Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 132 Game (Part 2)

Zhang Yuelu suddenly remembered many things.

Why isn't that figure there?

Because he had already died in the Imperial Capital many years ago.

Looking back at the winter of forty-two years for a long time, it was already many years ago. That year was an extraordinary year for her and Daomen.

At that time, she was just a rising star. She was attacked by the ancient immortals on the first day of the new year. The second major Jiangnan case broke out in the middle of the year. At the end of the year, trouble broke out again in the Imperial Capital.

It is said that the Taoist sect and the imperial court are on par, but when it comes to high-end combat power, the imperial court is not as good as the Taoist sect.

For Daomen, it is certainly not easy to launch a large-scale war to change the dynasty, but when Beilong is weak and dying, it is not difficult to plan a small palace coup targeting the upper echelons of the imperial court, especially targeting some high-ranking officials. Clearance, Daomen is experienced in this aspect. For example, in the previous Wei Dynasty, in order to break up the soil and seal the country, Xidaomen headed by Song Zheng, Xu Wugui personally plotted against Qi Ying, the then governor of Qin, causing his body to decay. At that time, Qi Ying had countless masters, and he was actually No one could break Xu Wugui's spell. In the end, Qi Ying died, and Xidaomen successfully established what became the Great Zhou Dynasty.

The Taoist sect has only been in charge twice, once now, and once back when Bai Di respected Huang Lao as his envoy. But when it comes to the Taoist rebellion, it means that they have rich experience. From the establishment of Huang Tiandang when the sky is dead to the rebellion of King Ning and then to the establishment of the Great Zhou Dynasty, Confucianism has always been high in the temples, and Taoism has always been far away in the world, just like the two sides of Yin and Yang, entangled endlessly. Until the last time, Dao Sect succeeded and finally got rid of this situation. Although Daxuan was also from a Taoist sect, he was quite worried about this because of his change of position.

For the imperial court, Taoism is like a sharp sword hanging high above its head. When it falls, it does not depend on the court, but on Taoism. This feeling is extremely uncomfortable, and the imperial court must find a way to reverse the situation and hold the sword by itself.

What happened in the winter of 1942 was an attempt by the imperial court. At that time, the three Taoists were at odds, and the Taoist sect's internal struggle intensified, and it was on the verge of splitting. This was a golden opportunity.

After Daomen learned the news, they decided to use thunderous action to destroy the court's plan, codenamed "Dingxin Ape".

So she was ordered to go to the Imperial Capital. No, it should be them who were ordered to go to the Imperial Capital.

The Taoist sect's attitude is to suppress, not to prevent. The word "ding" shows that the Taoist sect views this matter condescendingly. If the Taoist sect was in its heyday, it might be necessary to investigate to the end. By then, I don't know how many people would have to remain anonymous and commit suicide.

It's just that the Taoist sect at that time cannot be said to have experienced a great decline in strength, but that internal fighting took up too much energy. In short, the prediction of this matter was somewhat insufficient.

When the three of them came to the depths of Five Elements Mountain as planned, they met Li Changge, her rival for the title of Headmaster.

Li Changge fought one against three and was ultimately defeated. The sword in his hand broke and he fell into the realm. Finally, he was rescued by an expert from the Li family with the word "长".

Just as it was about to be completed, the energy of the Five Elements Mountains exploded.

In the end, she was the only one who escaped.

After this incident, Yao Pei died and Li Changge became disabled. Who is still her opponent? What's more, she also has the great ability of "centering the ape".

Soon, she was promoted to the second-grade Taiyi Taoist Priest. After the youngest third-grade Taoist Youyi, she became the youngest second-grade Taiyi Taoist priest and served as the second deputy head of Wuzhou Taoist Palace. Five years later, she returned to Yujing and served as the second deputy head of Beichen Hall. She also served as the chief assistant of Wanshou Chongyang Palace and the chief deputy head of Huasheng Hall. In another ten years, she became the youngest Master Shenzhi in the Taoist sect, took over the mantle of Master Cihang and took charge of the Jiangnan Taoist House. This is also her "blessed place". The two major Jiangnan cases have brought her to the next level twice, and now it has become her final step to the top.

In the blink of an eye, she turned forty years old, returned to Yujing again, and became the real person in charge of Tiangang Hall. She never forgot her original intention.

During her tenure, disputes between Taoism and Buddhism arose again, and then there was a war that lasted for more than ten years. During this period, she climbed up the ranks step by step. After the war, she served as the headmaster of Ziweitang and concurrently as the chief counselor of Jinque. Looking around, there is no enemy.

So when she was fifty-six years old, she was naturally elected as the eighth generation Grand Master.

After more than thirty years of ups and downs, she is no longer the same person she was back then. Many past events have been buried deep in her heart. However, when she ascends to the position of Grand Master, the memories of the past suddenly come up again and hit her heart.

The person who said "you have to let go when things come to an end" failed to stand by her side or let her stand next to him.

The huge guilt and sadness hit her instantly, making her unable to control herself.

The bronze cauldron still hangs high in the night sky, the green-red incense head flickers on and off, and the purple air is misty.

Half of this giant pillar-like incense stick has been burned away.

One hour and eight quarters, a little more than four quarters have passed.

Zhang Yuelu fell into a deep state of delusion.

Xuanji did not use her realm cultivation to force Zhang Yuelu to indulge in it and be unable to extricate himself. This was tantamount to cheating. Afterwards, Zhang Yuelu refused to acknowledge it and started to make trouble, and the Tianshi also had something to say. Therefore, the delusional situation she set up was very clever, precisely taking advantage of Zhang Yuelu's own desires and obsessions.

