Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 136 Xie Family

When Zhang Yuelu went to meet the people from Ziguang Society, Qi Xuansu was preparing to meet the people from Qingping Society. One "purple" and one "green" were symmetrical.

With the relationship between Qi Xuansu and Qingpinghui, there is no need to play any games. In other words, the three acts of revenge are the best way to surrender, and the stolen goods are shared together. They are all our own.

When Qi Xuansu was rectifying the atmosphere in Dongcheng, he deliberately made things difficult for a legal monastery called "Leng Feiyuan". It was said that behind this monastery was Mr. Xie Ge's background.

In other words, Mr. Xie Ge's Xie family is indeed one of Leng Feiyuan's backstage. The reason for this is that the Xie family values ​​​​their family reputation and is unwilling to directly touch such a business. However, being an official in the Imperial Capital costs a lot of money, and the Xie family really needs such a business, so they need a cover. So another family, the Yang family, also became one of the owners of Leng Feiyuan. On weekdays, if there is any matter of making friends with officials or Taoists, the Yang family usually takes the initiative.

The Yang family can barely be considered a middle-class family in the Imperial City. Their ancestors also took root in Jinling Mansion, so they are family friends with the Xie family. The last three generations of the family have served as minister of the Ministry of Industry, deputy imperial envoy of the capital, and minister of household affairs respectively. In terms of power, the Yang family naturally cannot compare with the Xie family who have already joined the cabinet. However, it is precisely because the Yang family is only a middle-class family and does not need to pay so much attention to the face of the prime minister. There are many things that the Xie family does not bother to do, which just allows the Yang family to take the lead. Later, Mr. Xie Ge asked his nephew to marry the daughter of the Yang family, which was regarded as an in-law, and the relationship between the two families became closer.

Logically speaking, if something happened to Leng Feiyuan, the Yang family should handle it, but the Yang family didn't know for sure. After all, they are just a middle-class family. What is a high-class family? The elders of the pavilion and the kings of the clan are high-class people. This master Qi is a evil star. Neither the king of Liao nor the king of Langya County took much advantage from him. In the end, nothing happened. , barely a tie. Although the two princes did not come forward in person, it was a bit difficult for a middle-class family like them to deal with the notorious Master Qi.

There is no other way. The Yang family has no choice but to discuss it with the Xie family. It's just ordinary trivial matters. You care about your identity and won't come forward if you can. When encountering such a big matter, it would be inappropriate for you not to come forward.

The Xie family agreed happily, saying that they would talk to Master Qi and it would be best not to start a war rashly.

The Yang family was relieved.

So Qi Xuansu received an invitation from Mr. Xie Ge and asked him to come to the house to talk.

Qi Xuansu happily accepted the appointment.

Although Qi Xuansu was trying to rectify the atmosphere, it did not mean that he became a low-level person. Basically, he was still a member of the Taoist sect, and he was a high-quality Taoist priest and a noble person.

Even though the gentry were dissatisfied with many measures taken by the Taoist sect, they were still happy to make friends with the Taoist sect. They could talk empty talk and add luster to the Taoist sect without getting the reputation of flattery and dependence. After all, this was discussing Taoism and fell into the category of academic exchanges. , has nothing to do with anything else, the friendship between gentlemen is as light as water. Even the nobles of the clan are proud to marry Taoist women, and they don't even mind paying a certain price - Taoism practices a system of monogamy and concubinage. If the nobles of the clan marry a female Taoist priest, they will have to say goodbye to left and right. Hug life.

Therefore, it is normal for the Xie family to invite Qi Xuansu. Only kings with military power would like to use force to solve problems.

Qi Xuansu's visit to the Xie family can be said to be a tacit understanding between Qi Xuansu and Xie Linyuan. After showing the invitation, the Xie family had already prepared and welcomed Qi Xuansu in with the courtesy of welcoming distinguished guests.

Led by an old butler who seemed to have been loyal to the Xie family for generations, Qi Xuansu walked through the narrow courtyard at the first entrance and came to the second gate on the middle road of the mansion, commonly known as the second gate. A plaque hangs high on the lintel. Usually, only the axillary door is used and the main door is not opened to show solemnity. After passing this door and coming to the main hall, Xie Linyuan has been waiting for a long time.

At this time, in addition to Xie Linyuan, there was also a handsome young man. After seeing Qi Xuansu, he took the initiative to salute and said: "Xie Buying has met Master Qi."

Qi Xuansu likes to do homework in advance. Before coming to the imperial capital, he read "Da Xuan Lv" specifically. This time he came to see Xie Linyuan and also did some homework. As one of the most important figures in the court, Xie Linyuan was not difficult to check various relevant information. . Qi Xuansu naturally knew who this person was, and he was Xie Linyuan's nephew. Xie Linyuan himself had no children, so he valued his nephew very much and cultivated him vigorously.

To be fair, this Young Master of the Xie family still has some weight in the Imperial City. He is similar to Qin Hengde and others, but he is a little less important when compared with Qi Xuansu. In many cases, a powerful background is useful, but when both parties have a powerful background, it is more useless. It depends on one's own abilities. In this regard, except for Zhang, Li, and Yao, few can compare with Qi Xuansu.

"I've met Brother Xie Shi." Qi Xuansu returned the gesture.

Many times, everyone has to talk about their own affairs. Even if Qi Xuansu and Xie Linyuan were on equal terms, he wouldn't be able to show off in front of his peers. Just like Li Changge, his seniority is still higher than that of Li Ruoshui, but the latter is one of the real people in Shenzhi after all. Li Changge and her are friends on equal terms and do not regard themselves as elders.

