Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 97 I knew it earlier

About an hour later, "Sheng Wuyou" and "Meng Xingyun" also arrived here, and with them came eight second-class members - there is no doubt that Qi Xuansu is an anomaly, a loner and not gregarious. . Qiniang seemed to intentionally erect a thick barrier between Qi Xuansu and the Qingping Society, making Qi Xuansu almost ignorant of the senior officials of the Qingping Society before becoming a second-class member.

The eight B-class members are all heavenly beings. This does not mean that all B-class members of the Qingping Society are heavenly beings, but that B-class members like Li Qingnu who are not good at fighting with others have no chance of participating in this operation. , the ones picked are all capable of being beaten.

This is also the style of the Qing Ping Hui. It is better to be deficient than excessive. It is composed of a very small number of elites and has strong maneuverability. On the contrary, the "inn" with its large number of people looks bloated and clumsy in front of the Qing Ping Hui.

Twelve people were working together. Although "Sheng Wuyou" was wearing the mask of a first-class member, he had the majestic appearance of a prince. He glanced in the direction of Qingyuan County from a distance and asked "Taichang Yin": "' Can the location of the inn be determined? "

"Taichang Yin" nodded and pointed toward the southeast: "There is a City God's Temple fifty miles away. The main address of the 'Inn' in Zhili is located below the City God's Temple."

"Sheng Wuyou" took the lead and jumped into the air, followed by the others.

The sky man flew, and the distance of fifty miles was reached in a blink of an eye, but he saw that the place was full of strange trees and graves, and the City God's Temple was even more dilapidated. It had long been regarded as a righteous village, and it looked like a mass grave.

"Taichang Yin" didn't speak. The eyes of the mask suddenly shone brightly, and an eye-shaped talisman appeared above, shooting down a ray of light.

This is the magical power of the alchemist, the "clear Dharma eye", which can destroy illusions and illusions.

The talisman slowly turned, and the light moved accordingly. Wherever it passed, all the scenes became distorted, as if the moon in the water was scattered, and the tombs and strange trees were easily torn apart like bubbles in a dream.

The City God's Temple is still motionless, obviously not a phantom, but all the gloomy and dilapidated atmosphere has been swept away, revealing its original appearance, majestic and majestic, not much inferior to the Taoist temple in the city.

The "inn" had already been on guard, and with such a movement, in an instant, hundreds of people poured out from the City God's Temple, most of them carrying firecrackers, and there were also some experts with cold weapons, rushing towards them one after another. Because the Zhili main office of the "Inn" is located underground and is much larger than the above-ground buildings, it can accommodate so many people.

The eight second-class members stepped forward together and each used their own methods, including wind, thunder, flames, sword energy and light, which was dazzling.

Many "inn" workers came one after another, but like rice in autumn, they fell to the ground under the harvest of sharp scythes, blood spattered everywhere, and corpses were everywhere. It was extremely tragic.

Among those who died unexpectedly, there were many Xuanzihao guys with good cultivation.

These people are considered good players in the world. If they enter the Qingluan Guard, it should not be difficult to join a hundred households. However, if they are involved in the confrontation between two secret societies, they will die.

However, their deaths were not meaningless. The eight heavenly beings were not in the infinite stage. Whether it was true energy or mana, they consumed a lot of energy. After killing this group of "inn" guys, they had to temporarily withdraw from the battlefield.

Suddenly, several more people walked out of the City God's Temple. They were all dressed in heavy armor of men in black. They were all clerks from the "Inn". The leader was a clerk from Tianzi, wearing a Confucian shirt. His eyes fell on the four of them. He snorted coldly: "'Saint Wuyou'?"

Because the standard masks of the Qing Ping Hui have corresponding brand names, it is not difficult to identify their identities.

"Sheng Wuyou" said: "When you killed Qingshanshi, you should have thought about today."

"Of course we thought about today." The person said coldly.

As soon as the words fell, the ground began to tremble violently, cracks and gaps spread to all directions, smoke and dust flew everywhere, and there was a roar.

Except for "Sheng Wuyou", including Qi Xuansu and the eight B-level members, their expressions changed and they all took off from the ground.

The ground was like rolling waves, churning endlessly, as if a huge ancient beast was about to break out of the ground.

"Sheng Wuyou"'s face became extremely solemn: "I didn't expect that the 'shopkeeper' would come in person."

The so-called "shopkeeper" is the second-largest person in the "inn" after the "proprietor".

The next moment, five golden pillars of different lengths suddenly rose around the place where "Saint Wuyou" stood. If you look carefully, you can see where the pillars are, and they are clearly five golden fingers.

I saw a huge golden palm rising slowly from the ground, like the legendary Buddha's Five Finger Mountain, holding "Saint Wuyou" in the palm of his hand.

The ground cracked, and a huge ravine opened in the middle. Countless soil collapsed downwards. Only the hand holding "Saint Wuyou" still stood tall, and then a huge body slowly rose from the ground.

This is a golden god, nearly a hundred feet tall, like a giant pillar holding up the sky. In front of it, "Saint Wuyou" is as small as an ant.

This 100-foot-tall golden god is the dharma, heaven, and earth realm of Wu Zhu, corresponding to the immeasurable stage. After Wu Zhu achieves the Dharmakaya, and enters this realm, he can transform the Dharmakaya into more than ten feet or dozens of feet. The "shopkeeper" can transform into a hundred feet, which is undoubtedly the state of cultivation in the creation stage.

