Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 122: Pledge of Ally

This is no small temptation.

Perhaps to Li Changge and Yao Pei, a remnant of their predecessors with only heavenly strength is nothing, because they have no shortage of masters at their disposal, especially Li Changge, as the third heir to the head of the Li family, he has the power in his hands It is so big that it is far beyond what others imagine. It cannot be simply regarded as an acting deputy hall master.

But for Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu, it was a different situation.

The Zhang family does have many masters, but without the support of the family, Zhang Yuelu cannot mobilize them. As the deputy head of the hall, Zhang Yuelu is also powerful, but his foundation is still shallow and he lacks direct relatives and confidants. It is inevitable that he often feels stretched.

As for Qi Xuansu, that goes without saying. He is basically alone, not as good as Zhang Yuelu. Now he has hundreds of spiritual officials, which is indeed very majestic, but once he leaves the Imperial Palace, he will become a loner again. Although he can still call on the three great evil beings in the Ghost Kingdom to take action, and he is indeed invincible, the conditions are rather harsh, and Qi Xuansu has only found two opportunities so far.

Of course, the two of them would not violate moral precepts by providing living souls and flesh and blood, but it was just "soul-returning incense" and it had no impact. All they spent was peace money.

As for the killing of Lin Lingsu by the three corpses, it is difficult to judge right and wrong based on the good and evil in the world. The two are natural enemies. Lin Lingsu himself was a three-corpse, and he later became a human being. He was harmed by his own three corpses, which is equivalent to three corpses killing three corpses, and it doesn't even count as murder. This is like two tigers fighting, one of them will be injured. Do people still want to seek justice for injured or dead tigers?

Furthermore, although Lin Lingsu was not the culprit for the fall of the Jin Dynasty and the collapse of Shenzhou, he was also one of the many sinners who caused the fall of the Jin Dynasty. This can be seen from the attitudes of Qingxu Yuanmiao Zhenjun and Changchun Zhenren. , the three corpses incarnated and killed Lin Lingsu, in a sense, it was like the cycle of heaven's retribution.

Because of this, Qi Xuansu did not insist on killing the three corpses.

However, the two of them were not carried away. Qi Xuansu said: "How can we restrain you? If you take our soul-returning incense, then turn your back and deny anyone, or just walk away, wouldn't we? I suffered the loss of being dumb.”

Yishuai was silent for a moment, then suddenly said: "You seem to possess the power of Taiyin. Do you know about the 'Thirteen Swords of Taiyin'?"

Qi Xuansu said: "I know a little bit."

"If that's the case, then we can swear an oath to be an alliance," Yishen said.

Zhang Yuelu's expression changed slightly.

For ordinary people, the so-called "pledge of alliance" is just a solemn form. Even if it is actually violated, it is nothing.

But for people in the Taoist sect, "vowing an alliance" is a ritual, and it has another name - the oath of the inner demon!

The Oath of the Inner Demon comes from the "Thirteen Swords of Taiyin". The strength of the inner demon is closely related to the host. The higher the realm of the host, the stronger the inner demon. If the oath is violated, the inner demon will immediately break out. At the least, the inner demon will become possessed, which will seriously damage the cultivation level. In the worst case, the inner demon will fall into the realm. For no guarantee.

Before the Taoist sects were unified, the leader of the South Taoist sect, Jingxiu, and the leader of the Middle Taoist sect, Xu Wugui, confronted each other at the Jingchan Temple in Zhongzhou. The two sides made an appointment to make an oath of inner demons. Later, Xu Wugui survived a heavenly catastrophe and fought against several Immortal Immortals alone without losing. However, because of the inner demon's oath, he was betrayed by Zhang Jingxiu, and the two of them ascended and died together.

The inside story is difficult to explain in a few words. In the end, Zhang Jingxiu was able to cheat Xu Wugui. There were other factors, including the help of other immortal immortals and the special location of the Kunlun Cave Sky Ascension Platform. Only then did Zhang Jingxiu succeed in cheating. All these factors were indispensable. , not just because of the inner demon oath. But even so, it can be seen that the inner demon oath is so powerful that even immortals cannot erase it at will. For heavenly beings, it is almost a golden rule that cannot be violated.

The corpse continued: "If you can help me initially master this corpse, then I will work for you for three years. If you can help me completely master this corpse, then I will work for you for ten years. How about that?"

Qi Xuansu thought for a moment and nodded in agreement - Zhang Yuelu had not learned the "Thirteen Taiyin Swords", so he could not make the inner demon oath, so Qi Xuansu had to step in to form an alliance.

Zhang Yuelu did not dissuade him, but just said "be careful".

Then, Qi Xuansu revealed the "Dharma Body of the True Lord of Taiyin" and obtained the magical power of the "Thirteen Taiyin Swords". He stretched out his index finger and pressed the center of his eyebrows, and pulled out something illusory and illusory, like a little spiritual light.

Yishuo still sat still, a little spiritual light flew out from the position between his eyebrows.

Two light spots flew up into the sky, merged into one place in mid-air, and then slowly dissipated invisible. This was an oath made by the inner demons. Anyone who dared to break the oath would definitely suffer the backlash from the inner demons.

After making the "Inner Demon Oath", the two became close allies. Qi Xuansu put away the "Taiyin Dharmakaya" and sheathed the "Fei Yingbai", and then said: "Now everyone in the world regards the Taiping Daozhen of my Taoist sect." People call him "Guoshi", but times have changed in the Jin Dynasty. "Guoshi Lin" is not easy to mention again. In order to distinguish the senior and Mr. Tongzhen Daling, I will call my senior "Senior Lin" and "Mr. Tongzhen Daling" from now on. Mr. Lin, what do you think, senior?"

