Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 185: Return to Yunjin Mountain

The last time Qi Xuansu went to Yunjin Mountain, he walked back with Zhang Yuelu. There were many twists and turns along the way. After arriving at Yunjin Mountain, Qi Xuansu could only wait outside the door of Dazhen Mansion, unable to cross the threshold. Tantai Qiong and Zhang Yuyue's Not to mention turning into a monster, no matter what, something unexpected happened on his way back, forcing him to make a shocking leap, and now he has become a topic of conversation among many people.

This time it was different. Sitting on Tianshi's boat, traveling thousands of miles in a day, not only was the journey smooth, but also the pain of running around was saved. Qi Xuansu could even come to the deck to enjoy the night view.

It has to be said that the Celestial Master's ship is different. Ordinary spaceships cannot come to the deck at will after taking off, but the Celestial Master's ship has a special formation that covers the entire hull, even if it does not have the realm of heavenly beings. , you can also go out at will.

After Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu left Tianshi's study, they came to the deck.

At this time, the night was dark, and the stars and the bright moon were above our heads, and they seemed to be much closer.

The two of them leaned on the railing and looked at each other.

"The Heavenly Master said that there is a new piece of firewood missing in the stove. Does this mean that we are the new firewood?" Qi Xuansu asked.

Zhang Yuelu glanced at Qi Xuansu, neither affirming nor denying.

Qi Xuansu asked again: "Why don't you speak?"

"I don't want to talk." Zhang Yuelu didn't know what he was thinking from just now.

Qi Xuansu said: "Don't you want to change your mind when things get tough?"

Zhang Yuelu glanced at him: "What's going to happen? What's going to happen again?"

Qi Xuansu cleared his throat: "Of course it's about us becoming Taoist couples."

Zhang Yuelu didn't say anything duplicitous about "Who wants to be a Taoist partner with you?" This was not her style. She just said: "Are you a little too impatient?"

Qi Xuansu said: "You have indeed changed your mind."

Zhang Yuelu didn't bother to defend himself: "I'll turn you into a big-headed ghost."

Qi Xuansu sighed: "Of course I know it's a bit fast. After all, it's less than two years, but we are both young. Even if we are not in a hurry to become Taoist couples, it is best to settle this matter and start working on it." Prepare."

Zhang Yuelu asked: "Are we old?"

Qi Xuansu asked back: "Aren't we old?"

Zhang Yuelu said: "Give me another reason."

Qi Xuansu couldn't help but glance at Zhang Yuelu. His intuition was that Zhang Yuelu had indeed not changed his mind, but she seemed a little worried, so she wanted to find some strength from him to help her make up her mind.

Qi Xuansu really had an excellent reason and said, "You will soon reach the immeasurable stage, right?"

Zhang Yuelu nodded.

Qi Xuansu said: "Although I am not as good as you, I can barely catch up with you. If we continue at this pace, we will reach the stage of creation sooner or later, and by that time, we will not be very old."

Zhang Yuelu frowned: "Then what?"

Qi Xuansu said: "The higher the level of cultivation, the less likely it is to have an heir. For example, Xuan Sheng has no heirs because his level of cultivation is too high. Don't you want a child? If we drag more than ten people with us, "

Zhang Yuelu was speechless this time. No matter how generous she was, after all, she jumped from being a Taoist couple to giving birth to a child without anyone noticing. She couldn't help but blush slightly, but she couldn't see clearly in the night.

Zhang Yuelu was thinking about this question for the first time. Does she want a child?

This is a problem and it is not a problem.

In the Taoist sect, there are many people who want heirs, otherwise how could there be so many aristocratic families. However, there are also many people who do not want heirs for various reasons. For example, none of the three current masters have heirs. This is why the master-disciple relationship in Taoism is so important. Without heirs, the mantle must be passed on and can only be passed on to disciples. And disciples also have benefits. Children cannot choose, but disciples can.

If everyone in the Taoist sect had children, the number of people in the Taoist sect would increase several times.

Zhang Yuelu's first reaction was that she didn't want children. She wanted to change her sect, and was even prepared to break up on this matter. If she had children, she would have a bond, and she might not be able to move forward.

But when she wanted to answer Qi Xuansu like this, she hesitated.

She is not an impulsive person and will not make decisions based on impulse and then regret it later. Every decision must be carefully considered.

She couldn't help but ask herself, did she really not want it?

After thinking about it, she found that she was actually a little wavering, somewhere between two options.

Finally, Zhang Yuelu swallowed back his original answer and started practicing Tai Chi: "It seems a little early to talk about this issue now."

Qi Xuansu nodded, agreeing with this statement.

Because he didn't think about it well, he was just forced into a corner by Zhang Yuelu and threw out this trump card in advance.

Qi Xuansu secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

If Zhang Yuelu agreed to have a child, he would really be at a loss.

The two fell into a slightly awkward silence.

After a moment, Zhang Yuelu broke the silence: "I agree to settle the matter of becoming a Taoist couple as soon as possible. Things always have to be faced and cannot be avoided. It's just that neither you nor I have stabilized yet. Regarding... the child's matter, it's still... Let’s talk about it later.”

