Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 183 Visit

Qi Xuan had the physique of a warrior and was not afraid of spoiling his stomach. He was just reluctant to eat, so except for the drunken shrimps, he ate all the "Clear Water Cabbage", "Twenty-Four Bridges on a Moonlight Night", and "Pearl Jade White Jade Soup" Go down. It's bland without adding any salt, and it's salty as if you're eating a salt ball. It can be said to be very distinct, and the taste is hard to describe in just one word.

Zhang Yuelu did not break her promise. After Tianshi left the table and Qi Xuansu came to the end, she shared the remaining lotus seed cake with Qi Xuansu.

Qi Xuansu felt that he should seriously consider the matter of fasting, otherwise he would really not be able to bear this "beauty's kindness".

Fortunately, Zhang Yuelu is usually very busy and doesn't have much time to show off his skills. If we have to eat together, Qi Xuansu doesn't mind doing it himself. Although it's not delicious, it's not unpleasant at least.

After the Heavenly Master left the table, he left the side hall and came to a terrace. He put his hands behind his back and looked out at the vast lake outside.

There was only the Heavenly Master on the entire terrace. The Heavenly Master seemed to be thinking about something, and there was no one else around to serve him.

Since the Heavenly Master did not summon them, they could not rush to the Heavenly Master's side, so they left the Biyou Palace together. Before leaving Yujing, Zhang Yuelu led Qi Xuansu to visit Yao Pei.

After all, we were working together, Yao Pei had a special status, and Qi Xuansu was Yao Pei's nominal cousin, so the due etiquette and favors could not be skipped.

And in a sense, Yao Pei was injured like this just to protect the two of them. It would be too heartless for the two of them to ignore it.

Because there are many restrictions in Zixiao Palace, the two of them cannot cross the lake, let alone fly, or even run. They can only walk slowly along the lake embankment to Yuxu Palace where the Earth Master is located.

The journey was not a short one, and the two took this opportunity to discuss the matter of falsely accusing Qi Xuansu of starting a rebellion and eventually abandoning him. Now that Qi Xuansu had confessed to Zhang Yuelu, there was no need to hide it. He frankly expressed his thoughts and planned to let Qiniang to handle the matter.

Zhang Yuelu originally wanted to resolve the matter through Ziguang Society. Since Qi Xuansu had his own ideas, she did not interfere too much and just threw Qi Xuansu's "Golden Purple Fish Talisman" back to him.

That's right, Zhang Yuelu never returned the fish charm to Qi Xuansu. He didn't know whether he forgot it or wanted to contact Qiniang behind Qi Xuansu's back.

Qi Xuansu did not go into details, who asked him to correct his mistake, and who asked him to deceive Zhang Yuelu.

Qi Xuansu took the "Golden Purple Fish Talisman" and planned to contact Qiniang after leaving Zixiao Palace.

Soon, the two came to Yuxu Palace. The Earth Master was not here recently, but was sitting in Jinque, presiding over all the matters related to the Fenglinzhou war. He was very busy. The Earth Master was also well prepared. This time, he came directly from Wanshou Chongyang Palace. Palace and Wuxu Palace brought ten assistants, so Qi Xuansu had no chance to meet the Earth Master. However, a female assistant here told the two of them that Yao Pei had just gone to bed, and this sleep would take at least ten hours, so it was not convenient to see guests. She would definitely convey their greetings to Yao Pei.

After Qi Xuansu knew that Yao Pei was fine, he did not force himself to see Yao Pei. He would leave Yujing with the Heavenly Master in the evening, and there was no way he could wait ten hours.

The two said goodbye and left Yuxu Palace, returning to Biyou Palace along the same route.

Along the way, Qi Xuansu sighed with emotion: "How could Yao Suyi be so injured by Li Changge? Is the gap between us and Li Changge so big?"

Zhang Yuelu had met Yao Pei and knew more about the situation in detail. He said: "Li Changge did hurt Yao Suyi, but it wasn't to such an extent. When Li Changge hurt Yao Suyi, you killed him." The clothes handle was saved."

Qi Xuansu quickly said clearly: "It's not me, it's that person."

Because he was in Zixiao Palace, Qi Xuansu couldn't call him "Zhenjun Ziguang" directly. After all, he was the only ancient immortal other than Zhenjun Taiyin who had entered Xuandu, so he was a little sensitive.

Zhang Yuelu said: "Whether you or that person, in short, you saved Yao Suyi, then Qiniang took over, then Jiachen Lingguan took over, and finally Jiang Dazhenren personally took action to stabilize Yao Suyi's injury. , and then brought her back to Yujing. Most of her injuries were backlash. Her current level of cultivation was not enough to control the Great Witch's bloodline. Excessive stimulation of the bloodline would cause a 'deficit'. In short, although the injury was not caused by Li Changge, But it was Li Changge who forced him out. I think Li Changge is still intact, and the Infinite stage is nothing more than that. It can even be said that ordinary people in the Infinite stage are no match for him. "

Qi Xuansu nodded and said, "That's right. But having said that, the two of them have a rich family background that we cannot compare to."

Zhang Yuelu softly said "hmm" without denying it.

The national master gave a semi-immortal object, and the earth master also gave a semi-immortal object, but the heavenly master did not give a semi-immortal object.

No one knows whether Zhang Yuelu will be envious or jealous.

