Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 86 Moral Corruption

When Su Li rushed to the yard where Qi Xuansu Yin Shen was, she saw that the place had been burned into dark ruins by fire, and there were several charred corpses among them. It was obvious that they had not escaped the ravages of the "Nine Yang Li Fire Barrier".

Among the ruins, there is a stone door open on the ground. It is not standing like an ordinary stone door, but lying flat on the ground. At this time, the stone door is tightly closed, and flowing cloud patterns appear on the surface, and a vaguely visible The logo of Bagua, the raging fire dragon was helpless.

Because Qi Xuansu's alchemist inheritance is incomplete, his Yin Shen cannot be equated with that of a heavenly alchemist. He lacks both the means to unlock formations and the power to directly break formations. His main method of dealing with the enemy is to urge them on. Moving imitation version of "Nine Yang Lihuo Shield".

Su Li immediately understood the reason why Qi Xuansu asked her to come to support, but Su Li's mind was very flexible. She did not try to break the formation in a short time, but immediately looked for the cardinal key to open the formation.

After all, this is a frequently used passage, which means that the formation will be opened frequently, and the Cardinal's secret key will not be hidden in a hard-to-reach place, or even on someone's body.

Su Li's spiritual sense was very powerful, and he locked the target with just one glance. A figure who seemed to be the leader of the nursing home was staring at the Yin God.

Su Li didn't hesitate at all, and moved towards this person like a ghost.

Demons have many disadvantages, such as difficulty in transformation, slow cultivation speed, etc., but they also have many unique advantages. According to the classification of Taoism, Su Li should be regarded as a Sanren, that is, a low-level immortal who can practice everything. He is not good at everything, but because of his demon-like true body, his physique is comparable to that of a martial artist, and he is very powerful in close combat. And because of the fox clan's talent, his illusion skills are even comparable to that of an alchemist. Regarding this, Qi Xuansu had a deep understanding of this when he faced Su Ran.

The leader suddenly felt a warning sign. At the critical moment, he managed to get out of the way, but a claw tore off a large piece of flesh and blood from his neck. If he had been slower to hide, his throat would have been scratched.

He suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. He looked up and saw a woman wearing a cloak disappearing in a flash. The woman's right hand could be vaguely seen not looking like a human hand, but a furry white claw.

At this moment, the Yin God also noticed the situation here, and once again activated the "Nine Yang Li Fire Shield", turning into nine fire dragons and heading straight for this place, forcing all the guards to dodge.

Although this leader has a good level of cultivation, he is only at the stage of returning to his true form. How can he withstand the attack of two people? After barely escaping three fire dragons, he was passed by by one. His body was immediately blackened, his beard and hair were all burnt, but he was not dead yet. But there was another Su Li, who took this opportunity and directly came to the Black Tiger to dig out the heart, took out a heart from the back and took this person's life.

Killing was not the purpose. Su Li ducked down and touched him. Sure enough, he found the cardinal's secret key to unlock the formation. Although it was called a secret key, it did not look like a key, but a jade plaque. Its approximate shape was similar to that of a key. The jade tablet that Yao Pei used when he entered Tianshui Yixin Tower was not much different.

"I got it!" Su Li raised the cardinal's secret key and waved it towards Yin Shen.

At the same time, Qi Xuansu himself also rushed towards this side. After all, he was a majestic heavenly being. Although he attracted many guardians, he could not stop Qi Xuansu at all. He said he was blocking, but in fact he was surrounding him from a distance. He was not able to stop him at all. Dare to step forward. If these people don't take action against Qi Xuansu, Qi Xuansu will not deliberately kill people.

Su Li came to the stone door, raised the cardinal's secret key in her hand, activated the formation, opened the stone door, and saw a passage with steps going down, and then she entered the passage first.

Qi Xuansu rushed here immediately, merged with Yin Shen, and followed closely behind.

This passage slopes down at first, and then gradually becomes flat, from the slope to the ground. On the left and right are rooms with opposite doors. There are no doors. Instead, they are hung with Western-style blankets. In some rooms, the blankets are lifted, which shows that they are also paved inside. There are carpets and brocade embroidered tents. In each room there is a woman wearing tulle and showing off her beauty. Because there is a constant temperature formation here, there is no fear of freezing.

Qi Xuansu and Su Li didn't take a closer look and went straight to the end of the corridor - the big fish was not here.

At the end of the corridor are two ornately decorated doors.

Qi Xuansu's body swept over and he slapped the door with his palm.

After all, this is not a prison for prisoners, nor is it a confidential place. Under Qi Xuansu's palm, there was a "rustling" sound like eating mulberry leaves, and the two exquisite doors turned into powder, revealing the scene behind the door. .

The Eastern style tends to be elegant and elegant, and in "some aspects" it is not as atmospheric as the Western style. For example, the Eastern eight-step bed is like a small square house with curtains and a canopy. It cannot be used at all, so it is not as good as the Western style. There is a big round bed, so the door behind the door is a typical Western style.