Zhang Yuelu is not a saint, and she also has desires and obsessions. Her biggest obsession now is to reform the Taoist sect and eliminate shortcomings. The prerequisite for doing this is to become a great leader, so to a certain extent, the two are one, Zhang Yuelu His obsession can also be to become a great leader.

In the delusional state, Xuanji cleared all obstacles for Zhang Yuelu. Yao Pei died, Li Changge became disabled, and he became the great master without any hindrance. She still has more than forty years to exact her revenge, and this has only just begun.

Are you willing to wake up?

Although Buddhism does not have a view of the universe or the world, its views on itself are extremely unique. Otherwise, it would not be listed as one of the three religions along with Taoism and Confucianism.

The eight consciousnesses are the basic right knowledge of Buddhism. The eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind are the first six consciousnesses. The seventh consciousness is the root of the mind, also known as Mana. The eighth consciousness is Tathagatagarbha, also known as Alai. Yeah, it’s true.

Among them, the seventh consciousness is mana consciousness, which means thinking. "The Theory of the Five Aggregates of the Mahayana" states: "The most wonderful thing is that the consciousness of the condition storehouse is the consciousness of the state. It always corresponds to self-delusion, self-view, self-arrogance, and self-love, and the same kind continues and turns. Except for the Arahant Saint Tao, annihilation is now in the front position."

The Mana Consciousness always holds on to the "perception" of the eighth Alaya Consciousness as "I" and "constantly considers" it. Mana is the root on which the sixth consciousness rests. It always corresponds to the four troubles of self-delusion, self-conception, self-conceit, and self-love. Its nature is "there is nothing to remember". In addition, this consciousness is the root of self-grasping. If you persist in delusion, it will create all kinds of bad karma. On the contrary, it will eliminate the evil karma of troubles and thoroughly understand the truth of the two emptiness of human beings. Therefore, it is called stained and pure consciousness. It is also called thinking consciousness and thinking can change consciousness. .

The function of the sixth consciousness is to distinguish the object of the mind. Although farewell is subjective, it has no position. The function of manas consciousness is still differentiation, but it is a subjective differentiation with a standpoint. This is the difference between consciousness and manas.

The distinct position of mana consciousness is "self". That is to say, Manas consciousness always stands on the standpoint of "self" and considers all the interests of "self". This is the function of manas consciousness.

Since the "self" is the standpoint, after being considered by Mana Consciousness, the physical, verbal, and mental actions performed by a person will contain the three poisons of greed, anger, and ignorance. These three poisons are all just for self-interest.

Therefore, it can also be said that manas consciousness is the root of self-grasping.

Westerners also have a similar saying, calling it "subconscious". Nowadays, Taoism is influenced by Western learning, and many people understand this.

Such delusions are caused by obsession. Zhang Yuelu himself naturally wants to wake up, but will the manas consciousness, which is the root of ego, or Zhang Yuelu's subconscious, be willing to wake up?

Getting what you want is false, but the joy and peace of mind that come from it are real. Isn't this a kind of self-interest? Not only real money and platinum are considered profitable, how many men and women risk their lives just for a night of happiness? And how can this great joy of realizing a long-cherished wish be compared to the mere love between a man and a woman?

Even if he could wake up, it wouldn't be something that could be accomplished in just an hour. It may be a few days, maybe a few months, or even a few years, it varies from person to person.

Of course, since it is a game rather than relying on realm cultivation to defeat ten levels, Xuanji will not ask an unsolvable question, so she leaves a flaw in the delusion realm and gives a second hint .

The poor bones by the river are like those in a spring boudoir dream.

Zhang Yuelu, who became the Grand Master, still remembers the man who was buried at the foot of Five Elements Mountain?

If you remember, you will naturally be able to detect the delusion in a short time.

If you don’t remember it, or it’s not that important and can’t be compared with the Grand Master who is the embodiment of ego, then no wonder I didn’t give it a chance. It just so happens that such a person with a cold temperament is the most suitable for our Ziguang Club.

This is like a Western scale. On this side are the bones at the foot of the mountain, and on the other side is the position of the Grand Master of Zixiao Palace. Which one is more important?

The key to this game isn't puzzle solving, it's time.

After the incense stick is burned out, even if Zhang Yuelu wakes up from his delusion, breaks through his ego, and achieves great enlightenment, so what? Still lose, we must abide by the agreement.

If you forcibly break the agreement, you will naturally have to pay a price.

Because the contract has already been made.

So many women secretly believe in Ziguang Society because Ziguang Zhenjun will truly fulfill their wishes.

This is the real thing, the price has already been secretly marked in destiny.

A smile as bright as spring, charming all living beings. Whatever you ask for, you can do anything.

When the time comes, ask for something in return. The contract is the witness, and the stars are the proof.

Ziguang Society is not just a large female sect, it is far more terrifying than the female sect.

Followers of Lingshan Witch Cult can go to the divine kingdom of Wu Luo in their sleep and obtain the witchcraft called "Zhu You Shu", which can make others obey their orders in a state of confusion, and they themselves are controlled by Wu Luo. Becoming a part of Wuluo, hiding everywhere, impossible to suppress and impossible to guard against. The followers of the Zhiming Cult manipulated dead bodies and attacked cities and lands, turning cities and villages into ghosts and establishing kingdoms of the dead. How could Ziguang Society be able to stand alongside these two and only have the remaining methods of the Female Sect?

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