Although Zhang Yuelu was from the Xiao Sect and was not the biological granddaughter of the Heavenly Master, Yao Pei was also not the biological granddaughter of the Earth Master. However, Yao Pei was from a major sect of the Yao family and was equivalent to Zhang Yuyue of the Zhang family. As for Li Changge, he is no longer a grandson, but the brother of the Imperial Master. The age difference between the two is so big that they cannot be biological brothers. However, the Li family has invested a lot of manpower and material resources in Li Changge. Even the best of the three ways.

Looking at Zhang Yuelu again, although compared with ordinary Taoist disciples, he is undoubtedly in the sky and on earth, but compared with these two opponents, he is inevitably not good enough, and the gap is quite large.

If Qi Xuansu were in Zhang Yuelu's position, he would definitely be very dissatisfied. Don't talk nonsense about "I give it to you out of affection but not out of duty." This position represents not only an individual, but in a sense, it represents He took over the entire Zhengyi School and pushed me to the position of the third show of the Taoist sect, but he didn't give me the resources and asked me to compete with the other two for my head? If I become a great master, I will be the most benefited, but won’t the others along the way also follow the chickens and dogs to ascend to heaven? Since everyone has benefits, let’s not talk about duty and affection.

In this case, Qi Xuansu had no choice but to complain. This is of course immature, but it is understandable.

This is the case within Taoism. Why do we repeatedly emphasize not to say anything that is not conducive to unity, and not to do anything that is not conducive to unity? Because there are indeed factors of disunity within the Taoist sect, the foreshadowing has been laid since the Xuansheng era. After several generations, this foreshadowing finally broke out, so this so-called immature move, in the eyes of many people, is actually Reasonable.

However, Zhang Yuelu took the overall situation into consideration, and although she had resentment in her heart, she never complained or said anything detrimental to internal unity. She was relatively tolerant. As for the fact that she once wanted to go to Quanzhen Taoism, she told Qi Xuansu in private and never talked about it publicly, so it would naturally not have a bad impact.

At this point, Qi Xuansu admired Zhang Yuelu very much.

When the two returned to Biyou Palace, the Celestial Master was already preparing to leave, so they did not see the Celestial Master, only the two assistants of the Da Zhen Mansion.

To put it bluntly, the two of them are actually the secretaries of the Celestial Master.

However, the grades of the two assistants are different. One is a third-grade Taoist priest Youyi, who is responsible for taking care of the daily life of the Celestial Master, and the other is a second-grade Taoist priest Taiyi, who is responsible for assisting the Celestial Master in handling official affairs. In terms of status, the second-grade Taoist Taiyi is naturally higher. In fact, he is a second-rank assistant, half the superior of other ordinary assistants. However, in terms of closeness to the Tianshi, the third-grade You Taoist priests are taller.

As for the number one secretary of the Celestial Master, he is the Master of the Shangqing Palace, one of the thirty-six known masters. Precisely because this secretary has such a high status, he often does not follow the Celestial Master, but sits in the Shangqing Palace to handle official affairs. .

Many second-grade Taiyi Taoist priests would take the initiative to fawn over this third-grade Youyi Taoist priest. There is no other, because the latter is close to the power. If nothing else, anyone who wants to ask to see the Heavenly Master has to arrange the time with the assistant. If he offends him, he can make the person return without success as long as he makes a few small moves. , but it takes a lot of effort.

However, Zhang Yuelu is not among them. She is now authorized by the Celestial Master and is one of the very few people who can directly see the Celestial Master. Coupled with the lack of intimacy and Zhang Yuelu's promising future, the two assistants are very polite to Zhang Yuelu. I don't dare to treat him like an ordinary person.

To put it bluntly, it is true that they usually spend more time with the Celestial Master, but they cannot follow the Celestial Master all their lives. But the relationship between Zhang Yuelu and the Heavenly Master will not change. Now that I hear Zhang Yuelu calling "Ah Weng" one after another, even a fool knows what the Heavenly Master means, let alone these human beings who are best at figuring out the intentions of the emperor.

Zhang Yuelu is not a person who likes to put on airs, and her difficulty in getting along is simply because she is serious about her work. However, the two assistants and Zhang Yuelu do not have many official interactions, so the two sides get along harmoniously.

Qi Xuansu caught Zhang Yuelu's attention and was looked down upon by the two assistants.

The second-grade assistant named Yan just said hello to the two of them, then turned and left.

The third-grade Youyi Taoist priest named Tang Jiaohua smiled and said: "Miss, Deputy Hall Master Qi, the old man has already boarded the ship. The old man told me to wait for the eldest lady and Vice Hall Master Qi here, and then go together. Meet him on the boat."

Since he is responsible for Tianshi's daily life, in a sense, this assistant is half of the Zhang family, so many of his titles are different from others. He didn't call Tianshi, but the old man. He doesn't care what the Zhang family thinks of Zhang Yuelu, he only cares about the attitude of the Heavenly Master. To him, Zhang Yuelu is the eldest lady, and everyone else has to stay back.

Zhang Yuelu nodded slightly and said, "Thank you, Uncle Tang."

Tang Jiaohua was very satisfied with the title "Uncle Tang". Firstly, it showed that Zhang Yuelu regarded him as one of his own, and secondly, it showed that the eldest lady was willing to respect him. He would naturally reciprocate the favor. For example, many comments that were unfavorable to Zhang Yuelu were It would be blocked by him and would never reach the ears of the Heavenly Master.

Under the guidance of Tang Jiaohua, the two boarded the Celestial Master's ship.

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