Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 124: Possessions

Qi Xuansu went to the Tianji Hall branch again. He was afraid that there might be some special warning formation here, so he asked the invisible Lin Yuanmiao to wait outside.

As for how the two of them contacted each other, Qi Xuansu discovered that after the two made the inner demon oath, they could communicate with each other in their hearts when they were close enough. This saved Qi Xuansu the effort of asking "Are you there" every time? Lin Yuan Miao didn't have to reply "Yes".

Entering Tianji Hall, the Taoist priest on duty immediately recognized Qi Xuansu. While sending someone to inform his superiors, he served tea to Qi Xuansu.

In the past, Qi Xuansu would not have been treated like this.

The head of the branch hall of Tianji Hall is also a fourth-grade Taoist priest who is on the same level as Qi Xuansu. After coming from the back hall, he first exchanged greetings with Qi Xuansu and then asked Qi Xuansu about his purpose.

Qi Xuansu said: "To be honest, I want to buy some "Dragon Eye" projectiles prefixed with A. "

The expression of the head of Tianji Hall couldn't help but change slightly, and he said: "If the artillery is used, I'm afraid I need to ask Yujing Main Hall for instructions."

Qi Xuansu did not hide anything. He took out his "Dragon Hand Gun" and said, "Of course it has nothing to do with artillery. This is the latest "Dragon Hand Gun" developed by Jian Xiushan. The "Dragon Hand Gun" can withstand up to "Dragon Eye Armor Nine". ” chamber pressure, and the “Dragon Hand Gun” goes a step further on the basis of the “Dragon Hand Gun” and can withstand the maximum chamber pressure of the “Dragon Eye A7”. "

Other members of the church may not be familiar with Jian Xiushan, but the head of the Tianji Hall has naturally heard of Jian Xiushan's name, and he couldn't help but be in awe: "It turns out it was Jian Xiushan's handiwork. No wonder, no wonder."

He paused for a moment: "So, Brother Qi Dao wants to buy three types of "Dragon Eye A-7", "Dragon Eye A-8" and "Dragon Eye A-9". "

Qi Xuansu nodded and said, "I just don't know the price."

The head of Tianji Hall said: "Of course it is expensive. The price of "Long Eye Yi Yi" is already as high as fifty yuan per shot. The price of "Long Eye Jia Jiu" is double that of "Long Eye Yi Yi". Each shot costs one yuan. One hundred yuan in peace money. Further up, the price of "Long Eye Jiaba" has doubled again, with each shot costing 200 yen peacetime. The price of "Long Eye A7" will be doubled again, with each shot costing 400 yen peacetime. "

Qi Xuansu expected it and was not surprised. He just sighed: "The price seems not high, but after all, it is a consumable item. It is gone after use. It is not like weapons and magic weapons that can be reused."

"Who says it's not?" the head of Tianji Hall echoed, "but then again, Brother Qi Dao's "Dragon Painting Gun" is worth a thousand dollars. "

"Brother Dao is joking." Qi Xuansu took out fifteen rounds of "Long Eye Yi Yi" from Xumiwu and put it on the counter. Yao Pei had given him twenty rounds of "Long Eye Yi Yi", which amounted to one thousand Taiping money. He used Five rounds gone, fifteen rounds left.

"Can it be discounted?" Qi Xuansu asked.

The head of Tianji Hall smiled and said: "If it were anyone else, they would only be able to trade in 80% of the price. This is called depreciation, but since it is Brother Qi, it is a different matter. One shot of "Long Jing Yi Yi" is equivalent to fifty peace coins. , fifteen rounds is 750 yuan in peace money. "

Qi Xuansu pondered and said: "If it is against the gods, "Long Eye Jia Jiu" has little effect on damaging the enemy. Unless there are enough fire blunderbuss, it will be of little significance, so I won't buy "Long Eye Jia Jiu". The main reason is " "Dragon Eye A-8" and "Dragon Eye A-7". "

The head of Tianji Hall nodded and said, "This is the right thing to do."

