Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 152: Follow the Way

Westerners always pay attention to "original sin" and believe that people are born with innate original sin, so they must repent, atone, and be judged at every turn. However, Easterners do not believe this. Not only do they not recognize the existence of "original sin", they even Xun Qing, who believed that human nature is inherently evil, was banned by the Confucian sect itself.

In the beginning, human beings are inherently good, so where does this sin come from? Since there is no sin, how can we talk about repentance and atonement? Not to mention a trial? Do you think you are doing justice for heaven?

Therefore, methods that are very powerful in the West may not be so effective in the East because of the different ways of the world and the differences in people's hearts.

Spiritual officials, especially high-grade spiritual officials, do not have high levels of cultivation. They cannot be said to be dispensable, but they are really nothing. However, those who can withstand the armor of a first-grade spiritual officer are all strong-willed, and are even better than many Taoist priests of the same level.

Jiachen Lingguan is not a fanatical believer, so he cannot have a clear conscience. He can only say that he has done justice to his fault. However, his will is enough to allow him to bear the remaining pain. His years of experience as a spiritual officer, not only killing, guarding, and attacking, have also tempered his mind as strong as steel. The so-called flames will not burn him. A puddle of molten iron will only help him remove impurities.

Countless illusory flames spurted out from the inside out, attached to the surface of the Spirit Officer's armor, and wandered and burned freely. Jiachen Spirit Officer remained indifferent, still holding a knife in one hand and a shield in the other, striding towards Renatus.

Renatus's face was covered by the visor, and his expression could not be seen. He must have been very solemn. He pulled out the sword inserted into the ground and faced the Jiachen Spirit Officer.

Paladins are different from martial arts warriors. They are quite similar to Qigong practitioners. They can use spells and fight in close combat. They are very versatile. However, it cannot be completely equated with a Qi Refiner. Whether a Qi Refiner uses spells or fights with weapons, his own true energy is the main one, supplemented by the power of heaven and earth. His own true energy and the power of heaven and earth can interact with each other. Convert.

The Paladins are divided into two distinct systems. One is the traditional fighting spirit system, and the other is the belief system belonging to the Holy Court. There is no distinction between master and slave. Fighting energy is an inner force similar to true energy and blood energy, which is generated from the human body, while the power of faith is not much different from divine power. Strictly speaking, Paladins do not use spells or arcane spells, but divine spells, mainly to bless themselves, mainly halo-type spells, as well as blessing weapons, etc., and a small number of them are of the "judgment" type. of spells.

Generally speaking, after the Paladins left the Holy Court, they lacked the source of the power of faith and either turned to the embrace of the devil, or they became heretics or heretics and relied on their own efforts, just like many cult monsters in the Eastern Land.

In the Western system, devils are not equal to demons, just like in the context of Taoism, ancient immortals are not equal to demons and monsters.

Demons live in a world called "The Abyss". They are chaotic, evil, irritable, malicious, arbitrary and violent. They have no sense of morality and are unpredictable. Their thoughts at the last moment will be overturned at the next moment. They even themselves They cannot predict what they will do, nor can they act in a coordinated and planned manner. They are committed to destroying and destroying everything, bringing destruction and fear to people, and taking pleasure in doing so. In short, this is a group of powerful and evil lunatics, like demons who take pleasure in killing.

Devils live in a world called "Hell". They are different from chaotic and fickle devils. Although devils are equally evil, they are hypocritical and lawful. Hypocrisy is the highest tribute that evil pays to virtue.

In a sense, demons are very similar to humans, or more like the dark side of humans. They are united, hierarchical, and

Orderly. Therefore, the devil has seven leaders, who are called the Seven Lords of Hell or the Seven Demon Kings.

To the devil, cruel devils are just a group of brainless beasts. The devil never disdains low-level killings. Playing with people's hearts is the devil's specialty. From this point of view, the devil is very similar to the ancient immortal. They spend most of their time corrupting mortals, making contracts with mortals, and tempting mortals to sell their souls.

Although the devil plays word games, hides additional terms, has the final right to interpret the contract, does not exchange for equal value, and always achieves wishes in a twisted way, they never force others to sign a contract, nor will they violate the contract.

Devils respect those who dare to pay the price to change their destiny.

The devil likes to see destruction, the devil prefers to see degradation.

Because of this, the Paladins who have abandoned the Holy Court can choose to "fall", make a deal with the devils, and gain power from them.

The advantage of being proficient in Western learning is that you know yourself and your enemy, you will not be blindly arrogant, and you will not make a joke about the ancient oriental martial arts being invincible in the world.

As a senior spiritual officer, Jiachen Spirit Officer naturally knows the foundation of the inheritance of the Western Holy Knights. Since this person has left the Holy See, there are only two ways to go, to degenerate or become a heretic. If he doesn't take either path, he will fall into the status of an ordinary knight, which is probably similar to changing from a banished immortal or a qigong master to a Sanren. It is almost inevitable that his strength will be greatly reduced.

Judging from the power of "Judgment", he seems to have some of the devil's power, but he can continue to summon the flame of light, obviously not corrupted yet.

