Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 73 Ancient Temple

The reason why Zhang Yuelu took the land route was to delay his return home. Qi Xuansu's proposal was exactly what she wanted, and there was no reason not to agree.

Zhang Yuelu asked: "How to trace it?"

Qi Xuansu said, "The stupid way is to follow the horse's hoof prints and find the master of suffering."

"What's the simple way?" Zhang Yuelu asked directly.

Qi Xuansu pointed at Zhang Yuelu's eyes: "We have to rely on Qingxiao's 'Immortal Qi Watching Technique' to find the real culprit directly."

Zhang Yuelu said: "Then use a simple method."

"Wait a moment." Qi Xuansu casually picked up a knife, cut off the head of the horse thief leader, drained the blood, and then wrapped it together with the previous head with the sheep fur of a dead horse thief and held it in his hand.

After doing this, Qi Xuansu said: "Okay."

Zhang Yuelu wanted to hand the cloak back to Qi Xuansu, but when he saw that he was holding two human heads in one hand, he simply helped him put on the cloak with his own hands and tied the laces of the cloak for him.

Qi Xuansu, who showed no signs of nervousness during the killing just now, subconsciously held his breath and tensed up.

Zhang Yuelu tied a beautiful bow and said with a smile, "Okay."

Qi Xuansu nodded slightly but said nothing.

Zhang Yuelu used the "Immortal Qi Watching Technique", and various kinds of air flows that were invisible to the naked eye appeared in her sight.

She quickly found a line of air corresponding to this group of horse thieves. She took a step forward and moved forward without any signs of soaring. She seemed to have shrunk to an inch.

Because the aura of the armored horse is also limited, not infinite, Qi Xuansu did not use the armored horse, but used the light body method to follow closely behind.

The two of them walked upstream along the Tongtian River for about a hundred miles. It was already dark, Qi Xuansu was gradually exhausted, and Zhang Yuelu finally stopped.

I saw an abandoned ancient temple not far ahead, with lights dimly visible, and even the faint sound of a woman laughing.

At this time, dark clouds cover the moon, the night is getting darker, and there is a faint mist, making the lights dim.

Zhang Yuelu stood on the branches of a dead tree, his figure moving with the wind, looking at the ancient temple: "There is indeed something strange."

Qi Xuansu asked: "Do you want to go for a swim in the muddy water?"

Zhang Yuelu smiled and said: "This is my first real trip to the world, so of course I have to experience it."

After saying that, Zhang Yuelu disappeared a little further, leaving only the branches still swaying slightly in the wind.

Qi Xuansu held his breath and cautiously approached the ancient temple.

The ancient temple was brightly lit. It was originally a place for Buddhist monks to practice their spiritual life, but now it was a scene of lasciviousness and beauty.

I saw that the Buddha statue in the main hall had been pushed down, and a large tiger-skin chair was placed on the altar where the Buddha statue was originally placed. A giant man wearing armor was sitting on the chair.

On the altar table below, there are two enchanting women entangled in one place. Their clothes are half-covered and half-revealed. Several wonderful features are looming, making people blush and their hearts beat faster.

The giant man was enjoying the "performance" of the two women with great interest, but he had no intention of practicing it himself.

There are many rough men around, sitting or standing, with evil looks on their faces, and they are not good people.

At this moment, the giant man suddenly looked out the door: "Did you bring Laozi back?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a sheepskin bag flew in from outside the door.

One person reached out to catch the bundle, opened it, and saw two heads inside, one was the head they wanted, and the other was the head of the person they sent.

The man lost his voice and said: "The shopkeeper, it's Lao Jiu, it's broken!"

In an instant, everyone in the ancient temple stood up one after another, and even the two women who were "performing" on the altar table stopped.

The giant man known as the "shopkeeper" slowly stood up from the big tiger-skin chair and said in a deep voice: "Put down the ladle."

The man placed the two heads in his hands on the ground.

He glanced at his own head and said, "The gourd was removed after death."

The giant man suddenly raised his head and looked out the door, and said solemnly: "Which friend from the line is visiting? Please show up to see me."

Qi Xuansu walked into the ancient temple: "Is this shopkeeper opening a mountain and setting up a cabinet here? Please report me."

The giant man narrowed his eyes and looked at Qi Xuansu: "Big slippery vines, thunder above and below."

The word "slip" is associated with "oil", and "oil" is a homophone of the surname "You". This giant man's surname is You, and his name is You Leifu.

Qi Xuansu cupped his fists and said: "It turns out to be shopkeeper You Da. There are vines floating in the air below, and Xuansu above and Suzhou below."

Yurefu said slowly: "I dare to ask Brother Qi, who picked up my ninth brother when he went online to crawl?"

"Go online and start crawling" means to commit crimes in this area, and "pick off the gourd" means to pick off the head.

Qi Xuansu smiled slightly: "You are my brother."

Before he finished speaking, everyone in the ancient temple raised their weapons, including many fire blunderbuss. But compared to the striker-type fire cannons of Daomen and the imperial court, their fire cannons were still relatively backward in flintlock structure.

Qi Xuansu was not afraid at all, he just looked at You Leifu and said slowly: "Shopkeeper You Da, I want to know who the person you killed was?"

Yurefu did not answer, but asked: "Your Excellency seems to possess the Taoist breathing method. May I ask which disciple of the real person you are from?"

Qi Xuansu laughed and didn't answer.

