Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 127 Five Fingers

Semicolon of Taiping Inn, Yao Pei’s room.

The doors and windows were closed, Yao Pei held a page of secret text and looked at it calmly.

At this time, Yao Pei no longer looked as dull as usual, and his long autumn eyes narrowed slightly, with a rather sharp look on his face.

"Tai Shang Wang Qing Sutra" is known as "Heaven's Calendar", and photographic memory is just an ordinary thing. She has memorized all the original texts of "Xuan Sheng Xiang Er Zhu", and there is no need to compare them at all. She can directly translate these secret texts in her mind.

Similar to Qi Xuansu's secret page, there are only three words in the first column, which is "centering ape".

The second column is still "Buddha", with additional notes of "Five Fingers", "Ananda" and "Kasyapa".

The third column clearly marked the members of the "New Five-member Group": "Big Finger" Top Secret, "Index Finger" Zhou Jiaoxian, "Middle Finger" Qi Xuansu, "Ring Finger" Zhang Yuelu, and "Little Finger" Yao Pei.

Yao Pei already knew about the plan of the two five-person groups, both overt and dark, before going to the Imperial Capital, so she was not surprised. Moreover, whether it was the five-person group on the surface or the five-person group secretly, she and Zhang Yuelu were both aware of it. They are fixed members, which has little impact.

As for the ranking among the "Five Fingers", Yao Pei has no objection and doesn't care. For now, Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu are indeed more important than her. Both of them have other allies behind them. Of course, guests are given priority. She was more curious about who this "Big Finger" was, but even she couldn't know his true identity.

The "top secret" at this time is not so much for confidentiality, but more like a taboo that is hard to put into words and does not want to leave traces.

Of course, Yao Pei would not ask Master Donghua about this matter, because Master did not let her know the deeper meaning of it, so asking would be in vain.

Yao Pei continued to look down.

Next comes the specific responsibilities.

Different from Qi Xuansu's "intermediary liaison", Yao Pei's duty is simple but not simple, that is, keeping an eye on Li Changge. It is best for the two of them to "match the child." In other words, if Li Changge can't do anything, Yao Pei's mission will be completed. This is also the reason why Zhang Yuelu asked Yao Pei to restrain Li Changge and Yao Pei agreed immediately.

Yao Pei had to admit the fact that there was a gap between her and Li Changge, both in terms of cultivation level and the power they could mobilize.

Putting aside the former, the advantage of banishing an immortal to immortality the day after tomorrow is indeed too great. Yao Pei cannot be said to be discouraged. When he reaches immortality in the future, this shortcut to heaven will become a dead end road with no future. , by that time, the offensive and defensive momentum will be different.

The key now is the latter. The Imperial Capital is not the Jinling Mansion at the intersection of the three roads. For Taiping Dao, the Imperial Capital is half the home. The Li family has penetrated the imperial court for many years. Whether it is in-law relationships or interest alliances, the Li family has He plays an important role in the imperial capital. Originally, these Li family princes refused to give in to each other, but Li Changge's identity allowed him to temporarily integrate these princes. The power in his hands was far greater than that of Yao Pei who was fighting in a foreign country.

So this task is easy to say, but very difficult to actually do.

From this point of view, Master Donghua was not polite to his disciple and niece, and he also wanted to test her.

Not seeing how Yao Pei acted, the secret text in his hand was shattered inch by inch.

Yao Pei came to the window, opened the window and looked out at Penglai Pond, lost in thought.

On the other side, Zhang Yuelu also received this secret message.

Like Qi Xuansu, she needs to refer to the very obscure "Xuansheng Xiang'er Commentary". You must know that this is a book that even the old master Sun Hewu has not read, and not many people in the Taoist sect have read it. The main reason is that after the Fifth Generation Grand Master ascended to the throne, the three deputy Grand Masters deliberately downplayed the existence of this book. Over time, the book became semi-taboo. No one can tell which law was violated, and no one was ever convicted of it. However, if this book was mentioned openly, everyone would understand it tacitly - this is not good. It’s up to you to figure out what’s wrong with it.

As the grand-niece of the Heavenly Master and the favorite junior of the Earth Master, Zhang Yuelu doesn't care about any taboos. It's just that she is still young and has limited time. Reading those vast Confucian and Taoist classics will consume most of her energy, and she really can't take into account these indifferent things. book of.

So this

This is Zhang Yuelu's first time watching "Xuan Sheng Xiang Er Zhu".

She originally planned to just take a casual look and then translate the cipher text, but she accidentally fell into it at this glance.

She only felt that many of the ideas of the Fifth Generation Grand Master coincided with hers, and she had a more thorough understanding and deeper insights.

Zhang Yuelu couldn't help but said: "If the sixth generation of great masters could continue the various measures of the fifth generation of great masters, the Tao sect at least would not be like what it is today, but it is a pity..."

At this point, Zhang Yuelu's words stopped abruptly.

Who denied the various decisions made by the Fifth Generation Grand Master? Not the Sixth Generation Grand Master, but the current three deputy Grand Masters, namely the Heavenly Master, the Earth Master, and the National Master.

Although they are now hostile to each other, they had a tacit understanding and formed an alliance many years ago.

It is not even easy to say that they are going against the grain, because in the eyes of many people, the three deputy head masters are actually trying to bring order out of chaos, and behind them are countless Taoist priests whose interests have been harmed.

Zhang Yuelu naturally understands this truth.

It's just that these Taoist priests whose interests were harmed by the Five Dynasties Great Master also harmed the interests of the Taoist sect.

