Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 195 The young man left home and the boss returned

Zhang Yuelu's answer perfectly solved the difficult problem given by Zhang Jucheng, and the effect was naturally immediate.

After Zhang Jucheng received Zhang Yuelu's reply, he went to see the Tianshi again.

He agreed to be the real person in charge of Jiangnan Daofu, and also agreed to let Zhang Yuelu be the second deputy head of Wuzhou Daofu.

Although these personnel adjustments will be arranged after the Fenglinzhou war is over, consensus must be reached as early as possible, and then preparations can be made in advance.

After all, personnel changes at this level are not that simple. It is not a matter of one sentence. It involves a lot of compromises and transactions. Even if the Celestial Master is in charge personally, it will take some effort.

Xuan Sheng doesn't like one person to act arbitrarily, so the power structure of the Taoist sect is led by multiple people, from the Jinque discussion to the deputy master structure of the Taoist government.

Jinque is the highest authority of Taoism. It is a whole, not an individual. There is no such thing as a single command from the Heavenly Master that Zhang Ju can become the real person in charge of the Jiangnan Taoist Prefecture. It's almost the same if it's the Grand Master who speaks. Putting aside the factors of the rotating Grand Master, Tianshi can only be regarded as one-third of the Grand Master.

Xuansheng underestimated the ability of future generations to take advantage of loopholes. The great sects of the past dynasties used the great sect’s personnel appointment and dismissal power to allow the head of the Nine Halls to concurrently serve as the assistant minister of Zixiao Palace, and then issued orders to the assistant minister of Zixiao Palace as the master of the Zixiao Palace rather than as the great sect. , to bypass the Golden Que. Unless Jinque directly promotes the process of deposing the Grand Master, there is no way to restrict Zixiao Palace. This is why Zhang Yuelu believes that only by becoming a great master can the Taoist sect be changed.

The Heavenly Master agrees with this matter in principle. Zhang Yuelu's handling method made Tianshi very satisfied.

When participating in political affairs, compromise and concession are things that must be learned. Blindly moving forward bravely may be suitable for the world, but it is definitely not suitable for the temple.

Since Zhang Yuelu intends to reach the top of the Taoist sect instead of becoming a loose immortal who cares about the world, she can only break the situation like this.

The Heavenly Master indicated that Zhang Jucheng could meet Zhang Yuelu. The three generations, old, middle and young, had already talked. The old and young generations had also talked. Now it is the turn of the middle-aged and young people. The two generations have a talk.

As long as the three generations can reach an agreement, then Tianshi's arrangement for the Zhang family will be considered generally successful. At least the framework has been set up, and the rest is to fill in the details into the structure.

As for the rest, he doesn't care and can't control it.

As the old saying goes, children and grandchildren will have their own blessings, so don't be a horse or a cow for your children and grandchildren.

Xuan Sheng couldn't care about the hundred years after his death, so he could only be a paper framer with a clear conscience. In his life, he has been sorry to many people, and may have to bear infamy, but the only one who deserves it is the word "Zhang".

On the other side, Qiniang staggered off the flying boat and looked up at Yujing in the distance.

When Qiniang walks with a sway, it doesn't mean that her waist swings like some sexy bitch, but that she swings her big sleeves to a great extent as she walks. If I use two words to describe it, it is not coquettish, but arrogant.

It's easy to get beaten up while walking on the street.

Some people may want to say, this is Yujing, the place with the most immortals in the world, why are you so arrogant?

That being said, immortals don’t walk into Yujing on foot. They all go directly to Zifu or Zixiao Palace. Not to mention immortals, even pseudo-immortals and heavenly beings in the creation stage will not walk in like this. Cheng, will also not live in Yujing, but in Xuandu.

From this perspective, Qiniang is still unique and has the right to be arrogant.

Qiniang pulled the sunglasses on her nose down slightly, revealing her eyes behind the lenses and looking at everything around her.

Qi Xuansu once specifically asked Qiniang why she likes to wear a pair of large sunglasses.

Qiniang's answer was that when she first walked in the world, she was not as careless as she is now. She was always afraid of being recognized, so she wanted to find something to cover her. Sunglasses are actually the same thing as a veil. The only difference is that one covers the upper head and the other covers the lower head. Too many women like to wear veils, and they make them looming, unable to cover anything. They are no different from sex toys. To sum up, they can be summed up in one word: vulgar. She didn't want to join the others, so she chose to wear sunglasses. Over time, it became a habit, as if sunglasses were already a part of her body.

To be honest, she hasn't been to Yujing for several years.

However, the changes in Yujing cannot be said to be minor, it can only be said that there is no change at all.

What it was like a few decades ago will be what it will be like a few decades from now.

Even many people inside have not changed. After all, birth, old age, illness and death are not very common things in Yujing, where everyone lives long or even lives forever.

In a place like this, it is natural that it is neither strange nor that things and people are different. It is more about touching the scenery and remembering one's lost youth.

When he left, he was still Zhang Yuelu's age, and when he came back, he was already Su Yuanyi's age.

Naturally, she came back this time for the sake of her children.

Thinking of this, Qiniang wandered to the city gate.

The spiritual officer guarding the door had noticed this old aunt for a long time. Not to mention her arrogant posture, her dress did not look like someone from the Taoist sect. After all, since the Fifth Generation Grand Master, there have been very few people with strange clothes and people. A maverick.

So the gatekeeper stopped Qiniang and asked her to show her the ultimatum.

