Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 108 Li Yongyan

Zhang Yuelu said: "As for Wen Weng, because we have no concrete evidence, we cannot issue a wanted document, and the court will not cooperate with us. We have to look for it ourselves, and we may not be able to find it in five days."

Li Changge replied to Zhang Yuelu with Shi Bingyun's words: "We can't keep looking."

When Qi Xuansu heard this, he completely understood what Li Changge had planned.

Kill Gao Mingyin, cut off the clues, and send Wen Weng and Qian Xiangyun away. The case will reach a deadlock, at least it will not involve the King of Liao.

The key to the entire case lies in the attack and murder of Qi Xuansu.

If Qi Xuansu died, the situation would not get out of control. The guilt belongs to the "inn" and there will be no other variables later.

It cannot be said that there is something wrong with Wen Weng who made this decision. At the beginning, before Qi Xuansu realized the problem, Wen Weng had already realized the seriousness of the matter. He made two preparations. The first was the Taiping Money Offensive. The price offered was quite sincere, and he would be tempted by anyone else. , failed to bribe, and then started killing people.

The two "Inn" assassins were blocking the way, and the seven masters of Tianchen Division were backing up. No matter how you looked at it, it was a sure-kill situation. Not only was it not looked down upon in the slightest, but it was taken very seriously. Who would have thought that Qi Xuansu could not only escape, but also be able to escape? Can also fight back.

To be fair, this is a bit unreasonable. It's like marching to a war. A pocket formation of 20,000 ambushes was set up here to ambush an enemy army with only 3,000 people. As a result, they were counter-surrounded by reinforcements. It is hard to say that there is a problem with the commander's arrangement, but more with the leader. The biggest problem is the quality of the generals and soldiers, because letting the three thousand enemy troops hold out until reinforcements arrive.

In the same way, Tianchensi actually let Qi Xuansu escape outside the city, which was Du Yuyan's problem.

Afterwards, Wen Weng also made amends, and his methods were very cunning and ruthless, almost causing Qi Xuansu to fall, but in the end he still failed.

If he could do it over again, Wen Wengyue would have cut off his strength from the beginning and not provoke Qi Xuansu, so as not to affect the overall situation. It's a pity that there are no ifs in the world. Wen Weng can't cut off his own money without knowing the future direction. As the saying goes, cutting off someone's money is like killing his parents. With such a big hatred, he must fight Qi Xuansu until death, so Qi Xuansu accidentally killed him. After bumping into Gao Mingyin, he was destined to involve the King of Liao.

This is not to say that the King of Liao is afraid of Qi Xuansu. If it is normal, if it is involved, it will be involved. The King of Liao will end it personally, which may make Qi Xuansu die faster. The key is that at this moment, the King of Liao cannot be caught by the Taoist sect. . It's not that Dao Sect can do anything to the King of Liao, but that Dao Sect will involve the Five Elements Mountain along the line of King Liao, and then there will be sufficient reasons to override the internal opposition and formally enter the court.

The so-called opposition voices within the Taoist sect can also be directly said to be Taiping Tao.

In fact, the reason given by Taipingdao is quite sufficient: Wuxing Mountain is not far from the Imperial Capital, but it is on the side of the bed. It is also related to Beilong's luck, which is equivalent to the vital point of the throat. As long as the Five Elements Mountain is strangled, the lifeblood of the Imperial Capital is held. , when Daxuan besieged the Imperial Capital, he first cut off the dragon veins and earth energy, and then he could break through the city. Therefore, this is a very sensitive position. His Majesty the Emperor is not afraid of a mutiny by the Divine Imperial Guards, but he is afraid that the Taoist Sect will cut off the key lifeline of the Imperial Capital Formation. For the sake of the relationship between the Taoist Sect and the imperial court, the Five Elements should not be rashly touched without legitimate reasons and sufficient evidence. Mountain, otherwise it is likely to trigger a full-scale confrontation between Taoism and the imperial court.

This is why Donghua Zhenren hopes that Qi Xuansu and others can explore the Five Elements Mountain.

Of course, Donghua Master did not let Qi Xuansu fight alone. In addition to the five-person team, there were also outside forces such as Qingpinghui who entered the team one after another. Qi Xuansu could only be regarded as an idler. However, the imperial court also took precautions and directly used the "inn" to hold back the Qingpinghui. At the same time, the five-person group was also in a state of confusion. Li Changge was one against two and was not weak. In the end, Qi Xuansu made a major breakthrough.

Qi Xuansu was so distracted thinking about this that he didn't pay much attention to the ensuing discussion.

Because he knew that most of it would be nothing. After all, the meeting Li Ruoshui took the initiative to convene was mostly prepared.

As expected, at the end of the discussion, there was still no substantial progress. Apart from empty talk about learning and discussing how to improve the moral atmosphere, they were cooperating with Beichen Hall to hunt down Qian Xiangyun who had fled overseas, and to find Wen Weng.

This is already a lice on a bald man's head - something that is obvious and destined to be in vain. The temporary attacks against Li Ruoshui were dismissed by her without much effect, which made Qi Xuansu feel very bored.

After the discussion, everyone left the meeting hall. Qi Xuansu was the first to walk out of the meeting hall because he was located near the door. As a result, a voice came from behind: "Brother Qi Dao."

Qi Xuansu stopped and looked back, and it was Li Changge.

Qi Xuansu couldn't say he had any bad feelings towards this little imperial master, it was just a different stance. If he were in Li Changge's position, he would probably have dealt with him this way and responded: "Brother Li Dao."

