Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 192: My honey, your poison

After the messenger left, the confrontation between Zhang Yuelu and Tantai Qiong continued.

Tantai Qiong couldn't help but ask: "I don't understand, what do you see in him?"

In fact, Tantaiyun himself felt a little guilty for saying this. What did he fancy? Not to mention anything else, looking at the entire Taoist sect, the only person who has become a third-grade deputy hall master at such a young age is Qi Xuansu, except for Zhang Yuelu.

With Zhang Yuelu's current status, there are only four possibilities: not marrying because of Taoism, getting married, marrying down, or recruiting a wife. There is almost no such thing as an upper marriage. Even if you marry Li Changge, it can only be said to be a marriage, not an upper marriage.

It is not a good choice to follow Taoism and not marry. Many Taoist women choose this path only after being hurt by love and trying to bully others. Zhang Yuelu didn't have such thoughts. She had no intention of trying to keep up with him, and she just let nature take its course.

In this case, it is impossible to marry off. It is really a loss for the Zhang family. Since it is a married off, it means that the other party is not as good as yourself and may not be able to help the Zhang family. Maybe the Zhang family will also support them. Why do you want to take advantage of others?

Then all that remains is marriage and marriage.

Recruiting children sounds good, but it is unrealistic. Because the master-disciple relationship in a Taoist sect is close to that of parents and children, some people may spend more than ten years in order to find a good apprentice. There are also people like the Li family Adopted sons-in-law are recruited on a large scale and adopted sons-in-law can also rise to the top, so there are almost no pearls in the dust. Young people who are truly capable and talented have long been snatched away. Reduced to the point of being a son-in-law. Even if there are, they are mostly ambitious people who will be bitten if they are not careful, such as Li Minghuang.

If you really want to recruit a son-in-law, it will be difficult to find a suitable candidate. It is likely that you will find a tool to help you give birth to children. This is something Zhang Yuelu cannot accept.

So, in the end, the only way left was marriage.

Marriage pays attention to being well-matched.

Therefore, as Zhang Yuelu's status continues to change, his marriage partners also change.

It was Yan Mingchen at first. At that time, Zhang Yuelu's status was not obvious, but he was well matched.

But as Zhang Yuelu climbed up the ladder step by step, Yan Mingchen became less successful, and the marriage turned into a second marriage.

Anyway, there was no verbal commitment or contract, it was just a trial stage. Zhang Yuelu was strongly opposed to the matter from the beginning, so it ended without any problem.

This matter is not considered an annulment, and Yan Mingchen has nothing to lose. Naturally, he cannot come to Yunjinshan for a three-year appointment, and he is much older than Qi Xuansu, let alone Mo bully the young man into poverty.

Then Zhang Yuelu's marriage became complicated. After considering various factors such as family background, ability, talent, and future, there were only two people who were comparable to her, one was Li Changge and the other was Yao Pei. The Li family is the Zhang family's archenemy, so they are naturally excluded. In the context of the alliance between Quanzhen Taoism and Zhengyiyi, Yao Pei seems to be extremely suitable. They are simply a match made in heaven, but fate can play tricks on people, but Yao Pei is also a woman.

The Taoist sect has no objection in principle to two women becoming Taoist couples, but you can't expect an ancient family like the Zhang family that has lasted for thousands of years to accept such a thing, and Zhang Yuelu made it clear that she likes the opposite sex and has no feelings for women. Yao Pei doesn't seem to be someone who is interested in women. She is more like a person who doesn't want to marry.

At this time, Qi Xuansu seems very suitable as Yao Pei's replacement.

You are the deputy hall master, and I am also the deputy hall master.

You are a heavenly being and I am also a heavenly being.

You are the daughter of the Zhang family, but you are from a small sect. My surname is not Yao, but Qiniang’s surname is Yao. It's barely even half a dozen.

Therefore, Zhang Jucheng recognized the reality very happily and did not try to break up Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu. Instead, he prepared to have a talk with the two to plan for the future.

Since you can't stop it, then seek the greatest benefits.

This is what a mature family head should do.

Tantai Qiong was just out of temper, showing an unreasonable and vexatious tone.

However, to Tantai Qiong's surprise, Zhang Yuelu didn't talk about the deputy hall master, being a celestial being, or having a bright future. She only said two words: "He is a good person."

"Nice person?!" Tantai Yun was a bit unable to react.

The concepts of these two words are too broad, so broad that it is as if they were not mentioned at all.

So Zhang Yuelu then added: "This is not the first time he came. The last time he came, his position was very low, his grade was not high, his cultivation level was average, and his future was unclear, but I still brought him here. In the beginning, I was indeed I wanted to act in a play, but I changed my mind halfway through and decided to do it for real. "

Tantai Yun said: "This kid is full of treachery, where can he be better?"

Zhang Yuelu said: "My honey is your poison. What I think is good is probably what my mother thinks is bad. I don't deny this."

Tantai Qiong took a deep breath, her chest rising and falling: "So you are deliberately going against me."

Zhang Yuelu was no longer polite: "You are the one who is going against me.???????????????"

With just this sentence, Tantai Qiong almost took action on the spot.

Zhang Juqi's eyesight was quick and he stood between the two of them, eliminating a conflict invisible.

Tantai Qiong said bitterly: "Your wings are stiff."

Zhang Yuelu said calmly: "When the young eagle's wings harden, it will leave the protection of its parents' wings, and the parents will no longer interfere with who the young eagle mates with."

In fact, the reason is very simple. Why can parents decide their children’s marriage? It is precisely because children have weak wings that they cannot start a family on their own and have to rely on their parents. Since you have to rely on your parents’ support, how can you have the confidence to say no to your parents?

