Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 69: Going home for the New Year

Zhang Yuelu was already prepared for Qi Xuansu to sneer at this kind of new play, but he didn't expect that Qi Xuansu actually saw it and was very absorbed in it. Zhang Yuelu looked at him several times and found that his attention was entirely on the stage. Extremely focused.

In the past, Zhang Yuelu might have had to think deeply, and she might have figured out some clues, but now it was different. She subconsciously thought of the best, thinking that it was Qi Xuansu's first time watching such a new play, and she was shocked. Moreover, "The Infernal Affairs" is based on an Eastern story, rather than a Western story like "The Trial of Three Halls", so it doesn't feel too abrupt and is easier for people to accept.

When the scene was over and the curtain slowly fell, Qi Xuansu came back to his senses, sighed and praised: "Okay, okay, okay."

"What's so good about it?" Zhang Yuelu asked with a smile.

Qi Xuansu pondered: "I didn't know where to start at the moment. To borrow a common saying, people cannot help themselves when they are in the world."

"Jianghu?" Zhang Yuelu was startled.

Qi Xuansu said: "It's not the rivers and lakes at the foot of the mountain. Wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes. Take our Yaoguangxuan as an example. Isn't it a small rivers and lakes? You are the leader of the alliance, and I am the dogleg. Everyone has his own people. character of."

Zhang Yuelu lightly punched Qi Xuansu: "If you are a dogleg, then who am I? Tianyuan, you are cursing me in a corner, and you are not willing to kill eight hundred enemies and lose one thousand. In your eyes, I am just like this Is it abominable?"

Qi Xuansu sensed something was wrong in Zhang Yuelu's tone and hurriedly said: "Others see me like this, but I never have such thoughts. In my eyes, you are just like..."

Zhang Yuelu didn't say anything, crossed his arms across his chest, and looked at him sideways.

It seems to be saying, I want to see how you compliment me.

Qi Xuansu thought for a long time and said tentatively: "Like a fairy?"

"Vulgar." Zhang Yuelu said expressionlessly.

Qi Xuansu asked again: "A female hero?"

The corner of Zhang Yuelu's mouth turned up: "I really like the word 'Xia', but unfortunately, in the parlance of the world, I am 'Eagle Claw', and I am also the leader of Eagle Claw. How can I have anything to do with Xia?"

Qi Xuansu could only think again: "It's like a bright moon in the sky?"

"Why didn't you say it looks like stars? 'Zhang Yuelu' is the name of a star." Zhang Yuelu was still not satisfied.

Qi Xuansu spread his hands and said: "This is the end of knowledge, there is no more."

Zhang Yuelu snorted softly: "I think it's not just your knowledge that ends here, but that's the end of your sincerity."

Qi Xuansu said helplessly: "Why is sincerity involved? I remember you said at the beginning that you don't like others to compliment you."

Zhang Yuelu was suddenly speechless and forced himself to say: "It was then, and now is now."

Qi Xuansu half-truthfully said: "In that case, I will tell the truth. In my eyes, you are like the flower in the mirror or the moon in the water, elusive and beyond reach."

Zhang Yuelu was startled: "How can it be so mysterious?"

Qi Xuansu just smiled and said nothing.

Zhang Yuelu stood up and said, "It's time for us to leave."

The two of them left Miaoling Tower and came to Shaochu Street outside. The lanterns hanging on the street had not yet been extinguished, and fireworks could still be seen in the night. This was the last of the three major festivals of Daomen, so it was particularly lively.

The two of them walked side by side without saying a word. Finally, seeing that Shaochu Street was coming to an end, Qi Xuansu carefully considered his words and took the initiative to break the silence: "Qingxiao, you seem to have something to say?"

Zhang Yuelu, who was immersed in his own thoughts, was startled: "Did you see it?"

Qi Xuansu smiled and said: "Silence here is better than sound."

Zhang Yuelu rolled his eyes at him: "I think you are quite knowledgeable, but you are indeed not sincere enough."

Qi Xuansu said: "These are all the old foundations laid in the Wanxiang Taoist Palace. In fact, the peak of my knowledge was when I just graduated from the Wanxiang Taoist Palace. After so many years, many of them have been returned to the academy back then. "

Zhang Yuelu said: "I remember that your graduation grade from Wanxiang Taoist Palace was excellent."

Qi Xuansu sighed: "It's a pity that it's the lower palace."

The Vientiane Taoist Palace is divided into two palaces, the upper and lower palaces. The lower palace mainly adopts orphans, gives unified lessons, and provides talents for the Taoist sect. On the other hand, when the fifth-grade Taoist priests were promoted to the fourth-grade Taoist priests, they studied together in Shanggong. The two are completely different.

Thinking of this, Qi Xuansu asked: "Qingxiao, have you been to the Wanxiang Dao Palace when you were promoted to the fourth rank?"

"Been there." Zhang Yuelu said coldly, "I stayed there for a month and made some friends."

Qi Xuansu glanced at Zhang Yuelu's expression and said, "Your expression doesn't sound like you're talking about a friend, but more like you're talking about an enemy."

"Is it that obvious?" Zhang Yuelu stretched out his hand and rubbed his cheek, "The fault lies with this so-called friend."

Qi Xuansu asked tentatively: "More difficult than Li Tianzhen?"