Qi Xuansu said: "That's it, I want ten rounds of "Dragon Eye Jiaba" and five rounds of "Dragon Eye Jiaqi". "

The head of Tianji Hall said: "Ten rounds of "Long Eye Jia Ba" are worth 2,000 yuan in peace money, and five rounds of "Long Eye Jia Qi" are also 2,000 yuan in peace money. Excluding the discounted 750 yuan in peace money, Qi Dao Brother also has to pay 3,250 yuan in peace money. "

Qi Xuansu counted out thirty-three large tickets and placed them on the table.

One of the ladies presented Qi Xuansu with a winning ticket worth fifty yuan in peace money.

Qi Xuansu only had 300 Taiping coins a month, and 50 Taiping coins was equivalent to five days' wages.

Because it involves projectiles prefixed with A, the head of Tianjitang will personally pick up the goods.

About two sticks of incense later, the head of Tianji Hall left and returned, carrying two boxes in his hands. They were no longer even wooden boxes, but changed to

Iron box.

He placed the two boxes on the table and opened them respectively. Inside were mold-like grooves that held the projectiles firmly.

Qi Xuansu looked carefully and saw that "Dragon Eye Jiaba" was already pleasing to the eye. Various talisman patterns were intertwined on its cyan surface to create a pattern that seemed to be surrounded by dragons.

"Dragon Eyes A7" is a step further in the category of "Dragon Eyes A8". The dragon pattern intertwined with green and gold seems to come alive, constantly flowing and flickering.

"Dragon Eyes A-7" ​​is enough to kill ordinary heavenly beings.

Some people may think that four hundred yuan of peace can buy the life of a deity, which is too cheap.

The key is that the "Dragon Hand Gun" that can fire "Dragon Eye A7" is expensive and rare, and you can't even buy it with peace of mind. Without the "Dragon Painted Hand Gun", "Dragon Eye A7" would be a dead thing, and no innate person could kill it.

Moreover, the "Dragon Hand Cannon" is comparable in weight to a small artillery. If you want to hit a fast-moving deity with the "Dragon Hand Cannon", the person holding the gun must at least be a deity.

So it seems cheap, but in fact it is not cheap. The biggest advantage is to save innate energy, mana, divine power, and true energy.

Qi Xuansu looked at it carefully for a while, then took out two "Dragon Eye Jiaba" and loaded them into the "Dragon Painted Hand Gun".

Everyone, including the head of Tianji Hall, subconsciously took a few steps back, fearing that Qi Xuansu would accidentally get off fire.

"Don't be nervous." Qi Xuansu smiled, put away the "Dragon Painting Gun", and took out the remaining projectiles one by one from the mold in the iron box, put them into Xumiwu, and left the box to Tianji Hall for temporary loading. , and Xumiwu is safer and more reliable than these two boxes.

Qi Xuansu said goodbye and left. The head of Tianji Hall personally walked Qi Xuansu to the door and watched Qi Xuansu go away.

Logically speaking, the Taoist Priests of the Fourth Grade Liquor Ceremony have corresponding discounts in Tianji Hall and Huasheng Hall, but this kind of relatively sensitive high-end firearms are not included in the discounts. In other words, allowing purchases is the biggest discount. If Qi Xuansu did not have the status of a fourth-grade wine-sacrifice Taoist priest, even if he was a member of the Confucian sect or the imperial court, he would be rejected.

Of course, the imperial court can use the "Phoenix Eyes" and "Dragon Eyes" series, but the Taoist sect only does business with the imperial court's yamen and does not do business with private individuals, even if the private individual has the official status of the imperial court.

As for the Taoist sect not caring if you use your position to misappropriate these firearms for personal use after the imperial court buys them back, that is the imperial court's problem.

To put it simply, Daomen's firearms can be sold to the Ministry of War, but not to the Minister of War. If the Minister of War buys firearms in the name of the Ministry of War and then uses them for personal use, that would be dereliction of duty and corruption. Daomen cannot sell firearms to the Minister of War personally.

There is another way, which is to go through the black market.

There are people who are greedy for ink in the imperial court, and there are also people in Taoism. Every year, some firearms find their way onto the black market through other means.

