Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 174 Confession

When Qi Xuansu left home, he put the fish charm in his bedroom because he was worried about the inspection by the Zifu. Unexpectedly, the Zifu did not check it out and asked Zhang Yuelu to find it out.

Qi Xuansu began to suspect that Zhang Yuelu originally planned to put him on the bed, but when he discovered this thing, Zhang Yuelu became angry and threw him to the ground.

Qi Xuansu thought for a while and came up with a bold idea. "Drunken life and dreaming of death" is said to make people forget many things. This shows that this wine has great stamina. Zhang Yuelu was drunk last night, so he may not remember so much. Why not take advantage of Zhang Yuelu while he is still awake? Come on, just destroy the evidence?

Thinking of this, Qi Xuansu carefully stretched out his hand, held the fish charm between his two fingers, and wanted to take the fish charm from Zhang Yuelu's hand.

It turned out that Zhang Yuelu pinched it so hard that he couldn't take it away.

There was no other way, Qi Xuansu could only try to open Zhang Yuelu's fingers.

At this moment, Zhang Yuelu suddenly opened his eyes.

The two people looked at each other, as if Yao Pei was waving the "Gong Candle", and time stopped at this moment.

Zhang Yuelu grabbed Qi Xuansu's wrist and asked, "What do you want to do?"

"I didn't want to do anything." Qi Xuansu felt guilty.

"What didn't you want to do?" Zhang Yuelu raised his eyebrows, "Then why did you pry my fingers off?"

Normally, Qi Xuansu would have refused to admit it until death, but this time he was caught by Zhang Yuelu, but Qi Xuansu could not deny it.

Zhang Yuelu raised the fish charm in his hand: "You want this?"

Qi Xuansu coughed slightly and asked, "What did we do last night?"

Zhang Yuelu let go of Qi Xuansu, sat cross-legged on the bed, and said with a hidden smile: "I didn't do anything, but I accidentally found this thing on your bed. If I read it correctly, this kind of thing should be called a 'fish charm', and it's The 'Golden Purple Fish Talisman' of the second-class member of Qingpinghui."

Qi Xuansu pretended to be surprised and said: "Deputy Hall Master Zhang is indeed Deputy Hall Master Zhang. He is well-informed and I admire him."

"This is interesting." Zhang Yuelu played with the fish talisman in his hand, "Why is the 'gold and purple fish talisman' of the second-class member of the Qingping Society on your bed? Could it be that you have a lover, and she fell here? "

When something happened suddenly, Qi Xuansu really didn't know how to explain it, so he decided to play dumb and said, "I only have one lover, and that's you. Are you a member of the Qingping Society?"

Zhang Yuelu reached out and patted the bed: "Be honest!"

Qi Xuansu immediately gave up: "I was young and ignorant back then, so I joined the Qingping Association. In fact, I always wanted to quit the Qingping Association, but Qiniang wouldn't let me, so I became a second-class member in a daze."

Zhang Yuelu's expression seemed to be a smile but not a smile: "So that's it."

Qi Xuansu said doubtfully: "You don't seem surprised at all."

Zhang Yuelu sighed: "To be honest, I almost joined the Ziguang Club, I just missed the last step. If I lose the bet, it's not up to me, so I can understand your situation. As for why I'm not surprised, the Five Elements In the battle between Shan and Qingping, all the elites of the Qingping Society will emerge, and you are the one who serves as the liaison. It would be weird to say that you and the Qingping Society have nothing to do with each other."

Qi Xuansu whispered: "You said you wouldn't pursue it."

"Yes, I said it." Zhang Yuelu nodded, "But it's one thing if I don't pursue it. You have to let me know the general situation. You can't keep me in the dark. How long do you want to keep it secret from me? "

Qi Xuansu raised his hands: "Okay, okay, the matter starts with my master being killed."

Zhang Yuelu was still sitting cross-legged on the bed, and Qi Xuansu simply sat next to her and talked about the nightmare that changed his life.

In fact, Qi Xuansu has mentioned these experiences more or less before, but they are all scattered fragments. If he wants to see the whole picture, Zhang Yuelu has to piece together the fragments himself, and there are still some missing parts. This is not as good as Qi Xuansu himself. Let’s start from the beginning.

Logically speaking, these secrets were not only related to Qi Xuansu's future, but even related to Qi Xuansu's life and death. They should not be told even if they were beaten to death. However, Qi Xuansu believed in Zhang Yuelu and after several twists and turns, he decided to tell the truth.

Zhang Yuelu listened very seriously and showed no signs of laughter.

Qi Xuansu quickly told how he was played with cat and mouse by the assassin of the "Inn" and how he was rescued by Qiniang. Only then did he join the Qingping Society, which was also connected with his "Heart of the Immortal Stone" .

Next came the various trivial matters that he followed Qiniang through the world. These trivial matters were not eye-catching, far from thrilling, and had nothing to do with the legend. But it was these trivial matters that supported and maintained the relationship between him and Qiniang. trivia.

Qi Xuansu rambled on for nearly three hours before he talked about his and Qiniang's trip to Fengtai County. During the whole process, Zhang Yuelu was not impatient at all and kept sitting cross-legged, even letting Qi Xuansu lean on her. .

"... So Qiniang punched Zhuge Yongming to death and took me to the county town to recuperate. Qiniang went to clean up the mess and agreed to meet with me in Fucheng. I didn't know at the time that the vice on me was the 'Stone of Immortality' I didn't know that 'Xuan Yu' had such a wonderful effect. After Qiniang took away 'Xuan Yu', she gave me two options. One option was to give me a 'Dragon Gun', and the other option was to give it to me. Go to Tiangang Hall," Qi Xuansu said slowly.

