Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 170 Farewell

When Qi Xuansu returned to the Jade Palace, Zhang Yuelu happened to be leaving seclusion.

Qi Xuansu then talked about everything that happened in the past few days, including the changes in Fenglinzhou, Shi Bingyun's speculations, and his results in the Xuansheng Card Competition.

After Zhang Yuelu heard this, he was not surprised that the situation in Fenglinzhou would reach this point. These feudal lords plotting to rebel were not just a whim overnight, but secretly conspired in advance. Therefore, there were already clues before this. As a member of Tiangangtang, she Xiao Zhangtang, who has come into contact with some relevant secret reports from Fenglinzhou Taoist Prefecture, had expected this.

What really surprised Zhang Yuelu was why Yao Pei was in the Imperial Capital.

"You said Yao Suyi is not in the Imperial Capital at all?" Qi Xuansu said in surprise.

Zhang Yuelu said: "There was something wrong with Yao Suyi, which seemed to be related to her great witch bloodline, so after the incident at Wuxing Mountain, she was escorted by Jiachen Lingguan and returned with Jiang Dazhen on the 'Yinglong' It’s Yujing, after all, Earth Master and Master Donghua are now in Yujing.”

Qi Xuansu asked: "Why don't I remember?"

"You were still unconscious at that time." Zhang Yuelu said.

Qi Xuansu thought carefully for a moment and vaguely remembered that when he and Zhang Yuelu had close contact, it seemed that a "Yinglong" had taken off.

Since Yao Pei couldn't be in the Imperial Capital, who was Yao Pei he met?

No one dares to pretend to be Yao Pei, and Yao Pei is very low-key. Not many people have actually seen her and know her identity. It is unlikely that she is a charlatan pretending to be Yao Pei, so there is only one possibility.


Of course Yao Pei wouldn't care about 10,000 Taiping money, but Qiniang definitely did, and only Qiniang had the courage.

Qi Xuansu felt inexplicable grief and anger: "It's so shameless."

Zhang Yuelu observed the changes in Qi Xuansu's expression and roughly guessed something.

For her, the way Qi Xuansu and Qiniang get along is a very unfamiliar way. Neither her biological mother Tantai Qiong nor her master Cihang will give her this feeling.

Qi Xuansu didn't want to pay attention to this issue anymore, and asked instead: "Qingxiao, what do you think of this dispatch of troops to Fenglinzhou?"

Zhang Yuelu did not answer directly, but said: "Before coming to the Imperial Capital, I conducted an internal investigation. Because the matter was still confidential at the time, I asked questions in a hypothetical way. Young people, or quasi-young people, , are optimistic about this and think that Fenglinzhou can be pacified in three months. The old-schoolers are cautious. They do not deny the possibility of ending the war in three months, but more people think that it can be as little as half a year or as much as three years. It could be a protracted battle.”

Qi Xuansu asked: "Which faction do you prefer?"

Zhang Yuelu said: "I have always thought that these young people in the garden are still not good enough to succeed. As the saying goes, they do not know the difficulties before they have experienced it. They have not settled down, have not encountered too many setbacks, and cannot even be considered to be self-reliant, so they have no stability. It is very easy for people to have concepts that are either black or white, or to jump between the two extremes of black and white. They may become excited because of an admonishment and want to shed their blood for Taoism, or it may be because of an unjust case. I was very disappointed with the Taoist sect, and wished that the Taoist sect would be destroyed. Therefore, I kept a respectful distance from them. I could not get in touch with them deeply, and I did not dare to get in touch with them deeply. They were like a burning flame, which looked very strong, but was actually a false fire. You have to build momentum by catering to them, but if you are not careful, you will get backlash and get burned.”

Qi Xuansu said thoughtfully: "In other words, you are more inclined to the old-school view."

Zhang Yuelu said: "Young people are always impatient. They prefer a quick victory, but there is no such simple thing in the world. If you cater to them and trumpet that Fenglinzhou can be pacified in three months, it will be good if you can do it. But If they can't do it, and the war is unfavorable, what will be the consequences? They will jump from the extreme of being invincible in the world to the extreme of running out of energy, which will have a very bad impact on people's morale. This is backlash. "

Qi Xuansu said: "It's just that it's hard to bring such words to the table. When the radicals are at their peak, they are untouchable. If you oppose them, you will be labeled a 'traitor' immediately, and you are no exception. "

Zhang Yuelu was a little helpless: "So I can only say these words to you. Master Ning once said that the Taoist priests raised in the Yujing flower garden cannot withstand the wind and rain, but the hard-working gardener who built this flower garden is very satisfied with the current situation. The scenery is not allowed to be changed by anyone.”

Qi Xuansu touched it carefully and said, "These words are quite heartbreaking."

Zhang Yuelu declined to comment and continued: "Since the time is not short, they will probably send troops into Fenglin Continent in batches. I will not be in the first batch, so there is still plenty of time."

Qi Xuansu was a little worried: "If it is true that Qingwei is the real person in charge of the army, will it..."

Zhang Yuelu said: "Don't worry. What Master Qingwei wants is military exploits. This is related to the final battle for the title of Grand Master. In the face of foreign enemies, internal unity is the most important. He can distinguish the priorities."

