Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 100 It’s a pity that I can’t change it

After Qi Xuansu fled for a period of time in the Dharmakaya state, he saw that there were no pursuers, so he took away his magical powers and instead walked in the wind as an ordinary celestial being.

Without going far, Qi Xuansu suddenly felt something was wrong with his fish talisman. After taking out the brand new "gold and purple fish talisman", he found that he had received a strange request.

This kind of request comes from other fish charms and can only be sent by members of the Qingping Club. Its essence is no different from the establishment of a connection in the "Dream Club". In principle, only members of the same level or higher can actively send it. The request must be within a certain range. It cannot be spread across the world. You are on the top of Kunlun Mountain and I am on the shore of the East China Sea. That will not work.

In other words, at this time, not far from Qi Xuansu, a Class B or Class A member of the Qingping Society sent a request to establish contact, and he was probably the companion just now. Of course, it could also be a trap, someone was caught by the "inn", and the people in the "inn" used fish charms to catch fish.

Qi Xuansu hesitated for a moment, then accepted the request and established contact.

Because the "Golden Purple Fish Talisman" is bound one-to-one, this connection cannot be directly communicated, but it can provide Qi Xuansu with a general direction. After Qi Xuansu followed this direction and flew for thirty miles, he came to a mountain. In the dense forest, it was getting dark at this time. He walked around seven times and finally found a rather hidden natural crack under a large rock.

This crack is about ten feet wide, enough for an adult man to get down. However, the rock above the crack is only about a foot and a half from the ground. You need to crawl to get in, so it is not easy to detect.

Qi Xuansu observed carefully for a moment, and after confirming that there was no ambush, he slid under the rock. The crack was very deep. Ordinary people had to use ropes to get down, but for heavenly beings, they could just float down.

The space under the crack is large, it is a natural cave, and there are some bones of animals and people on the ground. It has been a long time. The animals must have stumbled and fallen to death. As for the humans, I don't know whether they fell to death or were thrown here.

Qi Xuansu's attention was not focused on these, and he walked straight into the depths of the cave. There was a similar natural crack inside, which was barely wide enough to pass through, and was more than a hundred feet deep. There were even traces of underground river erosion on the bottom floor. , but now it is the dry season in winter, so it is quite dry. If it were the wet season in summer, this place would be flooded.

After Qi Xuansu came down, he raised the "Golden Purple Fish Talisman" in his hand.

After a moment, a person walked out of the shadows, wearing the mask of a Class A member, and said in a deep voice: "It's me."

As expected by Qi Xuansu, it was "Sheng Wuyou".

Qi Xuansu suddenly remembered the routine in the storybook. A female master was in trouble and was rescued by the protagonist. The female master who was usually as cold as an iceberg had no cultivation, so she had to rely on the protagonist for everything. Instead, she revealed unknown secrets. The little woman side of her gave the protagonist a chance to protect herself from the wind and rain, and the iceberg-like heart of the female master showed signs of melting, quietly cracking a crack.

Over and over again, the two people with a huge identity gap actually developed some kind of affection during the time they shared hardships. This misplaced contrast will bring a great sense of refreshment to the judge. When the female master recovers her realm and cultivation, the two will People have returned to their original positions, but the bonds have been buried, and there is another conflict and entanglement.

Qi Xuansu didn't expect that he would encounter something similar, but he also sighed silently in his heart: "It's a pity that 'Sheng Wuyou' is a man. If it were a woman, it would be the plot in the storybook."

"Sheng Wuyou" looked dimly and said softly: "It's a pity that I can't change it."

Qi Xuansu was taken aback and quickly calmed down.

Before Qi Xuansu could ask, "Sheng Wuyou" had already taken the initiative to explain: "After the banished immortal reaches the stage of heaven and human, he can acquire a magical power called 'mind reading'. In fact, Qi Refiners also have similar magical powers, named In order to observe the mind, these two magical powers are derived from Buddhism, and they also have flaws. They can only observe the present and cannot trace the past. This means that they can only hear what you are thinking in your heart at the moment, but cannot know you. As long as you don't recall certain things, you don't have to be afraid of anything. As for how to resist such magical powers, it's easy. Either you have a high level of cultivation, you can naturally resist it, or you can restrain your mind and hold on to it. Or maybe the mind is changeable and the thoughts are numerous, making it difficult for people to see

clear. "

"Sheng Wuyou" paused and added: "Furthermore, the more obsessed you are, the stronger your thoughts are, and the voice I can hear becomes clearer. I don't mean to probe your mind, it's just... "

Qi Xuansu suddenly felt embarrassed.

"Sheng Wuyou" still saved face for Qi Xuansu, and even helped him make up for it by saying, "The enemy is currently facing us, and good or bad luck is uncertain. You can still be so leisurely and relaxed, which can be regarded as calm in the face of important events."

Qi Xuansu became more and more embarrassed and didn't know what to say.

"Sheng Wuyou" was also silent for a moment, and then said: "If one day, you really meet an expert woman in trouble, you must not have such thoughts. People's hearts are cunning and changeable, and great kindness means great hatred. It is common to repay kindness with hatred. In today's world, He also cultivates his strength but not his heart. Since he is an expert, he has experienced a lot of things. He has an innocent mind and will not let go of his guard easily. "

Qi Xuansu quickly changed the subject: "What should I call you?"

