The female figure is a hundred feet tall, dressed in white, and her face is divided into two halves.

The left half of the face is that of a woman, bright and holy, somewhat similar to the Avalokitesvara face of Cihang's lineage. On the left hand, one hand is still in the shape of holding a flower. A flower on the other side between the two fingers blooms and withers, a continuous cycle of life, death and withering, and the flowers and leaves cannot meet each other; the other hand holds a pure vase with a willow branch inserted in it. Dew is constantly dripping from the willow branches, and it just falls on the other side of the flower. Every time the dew drops fall, it is the birth and death of the other side of the flower. When the dew drops fall, the other side of the flower blooms, and then withers, waiting for the next dew drop, and the cycle continues endlessly.

The right half of the face is a dense skeleton, filled with gloomy energy, and the eye sockets are burning with faint green fire. On the right hand, one hand holds a butcher knife that is constantly dripping blood. The butcher knife is made of white bones. The other hand holds a skull wine glass, filled with blood. At the same time, it also catches the blood dripping from the white bone butcher knife, but no matter how the blood drips, , the blood in the wine glass will never overflow.

The canal is so crowded that it is difficult for a large ship to turn around, but for a pseudo-immortal, is this a problem?

Qiniang perfectly explained today what it means to kill a chicken with a butcher's knife.

Among all the pseudo-immortals, there are very few who are as careless as Qiniang.

Suddenly, a thunder dragon soared into the sky, and "Meng Xingyun" nailed the "Thunder Qi" in his hand to the chest of the "Inn" Tianzihao clerk, pushing him through the three-story roof of the building.

This thunder dragon is also a signal. There are no heavenly beings on the big ship who can interfere with Qiniang's action.

Qiniang looked down at the large ship that was as big as a makeup box and stretched out her hand to grab it.

Dharma Xiang also stretched out his hand, and the Bana flower between his fingers did not affect his reach for the object at all.

In a sense, the body, spirit and dharma are the same thing, and they will all move according to the actions of the deity.

Fa Xiang was condescending, and five finger dents suddenly appeared on the edge of the "Tai Xu Illusion". Then Fa Xiang's five fingers passed through the "Tai Xu Illusion" and fished for the silver boat below.

Everyone on the boat was horrified, and the Qingluan Guards abandoned the boat one after another and fled for their lives without caring about anything else.

Qiniang's Dharma caught the big boat in her palm, causing it to break away from the water of the canal and get higher and higher.

If the palm cannot be compared, it is no different from the Taoist flying boat.

This scene can be described as a true masterpiece of immortality.

Although it cannot be compared with the legendary taking advantage of the Five Mountains to reach the North Sea, the fundamental principle is the same.

The Dharma Minister raised the skull wine glass again, and the blood in the glass rippled slightly.

I saw the silver boat getting smaller and smaller, getting smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared.

Then a miniature silver boat appeared in the skull wine glass, floating in the blood. It no longer looked like the Taoist flying boat, but more like the nuclear boat in "The Story of the Nuclear Boat".

Such magical powers are natural and mysterious, but they are also a burden for the pseudo-immortals and cannot be maintained for a long time. The key is that the movement is too loud and it is easy to provoke other experts, so Qiniang still needs Cao Gang to transport the peace money.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Qi Xuansu jumped from the boat into the canal early, so he was not included in the wine glass.

At this moment, Qi Xuansu's expression suddenly changed and he turned around to look.

For a moment, he felt a majestic momentum, as if thousands of troops were galloping across the world, destroying everything at their fingertips, massacring cities and destroying the land, sweeping across the wilderness, devouring lives, mountains of corpses and seas of blood, and the colors of the heaven, earth, mountains and rivers changed. It is completely different from the two immortals of heaven and earth who pursue the unity of heaven and man.

In addition to Qi Xuansu, "Meng Xingyun" and "Taichang Yin" also felt this majestic momentum.

Faced with this fierce aura that those who obey me will prosper and those who go against me will perish, Qi Xuansu only felt cold all over his body and wanted to resist, but he suddenly felt a sense of fear in his heart and was shaken by it.

Looking at "Meng Xingyun" and "Taichang Yin" again, they are not much better.

As for those Qingluan Guards, they were even worse.

This kind of method of gaining a head start is unique to the Shattered Void Realm inherited from human immortals. The fist arrives before the person arrives, and the world is only a short distance away.

Just the momentum alone can shake the minds of all the heavenly beings, and there is no doubt that the person coming is a fake immortal.

Although the number of heavenly beings in the Imperial Capital is said to be the largest in the world, there are not too many pseudo-immortals.

, on the contrary, pseudo-immortals will not set foot in the Imperial Capital at will unless necessary. Nowadays, except for Xuanhui Academy, there are really not many pseudo-immortals in the Imperial Capital. Even Qiniang rarely stays in the Imperial Capital. She usually just finishes her work. Walk.

While Qi Xuansu was still guessing the identity of the visitor, "Taichang Yin" already revealed the identity of the visitor: "It turned out to be the 'proprietor' who came in person. "

At this time, she was in an out-of-body state, and her voice seemed to ring directly in Qi Xuansu's heart.

As she spoke, she no longer maintained the "Taixu Illusion Realm" in vain. Originally, the warrior restrained the alchemist and was best at breaking illusions. There was a gap between the two realms. The "Taixu Illusion Realm" was just like paper. , it’s really useless.