Zhang Yuelu said slowly: "Li Tianzhen's surname is Li, and my surname is Zhang. The conflict between the Zhang family and the Li family can be traced back to the era of the Great Sword Immortal. The Great Sword Immortal was the father of Xuansheng and Donghuang. When the Great Sword Immortal ascended, Xuansheng Taking power can be regarded as repairing the contradiction between the Zhang and Li families, but in fact it is just suppressing all the opposition. People from the Zhang family and the Li family have died at the hands of Xuan Sheng, which has never been the case. False words. After so many years, the Zhang and Li families have been separated and reunited, but in general, they still maintain a confrontational situation. I took action against Li Tianzhen, which made the Li family lose face. Many old guys in the Zhang family We are happy to see the results, and for the time being we can still be consistent with the outside world.”

Qi Xuansu carefully chewed the information revealed in Zhang Yuelu's words: "You mean, Li Tianzhen is a foreign enemy, and this time it is an internal invasion."

Zhang Yuelu let out a long sigh: "You can say that. You are in me, and I am in you. This is where everything goes wrong in the world."

Qi Xuansu doesn't have much contact with women, but it doesn't mean that he is slow-minded. At this moment, he has already understood about it.

As expected, I heard Zhang Yuelu continue to say: "A good friendship from generation to generation is a family friendship. The elders naturally want to let this friendship continue to the next generation. How to continue it? The most direct way is to marry. In this kind of thing, Those old guys are also happy to see it happen.”

Qi Xuansu did not rush to express his opinion on the matter, but said: "On weekdays, whether in public or private, you call our real person the master in charge, but when you come to your own home, you become an old guy. It seems that these people have already I’ve made you dissatisfied for a long time.”

Zhang Yuelu said: "They are all relatives who are separated by who knows how many generations. You can't see them normally, but now they jump out and point fingers. It's very annoying."

Qi Xuansu thought for a while: "Don't the Earth Master value you very much? Why don't you beg the Earth Master."

Zhang Yuelu looked at Qi Xuansu with a look that looked like a fool: "Have you forgotten that there is a Heavenly Master in the Zhang family? You asked the Earth Master to take care of the Zhang family's family affairs, so where would you put the Heavenly Master? Asking for help from the Earth Master is the last option. , means that I intend to leave the Zhengyi Tao and join the Quanzhen Tao."

"I didn't think well." Qi Xuansu also felt that he had a bad idea, "Then what do you think?"

Zhang Yuelu stopped and looked Qi Xuansu up and down.

Qi Xuansu also stopped and felt a chill in his back.

Zhang Yuelu suddenly said: "Yan Mingchen, thirty years old, is now a fourth-grade Taoist priest, a Qi refiner in the stage of returning to his true form, and is in charge of the Jiangnan Taoist House. He is also young and promising. Among the many children of aristocratic families, he is considered outstanding. When I was promoted to a fourth-level Taoist priest and went to the Wanxiang Taoist Palace, he also happened to be promoted to a fourth-level Taoist priest, so we got to know each other. According to our age and seniority, I didn’t think much about it and just treated him as an ordinary friend. My mother found out and insisted that I go back to celebrate the New Year this year and meet this elder brother. "

During this period of time, Qi Xuansu also gradually got a feel for Zhang Yuelu's temperament. She was somewhat rebellious. If anyone forced her to do something, she would not do it. She was afraid that Mrs. Tantai would have the opposite effect.

Qi Xuansu had a somewhat bad premonition in his heart: "A thirty-year-old Taoist Priest of the Fourth Grade Jijiu is considered young and promising. But why are you telling me this?"

Zhang Yuelu said softly: "Aren't you alone? Staying alone in Yujing City to celebrate the New Year is deserted. Why don't you go home with me to celebrate the New Year?"

Qi Xuansu froze completely as if he had been struck by lightning.

After a while, Qi Xuansu came back to his senses and said urgently: "I am a small seventh-grade Taoist priest, a Sanren of the Kunlun stage, with no family background, and I have to go head-to-head with a fourth-grade Taoist priest, and I also have to deal with Yi Lingtang. Are you, the Zhang clan, crazy?"

Zhang Yuelu smiled: "Will I fight an unprepared battle? Leave the main enemies to me, and you can watch the show. As the saying goes, 'hold the emperor and command the princes', you are the puppet emperor, you don't have to do anything. Let me do the work of the princes."

Seeing Zhang Yuelu's confident look, Qi Xuansu added, "In that case, why don't you just find someone? Xu Kou is good."

Zhang Yuelu said calmly: "Xu Kou's wife died, he was from Qizhou Daofu, and he contradicted me in public. You said that I could like him, do you believe it yourself? You don't believe it, how can my mother believe it? On the contrary, it's you , Don’t many people in the hall think that our relationship is unusual? I think it’s just right.”

Qi Xuansu said: "But...but..."

"It's nothing." Zhang Yuelu waved his hand, "You are no longer a seventh-grade Taoist priest, but a sixth-grade Taoist priest. You once killed a duke of the sinners with your own hands. You are not yet twenty-five years old. You have a bright future. The key is , to be calm in the face of big things, I need someone who won’t have stage fright.”

Qi Xuansu asked: "How do you say this?"

Zhang Yuelu explained: "Actually, my father is okay, but the key is my mother. If I am dealing with Yan Mingchen on the other side, and my mother scares her out of her true self with a few words, then the result will be in vain. Although you are used to pretending, but He is a courageous person at heart, and this small scene cannot scare you. "

Qi Xuansu couldn't help but smile bitterly. I don’t know whether I should thank Zhang Yuelu for the praise or feel helpless.

Zhang Yuelu looked at Qi Xuansu and said seriously: "Tianyuan, I won't force you. Can you help me with this?"

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