Yi Sheng said: "Yes. When Lin Lingsu became the Imperial Master of the Jin Dynasty, in addition to being called 'Mr. Tongzhen Daling' by the Emperor of the Jin Dynasty, he was also called 'Jinmen Feather Guest' and 'Mr. Yuanmiao' by the world. , if you are afraid of confusing us, you can also call me Lin Yuanmiao."

Zhang Yuelu interjected: "One is Qingxu Yuanmiao Zhenjun, and the other is Mr. Yuanmiao. If there is no connection between them, it would be really unreasonable."

Qi Xuansu asked: "I wonder what state of cultivation Senior Lin is now?"

Lin Yuanmiao said: "Qian Xiangyun once told me about the current system inheritance and realm division. I am now roughly equivalent to a heavenly being in the immeasurable stage. Because of this deity and Lin Lingsu, I am the inheritance of the banished immortal. "

Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu were not surprised, it could even be said that they were expecting it.

Lin Yuanmiao continued: "As long as you give me enough soul-returning incense, so that I can initially master this body, then I can restore the cultivation level of the creation stage. When I fully master this body, Then I can return to the level of pseudo-immortal you mentioned, which is the state of cultivation after Lin Lingsu was suppressed by Master Changchun. As for whether I can achieve immortality, it depends on my own destiny."

Qi Xuansu asked directly: "How much 'soul-returning incense' is needed for you to initially grasp the remains of this immortal?"

There is a soul-returning tree in the Kunlun Cave. It looks like a maple or a cypress. Its flowers and leaves smell fragrant for hundreds of miles. Take its roots and boil them in water in a cauldron to extract the juice. It is refined like lacquer, which is the soul-returning fragrance. The aroma can be smelled for hundreds of miles, and the dead body is on the ground. It is alive after smelling the scent, so it is called "returning to the soul".

Now Lin Yuanmiao is in a state of "dead body on the ground". If he wants to fully grasp the remains left by Lin Lingsu and completely integrate his soul and body, he can only use the "reviving incense", which means "smell the breath to make him alive" ”.

After Lin Yuanmiao heard Qi Xuansu's words, he didn't answer for a long time. It seemed that he didn't have a suitable unit of measurement.

Qi Xuansu thought for a while, took out a piece of incense stick from the Xumiwu, which was exactly the kind Qiniang gave him, and asked: "How much does this kind of 'soul-returning incense' need?"

The "soul-returning incense" that Qiniang sent to Qi Xuansu was only a low-grade "soul-returning incense" to enter the "dream meeting". A stick of incense costs one worry-free money, which is ten peace coins.

Lin Yuanmiao didn't make any move. A gust of wind swept the incense stick in front of him. He felt it silently for a moment and said, "Ten thousand of these incense sticks should be about the same."

Qi Xuansu almost stumbled.

Ten peace coins for a piece of incense requires ten thousand sticks, which is one hundred thousand peace coins.

To Qiniang, this was just a small amount, less than half a silver ship, but he really couldn't afford it.

Qi Xuansu looked at Zhang Yuelu.

Zhang Yuelu said helplessly: "Don't look at me. If I sold the house in my name, I could get so much money, but it's a pity that I can't sell it."

Qi Xuansu let out a long sigh and asked: "What if you don't restore your realm? Just to be able to move freely, how much 'soul-returning incense' is needed?"

Lin Yuanmiao said: "Just a thousand sticks of this 'reviving incense' is enough."

Qi Xuansu's face was a little stiff. He very much doubted whether this senior Lin had divination skills and had already calculated accurately that he had just made a small fortune. Otherwise, how could he have said it so accurately, exactly 10,000 Taiping money?

Lin Yuanmiao also saw that Qi Xuan

Su's face looked wrong and he added: "If it is the best 'returning soul incense', maybe just a little is enough. Qian Xiangyun once gave me some, which restored me to the immeasurable stage."

Of course Qi Xuansu knew that there was a top-quality "soul-returning incense", but the price of that thing was not much different from a thousand sticks of incense.

Zhang Yuelu asked: "What compensation did you give Qian Xiangyun?"

Lin Yuanmiao said: "I am talking about credibility. She is my former ally. Although we have not made a covenant, I will keep her secret."

Zhang Yuelu frowned slightly.

Lin Yuanmiao paused for a moment, then continued: "Unless I add an additional hundred sticks of 'returning soul incense,'"

Zhang Yuelu directly took out ten large tickets and stuffed them into Qi Xuansu's hand: "Buy one hundred more."

Qi Xuansu smiled bitterly: "How can anyone use Taiping money to handle a case by themselves?"

Zhang Yuelu said calmly: "You can ask Jinque for reimbursement afterwards."

Qi Xuansu swallowed back the words of refusal that had reached his lips, and simply put away the ten large tickets.

"You can say it now." Zhang Yuelu looked at Lin Yuanmiao.

Lin Yuanmiao is also very knowledgeable: "Lin Lingsu left a Tongzhen Palace in Lingnan back then. I told her the approximate location of Tongzhen Palace. I can also tell you, but I have to pay more."

Zhang Yuelu couldn't afford more peace money, and she couldn't leave the imperial capital now, so she didn't ask any more questions.

Qi Xuansu pinched his eyebrows and said, "Qiniang is very respectable in Qibaofang, I can ask her."

Zhang Yuelu was not unhappy, but asked: "Is Qiniang also in the Imperial Capital?"

Qi Xuansu knew that there was no point in deceiving Zhang Yuelu anymore, so he couldn't hide it, so he said calmly: "It should still be there."

Zhang Yuelu suggested: "Shall I go with you to see her?"

Qi Xuansu coughed lightly: "I can just use the Zimu Talisman."

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