"Sheng Wuyou" said: "You can also use the word name, just like a Taoist sect, no honorific is required."

At that time, the great masters of the Five Dynasties purified the customs of the Taoist sect. Not only did they eliminate "fancy clothes" and "mavericks", but they also standardized many verbal titles.

When addressing others, if they have the title of "real person", they can call such and such a real person. If they don't have the title of "real person", the internal position will be given first, followed by rank, and then by Taoist friends and brothers. Outsiders always call them grades.

For example, Qi Xuansu, people in the Taoist sect call him Master Qi. If he no longer has the position of chief, others will call him Master Qi. If he is a close peer, he can be called Dao Brother Qi. People outside the Taoist sect will all call Master Qi.

If you do not use honorifics, just call "you". In formal situations, you are not allowed to call "you". If it is not written, you are not allowed to use "ru", "er", etc.

When self-proclaiming, you should always address yourself as "I". You are not allowed to call yourself "this deity", "this person", "this real person", "my official", etc. Except in written words, you are not allowed to use "I", "I", etc. to refer to yourself.

This rule has far-reaching influence. If anyone says "my seat" today, not only will he not be able to show his majesty, but he will probably be regarded as a buffoon.

So now in the Taoist sect, even in front of the elders, calling you and me is not considered rude.

Qi Xuansu nodded and asked, "How is your injury?"

"Sheng Wuyou" has been pressing his chest with his hand. At this time, he slowly removed his hand to reveal the injury on his chest. He saw a shadow that was constantly tumbling there, like a heart that swelled and contracted.

"Should I contact Qiniang?" Qi Xuansu didn't ask what medicine should be used, because no matter what medicine he used, he definitely didn't have it, so he simply didn't ask more.

"Sheng Wuyou" obviously knew the relationship between Qi Xuansu and Qiniang, nodded and said: "Qiniang is the master of Qibaofang and is well-informed. She should know how to get rid of the imitation 'Shebi Corpse Poison.'"

The reason why "Sheng Wuyou" treated Qi Xuansu with such a gentle attitude, even to the point of being submissive, was because Qiniang was also the key, after all, he was asking for help from others.

Qi Xuansu didn't talk nonsense and started to contact Qiniang with the "Golden Purple Fish Talisman".

"Sheng Wuyou" must have established a connection with Qiniang, but it is not bound and cannot talk directly. As for the child and mother talisman, because the Zhili headquarters that had previously discussed attacking the "inn" needed a lot of contact, it happened to be used up. "Sheng Wuyou" could only risk using the fish talisman to ask for help. It was a coincidence that Qi Xuansu happened to be the one who came.

Qi Xuansu quickly contacted Qiniang.

Qiniang on the other side of the light screen was holding her precious cigarette stick and puffing away smoke. After looking around and asking questions, she came to the conclusion: "If it is the real Shebi Corpse Poison, you can prepare for it later. It's over. Fortunately, it's just a copy of 'Shebi Corpse Poison,' and it can still be saved."

"Sheng Wuyou" smiled bitterly and said, "Please Qiniang save me."

Qiniang said unceremoniously: "Of course I want to save him, but the cost..."

"Guaranteed a lot of money." "Sheng Wuyou" is obviously very familiar with Qiniang's character. He didn't even ask about the price, let alone bargaining. "Let's keep the account first."

Just as Qiniang said, if someone dares to default on his debt, then she has plenty of means to punish the defaulter, and "Sheng Wuyou" is also famous and prestigious.

People, so Qiniang had no objection to the credit, and soon used the fish charm as a medium to deliver a jade box through the "Five Ghost Transport Method" of the "Dream Meeting".

"Sheng Wuyou" opened the jade box. What was inside was not a pill, but a small transparent insect, which seemed to be some kind of Gu insect from Southern Borderless.

According to Qiniang, this kind of Gu insect is called "Uzhi insect".

"Sheng Wuyou" pinched the small insect with two fingers, and after a slight hesitation, placed the small insect on his chest.

The little insect squirmed a few times, then seemed to smell something delicious, and began to eat away at the shadow, and its originally transparent body was stained with a hint of darkness.

"Sheng Wuyou" breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this, his tone was a little lighter, and he said to Qi Xuansu: "Please help me protect the law."

"Okay." Qi Xuansu agreed happily.

"Sheng Wuyou" did not sit down cross-legged, but just stood and meditated.

Qi Xuansu took the opportunity to carefully observe the chest of "Sheng Wuyou", and saw that the "Uzhi Worm" continued to eat away at the imitation "Shebi Corpse Poison", and the shadow entrenched on the chest of "Sheng Wuyou" became less and less. The shadow inside the insect's body is getting heavier and heavier.

About an hour later, all the shadows disappeared, and the originally transparent "Uzhimei" was also filled with shadows. It slowly fell off and fell to the ground, motionless, as if dead.

"Saint Wuyou" is not a martial artist, and does not have supernatural powers derived from flesh and blood. He can only fill the wound with true energy and accelerate wound healing. The effect is not so immediate and will take about a few days.

After a while, "Sheng Wuyou" woke up from his trance, picked up the "Uzhi Insect" on the ground again, and explained: "Qiniang wants to recover it."

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