Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 71 Qingyuan

Qi Xuansu did not stay in the "Dream Meeting" for long and cut off his contact with the "Dream Meeting".

His eyes became dark again, as if he was traveling through space. When the darkness dissipated, Qi Xuansu slowly opened his eyes. He was still at home in Haichanfang. The candles had been extinguished, the incense burnt out, and only a pile of fine ashes remained.

It was dark outside and there was no movement at all.

Qi Xuansu put away all the utensils, cleaned up the incense ashes, and put the fish charm close to his body before returning to the bedroom to put on his clothes and sleep.

Years of career in the arena have made Qi Xuansu develop the habit of not sleeping too hard, so early in the morning, Qi Xuansu vaguely heard voices outside the door.

This door is not outside the house door, but outside the courtyard door.

Qi Xuansu suddenly sat up from the bed. After waking up for a while, because he slept in his clothes last night, he opened the door and walked out.

Arriving at the courtyard, the voices outside the door became clearer. It was Taoist Cui and Zhang Yuelu.

Qi Xuansu secretly thought bitterly. If he included the experience of meeting in the dream, then the three women he was familiar with: Qiniang, Taoist Cui, and Zhang Yuelu were all included.

Outside the door, Taoist Cui and Zhang Yuelu were chatting happily. They were in the same Jiutang, and they were both Taoist priests of the fourth grade wine ceremony. They may not be familiar with each other, but they had met each other and had some impressions.

Qi Xuansu took a deep breath to calm down, and then walked out quickly.

When Qi Xuansu opened the courtyard door, the conversation between the two women stopped abruptly, and they both looked at Qi Xuansu.

Qi Xuansu was a little frightened by the gazes of the two people, and forced a smile: "Aunt Cui, Qingxiao."

Taoist Cui looked at Qi Xuansu with a meaningful look: "Tianyuan, you and Auntie are still hiding this."

The smile on Qi Xuansu's face was a little stiff: "No, no."

Taoist Cui said with a smile: "Young people are thin-skinned, aunt understands that. I won't interrupt, you can chat."

After saying that, Taoist Cui walked out of the alley.

After only Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu were left, the two looked at each other. Zhang Yuelu was still dressed in his usual clothes from yesterday, but had removed his blue and white armor and put on a hooded cloak. He took the initiative and said, "Aren't you going to invite me in?"

"Please come in." Qi Xuansu realized it later and hurriedly opened the door.

Zhang Yuelu entered the gate and looked around: "It's a nice place."

Qi Xuansu walked a few steps quickly to lead the way for Zhang Yuelu.

When they came to the living room, Qi Xuansu was about to boil water to make tea. Zhang Yuelu waved his hand: "Don't bother me. How are you preparing?"

Qi Xuansu said truthfully: "I didn't expect you to come so early."

"Let me help you pack your luggage together." Zhang Yuelu suggested.

Qi Xuansu was secretly glad that he had put away all the sensitive things, and nodded: "Okay."

Zhang Yuelu smiled slightly.

It's not charming, but it makes Qi Xuansu's heart skip a beat.

The two of them first came to Qi Xuansu's study, where there were some valuables that they wanted to take away with them.

As soon as he entered the study room, Zhang Yuelu's eyes lit up. The first thing that caught his eye was a backing table. There was a shelf commonly used to store swords on the table, but instead there was a long blunderbuss placed horizontally on it.

Zhang Yuelu liked Qimen weapons and firearms very much, otherwise he would not have met Qi Xuansu by chance at the weapons shop in Taiqing Square.

Qi Xuansu said: "This is an old-fashioned flintlock gun, for collection."

Zhang Yuelu nodded and turned his attention to the bookcase.

There wasn't much that was surprising on the book desk. It was just pens, ink, paper, inkstones, plus pen washers, pen holders, paperweights and other items. Zhang Yuelu just skipped it and came to the bookshelf. He saw many books on the bookshelf. Books of varying thickness.

Zhang Yuelu said with emotion: "Looking back now, the time when I was studying art was still extremely boring and difficult, so much so that when I saw the books, I didn't even feel close to them."

Qi Xuansu said: "I have never felt bored since I was a child. I can practice if I want to practice. If I don't want to practice, I can do other things. Master will not force me. So now I am only in the Kunlun stage, but you are in the Guizhen stage."

Zhang Yuelu shook his head and said, "You are quite reasonable."

"Bitter first and then sweet, or first sweet and then bitter, you have to choose one." Qi Xuansu said, "Do you still feel bitter now?"

Zhang Yuelu said with a smile: "How often have I suffered? I have been promoted to the fourth rank at a young age, and the position of a real person is almost within reach. If I still complain about suffering, I am afraid that God will kill me with a thunder."

Qi Xuansu started to pack his luggage without any formality.

"Qingxiao, help me get the bundle of iron awls on the bookshelf."

"Is it this one?"

"Yes, there are also those on the second floor."


"By the way, it's the second book from the left on the third floor of the bookshelf. I put a big ticket in it."

"Your ability to hide money is quite interesting."

Then the two of them went to the bedroom and kitchen, bringing some dry food and a change of clothes, and finally packed it into a large baggage.

Zhang Yuelu looked at the baggage and frowned slightly.

Qi Xuansu asked: "What's wrong?"

"I was thinking..." Zhang Yuelu hesitated, "What would my mother's face be like when she saw you coming to the door carrying such a baggage?"

Qi Xuansu's expression darkened on purpose: "Are you dissatisfied that I don't have Xumiwu? Well, please ask Gao Ming."