Qiniang rummaged around in her bag for a while, and finally pulled out a piece of paper.

It is marked on it that the Taoist grade is a fourth-grade wine-offering Taoist priest, his identity is a wandering Taoist priest, and his name is Yao Qi.

Although it is not difficult to forge a certificate with Qiniang's skills, this certificate is indeed real, it is the certificate she used back then, and her real name is really so random.

This is the style of the Yao family. The Yao family was influenced by the witchcraft culture and tried to keep their names simple. For example, Wu Xiang, Wu Yang, Wu Gu, Wu Xian, Wu Luo, etc. can be understood to mean that their surname is Wu, or that Wu is their identity, and their names have only one character. The same is true for the Yao family. They all have single names and no seniority characters, such as Yao Pei.

Qiniang was unexpected and not in the plan. She just happened to be doing Qi. Xiao Qi sounds better than Liu Zi, so let’s just call her Yao Qi.

"Master Yao." The spirit officer read it several times and found no problems. He just felt that this ultimatum was too old. When this ultimatum was issued, the real person in charge of Ziweitang was not the current Donghua real person Pei Xuanzhi.

Yao Pei took back the ultimatum with his hands and raised his eyebrows: "Have you read it?"

Lingguan was intimidated by Qiniang's aura and did not dare to raise any objection. He even stuttered a little and said, "Look, I've finished reading."

Yao Pei put away the ultimatum and said: "Don't think I am still a fourth-grade Taoist priest at such an old age, but my son and daughter-in-law are both third-grade Youyi Taoist priests and deputy hall masters, and my in-laws are even second-grade Taoist priests." Taoist Taiyi, I’m here to meet my in-laws this time.”

Taoist priests are inherently higher than spiritual officials. The fourth-grade spiritual officials below and the fourth-grade spiritual officials themselves are not as good as fourth-grade wine-offering Taoist priests. It is impossible for third-grade spiritual officials to come here to guard the gate, so the gatekeeper spiritual officials can only agree. But he couldn't help but slandered in his heart: "At your age, your son is thirty years old. A thirty-year-old third-grade Youyi Taoist priest and deputy hall leader? And a daughter-in-law who is similar? Who are you lying to? It's not that you don't have this They are all from a big family. How could the mistress of a big family be just a Taoist priest of the fourth grade of wine? "

"When a young boy leaves home and his elder brother returns home, his local pronunciation has not changed and his hair on his temples has faded. When children see each other but don't recognize each other, they smile and ask where the guests are from."

Qiniang recited the poems of her predecessors and walked along Shangqing Street towards Taiqing City.

When she arrived in Taiqing City, Qiniang first visited a few shops without spending any money. Then she went to the Phoenix Tower, where she booked a room and booked a table.

From the perspective of a Taoist priest who offers wine at the fourth level, this table is pretty good. But judging from Qiniang's net worth and her status as a guest, it's a bit simple.

But this is Qiniang's style. In addition to being greedy for money, she is also stingy.

Qiniang took out a Zimu Talisman and said, "I'm at the Phoenix Tower. Come down."

The other side simply responded and ended the conversation.

Soon, a woman in white uniform came to the private room.

The woman waved her hand and signaled the guy leading the way to get down.

Qiniang also took off her sunglasses for the first time and stood up to greet him.

Neither of them brought any entourage, which meant that this was a rather private meeting.

"Zhisheng, how many years have we not seen each other?" Qiniang said first.

The person who came was none other than Su Yuanyi, the real person of Cihang, whose name was Zhisheng.

"It's been about thirty years. How should I call you? Master Yao? Or something else?" Master Cihang joked.

Qiniang said: "You should call me Qiniang, that's what everyone calls me."

No one except the Earth Master knew what Qiniang's nickname was. Over time, everyone began to call her Qiniang.

"Okay, Qiniang." Master Cihang smiled slightly.

The two sat down separately.

Judging from their appearance alone, Cihang and Qiniang are not the same person. The former can satisfy the world's various imaginations of female immortals. Even though she is old, she is still graceful and full of immortality. The latter is the common people. After looking at it for a long time, you will even feel that it is somewhat similar to the yellow-faced woman in your family.

But now the two of them were sitting together as equals.

Qiniang got straight to the point and said: "You know, with my status, I can't come to Yujing casually. This is when the Earth Master serves as the rotating Great Master. If it is Li Changgeng who is in charge of Yujing, I really don't dare to come. Put me What if he is arrested and executed? Then a happy event will turn into a funeral. According to the Confucian rules, you must wear mourning and observe mourning for three years."

Master Cihang said: "You are here to discuss your child's marriage."

"Isn't it normal for men to marry when they are young and women to marry when they are young?" Qiniang said matter-of-factly.

Master Cihang said: "I agree to this matter in principle, I only have one request."

Qiniang asked: "What is the request? Is it a betrothal gift? Regarding this, you can rest assured. I have accumulated some wealth over the years. I dare not say that I am as rich as the country. I will buy a house in Taishangfang and spend another 100,000 yuan." It’s not difficult to use Taiping money as a bride price.”

Master Cihang said: "Don't pretend to be crazy. I never care about betrothal gifts. You know what I mean."

The expression on Qiniang's face gradually faded: "What kind of master will have what kind of apprentice? After all, you two masters and apprentices just want to take him away from me and make him yours. I'm sorry You work hard to water and fertilize, revive a dying sapling, and you pick the fruit.”

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