However, since it is a black market, the rarer things are more expensive, and the price is several times that of Tianjitang. The "Long Eye Jia Qi" of 400 Taiping yen can be sold for more than 1,000 Taiping yen. Not to mention that Qiniang did not intend to give Qi Xuansu a discount. Even if Qiniang was willing to cut the price in half, it would still be a high price of 500 yuan in peace money. Qi Xuansu would only go to Qibaofang to buy projectiles if his head was kicked by a donkey.

From this point of view, Qiniang can be regarded as hoping that her son will succeed. Even if she hangs around in the world, even if she becomes the senior leader of a secret society, it doesn't mean much. She still has to stand out in the Taoist sect to truly stand out.

After Qi Xuansu left the branch of Tianji Hall, he probably counted his belongings.

After subtracting 3,250 taiping money from the five thousand, there is only 1,750 taiping money left. Adding the regular silver received this month, the total is 2,050 taiping money. Before robbing the silver ship, there were still about 400 Taiping coins left. After erasing the fraction, that was 2,400 Taiping coins, just in case of emergencies.

In terms of external objects, not counting Xumi items, there are four treasures, namely "Fei Yingbai", "Dragon Painted Handgun", imitation "Nine Yang Lihuo Shield", and "First True Sutra Urn".

There are five spiritual objects, namely "Golden Purple Fish Talisman", "Feiying", "Qingyuan", "White Fox Face", Qingping Kaiyi and other member masks. Not counting spiritual objects, there are five-shot "Dragon Eye A-7" ​​and ten-shot "Dragon Eye A-8", but there is no "Phoenix Eye" series.

There are also several talismans, various clothes, accessories, an unknown compass, a Taoist priest's formal attire for the fourth-grade wine offering, and a ghost horse "Buyue" stored elsewhere.

There are also various miscellaneous items, including a collector's edition of the "Xuansheng Card", which is worth five thousand Taiping coins. A beautiful woman in fairy-like clothing, a collector's edition of "The Female Sword Fairy". The latter two were obtained by opening "Xuanxuan jars". Among them, "The Female Sword Fairy" was released in the 20th year of Taiping. It is worth a lot of money. If you meet an expert who knows the goods, it can be sold for more than 300 Taiping yen. It's just that Qi Xuansu has never met an expert who knows the goods.

Finally, there is a single-family house in Haichanfang, Yujing, with a ten-year lease. It is valuable, but not much.

These belongings can be worth tens of thousands of peacetime if calculated in bits and pieces.

Qi Xuansu is not a fool either. Of course, the biggest gain is the four pieces of "Xuan Jade".

Then there is what I have learned.

Not counting the realm of acquired people, due to the conflict between the warrior inheritance and the alchemist inheritance, it lacks the realm of the unity of spirit and flesh, and has the realm of flesh and blood derivation, the realm of communicating with all heavens, and the realm of seeing gods without harm. Practice the ultimate method "Tantai Quanyi".

The alchemist's inheritance includes the Yin Shen realm, the dream realm, and the thunder realm, but lacks the reality realm. It possesses the medium-level methods "Ghost Sword", "Herding Ghosts", and "Yin Yang Gate", and the superior methods "Nine Nether Locks" and "Qingming Armor". You can invite three great evil creatures to come to the world.

Because there is no god to believe in, the Wuzhu inheritance lacks the realm of inviting gods. It has the Dharma Appearance Realm, the Golden Body Realm, and the Dharma Body Realm. It condenses the Dharma Appearance and Dharma Body of the True Lord of Taiyin. After manifesting the Dharma Body, you can obtain the magical power of the "Thirteen Swords of Taiyin", and there are still The next nine hundred moments of divine power.

Sanren have the most complete inheritance realms, including the inner alchemy realm, the jade tripod realm, the holy embryo realm, and the practice of transformation realm. They can learn the methods of small success "Yin Yang Eyes" and "Body Protection Qi", and the methods of medium success "Sword Controlling Technique", "Fast Grain Technique", "Cicada Slough Technique", the superior techniques "Qi-Wang Technique", "Innate Divine Calculation Technique", "Experience the Body Technique", and "Dayan Spiritual Knife". And the only great method, the heretical method "Magic Sword".

Finally, there is Lin Yuanmiao, a retainer for half a year.

After Qi Xuansu finished counting, he couldn't help but sigh.

Now, I can't be considered as a poor person.

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