But Zhang Yuelu is different. She left the protection of her parents very early, so she naturally has such confidence.

What Zhang Yuelu said about good people is not moral character in the ordinary sense, but a deeper humanity.

Ordinary women's requirements for men are probably relatively material, such as houses and peace money. Marry a man, marry a man, dress and eat. Not shabby.

If it is higher, it will probably require some emotional value, such as good looks, being able to speak, and understanding a woman's thoughts.

But at Zhang Yuelu's level, it doesn't make much sense to pursue these things. She has no shortage of material things, her mind is strong enough, and she won't seek some superficial emotional value. She doesn't even need the so-called reliance or sense of security. So her eyes fell on the most fundamental human nature. To put it bluntly, whether this person is good or not is similar to many children who have never experienced the world.

This is about looking at mountains as mountains, seeing mountains as they are, seeing mountains as mountains, and returning to nature.

Many people think they are "nice people", but in fact they have not been tempted enough and have never seen real beauty, real money, or real power.

The reason why they can seem open-minded and calm is just because they feel that these things have nothing to do with them, and it doesn't matter whether they are lost or missing. But once they find out that these things are related to them, they can no longer remain open-minded and calm.

To give a simple example, many people were talking about Zhang Yuelu behind her back, saying that her appearance was just that, her temper was bad and tough, and a fake daughter of a small sect, how could she put on any airs. But if Zhang Yuelu really meant that, they would immediately change their faces and not mind kneeling down and licking him.

Most of the things in the world are based on deeds but not on the heart.

When it comes to beauty, Qi Xuansu has seen quite a lot of beauties along the way. In terms of looks, Li Qingnu is better than Zhang Yuelu. In terms of family background, Yao Pei is better than Zhang Yuelu. There are so many beautiful women who are willing to go against him. I wasn't tempted, and I didn't even think about the blessings of everyone while eating from the bowl and looking at the pot.

Speaking of real gold and silver, a real amount of 200,000 peace coins, Qi Xuansu didn't take any of it and chose to face Tianchensi directly. So far, I haven't taken any evil steps. Apart from the occasional trophies, I just live by the regular money.

As well as power, Qi Xuansu has made real achievements and did not expect to be lucky enough to enter. It is true that he has background and connections, but if he is not tough himself, no matter whether he is Donghua Zhenren, Heavenly Master or Earthly Master, he will not give him a second look because of Qiniang.

The beautiful first encounter was just an opportunity. What really touched Zhang Yuelu was the trip to the Western Regions to kill Diswen and the subsequent journey home.

These scenes were not big, but for the two people at that time, they were full of danger.

Humanity is most evident when there is a critical line between life and death.

Then there was the shocking leap that I had to mention and kept mentioning.

Some people may say that Qi Xuansu is not dead, so it doesn't matter. But when he jumped, Qi Xuansu didn't know if he could survive. He jumped with the determination to die.

So Zhang Yuelu could not forget Qi Xuansu. It's just that because of her own experience, she is emotionally restrained and doesn't express joy or anger easily, let alone put many words into her mouth, so she doesn't seem so enthusiastic.

But to Zhang Yuelu, Qi Xuansu was a good person. Although he doesn't look like a good person on the outside, once you get to know him deeply, you will find that he is much better than most other people.

Of course, Qi Xuansu also has flaws, such as lying to her, liking to act against the rules, etc., but in her opinion, these are all trivial matters, mainly caused by some incorrect teachings, and she is confident to reverse them.

Qi Xuansu once secretly swore in his heart that he would not do anything to disgrace Zhang Yuelu.

Zhang Yuelu had already decided in his heart that he would not marry anyone other than Qi Xuansu.

Zhang Yuelu took a deep look at Tantai Qiong and said solemnly: "I have made up my mind, mother, there is no need to say anything more."

On the other side, another Zhang Jiatian was knocked out by Qi Xuansu, and his back hit hard against a towering tree that was hugged by ten people. The tree was almost mature, and its trunk was tough and not broken. However, it still shook a little, and leaves fell one after another. , and then this Zhang family man slowly slid down against the tree trunk.

Qi Xuansu had already invited the Dharma minister.

However, this Dharma image is quite strange. The left half is mainly moon white, while the right half is mainly purple. The styles of clothing are also obviously different. Fortunately, they are all women, so it does not seem too inconsistent.

Behind the image is a bright moon that looks like the backlight of the Buddha, and stars twinkling around the moon.

It is actually a pattern where the stars and the moon stand side by side, and all the stars support the moon.

Qi Xuansu didn't understand why it became like this. He only knew that after being descended by the Purple Light True Monarch, his appearance changed and his power increased greatly.

Qi Xuansu merged the Dharma form again, used the Dharma body realm, and punched another heavenly being. Although it was just a punch, the body, spirit and law body worked together to knock this heavenly being back twenty feet.

The young masters of the Zhang family did not "work hand in hand with ideas", they just started a wheel battle with Qi Xuansu.

However, these children of the Zhang family have probably been sitting in a well watching the sky for a long time. It is not that they are not well-informed, but they are simply arrogant and do not know Qi Xuansu's methods. This gives Qi Xuansu a feeling of surprising victory. Their realm cultivation is not weak, but it is not He didn't know how to deal with "freaks" like Qi Xuansu, but he lacked experience, so several heavenly beings were defeated in this way.

After the last heavenly being was pushed back twenty feet by Qi Xuansu, he lost all courage and did not dare to step forward.

Qi Xuansu looked around and asked, "Who has any objections?"

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