Yurefu smiled, and his smile turned cold: "Even if Brother Qi is a member of the Taoist sect, things today cannot be good. If you are a high-level Taoist priest of the Taoist sect, I admit defeat. But you are just a newcomer to the innate world." People, dare to come here and act arrogantly?”

At the end of the sentence, Youlei showed anger on his face, and his voice sounded like a lion roaring like thunder: "Who do you think you are!?"

A circle of qi ripples visible to the naked eye spread, half of the lights in the hall were immediately extinguished, and the remaining half were shaking.

Using the power of this roar, Yu Leifu jumped over the incense table where two beautiful women were lying with lightning speed, and was about to capture Qi Xuansu. But when he was still more than ten feet away from Qi Xuansu, he suddenly stopped and did not dare to move.

Because Qi Xuansu had an extra "dragon gun" in his hand, and the black hole of the gun was facing his forehead.

Qi Xuansu had pressed down the hammer with his thumb, hooked the trigger with his index finger, and said with a smile: "Shopkeeper You Da, you might as well try it, you are faster, or the fire gun in my hand is faster, your head is harder, or the bullet of the fire gun is harder ”

"What exactly do brothers Qi want?" Yulefu's face turned pale.

In fact, Qi Xuansu didn't know how to end it. It was just Zhang Yuelu who wanted to investigate. Do you want him to kill all these strongmen?

At the moment when Qi Xuansu was slightly distracted, Yu Leifu rushed forward.

Qi Xuansu subconsciously pulled the trigger, fireworks burst out, and the air was filled with the pungent smell of gunpowder. At such a close distance, the iron helmet Yurefu was wearing exploded, and a copper coin-sized hole appeared on his forehead. of wounds. However, due to the additional obstruction of the iron helmet, Qi Xuansu did not use the limited number of "Dragon Eyes Yi Er", so the projectiles failed to penetrate the bones and only sank into the flesh.

Yurevo only felt as if someone had hit his forehead hard with a huge hammer. His whole head suddenly tilted back, his eyes were black, his steps staggered, and he almost couldn't stand.

By coincidence, Yurefu raised his head and looked above his head, and happened to find a person standing on the beam at some point.

Although she is a very beautiful woman, at this time, no one can have any other thoughts except that she is a life-seeking Yama.

"Boys, the beams are stuck to the cloud shed!" Yurefu yelled.

The meaning of this sentence is: Brothers, there is an enemy at the top.

Everyone looked up and saw Zhang Yuelu standing above.

Zhang Yuelu's figure disappeared in a flash and was already in front of You Leifu.

Yurefu didn't waste any time. He made a hand knife with his five fingers and slashed at Zhang Yuelu's neck.

Zhang Yuelu looked calm, stretched out his hand to grab Lian You Leifu's wrist, and used his five fingers to stop him from moving.

Yu Leifu's expression changed greatly, and the energy in his body surged, and he wanted to take action, but Zhang Yuelu couldn't bear to fight with him, so he pushed out with a flat palm.

Yurefu is a martial artist in the realm of flesh and blood. His body is so strong that he can even resist fire blunderbuss head-on. However, he has no power to resist the palm containing the "Six Void Tribulations" and is pushed to the ground by the palm. Bright red blood spurted out from the heart, ears, mouth, nose, and eyes, and all the orifices, and the bones made rattling noises.

Zhang Yuelu retracted his palm and You Leifu fell to the ground with a crash, and a palm print on his chest was clearly visible.

There was a moment of silence in the ancient temple, and then someone shouted, "Jianju is transformed into a hand with a handle, and we pull together shoulder to shoulder!"

In an instant, everyone fled out of the ancient temple from different directions.

Zhang Yuelu waved his sleeve, and wherever the wind passed by, someone immediately fell to the ground, with blood oozing from their mouth and nose, and it looked like they were dead.

Qi Xuansu also took action, leaving several people behind.

However, half of them escaped.

Zhang Yuelu did not chase, but looked at the two women huddled on the altar table.

The hall was warm and the red candles were burning brightly. The two women were wearing no shoes or socks, their black hair was loose, and their clothes were half-unbuttoned, revealing a piece of white flowers. In this early winter night, it was really a big spring.

Qi Xuansu also looked at the two women, but before he could take a closer look, he was stepped on by Zhang Yuelu: "Turn your head, don't look."

Qi Xuansu could only turn around helplessly, reloading the gun while cursing in his heart, he was so lenient.

Zhang Yuelu walked towards the two women and said warmly: "Were the two girls kidnapped by this group of thieves?"

The two women were leaning against each other, looking frightened and trembling. It seemed that their limbs were weak and they could not stand up.


Yuelu then wanted to step forward and help the two women up.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred, and the woman who was supported by Zhang Yuelu suddenly struck Zhang Yuelu's ribs with a palm.

This palm was beyond Zhang Yuelu's expectation. He was unprepared, but he felt a huge surge of force and immediately took a step back. His vision turned black and his throat felt sweet.

In anger, Zhang Yuelu slapped the woman on the top of her head, causing her skull to shatter and her orifices to bleed. She died on the spot.

At the same time, another woman also attacked Zhang Yuelu brazenly.

Zhang Yuelu had no choice but to activate the "Five Qi Yan Luo" to prepare for a head-on resistance, when he heard a gunshot.

A deep, dark blood hole appeared between the eyebrows of this woman, and her eyes were wide-eyed and fragrant.

Zhang Yuelu turned around and saw that Qi Xuansu was holding the "Dragon Hand Gun", with smoke still billowing from the mouth of the gun.

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