As for the Dharma Appearance of the "Shopkeeper", it is also extremely powerful. It is an incomplete "Dharma Appearance of the Heavenly Emperor". You must know that the "Dharma Appearance of the Heavenly Emperor" is on par with the "Infinite Light Dharma Appearance" of Buddhism. The golden body state of the "Dharma Appearance of the Heavenly Emperor" is called " The Jade Emperor's Golden Body", the name of the Jade Palace comes from the Emperor of Heaven. Even the incomplete "Dharma of the Emperor of Heaven" is enough to rival the second-class Dharma.

The "shopkeeper" spoke slowly, his voice like thunder echoing hundreds of miles away: "Of course we have thought of today, so we are here to welcome our distinguished guests in advance."

"Sheng Wuyou" is not very afraid. He is the Qi Refiner's Hedao realm, which also corresponds to the stage of creation. In terms of inheritance, the Qi Refiner is the second-largest inheritance after the banished immortal. As long as he is not the "Emperor of Heaven" "Dharma", it is impossible for Wu Zhu to overwhelm the Qi Refiner.

"Sheng Wuyou" said: "The Taoist sect measures divine power in terms of 'kicks'. A fourth-grade Taoist priest level witch can only redeem one hundred kts of divine power from the Taoist sect in a year, while a fourth-grade spiritual official only consumes thirty With your divine power, this time you will use up at least 300 divine powers to control the heavens and the earth. How long can you sustain it?"

The "shopkeeper" didn't answer, but closed his five fingers to hold "Sheng Wuyou" in the palm of his hand.

"Sheng Wuyou" just holds up his hands, and the "Body Protecting Gang Qi" divides the yin and yang qi into surrounding the body.

Looking from a distance, the "shopkeeper" seems to be holding a black and white Pisces.

"It's better for you to worry about yourself. Only when a Qi Refiner joins the Tao can he occupy the advantageous location and use the Earth's Qi. Although you are in the HeDao realm, this is not your home court. How can you compete with me?"

When he finished speaking, the "shopkeeper" closed his hands, squeezed the Yin and Yang Pisces between his two palms, and then exerted force with both palms relative to each other. Countless cracks immediately appeared on the Pisces, as if they would explode at any time.

As the saying goes, one force can defeat ten meetings. Since the "Shopkeeper" has transformed into a hundred feet, one can imagine his unparalleled power. After such a stalemate for a moment, the Yin and Yang Pisces finally couldn't hold on and shattered. In an instant, "Sheng Wuyou" soared into the sky, narrowly escaping from the "shopkeeper"'s two palms coming together.

The "shopkeeper" smiled and said: "Buddha has five fingers, and the five fingers are like the five mountains. You are Sun Dasheng in the storybook, can you still find the Five Fingers Mountain?"

On the other side, "Taichang Yin" faced off against the guy with a Tianzi name. Both of them were alchemists, and their fighting skills were quite impressive.

Before that, "Taichang Yin" whispered to Qi Xuansu: "'Jin Tao Dao', protect my body."

After saying that, she directly crossed her legs and fell into meditation, with her five hearts raised to the sky, and instantly lost her breath, as if she was a dead person.

In a sense, when the soul leaves the body, it is indeed considered a dead person. It is no wonder that the ghost and immortal inheritance has the word "ghost".

Qi Xuansu looked up and saw two phantom-like figures slowly emerging from the distance of the golden giant. They were also extremely huge. One of them had the appearance of a middle-aged man, with eyes like the sun and moon, and a body Like a mountain, apart from being slightly illusory, it is not inferior to Fa Tian Xiang Di Dao. It is the Tianzihao clerk of the "Inn".

"Taichang Yin" is the image of an old woman with a blurred face.

Obviously, neither of them divided their thoughts, but gathered all their thoughts into one place and turned them into an extremely huge Yin Shen. It was late at night, there was no sun, only the lunar calendar, which allowed the two of them to unleash the full power of the Yin God. If it is daytime, although the alchemist Yin Shen of the Thunder Realm can travel during the day without fear of the light and wind, it can only be said that he will not suffer serious damage, but he will still be restricted.

For alchemists, day is not as good as night after all.

The Tianzihao clerk of the "Inn" stretched out his hand and drew a portal in the void in front of him. Then the portal opened, and countless paper figures jumped out. After landing, they grew in the wind and turned into the size of a normal person. They were wearing paper armor and holding white paper in their hands. The paper spears, moving freely, formed the formation of the men in black, attacking and killing "Taichang Yin"'s body.

The magical power of the alchemist "sows beans to form an army".

Before Qi Xuansu could take action, "Taichang Yin" extended his hand in a circle, covering a hundred feet in radius, covering all these paper soldiers.

There seemed to be an invisible wall at the edge of the circle, which prevented these paper soldiers from passing even half a step, and even cut off the control of the Tianzihao guys. The paper soldiers immediately became headless flies.

The alchemist's magical power "draws the ground as a prison".

The Tianzihao clerk drew a thick line in the void in front of him with his pointing pen, and then casually made two ink dots.

The line immediately turned into a ten-foot-long dragon, and the wind and rain came violently, with teeth and claws dancing.

The magical power of the alchemist "puts the finishing touch".

"Taichang Yin" means extending a finger.

The black dragon immediately turned into a golden dragon, unable to move, then fell to the ground, broke into several pieces, and finally turned into gold sand all over the sky and scattered with the wind.

The alchemist has the magical power to "turn stone into gold".

Both of them are alchemists in the realm of creation. They use deception and make false appear true, making it difficult for people to distinguish.

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