Zhang Yuelu is a decisive person and will not be coy.

Qi Xuansu said: "We need to work together."

Zhang Yuelu looked at Qi Xuansu steadily and stopped talking. It's just that her eyes were not sharp, nor did they mean to examine, but instead showed a look of reminiscence.

Qi Xuansu felt uncomfortable looking at her and couldn't help but ask, "What are you looking at?"

Zhang Yuelu smiled slightly: "I remember the last time I went home. Why did this fake show come true?"

Qi Xuansu smiled and said: "This is called 'when a fake becomes true, the truth is also false'."

Zhang Yuelu spat: "If you don't know how to quote, don't quote. What does it mean that the false is true and the true is also false? When your false becomes true, which one of the true becomes false? Could it be that before I met you, the people around me Is there anyone else?"

It cannot be said that Qi Xuansu is uneducated, but he is very partial to science. He can recite various Taoist classics calmly, but when it comes to Confucianism, he often makes jokes. At this time, he was very embarrassed and had to admit his mistake to Zhang Yuelu.

Fortunately, Yao Pei was not here, otherwise she would have brought up the allusion of "the master of the harvest" again.

Zhang Yuelu said earnestly: "I think the de-Confucianism is almost done now. The unification of the three religions is the general trend. You should read more and improve your self-cultivation. Don't just read the textbooks to pass the time."

Qi Xuansu only felt that the two of them had returned to the Tiangangtang period, and Zhang Yuelu unconsciously played the role of his immediate boss.

Qi Xuansu was influenced by Qiniang, or Qiniang was too strong, so Qi Xuansu learned to stay low and be small. It happened that Zhang Yuelu was also a strong person, so Qi Xuansu was very good at dealing with Zhang Yuelu using the same methods as Qiniang. It’s called using softness to overcome strength. It's just that Qiniang and Zhang Yuelu collided head-on, and neither of them was willing to give in, so there was nothing they could do.

Qi Xuansu did not refute Zhang Yuelu's words, but said: "I will definitely keep in mind the teachings of Deputy Hall Master Qingxiao, read more, read good books, and study well. I deeply realize that the process of learning is a process of understanding, not a general process. If you read in a hurry without asking for a thorough understanding, you will end up with only a partial understanding. Therefore, reading is no longer about reading, but sinking your mind and studying repeatedly, so that you can truly improve your own quality and better serve the Taoism. "

Zhang Yuelu was stunned for a moment, obviously not expecting Qi Xuansu to say such a thing. After a while, he laughed and scolded: "You are self-taught in using official expressions. No wonder it is said that it is not easy to learn well, but it is difficult to learn badly. Get out."

Qi Xuansu said sternly: "Where is it? I am familiar with three hundred poems. I can recite poems even if I can't compose them."

The two of them chatted and said "Yinglong" quickly.

In fact, "Yinglong" did not advance at full speed, but even so, it only took one night. At dawn, "Yinglong" had already entered Wuzhou.

Wuzhou Daofu, Shangqing Palace, and Dazhen Palace all sent out manpower to welcome the Heavenly Master, and three flying boats escorted and led the way, forming a huge formation.

Qi Xuansu couldn't help but sigh. He had never been treated like this in his life in an ordinary flying boat.

Soon, it was the boundary of Shangqing Mansion, and Yunjin Mountain was already in sight.

There were no lakes on Yunjin Mountain originally. Because of the rise of flying boats and because Xuansheng destroyed the original landform of Yunjin Mountain, the Dazhen Mansion specially dug a lake outside Shangqing Palace to park flying boats. It is famous all over the world, so this lake is named "Xiaoleichi".

The Celestial Master's ship landed in the "Little Thunder Pond".

Reputable people from the Zhang family, including high-quality Taoist priests from Dazhen Palace and Shangqing Palace, were waiting by the lakeside of Xiaoleichi.

Among them are Zhang Kuqi and Tantai Qiong.

In fact, the couple usually don't come, not because they don't have enough status, but because it's not necessary. However, this time Zhang Yuelu came back with the Tianshi, so the couple had to come.

Zhang Yuyue also came, but she couldn't think of it, but she was the nominal granddaughter of Tianshi and a member of the Taoist sect. She couldn't escape this Shangyuan Festival no matter what, and she had to go back to Da Zhenren's Mansion. Her father gave her He gave a death order, and if she dared not come back, he would kidnap her back himself. Not to mention the ethical constraints of parents and children, not to mention power, but only to talk about realm and cultivation. These words were said with full confidence, and Zhang Yuyue had no room for resistance.

Now that Zhang Yuyue has returned to Dazhenren Mansion, there is no reason why she should not come to greet her grandfather.

"Yinglong" stopped and lowered the gangway.

Tianshi naturally walked in the front, but he did not let the two assistants accompanying him follow him. Instead, he asked Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu to follow him on the left and right, only half a body behind, and then There are two assistants. In this way, the Heavenly Master is like an old man enjoying the happiness of his family.

But in the eyes of other Zhang family members, it has a completely different meaning.

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