Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 94 Qi Xuansu’s conjecture

Qi Xuansu suddenly remembered the original philosophy of Taoism.

The more friends the better, the fewer enemies the better.

Xuansheng thus integrated the Taoist sects and realized the resurgence.

What has developed to this day is unity.

The three internal Taoisms must be united, and the three external religions must also be united. Unity is needed both internally and externally.

Qi Xuansu had no reason to think of a sentence in "Zuo Zhuan": "If you thrive by this, you will perish by it."

However, Qi Xuansu quickly dismissed this thought. It was destined to be a long time later. Regardless of whether that day came or not, he probably wouldn't be able to see it.

Qi Xuansu couldn't help but sigh.

Along the way, from the assassination of Zhang Yuelu, to the crash of the flying boat at the Kunlun Pass, to the witnessing of the "Yinglong" falling from the sky by the Lake Cuowenbu, and later the great case of Zixian Mountain, the great case of Jiangling Mansion, and the great catastrophe of Jinling Mansion, Until today's Imperial Capital, there is still Zhang Yuelu's influence. Even if Qi Xuansu is truly stone-hearted, he cannot be truly indifferent.

But it is too far for him to sing about righteousness without any foreshadowing, talking about the common people of the world, the common people, and the future of the Taoism.

After all, he is not Xuansheng.

Xuansheng has been exposed to it since he was a child. He has come into contact with all the masters of the various sects, local powerful people, emperors and generals, such as Zhang Yuelu, Yao Pei and other aristocratic family members. He is not even ranked among Xuansheng. It is not surprising that Sheng has great ambitions. But the people he has been exposed to since childhood are all small people, and he is not a super-worldly talent. After twenty years of wandering, he has reached the Kunlun stage of cultivation plus the rank of a seventh-grade Taoist priest. Can he compare?

Qi Xuansu was a little confused as to where to go.

He is not belittling himself. Judging from the current situation, as long as he does not die in the middle, it is not difficult to become a second-grade Taiyi Taoist priest. This has always been his wish, but what about after becoming a second-grade Taiyi Taoist priest? Stop there? Or continue upward? If he continues upward, what does he want?

A person who doesn't even know who his ancestors are cannot be said to have a glorious ancestor.

But for the general trend of the world, he is not so thorough.

There's no way he can still be a fool today, arguing with Qiniang for a few peace coins, but tomorrow everything will change and he will bring peace to the world and plead for his life for the people.

Even if people have several different faces, this is too divisive.

He drew his sword and looked around, feeling confused.

However, Qi Xuansu quickly changed his attention. Instead of caring about these illusory things, he should be more concerned about his own realm. Just as he said to Su Li, if he could have the immeasurable stage of cultivation, he would also let Qianlongchi is outrageous? Not to mention Qin Hengde cannot be let go, even Qian Longchi himself must be taken down as well.

Each stage has different miracles.

Take Wu Fu as an example, the Kunlun stage is the integration of spirit and body, the soul and the body are one, and he is not afraid of most spells targeting the soul; the Yuxu stage is the derivation of flesh and blood, and recovery from injuries is immediate; the Guizhen stage is the connection between the mind and the heavens, mainly To condense the fist intention, the second step is to initially condense the body and spirit. The fist intention can not only hurt people, but also invisible ghosts and gods; the free stage is to see the gods and be indestructible, condense the acupoints and body spirit to the level of Zhou Tian, ​​and the body is indestructible. ; The infinite stage is ever-changing, with acupuncture points and body and mind as the center. It can achieve meticulous control over every inch of the body, so it can transform into hundreds of forms. And because the energy and blood are as huge as wild beasts, it can initially manifest the true form of human immortals. ; The creation stage is to shatter the void, also known as shattering the vacuum. The fist condenses the essence and shatters the thin line of vacuum. The energy and blood reaches the extreme, and the true form of the human immortal can be revealed.

Even if Qi Xuansu cannot reach the immeasurable stage in a short period of time, if he can complete the human-immortal inheritance and achieve the realm of seeing gods and being indestructible, it will be enough to give him the upper hand when facing Qianlongchi again.

According to Li Changge's standards, the maximum limit in the Xiaoyao stage is five pieces of "Xuanyu". Qi Xuansu now only has three pieces of "Xuanyu", and there are two smaller pieces of "Xuanyu", and only the "God's Xuanyu" When it comes to inheritance at the level of gods and humans, at least two more pieces of "mysterious jade" can be fused, leaving a space for the "mysterious jade of immortals" and a place for another "mysterious jade".

Qiniang still has at least one piece of "Xuan Jade" in her hand, which is the piece of "Xuan Jade" he got from Fengtai County.

Qi Xuansu is now considered to be half an expert in "mysterious jade". According to his judgment, the piece of "mysterious jade" should not be a "mysterious jade of immortals", but more like a "mysterious jade of life".

However, six thousand meritorious deeds is not a small amount, and I am afraid that I will have to participate in several more revenge actions of the Qingping Society.

I just don't know if Qiniang is willing to take credit. She is one of the six members of the Privy Council. It would not be surprising if she one day becomes the leader of the council. Six thousand meritorious deeds are not a matter of her words.

Whatever he wanted to do, Qi Xuansu returned to the underground secret room of Qin Hengde's Hutianhudi. The people here had been taken away by Su Li's people. After Qi Xuansu set up another restriction, he took out the fish charm and started to contact Qiniang.