Zhang Yuelu hit him lightly: "Stop pretending, you are not someone who will be hurt by such words."

Qi Xuansu smiled and said: "Okay, I really don't care, and I don't even care what your court thinks of me. This is something you should consider."

Zhang Yuelu rolled her eyes at him, bit her lip, and said, "Give me your luggage and put it in my sumeru. I will give it to you when you need it."

Qi Xuansu pointed to "Zhu Xing", "Zi Wu", and "Blue Bird Gun" and asked, "Where are these?"

Zhang Yuelu said: "I won't take it anymore. I'll lend you my 'Dragon Hand Gun'."

The last time he was at Cimut Fort, Zhang Yuelu lent the "Dragon Hand Gun" to Qi Xuansu. Afterwards, Qi Xuansu returned the "Dragon Hand Gun" to Zhang Yuelu, because these weapons and firearms belonged to Tiangang Hall and were fixed. Numbers cannot be given or received privately, nor can they be bought or sold.

Qi Xuansu followed Shan Ruliu and said: "Okay."

Zhang Yuelu glanced at the dagger hanging on Qi Xuansu's waist again, suddenly remembered something, and asked, "Did you use this dagger to kill Diswen?"

"Strictly speaking, it was the 'Higher Black Blood' and 'Fengyan Jiajiu' that killed Diswein in the end." Qi Xuansu explained, "I just used this short sword to cut open the back of Diswein's heart. A hole."

Zhang Yuelu asked: "What's its name?"

Qi Xuansu hesitated for a moment, then pulled out the dagger and held it with both hands. His face was reflected on the clear sword: "This sword has no name."

"How about we give it a name?" Zhang Yuelu suggested.

Qi Xuansu asked: "What's your name?"

Zhang Yuelu thought for a while: "My name is Qingxiao, and your name is Tianyuan. Each has a word, why not just call it 'Qingyuan'?"

"What a good name." Qi Xuansu agreed, "Just call it 'Qingyuan'."

Sometimes, Qi Xuansu was not as slow as Qiniang thought, so he did not ask why he wanted to add the word Zhang Yuelu, but happily agreed.

Qi Xuansu put "Qingyuan" back into its sheath, while Zhang Yuelu put the baggage into his Xumi items. Qi Xuansu once used Zhang Yuelu's Xumiwu, and the space inside was indeed quite large, enough to put down this burden.

Zhang Yuelu asked: "Let's go?"

"Okay." Qi Xuansu was not one to procrastinate. He first asked Zhang Yuelu to wait in the courtyard. He locked the doors one by one, then left the courtyard with Zhang Yuelu, and then locked the door.

Daxuan has been watching for forty-one years, on October 16th. Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu left Yujing and went to Shangqing Mansion by land instead of taking a flying boat.

On the way down the mountain, heavy snow was falling.

To Qi Xuansu's surprise, Zhang Yuelu bought him a new cloak. He had seen it in a clothing store, and it cost at least one hundred Taiping. Although Zhang Yuelu did not want Qi Xuansu to wear Tiangang Hall's standard cloak to meet his family, he could not deny Zhang Yuelu's intentions. You must know that Zhang Yuelu is not Sun Yongfeng who is "skilled in making money", and he does not have much money. Bai Taiping Money is not a small amount either.

To say that we are indifferent would be a lie. Qi Xuansu has not only had no parents or relatives since he was a child, but he also has no close friends who care about him. He is really a lonely person. If he does not count his master, no one has ever bought him anything worth more than one hundred peacetimes.

As for Qiniang, her kindness to Qi Xuansu was never reflected in money. In terms of money, it would be good if he didn't ask Qi Xuansu for money.

It's just that Qi Xuansu wasn't used to showing these emotions, so he didn't say much.

After Qi Xuansu put on his cloak, he suddenly realized that his cloak and the cloak worn by Zhang Yuelu were quite similar in terms of workmanship and texture, and they should have been bought together.

Zhang Yuelu felt a little uncomfortable when he saw Qi Xuansu's eyes always resting on his cloak.

After the two separated in Taishangfang yesterday, Qi Xuansu was in a hurry to go to the "Dream Meeting" and returned directly to Haichanfang, but Zhang Yuelu was not in a hurry to return to Xuandu, but went to Taiqing Square. Fortunately, yesterday was the Xiayuan Festival and many shops were not closed, so she bought two cloaks.

In fact, Zhang Yuelu just wanted to buy Qi Xuansu a cloak at that time. With her level of cultivation, she was immune to cold and heat, so it didn't matter whether it was a cloak or not. Unfortunately, the proprietress of that shop is really eloquent. After knowing that Zhang Yuelu planned to buy a men's cloak, she said that people should buy clothes in pairs. If one person has one and the other does not, there will be a loss of harmony. In the end, she actually made a mistake. Bought two cloaks of the same style.

After Zhang Yuelu returned home, he felt a little regretful, but after careful consideration, he decided to go out wearing a new cloak.

Early this morning, Zhang Yuelu came to the door of Qi Xuansu's house. Unexpectedly, he met Aunt Cui. Cui had met her a few times and was a talkative person. Zhang Yuelu had no choice but to exchange pleasantries before he woke up. Qi Xuansu.

Qi Xuansu looked away and coughed lightly: "The cloak is good."

Zhang Yuelu pulled up his hood, covering most of his face, and said nothing.

Qi Xuansu smacked his lips, not knowing what to say, so he simply kept silent.

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