The three of them sat down separately and exchanged some greetings. Xie Linyuan had an easy-going attitude and pointed at Xie Buying: "Tianyuan, if we meet each other outside the imperial capital in the future, I will definitely ask you to take care of me."

Although Xie Buying was married, she was still a concubine of the Hanlin Academy. This was a short-term position. Potential people were selected from among new scholars. She was a close minister of the emperor, responsible for drafting edicts, and had the responsibility of explaining scriptures to the emperor. At the same time, she could also Sending important ministers of the cabinet to teach the Hanlin Academy can be said to be one of the important sources of assistant ministers of the cabinet. After all, those who are not Jinshi will not be admitted to the Hanlin, and those who are not Hanlin will not be admitted to the Cabinet.

Speaking of which, Xie Buying had just gotten married and was on the gold medal list. It can be said that she became a junior college graduate and then a big college graduate. It was a time of great success. It's just that compared to Qi Xuansu, it's still a little behind.

Although the Hanlin officials were noble and had a bright future, after all, they had just entered the official career and there was still a long way to go. The Daxuan court resisted Xingjin and paid special attention to the experience of being sent to other places as officials. That is, the prime minister started from the state. In the ministry, if you want to be the prime minister and assistant, no matter what your background, you have to start from the bottom. Therefore, if you want to join the cabinet, you generally need to have two or three times of experience as an official. It varies from person to person at the county level, but it can be done at the government level. The level and state level are the only way to go. In short, it is from the central government to the local government, and then from the local government back to the central government, and so on.

Civil servants are no better than military attaches. Generals in their twenties and thirties are common, but prime ministers in their twenties and thirties are rare. Unless there is a big war, you have to slowly gain seniority. Entering the cabinet in your fifties is considered Young people, even those in their forties are suspected of being lucky enough to get in.

Qi Xuansu is different. Although he is a Taoist priest, due to various "wars", his promotion trajectory is like that of a military attache. Because of his repeated "war exploits", he is promoted very quickly. Basically, he is promoted as fast as his ability is. Even if there are The restrictions of the suspension system can also force promotions to be exceptional. Now that he is the fourth-grade head of real power, the next step is to become the third-grade deputy palace master.

This is also related to the system of the Taoist sect and the court. The Taoist sect does not have contact with ordinary people and is not involved in major matters such as people's livelihood. It is more about business and military matters. Even if you are younger and have no experience at the bottom, as long as you are talented enough, there is no big problem. For example, a champion marquis was granted the title of wolf at the age of twenty. It had little to do with whether he had any experience in the lower ranks.

But the imperial court is different. It is related to the livelihood of tens of millions of people. Managing a big country is like cooking small dishes. If you don't have enough experience at the bottom, don't know the hardships of the people, don't know the crux of the current situation of the world, and don't know the rules of operation in the officialdom. With enough experience, it is easy to take things for granted, and either the administration is floating in the sky, or the people below are wantonly deceived, so it is better to be mature and prudent.

When Qi Xuansu has been promoted to the third rank, Xie Buying may still be a middle-level official of about the fifth rank. If he happens to be in the same place as Qi Xuansu, he will naturally have to be looked after by Qi Xuansu. After all, the county magistrate is not as good as the current manager. No matter how high Xie Linyuan is, he is still far away in the imperial capital, and the help in front of him is not as real as before.

Qi Xuansu said: "Don't take it seriously, let's help each other and make progress together."

Xie Linyuan smiled: "Progress, you Taoist people can always come up with some new words. Those of us who read the books of sages have never heard of them and can't understand them. You still laugh at us behind our backs for our vulgarity."

Qi Xuansu said: "Mr. Xie is joking."

Xie Buying was a little surprised and confused. Looking at the conversation between the two, they seemed to be old acquaintances. He actually didn't know when his uncle had friendship with Master Qi. So what happened to Leng Feiyuan this time...

Qi Xuansu glanced at Xie Buying and said softly: "I came here this time because of Jiasi's affairs."

Xie Buying was startled again. He heard that Master Qi was born in the Wanxiang Taoist Palace and had no father or mother. Why did he have an extra family? Is that rumor about the Qi family in Shuzhou true?

Xie Linyuan knew that the "family kindness" mentioned by Qi Xuansu had nothing to do with the Qi family, but Qiniang. After all, a strict father and a loving mother, "family strictness" is the father, and "family kindness" is the mother.

Xie Linyuan nodded, and then winked at Xie Buying.

Xie Buying immediately stood up and said goodbye, feeling full of doubts in her heart.

Obviously, the uncle has known the famous Master Qi for a long time, and is related to the "family kindness" that Master Qi calls. You must know that there are many intricate connections behind this Master Qi. Deputy Palace Master Shi of the Imperial Palace, Yu Donghua Zhenren in Beijing, and the Zhang family of Zhengyi, this shows that the Xie family has already boarded the Dao sect's big ship, and has even participated in the fight for the Dao sect's leader, but he has no idea about it, which makes him Xie Buying, who was going smoothly, was a little discouraged. Master Qi was a few years younger than herself, and he was already involved in such confidential events, planning in a secret room and spreading orders to the world. But he can only be an outsider. Is he just a child in his uncle's eyes, so useless?

After Xie Buying left, Xie Linyuan asked, "What did Qiniang say?"

Qi Xuansu said: "The mission of the Qingpinghui this time is to contain the 'Inn' with all its strength. All personnel in Beijing are dispatched. It just happens that the old and new grudges are being settled together."

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