Could it be that being employed by the emperor was the reason why he gained the power of faith?

His Majesty the Emperor is so generous.

Jiachen Spirit Officer thought so, and without any pause in his movements, with the blessing of the mighty divine power, he used the shield in his hand to block Renatus' two-handed sword, and directly pierced Renatus' chest with one knife, and then used He put his foot on Renatus' chest and kicked hard, then pulled out the knife.

Such an injury would be fatal to ordinary people, but for a high-level Paladin, it would at most cause him some trauma, without even affecting his actions.

The Jiachen Spirit Officer took advantage of the situation and hit him with his shield again. A slightly illusory crown appeared above Renatus' head, which seemed to be made of thorns and covered with spikes.

At the same time, a third halo appeared under his feet, showing a faint green color.

This is the "Crown of Thorns". After being blessed by the "Holy Halo", it becomes the "Holy Halo of Thorns".

Its effect is quite simple, it is to return half of the damage received to the opponent. After being blessed, it becomes a return of all the damage. This involves the divine power system inherited by the Paladin, distorting reality and changing the rules. It seems that there is nothing. It makes sense, but it's just so unreasonable.

Therefore, the collision of Jiachen Spirit Officer even though Renatus was knocked off his feet from the ground and flew backwards, he himself also suffered the same force of the collision. This force came from nowhere. It seemed as if something was born out of thin air, making the armor of the spiritual officer on Jiachen Lingguan's body roar with a bang. Even though he had a shield to relieve his strength, he still kept retreating, making deep footprints one step at a time, causing the cave hall to tremble. After Renatus stopped, he clenched the sword with both hands and struck it down from the air towards Jiachen Spirit Officer.

A mighty white light surged over.

As far as Jiachen Lingguan could see, it was like the Milky Way pouring down and the river surging. Only the snow-white fighting spirit mixed with divine power was left, leaving only a vast expanse of white.

This is the basic martial skill of "Paladin", "Destroy Evil", which is almost equivalent to "Palm Thunder". Everyone can do it, and the power varies from person to person. When used by a master like Renatus, the power is completely different.

Jiachen Lingguan did not retreat but advanced instead. He did not raise his shield, but slashed out with the same sword. The majestic white light was like a flood touching a rock, split into two, and surged through both sides of Jiachen Lingguan.

Then Jiachen Spirit Officer continued to charge forward with the shield, but instead of holding the shield upright, he held it flatly, so that the surface of the shield was facing up, and the edge was pointed at Renatus in front, and then the entire shield began to rotate rapidly, like a saw. wheel.

Many people don't know that Lingguan's shield can be used both offensively and defensively, and is indestructible.

Renatus reached out and pushed forward.

In an instant, thousands of rays of light were pulled by the palm of Renatus. Because of the sudden disappearance of the light, many dark areas even appeared, causing the light and shadow here to be scattered and the light and shade to be uncertain. A crystal wall condensed by countless rays of light appeared. Between him and Jiachen Spirit Officer, and slowly moving in the direction of Jiachen Spirit Officer.

"The Wall of Sighs".

Jiachen Lingguan's shield crashed against the crystalline wall. Sparks immediately flew out, and countless crystal powders flew in all directions. The "Wall of Sighs", known as the Paladin's strongest defense, was actually sawed out with a deep hole. deep marks.

If such methods were used on humans, the result could be imagined. Even heavenly beings would be sawn into pieces.

After a while, the shield of Qiangnu Zhi rotated slower and slower, and finally stopped slowly.

The "Wall of Sighs" also turned into countless light spots and fine sand scattered in the wind.

Jiachen Spirit Officer laughed: "Fortunately, I still have spare divine power, otherwise I would have been consumed by you."

Before he finished speaking, Jiachen Spirit Officer had already approached Renatus.

However, Renatus's methods were far more than that. He held a big sword with one hand and swept across it with extremely terrifying power. He had already used all his strength to force the Jiachen Spirit Officer back, and then he hit his chest hard with his right hand that was not holding a sword. The whole person directly transformed into a giant nearly ten feet tall. The long sword in his hand was burning with a blazing holy fire. There were brilliant wings of light behind him, spreading countless rays of light. A golden ring appeared above his head, exuding invisible power. .

This is the first stage of the "long step to ascend to the gods".

Jiachen Lingguan murmured: "Is this the Dharmakaya of Westerners? It's interesting."

Before he finished speaking, the Lingguan armor on Jiachen Lingguan began to change. A black disk appeared behind him, and then decomposed into countless irregular fragments like a puzzle. It reorganized while extending outward layer by layer, and finally turned into a Tai Chi Bagua. gate sign.

This is the second form of a first-grade spiritual official. The function of the disc is to connect to the "Thirty-Three Heavens" of Yujing, and gain more majestic divine power through the air, similar to the divine descendants of the ancient immortals.

Jiachen Lingguan said slowly: "Only follow the way."

A mighty divine power passed through the Five Elements Mountain, ignoring the restrictions of the formation, falling from the sky, and shrouding Jiachen Spirit Officer.

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