In Western terms, this is called the "Baroque" style, which is complex, luxurious, exaggerated and magnificent. Colorful carpets, sparkling crystal chandeliers, standing glass mirrors, gilt screens with naked women, and huge vases as tall as one person, plus velvet benches, gilded coffee tables, and porcelain from official kilns, underground There were obviously no windows, but thick silk curtains were hung to create the illusion that there were windows, making the place less depressing.

But the most eye-catching thing is the large round bed, which is probably filled with velvet. If you lie on it, your whole body will sink into it. At this time, there were three people on the bed, playing the trick of one dragon and two phoenixes. That was all. The two women still had some clothes left on them, which showed their identity as Kundao. Especially their buns were neat and tidy. It forms a sharp contrast with the messy clothes and body, which is extremely ironic.

Su Li lowered her eyes and commented: "Moral corruption."

The fox demons of the Qingqiu Mountain lineage always have a strong sense of morality and honor that is very inconsistent with the world's impression. They are also very prone to radicals and advocate the use of violent means to eliminate all immoral people.

Qi Xuansu didn't have any feelings about this, and directly burned the mother talisman that he had prepared long ago, and said: "Catch the thief and get the stolen goods, catch the traitor and get the double, this time it's both the person and the stolen goods."

The spiritual officials will arrive here soon, suppress all those who dare to resist the Imperial Palace, and then conduct a comprehensive and detailed investigation.

Maybe it was because Qi Xuansu's voice was too soft, or maybe it was because the three people on the bed were too involved, or maybe it was because they trusted this place too much and relaxed their vigilance. In short, these three people did not notice Qi Xuansu and Su Li for a long time. The arrival of the new year is still immersed in the corrupt world of pleasure.

Qi Xuansu watched the free performance for a while and had to say: "It seems that the atmosphere in the Imperial Capital really needs to be rectified. I remember a pope from the Holy See said: Worldly pleasure and the sin of greed are noble sentiments. Enemy, spiritual corruption always begins with the corruption of the body, and moral decay always begins with the release of human nature."

These words finally brought the three of them back from the world of joy. The man who was enjoying the blessing of everyone was the first to wake up and looked at Qi Xuansu and Su Li who suddenly appeared here. He was not too panicked. He asked quite calmly: "Who are you?"

His calmness also invisibly comforted the two Kundao people beside him. They did not scream, but used one hand to cover the leaked spring light, and the other hand to find their own clothes.

Qi Xuansu pulled up a chair and sat down, and said unhurriedly: "My surname is Qi, my double name is Xuansu, Xuanhei Xuan, Subai Su. The palace master’s order is to rectify the atmosphere in the imperial capital.”

At this moment, the guards finally caught up and just heard Qi Xuansu introduce himself. They all turned pale, and some even dropped the weapons in their hands to the ground.

A lonely deity making trouble and the Taoist priest in charge of the Imperial Palace are two completely different concepts.

For the former, you can find the "Inn" to get rid of him, or you can ask Tianchensi to suppress him, as long as you are willing to spend money.

The latter is not that simple, it involves a lot and needs to be dealt with carefully.

What's more, the person in charge is the famous Qi Xuansu.

Many people now say that Mr. Gao, who was once so powerful in Beicheng, actually died at the hands of Qi Xuansu.

Although Gao Mingyin was silenced by his own people and Qi Xuansu was falsely accused and suspended from office, another story was told outside.

It is said that Mr. Gao's son offended Mr. Qi. Mr. Gao once spent 200,000 yuan in peacetime as an apology but failed to redeem his life. Then he was taken away by Mr. Qi in full view of the public and was caught in the underworld of the Jade Palace. He then disappeared. He died inexplicably a few days later. There were rumors that the Chief Qi sent someone to secretly execute Mr. Gao in the underworld without trial and conviction. In any case, Mr. Gao was also a well-known figure, but he died quietly without causing any splash.

Everyone also knows that Mr. Gao has someone on his side. After this incident, Mr. Gao's backer took action and sued Chief Qi for killing innocent people indiscriminately. He suspended Chief Qi for a period of time, but that was all. Under the protection of the Taoist sect, within a few days, Chief Qi was reinstated. It was said that his connections went straight to Jinque, and he had a great background. This suspension was actually a penalty of three drinks, and he was Gao Gao's backer. There is no way around it.

Good things don't go out, but bad things spread thousands of miles.

Qi Xuansu has a great reputation now. Regardless of Qi Xuansu's actual situation, according to legend, he is already a Taoist family member with a powerful background, who must repay every penny he spends, who doesn't look down upon two hundred thousand peace coins, who kills people whenever he wants, and who kills without restraint. , the reputation is catching up with Li Tianzhen.

Good fortune and misfortune depend on each other.

Although Qi Xuansu's reputation was ruined, the advantage was that he could frighten all kinds of demons and monsters.

The man's expression became serious: "It turns out to be Chief Qi. I have admired him for a long time, and I am disrespectful and disrespectful."

Qi Xuansu glanced at me and said, "It's really disrespectful for you to talk to me without clothes on."


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