Young people are always passionate. There are actually many young people like Zhang Yuelu who can't stand the current situation and are determined to save the Taoist sect. Outsiders call them young men. Su Ran is an overly radical young man, while Su Li is a relatively moderate young man.

This is the struggle between the old and the new within the Taoist sect that has been overshadowed by the struggle between the three ways. The young sect, dominated by eight generations of disciples, is gradually coming to the stage. This also makes the internal struggle within the Taoist sect more and more complicated. It is really difficult to distinguish between ourselves and the enemy.

Zhang Yuelu came to his senses, stopped studying the "Xuan Sheng Xiang'er Commentary", and began to translate the secret text.

Next to the original text of the cipher text, rows of translated characters were quickly filled up.

The first column is also the same three words:

Calming ape!

The second row is "Buddha", "Ananda", and "Kasyapa".

The "Five Fingers" in the third column.

Zhang Yuelu's face gradually became serious.

Regarding the reorganization of the five-person team, Zhang Yuelu did not know about it in advance, but he had expected it from many hints from his master and was not surprised.

Because Zhang Yuelu is not a Quanzhen Taoist, the identity of the "index finger" is not marked. However, based on the information he has, Zhang Yuelu can still roughly infer that the "index finger" is Zhou Jiaoxian, the chief deputy master of the Imperial Palace. After all, he He was originally a Quanzhen Taoist disciple, and with Shi Bingyun restraining Li Ruoshui, he was the only one left among the three pillars of the Imperial Palace, so it was not difficult to guess.

She also had a question, who is the mysterious "Big Finger"?

There is no doubt that among the "five fingers" of the "Buddha" to suppress the "Heart Monkey", the "big finger" is the key. Otherwise, with just the four of them, even if there are no other obstacles, they will just face the already formed "Heart Monkey" doesn't have a great chance of winning.

After all, "Heart Ape" is known as the "Emperor Shakti". Once it is successfully refined, it will be an immortal, and it will be an extremely special mind-cultivating immortal.

It's just that Yao Pei, as a disciple of Master Donghua, has the word "Pei" in his name, so it's hard to guess. After all, Zhang Yuelu is separated by another layer, so it's even harder to guess.

She had no choice but to give up and continue looking down.

Next is Zhang Yuelu's specific responsibilities.

Qi Xuansu acted as the middle liaison, and Yao Pei tried his best to contain Li Changge. If nothing unexpected happened, Zhou Jiaoxian should have taken advantage of his position, mobilized part of the power of the Imperial Palace, and would have done so himself when necessary.

As for Zhang Yuelu's mission, it can be regarded as making up for some of Qi Xuansu's shortcomings. Her mission is to contact Ziguang Society.

Just as Qi Xuansu is in charge of Qingpinghui, because Qiniang is Qi Xuansu's godmother and a senior member of Qingpinghui, there is no barrier between the two and they can communicate at any time, and they don't have to have so many scruples when communicating, and can express their intentions more accurately. . If it were someone who was not familiar with Qiniang, if Qiniang could not be found at the critical moment, or if she misunderstood due to suspicion or fear of saying the wrong thing, there would be no room for regret.

Qi Xuansu was not familiar with Ziguang Society on the other side, so he asked him to contact Ziguang Society.

It also needs to go through the process of testing, contacting and becoming familiar with it. It would be better to let a member of the Zhang family take direct responsibility.

There are not many children of the Zhang family in Beijing, and there are a few who are not core members, so it is difficult for them to take on big posts. Zhang Yuelu is undoubtedly the most suitable candidate.

Originally, Zhang Yuyue was more suitable than Zhang Yuelu as the granddaughter who was closer by blood, but it was a pity that she was useless. This is also a pity for many Zhang family members. How can the direct descendants of the Li family and the Yao family be able to stand alone? How come the direct descendants of the Zhang family are overshadowed by a descendant of a small sect?

Zhang Yuelu was surprised but not surprised when he saw this mission.

Asking the deputy head of Tiangang Hall to contact the secret society seems to be a mockery of the entire Taoist sect, but if you think about it carefully, it makes some sense.

The Taoist sect's attitude towards secret societies has never been to eliminate them all, and there is also the option of recruiting them.

In fact, since the Xuansheng era, Zhengyi has been in charge of the affairs of ghosts and gods, and he has the deepest contact with the ancient immortals. Not to mention that Zhang Wushou and Zhang Wuhen, brothers and sisters, had the blood of ancient immortals. True Lord Taiyin, who was originally more powerful than the three ancient immortals, was personally recruited by Yan Feiqing, a heavenly master with a different surname.

Among the three existing secret societies, Ziguang Society is the only one that has no blood debt, has the least guilt, and is most likely to be recruited.

If one day, the Dao Sect is too weak to support multi-front operations, and it is really necessary to recruit An Ziguang Society to reduce the pressure, it is possible that the Zhang family will also come forward.

Once the overall view rises to the entire Taoist sect and the entire world, it cannot be judged by simple good and evil.

Zhang Yuelu understands this truth.

That's why she didn't object to Qi Xuansu keeping Lin Yuanmiao by his side. The reason was very simple. Since she didn't object to Tianshi being entangled with Ziguang Society, she couldn't have double standards for Qi Xuansu, otherwise she would become a villain who bullies the weak and fears the strong.

Her insistence is that she doesn’t have to be a saint or a good person in the traditional sense, but she can’t be a villain.

But when it came time for her to face Ziguang Society in person, she still felt weird in her heart.

Having dealt with so many secret societies, this was the first time we sat down to talk.

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