Qi Xuansu said: "That's true, but you still have to be careful."

While the two were talking, Ke Qingqing came to report that Han Yongshuang was here.

Qi Xuansu asked Ke Qingqing to invite Han Yongshuang in.

After Han Yongshuang greeted the two of them, he got straight to the point and said: "It just so happens that Deputy Hall Master Zhang and Chief Qi are both here, which saves me two trips. The order from Jinque just came, the Imperial Master's ship will land in Penglai in an hour Chi, only staying for half an hour, Jinque asked us all to take the Imperial Master's boat and return to Yujing together. "

Both Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu were shocked.

But if you think about it carefully, it makes sense.

Previously, Zhang Yuelu had said that because it involved the handover of the rotating Great Master, both the Heavenly Master and the Earth Master were in Yujing at this time, but they had nothing to do with the National Master, so the National Master should be on Penglai Island. Nowadays, when a major event like Fenglinzhou occurs, it must be decided by the three deputy head masters through consultation. When the preliminary decision is formed, there is almost no big controversy within the Taoist sect. The national master can participate in the discussion remotely through projection and other means. However, Involving all aspects and details after the war, a lot of consultation and discussion are required, and the national teacher must return to Yujing.

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Normally, the flying boat travels once every half a month. If there are special circumstances, a special flying boat will be dispatched. In this case, instead of sending a flying boat from Yujing, it is reasonable for them to take the Imperial Master's ship directly.

As for the others, although the three realms are incompatible with each other, as the leader of the realm and a real big shot, the national master will not do anything to the juniors. Taking a step back, even if the Imperial Master really gave up his face and reputation, he would not take action on his own ship, not at this time.

Except for the little emperor who was ignored by his powerful ministers, most emperors had thousands of ways to kill people, and there were many emperors on horseback who got into battle to kill the enemy. However, no emperor ever personally killed someone in the court, just to save face.

Qi Xuansu asked: "Who is this 'us'?"

Han Yongshuang said: "The five-person team and all the special personnel from Yujing, Chief Qi is affiliated with Ziweitang, so he is also included."

Qi Xuansu nodded.

Han Yongshuang added: "I also want to inform others that we will meet at Penglai Pool in an hour."

After that, she didn't stay long and turned around to leave.

Zhang Yuelu said: "It's easy for me to say that I can leave at any time. You are different. After all, you have been here for so long. Take the time to say goodbye to your colleagues."

Qi Xuansu sighed softly: "It's time to say goodbye."

Zhang Yuelu walked out: "I'll wait for you by the Penglai Pond."

Qi Xuansu had been mentally prepared for a long time, but he didn't have anything to say. He called Ke Qingqing and said: "Deacon Ke, I just received the order from Jin Que. In an hour, I will board the train with Deputy Hall Master Zhang and other five members of the investigation team. It’s hard to say whether the Imperial Master’s ship will return to Yujing or not, so you invite everyone over and we’ll simply say goodbye.”

Ke Qingqing was startled for a moment, then said: "Congratulations, sir, I will be the deputy hall master when I get back."

"It's too early to say anything about the eight characters." Qi Xuansu waved his hand and said, "Go quickly."

Not long after, Su Li and Qi Xuansu's subordinates gathered in his signing room.

Qi Xuansu made a simple speech, first reviewing his experiences in the past few months, then affirming everyone's cooperation with his work, and finally wishing everyone smooth sailing in the future and seeing you again in the future.

As for the handover of errands, Qi Xuansu no longer cares about the errands of the Imperial Palace since he started the "Calming Ape" plan. There is nothing to hand over.

After saying goodbye, Qi Xuansu went to see his boss Shi Bingyun again.

As a real Taoist sect high-level official, Shi Bingyun was more well-informed, so he was not surprised by this and just reassured Qi Xuansu.

An hour later, Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu met by the Penglai Pool.

In addition to Zhang Yuelu, Li Changge was also there.

In a sense, they can be regarded as taking advantage of Li Changge.

Soon, a huge "Yinglong" broke through the sea of ​​clouds, landed slowly, and then lowered a gangway.

After everyone boarded the ship one by one, they were immediately greeted by the assistant of Zhenjing Courtyard. This assistant was a Taoist priest of the third grade Youyi, and Li Changge was just a Taoist priest of the fourth grade Jijiu. However, their identities seemed to have been reversed. This assistant The assistant minister was unabashedly groveling in front of Li Changge. Although Li Changge did not boss him around, he accepted it calmly.

This is the first time Qi Xuansu has boarded "Yinglong". His first impression is that it is huge. It is like an aerial fortress. Compared with ordinary manned spaceships, the structure of "Yinglong" is more complex. In addition to the Apart from the various formations, the most eye-catching one is a terrifying giant cannon with a diameter of three feet and a barrel of more than ten feet.

This cannon is called "Broken Star" and can fire the "Dragon Eye A-2" weighing 14,000 kilograms and the "Fengyan A-2" weighing 9,600 kilograms, with a maximum range of 150 miles. .

Back then, the Taoist sect used the "Broken Star" to blast open Xiujing's castle tower, forcing the regent Guan Bai to sign a city alliance.

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