Zhang Yuelu said thoughtfully: "So you chose to go to Tiangang Hall."

Qi Xuansu said: "I used a small amount of my savings to buy a ticket for the airship to Yujing, and used the rest of my savings to follow Sun Yongfeng. After I came out of Nanhuafang, I went to Taiqing City, and then I went to the weapons shop. I met you."

Zhang Yuelu suddenly said: "No wonder I thought you were afraid of me when I saw you for the second time. It turns out you have something wrong in your heart."

Qi Xuansu took advantage of the situation and lay on Zhang Yuelu's lap: "Can I not be afraid? People say that showing courtesy for nothing is either adultery or theft. A beautiful woman with a good background suddenly showed her kindness to me. I can't help but think too much."

Zhang Yuelu said: "If you had let me know that you had this intention when we first met, then we wouldn't have had anything to do with you later."

Qi Xuansu sighed: "Who says it's not the case? Then I thought about it, maybe this is fate,"

Zhang Yuelu stretched out his hand and pinched Qi Xuansu's nose: "But you guessed one thing right. I did have some doubts about you at the time, because your file was too clean, except for the basic contents such as name, apprenticeship, age, affiliation, and realm of cultivation. , There is nothing else, no record of past meritorious service, no record of past mistakes, no relatives, no Taoist companions, and no friends. I do not live in the ancestral court, nor do I work in the local Taoist government. It seems that I have always been outside the Taoist system. I was just thinking, instead of taking the initiative and alerting the enemy, it would be better to pretend not to know and let you relax your vigilance. Maybe you would be exposed yourself. But I didn't expect that by keeping you by my side, I would end up involving myself. ”

Qi Xuansu smiled and said: "Actually, I knew you before I went to Yujing. At that time, I heard that a genius came out of Yujing. He was already a fourth-level wine-sacrifice Taoist priest at a young age, and he was also given a semi-immortal object. But I never imagined that one day I would be in the same room with this genius and rest on her lap.”

Zhang Yuelu twisted Qi Xuansu's nose left and right: "Are you very proud?"

Qi Xuansu said confidently: "Why should I be unhappy with such a beautiful couple?"

"Virtue." Zhang Yuelu was speechless and could only give him a blank look.

Qi Xuansu continued: "You all know what happened next. We went to the Western Regions and then to Yunjin Mountain. We were together during that time, and there was nothing to hide from you. Until the flying boat crashed, I changed my name to Wei Wugui and started the second Traveling around the world. This is a long story. You have roughly guessed my itinerary, from Xingxiuhai to Yanze, then to Cuowenbu, then circled in the northwest, and finally passed through Qinzhou and went to Longmen in Zhongzhou. Mansion. You already know about the three major evil things, so I won’t go into details. I accepted a mission from the Qingping Society to escort a little girl to the Bohai Mansion. Because I was avoiding the ‘Tianting’, I took the way to Zixian Mountain. The big case in Zixian Mountain led to our chance encounter in Jiangling Mansion."

Zhang Yuelu sighed: "I understand everything."

Qi Xuansu sat up and confirmed again: "You said you wouldn't pursue it."

"I won't pursue it." Zhang Yuelu prepared to stand up.

Qi Xuansu usually upholds the principle of equality and never behaves like some men in front of women. He wishes he could be a kneeling slave, but today he made an exception. Mainly out of guilt, he took the initiative to help Zhang Yuelu put on his shoes.

"This is not like you." Zhang Yuelu did not refuse. He leaned back with his hands and let Qi Xuansu put on his shoes.

Qi Xuansu held the shoe in one hand and held Zhang Yuelu's ankle with the other hand. He aligned it and pushed it in. Then he tried to imitate some men: "Isn't this hurting my wife?"

"Come on, you can't learn it, and you don't have the charm. You are not qualified for this." Zhang Yuelu put on the other shoe by himself.

Qi Xuansu coughed lightly: "There is nothing I can do. The main reason is that my legs and feet are not tight and I can't kneel down."

Zhang Yuelu landed with his feet on the ground, stamped his feet to make the shoes fit his feet better, and then said: "I have hands and feet. I don't need a man to serve me. If I really need someone to serve me, I won't find someone clumsy like you. But can you tell me? To be honest, I'm happy."

Qi Xuansu simply stopped pretending. He really couldn't pretend to be that energetic. Whether he is afraid of Zhang Yuelu depends on whether he has felt guilty recently, and has nothing to do with anything else. As for an unreasonable person like Qiniang, who doesn't even give face to Lord Siming and Wu Guangbi, there's nothing to say. The main thing is to convince people with force. Before Qi Xuansu can defeat Qiniang with force, it will be difficult to win. To cheap. Even if Qi Xuansu is able to subdue Qi Xuansu with force one day, Qi Niang can still point fingers by occupying the moral high ground, detailing how difficult it has been over the years, and label Qi Xuansu as unfilial. I am afraid it will be difficult for Qi Xuansu to turn around in this life. .

Qi Xuansu asked: "Are you hungry? I have some food stored at home."

Zhang Yuelu shook his head and said, "I'm fasting."

Qi Xuansu sighed: "Then you will have no luck."

Zhang Yuelu said: "If you don't mind, you can also try my craftsmanship."

Qi Xuansu suddenly stopped talking, his face full of distrust.


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