Li Changge walked a few steps quickly and walked side by side with Qi Xuansu. Zhang Yuelu, who had planned to talk to Qi Xuansu, was usurped and had to slow down slightly and walked side by side with Yao Pei instead.

At this time, Yao Pei has returned to his usual state. He is no longer as fierce as when he was tit-for-tat with Li Changge. He said numbly: "Fellow Taoist Qingxiao, it seems that Li Yongyan is very interested in Qi Tianyuan."

"Yongyan" is Li Changge's nickname.

The word "ge" in Li Changge's name comes from "Shun Dian" in "Book of Yu": Poems express aspirations, songs are everlasting, sounds are everlasting, and rhythms are harmonious. "Le Ji" also says: "The sound of singing is also long, which is consistent with the word "long" in Li Changge.

From this point of view, there may still be Li Changshi, Li Changsheng, and Li Changlu in the Li family, but I don't know if they are still alive.

Zhang Yuelu said nothing.

At such a close distance, Li Changge could hear whatever he said. Yao Pei's words were meant for Li Changge.

"Brother Li Dao, is there something wrong?" Qi Xuansu asked tentatively.

Li Changge smiled slightly: "I've heard about Brother Qi for a long time, but because of complicated affairs, I haven't had the opportunity to interact with Brother Qi. I wonder if Brother Qi is free."

Qi Xuansu hesitated for a moment and looked at Zhang Yuelu behind him.

"Could it be that the beautiful lady has an appointment?" Li Changge also looked at Zhang Yuelu, "I was rude, so let's talk about it another day."

After that, Li Changge said goodbye and left, giving up his position to Zhang Yuelu.

Qi Xuansu was speechless.

He couldn't tell what the young imperial master was thinking. Could it be that Li Changge wanted to "recruit" him on behalf of the Li family? There is no doubt that Li Changge has the power and the confidence to promise Qi Xuansu a beautiful vision. At this moment, Yao Pei suddenly said: "The daughter of the Zhang family, the junior of the Yao family, and the confidant of the Li family turned out to be such a confidant. I was wrong."

After that, she left quickly.

Qi Xuansu's face suddenly became unhappy.

Zhang Yuelu heard this strangely and asked: "The daughter of the Zhang family should refer to me, the junior of the Yao family refers to herself, and what does it mean to be just a confidant of the Li family?"

Qi Xuansu said slowly: "When I was in the palace, I said that now that there are aristocratic families in the Taoist sect, do we homeless people still have a chance to succeed? Yao Suyi said that if you can't be a son, you can still be a son-in-law, or you can be a son-in-law. As an adopted son, she said that I have connections with both the Yao family and the Zhang family, and the only thing missing is the Li family, so I might as well find a daughter of the Li family as my confidante to bring together the three families. "

Zhang Yuelu understood and couldn't help but smile: "So he is such a confidant."

Qi Xuansu shook his sleeves: "I don't have a habit of cutting off my sleeves, and the young Imperial Master probably doesn't either. You said that Li Changge deliberately got close to me, was he deliberately trying to draw me in, or was he deliberately trying to alienate me?"

"It's hard to tell." Zhang Yuelu said that he couldn't guess.

Qi Xuansu said: "I will not let others give me the bad name of a slave with a third surname."

In the Taoist sect, it is normal to jump from this Taoist tradition to other Taoist traditions. For example, Li Minghuang and Qi Xuansu, the former jumped from Zhengyi Road to Taiping Road, and the latter jumped from Zhengyi Road to Quanzhen Road. Even Zhang Yuelu had similar thoughts, but it was nothing. But if one person changes all the three principles, he will inevitably be criticized.

Furthermore, Qi Xuansu switched from Zhengyi Dao to Quanzhen Dao. In fact, his reputation was far better than that of Li Minghuang, because Qi Xuansu’s master Qi Haoran was originally a disciple of Quanzhen Dao, but later he went to Zhengyi Dao for unknown reasons. From here on, Qi Xuansu It should be a return to the Quanzhen Tao. If Qiniang also develops in Taoism, then she is also a person of Quanzhen Tao. No matter which side Qi Xuansu follows, the destination will be Quanzhen Tao.

Therefore, Qi Xuansu has some sense of belonging to Quanzhen Tao.

"What should we do next?" Qi Xuansu asked.

Zhang Yuelu said: "All the keys lie in Five Elements Mountain."

Qi Xuansu said: "Nowadays, there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers in Five Elements Mountain. The Taoist sect can attack it, but we cannot. There are at least fake immortals inside."

"How do you know there are fake immortals?" Zhang Yuelu asked immediately.

Of course Qi Xuansu would not say that he got the news from Qiniang and Qingpinghui, but would instead deduce the process based on the results: "Actually, when you think about it, you know that the King of Liao didn't want Gao Mingyin's affairs to involve him, and he didn't want to show up. The achievement lies inside. With the relationship between the King of Liao and Master Ziji, it is impossible to do it on his own. In fact, he got the instruction from Master Ziji. "

Zhang Yuelu said thoughtfully: "You mean... the Xuanhui Academy that belongs directly to Master Zijiji."

"Exactly." Qi Xuansu said, "It is said that these intersex people feed on dragon energy and only listen to the instructions of Master Ziji. Master Ziji will not end up personally, but will send these old intersex people to assist the King of Liao, most of them He is the ancestor of the intersex people.”

As for why Master Ziji will not end the situation in person, it is actually a tacit understanding. The Earth Master has not ended up in person either. Now it is mainly Master Donghua who comes forward. Even Master Cihang and Master Qingwei didn't make any big moves, it was a tacit understanding.

"It does make sense." Zhang Yuelu nodded.

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