Soon, Qiniang appeared in front of Qi Xuansu. At this time, she was also sitting behind a big book. But instead of dealing with official documents, she was keeping accounts. There were many thick account books in front of her and on the bookshelf behind her. This kind of thing , she never fakes anything from others.

"Is something wrong?" Qiniang doesn't have the demeanor of a half-step master like Master Donghua. If she doesn't change into Master Yao's outfit, no one can tell that she is a fake immortal.

Qi Xuansu spoke more casually: "Qiniang, I want to have a discussion with you."

"I won't borrow it," Qiniang said without raising her head.

Qi Xuansu said: "I don't want to borrow money."

"You can solve the troubles you caused by yourself. In a few years, you will be reaching your thirties, and you should learn to be sensible and self-reliant." Qiniang still didn't look up.

Qi Xuansu said helplessly: "I won't let you stand up for me either."

Qiniang then raised her head and looked at Qi Xuansu: "Then what do you want to do? Didn't I say that when the time comes, I will go to see Zhang Yuelu and Su Yuanyi, and you don't need to rush me."

Qi Xuansu said: "Qiniang, can you give me the 'Xuan Yu' first? Even if it is on credit, I have an urgent need."

"No." Qiniang refused without thinking, "You want to get something for nothing, how can such a good thing happen?"

Qi Xuansu had anticipated this and changed the topic: "Speaking of getting something for nothing, what happened when Qiniang saved me and gave me the 'Heart of the Immortal Stone' for free?"

Qiniang was startled when she heard this, but did not answer directly: "What a good boy, you are so brave, how dare you lie to me."

Qi Xuansu was not one to give up easily, and added: "Westerners say that all gifts from fate have already been marked with a price in secret."

"Then have you ever thought about it, you actually paid in advance." Qiniang said ambiguously.

Qi Xuansu was startled, and then said in shock: "Could it be that my true identity is a descendant of Xuansheng, and I was sent to the Wanxiang Taoist Palace for a hidden reason, in order to let me experience the suffering of the lower class, and you are all guardians arranged by Xuansheng, Master He didn't die at all, but his mission was over, so he faked his death and replaced you with Qiniang. Zhang Yuelu was also your chosen Taoist candidate, so the Earth Master promoted her repeatedly over the years. They acted around me and only waited for the opportunity to send me to the throne of the Grand Master. The reason why the position of the Grand Master has been vacant for so long is because they were waiting for me to grow up. "

At first, Qi Xuansu was just joking. Halfway through, he started to believe it because he found that he could justify his explanation.

Qiniang was also a little shocked - after so many years, she didn't know that Qi Xuansu had such a wild imagination.

Then Qiniang looked at Qi Xuansu with a look that looked like a fool: "You also said that I read too many words in the script, but I think you read too much in the script. How did you come up with it? Not to mention that you are seven years behind Xuan Sheng. Even if you were sealed when you were born and were not released until more than twenty years ago, do you think the descendants of Xuan Sheng would need something like the 'Heart of Immortality Stone'? Is the immortal worthy of the words 'descendant of Xuansheng'?"

Qi Xuansu coughed lightly to cover up his embarrassment: "Who asked you to say that you paid in advance? Naturally, I have to think of my parents. For example, my parents are great people, and I have hidden secrets about my life experience."

Qiniang said: "I can tell you responsibly that you have no special bloodline or background. Eight generations of your ancestors have nothing to do with Xuansheng. You are not the reincarnation of a big shot. You are not a destined person, and you are not the only one."

Qi Xuansu said again: "Qiniang, you said you have a son, then who did you have a son with? Why have I never heard you mention it?"

Qiniang glared: "Do you want to take care of it? Can that person die?"

Qi Xuansu said: "Qiniang, your man must have run away, right? In fact, you fell in love with my biological father, but my father fell in love with my mother. Because of your love, you hated me and came to take revenge, so you took me away. I was thrown into the Wanxiang Dao Palace and left to fend for myself. I never thought that more than ten years later, you would see me again and recognize me at first glance. Because of guilt and empathy, you rescued me and carefully trained me. , treat him as his own son.”

Qiniang was stunned for a while. She wanted to give Qi Xuansu another slap in the air, but after thinking about it, she gave up. This was no longer a problem that could be solved with a slap. She said angrily and funny: "Tianyuan, it's a pity that you don't write a storybook." , if you write a script, I will reward you with a thousand peace coins now."

Judging from Qiniang's reaction, Qi Xuansu can roughly conclude that he guessed wrong again.

What else is possible?

Qiniang said: "If you have any other guesses, just tell them all. I would like to see what other fantastic ideas you have."

Qi Xuansu blinked: "Qiniang, can't you tell the truth?"

Qiniang said: "I said you are very similar to my son, almost carved from the same mold. This is the truth."

Qi Xuansu was helpless, seeing that he couldn't get any useful information from Qiniang, so he had to return to the topic: "Let's not talk about getting something for nothing. I already told you that it is a credit and you have to pay it back later."

Qiniang was not fooled: "We have a confused debt between you and I. You said we should pay it back, but you dragged it away and you got through it. If others default on their debt, I have plenty of means to punish them. If you cheat and refuse to pay it back, I can still do it." Can’t I kill you?”

Qi Xuansu said: "I will establish written evidence."

"There will be another action in a few days. If you behave well, I can consider it." Qiniang said.


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