"Meng Xingyun" didn't care about chasing the Tianzi boy, but immediately protected "Taichang Yin"'s body, and then came to Qi Xuansu's side.

This was done firstly so that Qiniang would have no worries, and secondly so that the three of them could at least have some resistance when they joined forces.

Qi Xuansu only felt that he was extremely unlucky. The first time he took revenge, he met the "boy" of the "inn". The second time he took revenge, he met the "shopkeeper" of the "inn". The third time he met the "proprietor" of the "inn" directly. .

The Yin God of "Taichang Yin" returns to the body. For the alchemist, the martial artist in the pseudo-immortal stage is like a blazing sun. Although the alchemist has no fear of the light of the sky after the thunder realm, his cultivation will be suppressed by the majestic blood energy, and Without the protection of the body, facing the blood and Qi directly is like looking directly at the sun. All the Yins can see is a vast expanse of white, and even the eyes cannot see, the ears cannot hear, and the heart cannot feel. They have to return to the body to isolate the blood and Qi with their own Qi and blood. as well. For the alchemist, blood is the wind and snow, and body is the clothes. No matter how thick the clothes are, it is better than not wearing them at all.

"Taichang Yin" who had been closing his eyes opened his eyes: "Although I don't know why the "proprietor" left Wuxing Mountain, he should have temporarily known about the changes here, so he came alone, with no other people from the "inn" following him. . "

Qi Xuansu and "Meng Xingyun" immediately felt relieved. If the "proprietor" was the only one, Qiniang should be able to handle it.

Qiniang was not a flower garden Taoist priest. She was once evenly matched with Wu Guangbi.

But having said that, Wu Guangbi did not have such a big momentum in Jinling Mansion.

Qi Xuansu thought this, and then thought about it. There was a True Lord Siming at that time. Of course Wu Guangbi couldn't take the lead, so he had to hide his aura.

Qiniang also wore a bronze mask with a very ancient witchcraft style. The expression on her face could not be clearly seen, and she could only see a pair of eyes, which were shining with a strange light, making her appear mysterious and gloomy. Qiniang slowly spit out a strange syllable.

After Qiniang uttered this syllable, Qi Xuansu suddenly felt a lightness on his body, and the heavy pressure of Renxian's fist disappeared in an instant.

Then he saw Qiniang starting to stride forward in the void. With every step she took, her body would grow a little larger. In the blink of an eye, she was already more than ten feet tall.

Qiniang uses the Dharma Appearance Realm, the Dharma Body Realm, and the Dharma Heaven Symbol and Earth Realm at the same time.

Qiniang strode across the night sky. Ordinary people were like ants to her. At this time, she was like a god looking down on all living beings.

Almost at the same time, a figure appeared in front of Qiniang like a shooting star. This person was wearing a purple robe, and his face could not be seen clearly. He stood in the void. Every acupuncture point on his body shone brightly, condensing a body spirit.

His body and spirit are not golden, but bright and clear, and densely packed, far exceeding the three hundred and sixty-five Small Zhoutian, at least a thousand miles away, heading straight towards the Great Zhoutian.

The visitor is the "proprietor" of the "inn".

The "proprietor" didn't say much, he just clenched his five fingers into a fist, and then the entire fist gradually became transparent, and the bright apertures that were closely arranged in it were clearly visible. In each acupuncture point, there was a figure with a face similar to that of the "proprietor". Er's body and spirit also made a fist-clenching gesture, shining brightly.

Qiniang opened her hands, and a series of ancient and obscure syllables sounded in her mouth, which was very rhythmic, as if chanting or singing.

Everything in the world seemed to start to vibrate with this strange rhythm, and wisps of black aura rose up, and then gathered into a thick black mist, rushing towards Qiniang from all directions.

In the blink of an eye, the black fog around Qiniang became thicker and thicker, gradually covering her

All the figures were submerged. Behind her, a dark mountain phantom appeared, like a splash-ink landscape. There were no other colors, so it couldn't be seen clearly. Only ten tall figures could be vaguely seen on the mountain, as if they were standing tall against the sky.

The "proprietor" no longer hesitated and punched out the punch he had been preparing for a long time.

In an instant, more than a thousand body spirits in the acupuncture points in his body also punched.

When one person punches, it's like thousands of people punching together. The fist's intention is fierce and devastating. The mighty fist intention sweeps over, like a strong wind or a rolling heat wave. The "proprietor's" fist has not yet arrived, but the rich blood energy contained in it has already reached him. The black mist touched each other and made a fierce "chichi" sound. In conjunction with the fist, the black mist was dispersed, as if the clouds were cleared and the sun was revealed.

"The proprietor" swept across a hundred feet in almost one step, breaking through the heavy black fog and pointing directly at Qiniang.

But when he was less than three feet away from Qiniang, a circle of ripples spread out in all directions with Qiniang as the center. Wherever he passed, all the colors disappeared, leaving only black and white between the sky and the earth.

The "proprietor" was no exception, losing color and becoming motionless. The short distance of three feet is difficult to get closer.

Qi Xuansu was very familiar with this scene. He had experienced a similar scene when he helped Yao Pei collect the "Gong Candle Stick". Fortunately, they were far away at this time, so they were not affected.

However, the black and white color around the "proprietor" was soon dyed with a touch of blood, and it was obvious that he could not be imprisoned for too long.

But this is also very scary.

First fight Wu Guangbi, then fight the "proprietor", facing the leaders of the two secret societies "Tian Ting" and "Inn", he did not lose at all.

This is Qiniang's strength.

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