "Inn" takes action based on the information received in advance, it will be transferred away from the mountain. Qingpinghui can take things by surprise and attack in the east and west.

Even Class B members such as Qi Xuansu were unaware of these circumstances, only Class A members could know.

The reason is also very simple. The world is huge, but a person is very small. The "cook" of the "inn" can lead people to accurately ambush on the only way "Qing Shishi" must pass, which shows that there is an insider inside the Qing Ping Society, leaking the truth about "Qing Shi Shi". The remaining Class A members were not fools. They naturally knew to guard against the mole before catching him, or to use a two-pronged approach, so they came up with this temporary change of plan.

If something goes wrong this time, then the scope of suspicion will be much narrowed. There are only so many Class A members in total, and not all Class A members are involved in this matter and know about it. The several Class A members who planned this matter are naturally the most suspect. .

Just as I was thinking about it, the overpass was already in sight.

A man appeared in front of Qi Xuansu out of thin air, wearing a simple Taoist robe and a bronze mask in the style of ancient witchcraft on his face. He was not hostile.

Qi Xuansu immediately understood that this person was the "accomplice" of Qingpinghui.

Seeing the mask on his face, one could roughly understand that there really was some kind of inheritance relationship between Qingpinghui and the legendary great wizard.

The visitor cupped his fists and said, "Meng Xingyun."

Qi Xuansu returned the courtesy and said: "The golden sword."

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